Hello from another AOL Board Refugee

by chance...any pagans moving over with yall...inquiring minds wanna know....

welcome and enjoy

While not strictly pagan I do have a bit of a working knowledge having lived with a Wiccan for many years. Please do not ask what my beliefs are I don't really know. I only know what they are not at this time.
Hi Molly! Well invite those from MSN! We considered MSN and some of us have signed up there..because the format is more familiar. I don't think those boards are closing because of the election. My impression is they are older formats...that are dinosaurs compared to this day's "social net working" sites.... The format on this board gets a little getting used to, but once you have mastered it, and it shouldn't take long, it is fun and offers more than the old MSN - AOL formats. I will miss AOL! DARN! :disbelief:

I'll let the members on our board know. Though we only had a few members we became good friends on and off the internet. The manager, Anise, is now one of the best friends I've ever had. We've all been a little depressed since the notice. We really worked hard on our board and never let spammers or trolls in. We're deciding on whether to move it to another site, though it will be a lot of work.

Looking forward to making new friends here!::beer:
I feel like I have fallen into a mirror. Is this what the other side looks like?
I am lost and I think there is a wolf at the door?
Has AOL gone insane?

I will give all this a try, but I don't know if I like this format?
Here's another from the AOL boards - good to see several familiar names here (Hi, FarmGal, BZanetti, Choco -- and I daresay others whose s/ns I don't recognize.

Hi Cat.:clap2:

<Groan> This one is :cuckoo:


OH YEL BABY -- Like that really helped you guys in the last two elections.
Please, those big bad nasty lib'rels you hate so much beg of you to keep up the good work and 2010 is in the bag for them -- and your base will be a dinosaur, rathen then just a dying elephant rotting away in the political noon day sun...eh?

I feel like I have fallen into a mirror. Is this what the other side looks like?
I am lost and I think there is a wolf at the door?
Has AOL gone insane?

I will give all this a try, but I don't know if I like this format?

I think they've lost there mind... customer service forget about that... no wonder AOL is losing members ... just curious, how many people here are actually paying customers ... I mean would want to pay for this ??? not me:cuckoo:
Welcome to the sandbox... name calling during recess is pretty much standard around here - you'll see when you 'take some issues'.


Then I'm sure we'll feel right at home.... :)
Hey, everyone. I am another poster from the allegedly soon to be defunct AOL message boards.

This format, although similar to the AOL boards, will take getting used to.

My philosophy is simple: I'm somewhere in the middle of the road politically and ideologically. I lean conservative on fiscal issues, and liberal on social issues. Issues that don't affect me personally, like abortion or gay rights or gay marriage - are non-issues for me, and therefore, not of any concern.

I also take issue to anyone who politicizes issues that have no business having politics injected into them. I'll take issue with folks on the outer margins of both sides of the political aisle - people whose divisive tactics have done far too much damage to our nation. I'll go after the left just as easily as I go after the right..... but the side whose rhetoric is the most arrogant and divisive - at this moment, the right - gets both barrels.

Anyhow, I look forward to spending time here posting in the days, months and years ahead. I still think AOL is slitting its collective throat by dumping their message boards, but what else can we expect from them nowadays?

That sounds alot like LP platform. Smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom.
In other words, financially conservative and socially liberal like the founders.
You be amazed to find out how much of what the feds spend your taxes on without any Constitutional authorization to do so.
Hey, everyone. I am another poster from the allegedly soon to be defunct AOL message boards.

This format, although similar to the AOL boards, will take getting used to.

My philosophy is simple: I'm somewhere in the middle of the road politically and ideologically. I lean conservative on fiscal issues, and liberal on social issues. Issues that don't affect me personally, like abortion or gay rights or gay marriage - are non-issues for me, and therefore, not of any concern.

I also take issue to anyone who politicizes issues that have no business having politics injected into them. I'll take issue with folks on the outer margins of both sides of the political aisle - people whose divisive tactics have done far too much damage to our nation. I'll go after the left just as easily as I go after the right..... but the side whose rhetoric is the most arrogant and divisive - at this moment, the right - gets both barrels.

Anyhow, I look forward to spending time here posting in the days, months and years ahead. I still think AOL is slitting its collective throat by dumping their message boards, but what else can we expect from them nowadays?
Hey, everyone. I am another poster from the allegedly soon to be defunct AOL message boards.

This format, although similar to the AOL boards, will take getting used to.

My philosophy is simple: I'm somewhere in the middle of the road politically and ideologically. I lean conservative on fiscal issues, and liberal on social issues. Issues that don't affect me personally, like abortion or gay rights or gay marriage - are non-issues for me, and therefore, not of any concern.

I also take issue to anyone who politicizes issues that have no business having politics injected into them. I'll take issue with folks on the outer margins of both sides of the political aisle - people whose divisive tactics have done far too much damage to our nation. I'll go after the left just as easily as I go after the right..... but the side whose rhetoric is the most arrogant and divisive - at this moment, the right - gets both barrels.

Anyhow, I look forward to spending time here posting in the days, months and years ahead. I still think AOL is slitting its collective throat by dumping their message boards, but what else can we expect from them nowadays?
I miss those days they were fun times.
All one has to do is go to an AOL news item that has nothing to do with politics, then look at the thread of posts beneath it. If I'm reading a story about, let's use as an example, the passing of Paul Newman, the last thing I want to read, amongst the posts of condolences, is a couple of posters attacking each other over McCain-Palin vs. Obama-Biden, or complaining about tax cuts or medicare. It happens all the time over there, and it just grows tiring having to read posts by people who have nothing better to do than post frivolities.
Welcome. Boy are you in for a rude awakening here compared to AOLibturd.

I'm Molly. This site has a lot of great topics. Looking forward to reading more.
Hi Molly. Read the rules here. We have so many our rules have rules for themselves. I'm Rules Director. I will email you all of our rules to read. It is a 40 hr online course. There will be a 100 question test which you must get a 95 on. If you don't you will be shamed and humiliated and then banned

Have fun and enjoy yourself

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