Hello! New to the board...


Nov 21, 2016
Name is Stacey. Obviously. New to the discussion boards. Getting tired of the normal online Facebook bullshit so I figured I'd be more adventurous and try some online interaction outside of the norm. Seems like this is pretty normal to me tbh. I'm very into politics. I am a mother of two children. Southern born and raised, but barley have an accent and try my best to hide it. Hobbies include, - watching YouTube. Knitpicking conspiracy theories. Smoking cigarettes. Learning about firearms. Being faithful to my religion. Eating ice. And simply trying to understand this world we all share, and make it through many many more years of this life.

I like quiet time. If I could shoot a gun every day I would. I love living in the country and you could not pay me to move to a damn city and that is the truth! Honestly, I'm not open minded. I am trying to be but I am very stuck in my ways. Well....that is pretty much a grand introduction if you ask me.

So, hi people.
This site seems pretty normal??
When was the last time you saw a shrink? Welp, you're in the right place...... I'm Dr Hackenbush....... I'll have the ward nurses check you in.
(Paging nurse Ratched, paging nurse Ratched).
Welcome. :D
Welcome to USMB.

I hope you've had all of your shots.
Name is Stacey. Obviously. New to the discussion boards. Getting tired of the normal online Facebook bullshit so I figured I'd be more adventurous and try some online interaction outside of the norm. Seems like this is pretty normal to me tbh. I'm very into politics. I am a mother of two children. Southern born and raised, but barley have an accent and try my best to hide it. Hobbies include, - watching YouTube. Knitpicking conspiracy theories. Smoking cigarettes. Learning about firearms. Being faithful to my religion. Eating ice. And simply trying to understand this world we all share, and make it through many many more years of this life.

I like quiet time. If I could shoot a gun every day I would. I love living in the country and you could not pay me to move to a damn city and that is the truth! Honestly, I'm not open minded. I am trying to be but I am very stuck in my ways. Well....that is pretty much a grand introduction if you ask me.

So, hi people.


Eating ice, oh I thought you said something else, nvm
This site seems pretty normal??
When was the last time you saw a shrink? Welp, you're in the right place...... I'm Dr Hackenbush....... I'll have the ward nurses check you in.
(Paging nurse Ratched, paging nurse Ratched).
Welcome. :D
Wasn't it you we saw ambling down the hallway last week, with one of those open backed gowns, wearing bunny slippers?
Name is Stacey. Obviously. New to the discussion boards. Getting tired of the normal online Facebook bullshit so I figured I'd be more adventurous and try some online interaction outside of the norm. Seems like this is pretty normal to me tbh. I'm very into politics. I am a mother of two children. Southern born and raised, but barley have an accent and try my best to hide it. Hobbies include, - watching YouTube. Knitpicking conspiracy theories. Smoking cigarettes. Learning about firearms. Being faithful to my religion. Eating ice. And simply trying to understand this world we all share, and make it through many many more years of this life.

I like quiet time. If I could shoot a gun every day I would. I love living in the country and you could not pay me to move to a damn city and that is the truth! Honestly, I'm not open minded. I am trying to be but I am very stuck in my ways. Well....that is pretty much a grand introduction if you ask me.

So, hi people.
Hello Stacey and welcome.

This site seems pretty normal??
When was the last time you saw a shrink? Welp, you're in the right place...... I'm Dr Hackenbush....... I'll have the ward nurses check you in.
(Paging nurse Ratched, paging nurse Ratched).
Welcome. :D
Wasn't it you we saw ambling down the hallway last week, with one of those open backed gowns, wearing bunny slippers?
Hello and welcome...i will like to have a gun here in France but French peoples don't wear gun ...and like you i don't like facebook when i decide to pratice my English at first i go here

/r/The_Donald i am a Trump Supporter but my only post i did was lost at the 536 posts.
Anyway here is more sympatique.

Encore Bienvenue at this forum
:welcome: Will you marry me?

Name is Stacey. Obviously. New to the discussion boards. Getting tired of the normal online Facebook bullshit so I figured I'd be more adventurous and try some online interaction outside of the norm. Seems like this is pretty normal to me tbh. I'm very into politics. I am a mother of two children. Southern born and raised, but barley have an accent and try my best to hide it. Hobbies include, - watching YouTube. Knitpicking conspiracy theories. Smoking cigarettes. Learning about firearms. Being faithful to my religion. Eating ice. And simply trying to understand this world we all share, and make it through many many more years of this life.

I like quiet time. If I could shoot a gun every day I would. I love living in the country and you could not pay me to move to a damn city and that is the truth! Honestly, I'm not open minded. I am trying to be but I am very stuck in my ways. Well....that is pretty much a grand introduction if you ask me.
Name is Stacey. Obviously. New to the discussion boards. Getting tired of the normal online Facebook bullshit so I figured I'd be more adventurous and try some online interaction outside of the norm. Seems like this is pretty normal to me tbh. I'm very into politics. I am a mother of two children. Southern born and raised, but barley have an accent and try my best to hide it. Hobbies include, - watching YouTube. Knitpicking conspiracy theories. Smoking cigarettes. Learning about firearms. Being faithful to my religion. Eating ice. And simply trying to understand this world we all share, and make it through many many more years of this life.

I like quiet time. If I could shoot a gun every day I would. I love living in the country and you could not pay me to move to a damn city and that is the truth! Honestly, I'm not open minded. I am trying to be but I am very stuck in my ways. Well....that is pretty much a grand introduction if you ask me.

So, hi people

Good to have you on the boards, Stacey, welcome.
Couple of points: do not hide your accent, be proud of your heritage; this place is FAR from normal!
Good to see a "pistol-packing momma" here as well.
When discussing firearms with our gun-grabber friends here, you might find the below chart helpful while you attempt to understand their "logic".
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