
The ME isnt the front line.
Education and knowledge about Islam is the front line .
You lose that war daily.

Keep it in the religion forum and off this guy's intro thread. Nobody wants to hear your psycho ravings outside of the designated subforum. :thup:
The ME isnt the front line.
Education and knowledge about Islam is the front line .
You lose that war daily.

Keep it in the religion forum and off this guy's intro thread. Nobody wants to hear your psycho ravings outside of the designated subforum. :thup:
I guess you have a point ,perhaps you should restrict your posts to the "introduce yourself" forum , since they don't ( despite what you say)have a lies and distortions about Islam forum.
The ME isnt the front line.
Education and knowledge about Islam is the front line .
You lose that war daily.

Keep it in the religion forum and off this guy's intro thread. Nobody wants to hear your psycho ravings outside of the designated subforum. :thup:
If this is correct, I hope she'll forgive me.

I guess you have a point ,perhaps you should restrict your posts to the "introduce yourself" forum , since they don't ( despite what you say)have a lies and distortions about Islam forum.
Like I said, nobody cares. Keep it in the religion subforum, kafir filth.
Keep it in the religion forum and off this guy's intro thread. Nobody wants to hear your psycho ravings outside of the designated subforum. :thup:
If this is correct, I hope she'll forgive me.

I guess you have a point ,perhaps you should restrict your posts to the "introduce yourself" forum , since they don't ( despite what you say)have a lies and distortions about Islam forum.
Like I said, nobody cares. Keep it in the religion subforum, kafir filth.

You seem to care .
But you don't seem to care about these posts.
everyone is waiting for more unequivocal nonsense , perhaps you should make them wait a little longer.
Keep it in the religion forum and off this guy's intro thread. Nobody wants to hear your psycho ravings outside of the designated subforum. :thup:
If this is correct, I hope she'll forgive me.

I guess you have a point ,perhaps you should restrict your posts to the "introduce yourself" forum , since they don't ( despite what you say)have a lies and distortions about Islam forum.
Like I said, nobody cares. Keep it in the religion subforum, kafir filth.

Me, I prefer to NOT overlook heresy and those who spit on the Law of Moses -- for them I feel only pity.

Each must stand before the ONE Who IS, WAS, and Ever Will Be to have his or her own heart read out for all the angels to see as the ONE sees. And those who are not fit to stand in HIS presence and are unable to endure the TRUTH they shall see must pay the price for their own pride and greed for that which has been forbidden by the Word of the Almighty since Cain murdered his brother in proud lust for supremacy that belongs ONLY TO THE ONE WHO KNOWS the hearts of every man and woman.

NO MAN rules my heart but the ONE, and HE ALONE sets the WAY straight for my feet to follow. And persistent obstinate blindness does NOT shed light upon the path through treacherous sands and poisonous lies to destroy the honor and integrity, the compassion and the respect -- and the mercy -- which is commanded of those who want to seek that path.
Keep it in the religion forum and off this guy's intro thread. Nobody wants to hear your psycho ravings outside of the designated subforum. :thup:
If this is correct, I hope she'll forgive me.

I guess you have a point ,perhaps you should restrict your posts to the "introduce yourself" forum , since they don't ( despite what you say)have a lies and distortions about Islam forum.
Like I said, nobody cares. Keep it in the religion subforum, kafir filth.
Kalam, as someone who doesn't know much about you and has had the good fortune to meet some moderate muslims in his life, I can say you're a poor representative of your faith here. I'm willing to give muslims the benefit of the doubt on how they live their faith and see their character and desires for their faith. Then you go and try to intimidate someone who is pointing out the Koran's own teachings, to get them to stop. It doesn't make you look good. But, when the passage shown is the equivalent of someone start talking about instituting Mosaic law, you have to take this at face value. The problem is you have people in your religion who WANT and are succeeding in enacting Sharia law which is even MORE barbaric than Mosaic Law, then desire to have a protective double standard.

You may be wise to take your fight back to the religion forum as well. Your feud with Mr. Fitnah has no place here. As I know Rhet very well, it was at most interesting to her, but I doubt it did anything to change her view already on Islam. She's one schmart cookie.
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Kalam, as someone who doesn't know much about you and has had the good fortune to meet some moderate muslims in his life, I can say you're a poor representative of your faith here.
I'm not attempting to "represent my faith" in this discussion. My patience for propaganda-spewing morons has worn thin and I'm attempting to make it clear that hijacking threads does not sit well with me.

If my response to the OP had been something about converting to Islam, it would be equally inappropriate. Religious discussions belong in the religion subforum, not in whatever unrelated thread some idiot decides to take over for use as a means for disseminating his uneducated opinions.
Kalam, as someone who doesn't know much about you and has had the good fortune to meet some moderate muslims in his life, I can say you're a poor representative of your faith here.
I'm not attempting to "represent my faith" in this discussion. My patience for propaganda-spewing morons has worn thin and I'm attempting to make it clear that hijacking threads does not sit well with me.

If my response to the OP had been something about converting to Islam, it would be equally inappropriate. Religious discussions belong in the religion subforum, not in whatever unrelated thread some idiot decides to take over for use as a means for disseminating his uneducated opinions.

But patience is a gift of God, a virtue commanded of those who seek to serve the ONE Who Is -- and HIS gift, one among so many thousands they cannot be counted, is the gift of virtue. Virtue is strength of character -- integrity and honor -- and essential to integrity and honor is patience, among a thousand other positive and gentle behaviors that foster the life of virtue and integrity in others. To have patience while others reach the maturity to find virtue of their own: that is essential to teaching others to love the ONE Who Is -- and surely an humble creature, who admits dependency on the ONE and petitions for such a great gift to enable service to the ONE, shall receive such a mercy from the LORD of Mercy -- since we petition for Mercy only so that we may better serve Him.

Why, then, are you short of patience? Ask and it will be given to you.
You have the flag of Saudi Arabia with it's Koranic script on it. You have commented on your faith many times. You are a representative of your faith by default. Just as I can be seen as one for Christianity.

And I TOLD you Rhet's a smart cookie.
But patience is a gift of God, a virtue commanded of those who seek to serve the ONE Who Is -- and HIS gift, one among so many thousands they cannot be counted, is the gift of virtue. Virtue is strength of character -- integrity and honor -- and essential to integrity and honor is patience, among a thousand other positive and gentle behaviors that foster the life of virtue and integrity in others. To have patience while others reach the maturity to find virtue of their own: that is essential to teaching others to love the ONE Who Is -- and surely an humble creature, who admits dependency on the ONE and petitions for such a great gift to enable service to the ONE, shall receive such a mercy from the LORD of Mercy -- since we petition for Mercy only so that we may better serve Him.
I am usually a patient person, even when my religion is under fire (as it almost always is.) Once in a while, my temper betrays me. None of us is perfect.

Why, then, are you short of patience? Ask and it will be given to you.
O you who believe, seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient. - 2:153​
You have the flag of Saudi Arabia with it's Koranic script on it. You have commented on your faith many times. You are a representative of your faith by default. Just as I can be seen as one for Christianity.

And I TOLD you Rhet's a smart cookie.

The avatar isn't meant to represent Saudi Arabia; the Saudis merely appropriated the religious imagery from this banner to distract believers from their regime's depravity and un-Islamic nature.

Frankly, anybody who judges 1.5 billion people based on my posts here isn't the type of person who is going to learn much about Islam (or anything, for that matter) in the first place.
Well your religion is going to be under fire as long as it calls for the eradication of all non muslims, so quite your whining sissy.
Frankly, anybody who judges 1.5 billion people based on my posts here isn't the type of person who is going to learn much about Islam (or anything, for that matter) in the first place.
No shit that aught to be your sig .
Frankly, anybody who judges 1.5 billion people based on my posts here isn't the type of person who is going to learn much about Islam (or anything, for that matter) in the first place.
No shit that aught to be your sig .

Your opinion of Islam, on the other hand, is authoritative and entirely representative of the religion's teachings. :rolleyes:
But patience is a gift of God, a virtue commanded of those who seek to serve the ONE Who Is -- and HIS gift, one among so many thousands they cannot be counted, is the gift of virtue. Virtue is strength of character -- integrity and honor -- and essential to integrity and honor is patience, among a thousand other positive and gentle behaviors that foster the life of virtue and integrity in others. To have patience while others reach the maturity to find virtue of their own: that is essential to teaching others to love the ONE Who Is -- and surely an humble creature, who admits dependency on the ONE and petitions for such a great gift to enable service to the ONE, shall receive such a mercy from the LORD of Mercy -- since we petition for Mercy only so that we may better serve Him.
I am usually a patient person, even when my religion is under fire (as it almost always is.) Once in a while, my temper betrays me. None of us is perfect.

Why, then, are you short of patience? Ask and it will be given to you.
O you who believe, seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the patient. - 2:153​

To those who seek the Truth, will the ONE not give it? Who wants to know, will be given the ability to see and understand and come to know.

There is no cause for anger and bitter competition, jealousy and loss of dignity and respect for all His creatures -- if we but seek the Truth.

It is only when we seek to ram OUR vision into God's mind and force HIM to see as we ourselves see that we become angry and frightened, because, instead of seeking TRUTH, we seek Power -- just as Satan sought power forbidden to any save the ONE.

The ONE does not hide Himself from those who admit they do not know all things, that they have no power and no authority over anything, from those who earnestly seek the ONE. There is no need for anger or bitterness or jealousy -- for endless wars over which of us is wiser or more honest and virtuous than the other -- all that is required is that we RELAX and let the ONE Who IS rule as it should be, let HIM give us the eyes we need to see -- and the Light to see with.
Well your religion is going to be under fire as long as it calls for the eradication of all non muslims, so quite your whining sissy.

You're the only one foolish enough to believe that. :eusa_hand:
If you could have proved else wise, you would have.

Nobody will ever prove anything to your satisfaction because you refuse to accept evidence that contradicts your ignorant preconceptions.
Frankly, anybody who judges 1.5 billion people based on my posts here isn't the type of person who is going to learn much about Islam (or anything, for that matter) in the first place.
No shit that aught to be your sig .

Your opinion of Islam, on the other hand, is authoritative and entirely representative of the religion's teachings. :rolleyes:
I dont post my opinions.
I post the opinions of Islam of scholars.
Sometimes you do as well,
but they rarely say what you want them to,
once you read them and look at them in context.

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