Hellraiser Christmas: Darkness/Horror [TrumpUSA Omens - Censorship]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA Christmastime omen inspired by the film New Jack City.

It's politically-charged, which is why I didn't feel comfortable posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but what do you think?



"TrumpUSA was all about commercial aesthetics, media intrigue, consumerism, scandals, political maneuvers, capitalism flowery, and of course globalization controversies regarding nuclear North Korea. U.S. President Donald Trump was in the Oval Office of the White House reading an issue of Vanity Fair magazine featuring an article about the lush wedding of American celebrity/movie-star George Clooney (star of Syriana and The Peacemaker). Trump wondered about the myriad Hollywood (USA) films about the Occult (e.g., Ouija: Origin of Evil) and comics-superhumans (e.g., Marvel's Avengers, Justice League) and wondered if TrumpUSA would invoke the underworld 'presence' of democracy-adversaries (e.g., the Devil)."


"A comics-writer/artist working for the New Yorker magazine decided to create a series of comic book stylized stick-figure doodles about Christmastime shopping 'elves' meant to serve as political-cartoon sarcasm symbols/totems of consumerism criticism. This writer/artist, Ajay Satan, penned a new character called Evil Elf which became a very popular political-cartoon avatar for TrumpUSA critiques, and Ajay was being called the modern-day Thomas Nast. What would Evil Elf offer to this modern landscape of philosophy-oriented consumerism/commerce aesthetics intrigue?"


"No one knew Ajay Satan was actually America's secret masked urban vigilante and democracy-crusader known as 'Batman' (since he dressed in a mask and cape of black color made to make him resemble a man-like giant bat-hero, since bats are flying-creatures who symbolize survivalism excellence). Ajay/Batman believed that Trump was right to worry that all this TrumpUSA commerce aesthetics intrigue would invoke the underworld spirits who would be adversarial to Christmastime consumerism and remind Americans of the trauma of 9/11. Batman was now being shadowed by the Devil's messenger, a pin-filled flesh-abomination hellraiser named Pinhead."


"Pinhead told Batman of two nefarious TrumpUSA 'citizens' who exemplified all the paranoia being expressed by President Trump. The first 'ghoul' was a masked female serial killer named Angela who brutally murdered loitering teenage women in America, mutilating them and sometimes slitting their throats with a butcher-knife and letting them bleed slowly while placing a grenade in their lap to completely curse/destroy these vulnerable young women. Pinhead told Batman Angela was the 'angel of death' in TrumpUSA. Angela was committing these abominable crimes, because she felt that loitering young women represented all the apathy/sloth of commercial vices in America such as gluttony and mischief."


"Pinhead told Batman the second 'ghoul' was a movie-actor who presented a fake-name and identity while making comic book adapted movies about the demonic imp-villain Loki who wielded a scepter of terrorism and an intention to create pure nihilistic anarchy in the heavens and on Earth, disrupting governance and commerce. This movie-actor was actually a worshiper of the Norse mischief-god Loki and wanted these Loki-comics films to represent Americans' obsession with intellectual vanities in a time of great traffic-intrigue. Batman realized this Loki-actor was something like the Devil himself."


"Batman decided to engage Angela and the Loki-actor in a debate about the values of TrumpUSA and Christmastime consumerism, to save humanity from the grip of cynicism in the holiday-season. After all, every American wanted to celebrate the political patriotism needed to praise the pluralism and commerce diplomacy offered by charming U.S. First Lady Melania Trump."


BATMAN: Placing grenades in the laps of young women and trumpeting anarchy are evil deeds.
ANGELA: These loitering young women are 'scabs' on the face of American traffic.
LOKI-ACTOR: Anarchy is a reality in a capitalism-system espousing personal gratification!

BATMAN: Violence does not cure sin; terrorism does not solve corruption.
ANGELA: A grenade in the lap of a sinful young American woman represents revolution!
LOKI-ACTOR: Cinematic-treatments of social views on anarchy/nihilism are mandatory.

BATMAN: Sci-fi horror-films like Predator offer images of random violence against humans.
ANGELA: Maybe Predator should be a 'call-sign' of TrumpUSA consciousness...
LOKI-ACTOR: Yes, maybe all TrumpUSA 'citizens' are something like 'vanity-predators.'

BATMAN: TrumpUSA should not construct a 'hellraiser Christmas.'
ANGELA: Why does America create the Los Angeles Race Riots [1992]?
LOKI-ACTOR: Remember news-stills of countless minorities looting stores under racism-veils?

BATMAN: The Los Angeles Race Riots was a tragedy...just like 9/11.
ANGELA: Do you endorse the commercial vanities promoted by Martha Stewart?
LOKI-ACTOR: Do you endorse the social vanities promoted by Bill Clinton?

BATMAN: Martha Stewart represents consumerism; Bill Clinton's sex-scandal was addressed.
ANGELA: It seems you're something of a 'TrumpUSA-apologist,' Batman!
LOKI-ACTOR: I wonder if you've ever contemplated the true frailty of TrumpUSA, Batman.

BATMAN: Nihilism can feel like comforting intellectualism when commerce breeds vice.
ANGELA: So do you propose that all Americans become vigilantes?
LOKI-ACTOR: How does the average American become a patriotic activist?

BATMAN: Political routes toward sociocultural reform highlight the preciousness of democracy.
ANGELA: If TrumpUSA is 'precious,' why do women loiter around parking lots with drugs?
LOKI-ACTOR: If TrumpUSA is 'precious,' why do politicians engage in sex-scandals?

BATMAN: Consider the humanity-unifying spirit of the Rockefeller Christmas ice-skating arena.
ANGELA: Perhaps Rocky Christmas skates represent TrumpUSA cheerfulness...
LOKI-ACTOR: Are you suggesting, Batman, that the cure to vice is simply 'cheerfulness'?

BATMAN: Why not? Sometimes all humanity needs is a decent patriotic Christmas card!
ANGELA: We'll consider what you said; in the meantime, I need psychiatric guidance.
LOKI-ACTOR: I too want professional psychiatric counseling for all this TrumpUSA confetti.

BATMAN: Let's watch YouTube videos of Rocky Christmas ice-skaters!
ANGELA: That sounds agreeable for now.
LOKI-ACTOR: Alright...


"Batman promised Angela and the Loki-actor that they'd receive special/professional psychiatric counseling by a trained doctor who would address their natural concerns about the suffocating vices of consumerism/commerce traffic in the modern world. Batman then recommended that comic book film-makers begin promoting female-avatars who embody the terrorism-angst of modern-age anti-capitalism sentiments. Soon, Marvel began making more films spotlighting the character of the fictional female terrorist Baroness (from G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero). Batman wanted to use the media to create free-speech optimism for Christmastime."


"However, President Trump's government did not completely agree that such liberal free-speech was the true cure to anti-capitalism terrorism and urban crime. Batman meanwhile was working with Marvel writers to cast Angela and the Loki-actor (real name: Thomas Hewitt) as the fictional villains Lilandra (a woman representing mayhem and cruelty) and Gray Goblin (a mutant-man representing terrorism and anarchy). Marvel would make a series of films presenting Lilandra and Gray Goblin as 'diplomats' of new age anti-social angst characterized by the now incarcerated Angela and Hewitt (who were being treated in Arkham Asylum). When President Trump tweeted, 'I worry that this new Lilandra/Goblin film will only glorify/romanticize Angela and Hewitt!' Batman retorted, 'The best cure to ignorance is intellectual stimulation!'."


TRUMP: The Lilandra/Goblin film was going to be censored/banned.
CARTER: Yes, critics felt it might romanticize Angela/Hewitt.
TRUMP: We've seen how the media can turn maniacs into celebrities.
CARTER: Sure --- Charles Manson and Osama bin Laden!
TRUMP: We want Christmastime consumerism to be cheerful/patriotic.
CARTR: On Black Friday 2017, terrorists killed 300 Sufi Muslims in an Egyptian mosque.
TRUMP: This is the age of great sociopolitical intrigue...
CARTER: I wonder if Batman is haunted by some shadowing/motivating 'angel of hell.'
TRUMP: Batman certainly has to deal with a lot of 'customs-intrigue.'
CARTER: Let's hope Batman is correct about the potential of media to promote democracy.





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