Help illegal Mexicans “make a better life for themselves” and cause suffering among Americans.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
That’s what you’re supporting when you vote Democrat these days. It’s not even debatable...The Americans that need to work the most can’t as nearly every low wage, low iQ job is or will be taken by illegal and barely legal Mexicans. The low wage earning Americans that are working are working for a wage that has been driven into the shitter by Mexican slave labor.
On this issue alone, how can any REAL American vote Democrat?
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Simple, they see themselves as part of the global elite who reside in the US rather than Americans

So true...that and many are blinded by their own ‘attempted’ nobility.
It doesn’t even occur to the shortsighted iQ challenged that being supportive of illegal foreigners making a better life for themselves here is essentially supporting the collapse of many already hurting Americans.
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.
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Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!
I believe that illegal migrant workers are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the capitalist bourgeoisie abuse of the proletariat. But then I make it a practice not to think too much. Obviously.
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!

Some disagreement here the Ds and cartels are repressing everyone in sight to split the money from sex slaves, debt slaves and drugs. You are forgetting that the real domestic enemy is the original NAZI party founded by Genocide Jackson. The real foreign enemy are the Mexican cartels. While some collateral damage is inevitable the goal is the annihilation of the cartels and their D partners.
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!

Agreed BrokeLoser American taxpayers do not owe the criminals but the criminals owe restitution to us.

What we are being punished for is excusing the wrongs of one party to defend the other. If we all UNITE and demand restitution for ALL wrongs and wrongdoers across ALL parties, then we can all reclaim restitution reimbursement and collect back collateral or credit on debts and damages.

What is preventing us from collecting is division by party. We put aside party, and start going after ANY and ALL violations, then we can succeed in enforcing what is rightfully owed to victims and taxpayers otherwise forced to pay the costs of debts and damages from all these crimes wrongs and abuses going unchecked.

Totally agree the taxpayers are the victims here and need to tally the costs and demand reimbursement.
We are owed enough to reclaim land as collateral and own shares in property and programs for anything we invest and pay in.
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!

Agreed BrokeLoser American taxpayers do not owe the criminals but the criminals owe restitution to us.

What we are being punished for is excusing the wrongs of one party to defend the other. If we all UNITE and demand restitution for ALL wrongs and wrongdoers across ALL parties, then we can all reclaim restitution reimbursement and collect back collateral or credit on debts and damages.

What is preventing us from collecting is division by party. We put aside party, and start going after ANY and ALL violations, then we can succeed in enforcing what is rightfully owed to victims and taxpayers otherwise forced to pay the costs of debts and damages from all these crimes wrongs and abuses going unchecked.

Totally agree the taxpayers are the victims here and need to tally the costs and demand reimbursement.
We are owed enough to reclaim land as collateral and own shares in property and programs for anything we invest and pay in.

Huh....trying to collect a debt from illegals? We’d have better luck squeezing blood from turnips.
That really sounds like a not so clever ‘angle’ is buried under some tough empty words.
We’re ready to cut our losses and send them all packing. No excuses.
Trump ran on this as his primary agenda...we gave him the keys to the Oval Office on this agenda. Good, REAL Americans want their country back...It’s time to Make America American Again!
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!

Some disagreement here the Ds and cartels are repressing everyone in sight to split the money from sex slaves, debt slaves and drugs. You are forgetting that the real domestic enemy is the original NAZI party founded by Genocide Jackson. The real foreign enemy are the Mexican cartels. While some collateral damage is inevitable the goal is the annihilation of the cartels and their D partners.

Dear william the wie
I agree that the corruption is fueled by Mexican cartels.
The key is partnering with the Mexican people and govt who want to overcome the corruption that has taken over their police, media and govt, their whole country.

The cure for the criminal sickness fueling cults, gangs and drug addiction abuse and wars is the spiritual healing that has turned the worst gangsters into leaders of prison and community reform.

The Mexican church community, ministers and volunteers who deal with trafficking victims and local gangs to break this cycle of recruitment have the answer that compels others to drop their criminal lifestyle and want to change to help rebuild their communities starting with their own families.

How can we best unite these leaders with independent churches and ministries with govt programs targeting the cults cartels gangs and criminal trafficking?

how do we get the solutions coming from the bottom of the ranks, and get these promoted and implemented to the masses through govt?

Unfortunately the grassroots leaders I know are vastly divided politically and oppressed even by their own. There is such division going on, they can barely keep their own programs afloat that offer solutions that all communities need to replicate to combat these forces.

1. dealing with the drug addictions, abuses and demands
2. turning even criminal and political factions into proactive alliances with common goals of leading in building solutions along the border that benefit workers across our states and nations
3. investing resources wasted on prisons crime and violence into reclaiming land and developing productive cities and sites for people to enjoy equal protection and power instead of these gang wars going on for turf

Which people would you call on to unite the many angles and voices in demanding and agreeing on unifying solutions?

If we all agree the Mexican cartels are the enemy,
how do we unite all the resources and solutions to turn this around? instead of being divided against each other and defeated because our resources are scattered
Dear BrokeLoser and william the wie
there are several dynamics going on
1. I have spoken with some Christian believers with independent ministries.
they believe they are supposed to serve the meekest, whoever God calls.
And not oppress the widow or the stranger, but to welcome and treat
all people as they would want to be treated. So they don't want to
refuse anyone who asks for help and support. (I explained that is
the role of the church, but the state has rules on immigration.
and all believers are called to obey civil authority and do not
have authority to override laws or excuse violations. We can
forgive trespasses and people for wrongs, but if these break
the laws, then there are consequences and penalties under
the civil laws, even if we forgive and help as volunteers on our level,
we still have to respect civil laws and the resources of other people
who aren't required to give to people except voluntarily by charity)

2. there are those who argue that America helps create this
problem by funding drug wars and problems with Mexico
that spill over where workers flee over here. We'd have to
address the very problems of corruption and govt making
money off policing illegal drugs or it's a vicious cycle.
End the problems first, THEN you can address the symptoms
and stop the oppression of workers that is causing the backlog
and overflow. but don't punish the victims while doing nothing
to stop what is creating the economic oppression. (and the RW
argue similarly, don't reward and encourage more coyote
trafficking by lax enforcement but start cracking down on it)

3. with families that have some members who overstayed visas,
threatening to deport them disrupts their work and budgets
and forces more people to get on govt assistance who
otherwise were independent and working as families to support themselves.

4. and with adopted children and even adults who missed the
previous deadlines to become officially citizens, this adds
legal and time pressures that they didn't have before.

there wasn't adequate notice to correct these omissions
in the process BEFORE changing the policies to enforce deportation.

5. in general, the same way the ACA mandates were supposed to
help people get healthcare insurance, but had unplanned consequences
of punishing the wrong people with penalties and added burdens that
had the opposite effect,
the new push to enforce deportations also affects workers
and residents who have no intent of violating laws but have been trying to comply.

the backlog in the system has prevented even the productive
working families who WANT to follow all procedures to get citizenship.

So ADDING more pressures and speeding up the deadlines to get legalized
has coerced and cost people who aren't the "illegal criminals" that
Trump and supporters are trying to target, deter and deport.

There are too many noncriminals getting caught in the mess,
and there wasn't a system to help process them into citizenship
before coming down with these global enforcements that weren't pushed before.

This isn't the same, but similar in IMPACT
to the push to force all people to buy insurance
without first setting up means for people to meet that requirement.

So it ended up punishing the wrong people,
not the ones abusing the hospitals to get care
but the working people who have every intent
of earning benefits and following laws, and have
no intent of freeloading off others.

Americans do not owe federal criminals / illegals any remedy....PERIOD.
Good Americans are done being taken advantage of; we are done funding Illegal Mexicans...we have too many of our own more excuses....WE’RE DONE!

Agreed BrokeLoser American taxpayers do not owe the criminals but the criminals owe restitution to us.

What we are being punished for is excusing the wrongs of one party to defend the other. If we all UNITE and demand restitution for ALL wrongs and wrongdoers across ALL parties, then we can all reclaim restitution reimbursement and collect back collateral or credit on debts and damages.

What is preventing us from collecting is division by party. We put aside party, and start going after ANY and ALL violations, then we can succeed in enforcing what is rightfully owed to victims and taxpayers otherwise forced to pay the costs of debts and damages from all these crimes wrongs and abuses going unchecked.

Totally agree the taxpayers are the victims here and need to tally the costs and demand reimbursement.
We are owed enough to reclaim land as collateral and own shares in property and programs for anything we invest and pay in.

Huh....trying to collect a debt from illegals? We’d have better luck squeezing blood from turnips.
That really sounds like a not so clever ‘angle’ is buried under some tough empty words.
We’re ready to cut our losses and send them all packing. No excuses.
Trump ran on this as his primary agenda...we gave him the keys to the Oval Office on this agenda. Good, REAL Americans want their country back...It’s time to
Make America American Again!

Dear BrokeLoser
Work with Mexico to offer them LAND on that side of the border. For all the 12 to 30 million nationals from Mexico living and working unlawfully in the US, agree
with Mexico to set up 4-5 city states where these people can legally register and OWN shares in their own communities they develop with THEIR labor and THEIR resources. that's their restitution, it's invested
in ownership of their own colonies similar to how
Texas and CA were colonized from plots of undeveloped land. Do the same with the Mexican side of the border, and set up military guarded bases
where workers can register with schools and govt programs to set up their own self-governing cities.

You want legal jobs, residency and opportunities,
then let's set up enough sites along the border for workers to register and reside legally.
That’s what you’re supporting when you vote Democrat these days. It’s not even debatable...The Americans that need to work the most can’t as nearly every low wage, low iQ job is or will be taken by illegal and barely legal Mexicans. The low wage earning Americans that are working are working for a wage that has been driven into the shitter by Mexican slave labor.
On this issue alone, how can any REAL American vote Democrat?

You seem like a very hateful, bitter person. And you really have an issue with Mexicans.

The thing about the anonymous internet, we'll never know what it really is about your own life experiences that have made you this way.

Also, just so we're all clear, what is a "barely legal Mexican"?
That’s what you’re supporting when you vote Democrat these days. It’s not even debatable...The Americans that need to work the most can’t as nearly every low wage, low iQ job is or will be taken by illegal and barely legal Mexicans. The low wage earning Americans that are working are working for a wage that has been driven into the shitter by Mexican slave labor.
On this issue alone, how can any REAL American vote Democrat?

You seem like a very hateful, bitter person. And you really have an issue with Mexicans.

The thing about the anonymous internet, we'll never know what it really is about your own life experiences that have made you this way.

Also, just so we're all clear, what is a "barely legal Mexican"?

Oh make no mistake about it....I absolutely, unequivocally HATE, HATE, HATE illegal wetbacks.
A barely legal Mexican is usually an anchor baby...a citizen through illegal who refuses to Americanize, one who can barely speak the English language, one who yells “Viva Mehico”, waves the Mexican flag in the face of REAL Americans while waiting by the mailbox for their American taxpayer funded EBT card.

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