Help wanted: The fight for $15 will pay you $12 hour

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Lmao this is almost as funny as a Democrat rally Against ID's but you needed an ID to get in

Liberals are a Hilarious species...

An advocacy group out of Modesto, Calif. pushing for a $15 an hour minimum wage posted a job ad Thursday offering to pay $12 an hour. Below what it is demanding others pay their workers.

The Craigslist post was for a job opening at the local Fight for $15 campaign. On the national level, the organization has spearheaded the push to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. The post was signed by Steven Applebaum who lists his affiliation with the Modesto Fight for $15 campaign.

Read more: $15 Minimum Wage Advocate Want To Pay You $12
No leftist will pay anyone $15 an hour unless they are forced to.

while they don't seem to grasp economics, it's clear, by their actions they do. They know forcing people to pay $15/hr is a terrible idea b/c the company they work for doesn't have that kind of cash and they know, that they themselves can't push their agenda and pay $15 b/c they can't afford it.

You can pay 5 people $15 to get the word out
you can pay 6 People $12 to get the word out

20 or 24?
40 or 48?

and so on.

It becomes exceedingly clear that leftist want to destroy the country, and they know how to do it.

from within, cloward-piven style
That's embarassing if true.


Seems like if the 12$ protestors are successful, they are looking at a 3$ raise..

Ferguson protestor--maybe they did not understand what BLM is really trying to set up. A Kleptocracy in their part of the city.
And the people will be lucky if they even get paid. Remember those Ferguson hired protesters who were suing for their money? LOL

Ferguson Protesters Now Protesting Over Not Getting Paid

I wonder if they were promised more $ if they assaulted an office,burned down a building and did some looting?

I would be willing to bet that they were offered base pay and bonuses for every radical action. Of course, the professional agitators didn't get paid anything, but whoever hired them got what they wanted.
Yup it is just like the Unions pushed for a $15 dollar an hour minimum wage in los Angeles and right away turned around and wanted a waiver, to be exempt from the law they were trying to create.

LA union wants to be exempt from $15 minimum wage

Unions also wanted to be exempt from Obamacare, which they fully supported - for the rest of us. They are true liberals.

I still laugh about that one it took them 3 years to find out in Obama care they got the shaft with their Cadillac heath care plans in 2018

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