Here a gay there a gay everywhere a gay or lesba

First you accuse me of a strawman argument. Then you say I don't have opinions of my own and that I am afraid to voice them if I do. LMAO!!! Thanks, I always enjoy a laugh in the morning.
Like I said, I would get my head examined if I were you. I would probably go ahead and see about it today too.

No need for me to get my head examined. I'm simply expressing my opinion by mocking yours.

After years of seeing my gay and lesbian friends being marginalized and treated with hostility, I am enjoying their newfound freedom to be who they are. I've even been part of a lesbian wedding. It was in a public park in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Things have changed. I celebrate that.
Good for them. Bad for them, though, that they have such an stupid friend ( I am talking about YOU, Winter).

Awww, are these insults meant to offend me? lmao The couple in question was very happy to have me there. And just as an FYI, during the ceremony a few people stopped to watch (from a respectful distance). An older couple, a hispanic family, and some college kids, all stood quietly watching the lovely ceremony. At the end, when the brides kissed, they all applauded. The views of you and your ilk are becoming more and more rare, and less and less relevant.
Are you REALLY "LMAO"? Seems like such a response is way out of proportion.

Btw, you are clearly way too biased on this subject to have an objective opinion.

I don't think "lmao" is out of proportion at all. That you claim to pity the couple for having me as a friend is hilarious!

Biased? No, I am not biased. I believe that every citizen should have the same rights and privileges. If you call that being biased, you need to rethink what you stand for.
First you accuse me of a strawman argument. Then you say I don't have opinions of my own and that I am afraid to voice them if I do. LMAO!!! Thanks, I always enjoy a laugh in the morning.
Like I said, I would get my head examined if I were you. I would probably go ahead and see about it today too.

No need for me to get my head examined. I'm simply expressing my opinion by mocking yours.

After years of seeing my gay and lesbian friends being marginalized and treated with hostility, I am enjoying their newfound freedom to be who they are. I've even been part of a lesbian wedding. It was in a public park in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Things have changed. I celebrate that.
Good for them. Bad for them, though, that they have such an stupid friend ( I am talking about YOU, Winter).

Awww, are these insults meant to offend me? lmao The couple in question was very happy to have me there. And just as an FYI, during the ceremony a few people stopped to watch (from a respectful distance). An older couple, a hispanic family, and some college kids, all stood quietly watching the lovely ceremony. At the end, when the brides kissed, they all applauded. The views of you and your ilk are becoming more and more rare, and less and less relevant.
Ok, I am sorry for saying insulting words. I should not have done that. It is frustrating talking to people who cannot stay focused and instead fly off the handle on emotion fueled tripe. It is the burden I bare.

How did I fly off? I spoke my opinion. You seem proud to speak yours. I simply addressed what you wrote.
Like I said, I would get my head examined if I were you. I would probably go ahead and see about it today too.

No need for me to get my head examined. I'm simply expressing my opinion by mocking yours.

After years of seeing my gay and lesbian friends being marginalized and treated with hostility, I am enjoying their newfound freedom to be who they are. I've even been part of a lesbian wedding. It was in a public park in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Things have changed. I celebrate that.
Good for them. Bad for them, though, that they have such an stupid friend ( I am talking about YOU, Winter).

Awww, are these insults meant to offend me? lmao The couple in question was very happy to have me there. And just as an FYI, during the ceremony a few people stopped to watch (from a respectful distance). An older couple, a hispanic family, and some college kids, all stood quietly watching the lovely ceremony. At the end, when the brides kissed, they all applauded. The views of you and your ilk are becoming more and more rare, and less and less relevant.
Ok, I am sorry for saying insulting words. I should not have done that. It is frustrating talking to people who cannot stay focused and instead fly off the handle on emotion fueled tripe. It is the burden I bare.

How did I fly off? I spoke my opinion. You seem proud to speak yours. I simply addressed what you wrote.
Man, you are really sensitive. I said I am sorry for my insulting remarks. It was wrong and I will try not to let it happen again. I sometimes lose my cool and get frustrated when the person I am talking too is so dense they do not get my point yet they obstinately push back. It is that "talking to a wall" thing. It drives me insane.

I am trying to work on this. Anger at certain defects is an area I am trying work through. I apologize, Sir.
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.

Actually old fashioned would be being offended by watching any couple kissing- displays of affection like public kissing were offensive at one time- many people still are offended by the sight of a mixed race couple kissing.

Anti-semites resent society trying to normalize the 2% of the population who happens to be Jewish- and they resent that they are encouraged to be tolerant of Jews- while Jews are intollerent of antisemitism!

Bigots like you bug the shit out of me- yet I manage to tolerate your bigoted attitude.
Go sit on a dildo, you mindless PC zombie. You fuckers persecute someone who exhibits any belief or attitude different than yours. You are beneath me.

LOL- stop sharing your sexual fantasies with us- please!

Tell us all about how you have been so deeply persecuted because of your homophobia.......
No need for me to get my head examined. I'm simply expressing my opinion by mocking yours.

After years of seeing my gay and lesbian friends being marginalized and treated with hostility, I am enjoying their newfound freedom to be who they are. I've even been part of a lesbian wedding. It was in a public park in Tuscaloosa Alabama. Things have changed. I celebrate that.
Good for them. Bad for them, though, that they have such an stupid friend ( I am talking about YOU, Winter).

Awww, are these insults meant to offend me? lmao The couple in question was very happy to have me there. And just as an FYI, during the ceremony a few people stopped to watch (from a respectful distance). An older couple, a hispanic family, and some college kids, all stood quietly watching the lovely ceremony. At the end, when the brides kissed, they all applauded. The views of you and your ilk are becoming more and more rare, and less and less relevant.
Ok, I am sorry for saying insulting words. I should not have done that. It is frustrating talking to people who cannot stay focused and instead fly off the handle on emotion fueled tripe. It is the burden I bare.

How did I fly off? I spoke my opinion. You seem proud to speak yours. I simply addressed what you wrote.
Man, you are really sensitive. I said I am sorry for my insulting remarks. It was wrong and I will try not to let it happen again. I sometimes lose my cool and get frustrated when the person I am talking too is so dense they do not get my point yet they obstinately push back. It is that "talking to a wall" thing. It drives me insane.

I am trying to work on this. Anger at certain defects is an area I am trying work through. I apologize, Sir.

I appreciate the apology. There is really no need. I am not offended by things posted on these forums. I just like to point out the insults, since they are a sign of a lack of an argument.
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.

Actually old fashioned would be being offended by watching any couple kissing- displays of affection like public kissing were offensive at one time- many people still are offended by the sight of a mixed race couple kissing.

Anti-semites resent society trying to normalize the 2% of the population who happens to be Jewish- and they resent that they are encouraged to be tolerant of Jews- while Jews are intollerent of antisemitism!

Bigots like you bug the shit out of me- yet I manage to tolerate your bigoted attitude.
Go sit on a dildo, you mindless PC zombie. You fuckers persecute someone who exhibits any belief or attitude different than yours. You are beneath me.

I don't persecute anyone for what they think. In fact, if it doesn't harm anyone or cause problems I don't give a shit what someone does.

But please continue with your persecution complex. I find it amusing.
Neither do I. I persecute nobody. However, unlike you I have my own opinions and I am not afraid to voice them.

Yet you like to pretend no one else has their 'own opinions'

What you call 'PC' is just you not being able to handle what you dish out- you are fine with criticizing gays- as you did- you just don't want to be criticized for your opinion- or your actions.
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.

Well, by all means we should restrict the freedoms of over 6 million people because YOU are uncomfortable with it. We should make laws that say men can't kiss each other in public, regardless of whether they love each other, are married or how many years they have been together. And we can make the same law for women, except for the really hot ones. Maybe have permits issued for the ones who look like cheerleaders?
I never said that we should restrict their freedoms. That's clearly a straw man argument. You are arguing a point because that's what you want to argue, not as a response to anything I said or implied.

You ought to see a doctor because your brain is not working properly.

You are the one who went on and on about seeing displays of affection between homosexuals. And if creating laws against it is a strawman argument, what is it that you are wanting? Self restraint by 6+ million people so YOU won't be offended? Sorry, but that is even more ridiculous than passing the laws I mentioned.

People are gay. They love, hug, and even kiss each other. Your approval is not needed. Get over it.

It is not as annoying to me as knee-jerk leftists whom I desire to be stricken with cancer then see bleed to death out of their dicks ]

Wow you really are more of an asshole than I thought.
I didn't post this to judge anyone. Just that the bible says these days will come.
I didn't post this to judge anyone. Just that the bible says these days will come.

Ok. Here is an idea. You follow your bible. I'll follow the laws in the US. We'll meet in the afterlife and talk about it.
Sodom and Gomorrah was run by gays. Everything now has something to do with gays. O Ye don't believe?

I think just as many people are gay now as ever.
Just society either banishes it or accepts it.
Which society prospers more?
People may not care about the Bible, but, if you understand it and live by the core principles, you will be a happier person -

Many Christian's are unhappy because they are not "sold out" on Christianity entirely. They have one foot in and one foot out.
Gays have not been out this openly since Sodom and Gomorrah
I have no problems with gays.
What I DO have a problem with is that we are supposed to accept them, but they don't accept people that dont agree with their lifestyle.
I DO have a problem with the FORCE of legislation and the social assassinations they do with American citizens expressing individual liberty and non-conformity.
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.

Actually old fashioned would be being offended by watching any couple kissing- displays of affection like public kissing were offensive at one time- many people still are offended by the sight of a mixed race couple kissing.

Anti-semites resent society trying to normalize the 2% of the population who happens to be Jewish- and they resent that they are encouraged to be tolerant of Jews- while Jews are intollerent of antisemitism!

Bigots like you bug the shit out of me- yet I manage to tolerate your bigoted attitude.
What are you babbling about? Jews aren't trying to shame anybody or lie about them. Jews aren't suing people for not baking the cakes. Jews as a whole still believe genders matter, some are very orthodox about it. The Gaystapo is a completely different story!
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.

Actually old fashioned would be being offended by watching any couple kissing- displays of affection like public kissing were offensive at one time- many people still are offended by the sight of a mixed race couple kissing.

Anti-semites resent society trying to normalize the 2% of the population who happens to be Jewish- and they resent that they are encouraged to be tolerant of Jews- while Jews are intollerent of antisemitism!

Bigots like you bug the shit out of me- yet I manage to tolerate your bigoted attitude.
What are you babbling about? Jews aren't trying to shame anybody or lie about them. Jews aren't suing people for not baking the cakes. Jews as a whole still believe genders matter, some are very orthodox about it. The Gaystapo is a completely different story!

Some Bigots attack Jews and make all sorts of wild ass claims
Some bigots attack homosexuals and make all sorts of wild ass claims.
Not uncommonly the anti-semite is also a big old homophobic bigot too- see Stevie the Racist.

Bigots are bigots- the only thing that may differ between you is which group you chose to be a bigot towards.
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.
Some people say the same thing about the 2% of the population that are Jews.
I have no problems with gays.
What I DO have a problem with is that we are supposed to accept them, but they don't accept people that dont agree with their lifestyle.
I DO have a problem with the FORCE of legislation and the social assassinations they do with American citizens expressing individual liberty and non-conformity.

"I have no problem with Jews.
What I do have a problem with is that we are supposed to accept them, but they don't accept people that don't agree with their lifestyle.
I DO have a problem with the Force of legislation and the social assassinations they do with American citizens expressing individual liberty and non-conformity'

For the slower among you- that is parody.

In America- we do have freedom of speech- but we do not have freedom from criticism.

If you can't handle your feelings being hurt by responses to what you say, then don't say those things.
I'm an atheist and yet the gays bug the shit out of me. I resent society trying to normalize the behavior of 2% of the population. I resent the fact that I am encouraged to be tolerant of them while they are intolerant of my sensibilities.

I really don't care if a man want to suck on another man's junk, or if a woman wants to scissor another woman. But don't try to make it seem normal when by definition it is abnormal and is done only by a tiny percentage of people.

Call me old fashioned but I don't want to see gay intimacy. I don't want to look at two dudes kissing, and the only lesbian sex I want to see is with women that look like cheerleaders, not Rosie O'Donnell.

Actually old fashioned would be being offended by watching any couple kissing- displays of affection like public kissing were offensive at one time- many people still are offended by the sight of a mixed race couple kissing.

Anti-semites resent society trying to normalize the 2% of the population who happens to be Jewish- and they resent that they are encouraged to be tolerant of Jews- while Jews are intollerent of antisemitism!

Bigots like you bug the shit out of me- yet I manage to tolerate your bigoted attitude.
What are you babbling about? Jews aren't trying to shame anybody or lie about them. Jews aren't suing people for not baking the cakes. Jews as a whole still believe genders matter, some are very orthodox about it. The Gaystapo is a completely different story!
If a baker refused to bake a cake for a Jewish couple, you are saying that they can do that? That it doesn't break a PA law? Interesting.

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