Here Are 81 Biden Actions That Drove Gas Prices to Historic Highs

Markets are FORWARD LOOKING meaning if they see a war coming or moron Biden ending oil production---the prices shoot up immediately before the oil even goes through the market.
100% correct! And the fact is the increase in prices of oil start with the FACT that Biden shut down the exploration on
land that provides 24% of all our oil/gas energy just 7 days into his presidency! With that action, oil companies knowing their source of oil production is cut by 1/4th... AND knowing that the other 76% will then be raising THEIR prices... raised their prices to the refineries who raised their prices to the distributors, who raised their prices to the stations who raised their prices to the consumer! It is a multiplier effect!
The KeystoneXL, contributed exactly how much when Biden killed it?

IDIOT. Quit gaslighting us. The point is what the XL would be contributing NOW that we need it (about 800,000 barrels a day), not what it was fifteen months ago when Biden killed it.

Tards like you always have to either be intellectually dishonest, or just natively stupid.

Here Are 81 Biden Actions That Drove Gas Prices to Historic Highs​

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Spencer Brown
While America's national average gas price has come down a few cents from its all-time high of $4.331 reached on March 11, Americans are still being socked in the wallet every time they have to fill up. As many Republicans have pointed out, this isn't the way it has to be, nor has it always been this way.
Meanwhile, President Biden and Democrats in Congress have blamed everything but themselves and their policies for the increase in gas prices that have risen along with prices on other consumer goods to four-decade highs since Biden took office. The scapegoat created by the White House and Democrats? Greedy oil barons, systematic price gouging, and Vladimir Putin.
But it's not as simple or as nefarious — at least not on the part of oil and gas companies — as the Biden administration would like you to believe. And now, thanks to Rep. Jim Banks' (R-IN) team at the Republican Study Committee, there are a lot more examples — 81, to be exact — of Biden's actions that led to consistently rising gas prices since he took office.
But it's not as simple or as nefarious — at least not on the part of oil and gas companies — as the Biden administration would like you to believe. And now, thanks to Rep. Jim Banks' (R-IN) team at the Republican Study Committee, there are a lot more examples — 81, to be exact — of Biden's actions that led to consistently rising gas prices since he took office.
From day one of his administration, Biden was set on keeping his campaign promise to "end fossil fuel."
On January 20, 2021, Biden signed an executive order directing the federal government to review and rescind President Trump's policies that made the United States energy independent. Biden's first actions also included increasing emissions regulations and restricting domestic energy. And, of course, he killed the Keystone XL Pipeline. The average price for a gallon of gas: $2.379.
The next time President Biden or his media lapdogs try to pass blame for high gas prices and a continuing energy crisis in the United States on Vladimir Putin or oil and gas companies, remember Biden's actions as laid out in the RSC's full memo — which can be viewed here with a week-by-week breakdown of Biden's actions cross-referenced with the national average gas price.

Biden with the help of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat left has intentionally driven inflation with willful intent.
They have purposefully tanked our economy. Petroleum is just the most convenient lever to pull to do that because it touches every aspect of America and all First World nations. Plastics, food production, industrial production, transportation, home heating, cooling, electricity, and Big Pharma, all of it.
PM/DSA Dem Commies are America HATERS and have decided if they can grab the power by any means, then they will flip over the proverbial board game and burn it all down.
So, what happens if they successfully bring it all down? Well, it will be the Liberal Left running the streets looking for either handouts, or out steal from those that prepared which presents a problem. We are armed and if what we have stocked and planned is all we have then we become dangerous. We will not let roaming street criminals steal our food or lives.
If Biden's policy of “Destroy America Better” is not thwarted in a big way we will be in complete civil unrest , nationwide by the end of this POTUS term.
Stolen elections have consequences.
Needless to say that Biden has shown his verbal incontinence again and again in not only in America but in Europe as well.
A good indication is the infamous Biden - Ducy 'SOB' incident over inflation. FNC Washington reported Ducy asks Joe Biden about the negative impact of inflation, Biden then replied (inflation) “it’s an asset... more inflation,.... you’re a stupid son of a bitch “

Democrats want high gas prices

the higher the better

however they dont want to blamed for causing the higher prices

aint that true Golfing Gator ?
Democrats want high gas prices

the higher the better

however they dont want to blamed for causing the higher prices

aint that true Golfing Gator ?

That is stupid.

Dems do not want to pay more for gas more than anyone else.

You are better than that
That is stupid.

Dems do not want to pay more for gas more than anyone else.

You are better than that
So then why did Obama say he favored European gas prices for America?

First, we’ll discuss the interview between then-Sen. Obama and CNBC’s John Harwood. Here’s an exchange from that meeting:
Harwood: So, could these high prices help us?
Obama: I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing. But if we take some steps to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money into their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly U.S. automakers, then I think, ultimately, we can come out of this stronger and have a more efficient energy policy than we do right now.
You’ll notice Obama doesn’t expressly state that he opposes high gas prices but says he doesn’t think cost hikes should happen suddenly or dramatically. This is what the president’s critics cite as damning evidence of his true intentions.
Also note Obama "ENCOURAGING" USA dependence on foreign oil... "be one of your best customers"!!!

Nice try.

1). When was XL scheduled to be completed?
2). Whose OIL, Canadian Oil, to be sold to the highest bidder, if EVER completed.
For Biden, Biden supporters and so-called greenies... a simple question:
Which would cause documented MORE damage?
A) An oil tanker carrying 1 million barrels of oil 1 mile on the open ocean or
B) 700 barrels traveling 1 mile in a pipeline on dry land?
I truly don't under you Biden, Biden supporters and so-called greenies cancelled Keystone.
Cancelling 1,700 miles of pipeline that is joining 195,000 miles of pipeline that carry and spill 5,000 barrels per year.
And the experts say dry land spills are less damaging than spills to water.
David Valentine, Professor of Earth Science and Biology at UCSB,
says it is better to have soil spills than ocean spills:
In general, spills to soil are more contained than spills to water, and thus cleanup is more straightforward.
Damage is often lesser for soil spills. For this reason an aquatic spill (including marine) tends to be more harmful than a spill to soil.”

Linda Krop, Chief Counsel at the Environmental Defense Center (EDC) in Santa Barbara, California, agrees. “Spills in soils cause less damage and are easier to clean up effectively.” She adds that pipelines are unlike other modes of oil transportation because they can have safety features that make large leaks preventable:

So you Biden, Biden supporters and so-called greenies.. you claim to be "science followers", Intellectuals, etc.,
all the above FACTS (which most of you don't supply!) and yet you still don't answer ... which is a bigger
number, 1,000,000 barrels traveling 1 mile on the water (more dangerous per experts...) or 700 barrels traveling
one mile on dry land? Which is it?
Nice try.
Shitty try. The XL is not the only oil program Joe has cancelled. He has screwed ANWR, oil exploration, oil leases, every aspect of the industry has been hurt by that idiot, and now that we really NEED every drop of oil we can get, here you are once again on the wrong side of every issue defending that punk instead of just admitting that Biden fucked up.
Markets are FORWARD LOOKING meaning if they see a war coming or moron Biden ending oil production---the prices shoot up immediately before the oil even goes through the market.
his idiotic liberal feelings won't allow him to understand facts.

Here Are 81 Biden Actions That Drove Gas Prices to Historic Highs​

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Spencer Brown
While America's national average gas price has come down a few cents from its all-time high of $4.331 reached on March 11, Americans are still being socked in the wallet every time they have to fill up. As many Republicans have pointed out, this isn't the way it has to be, nor has it always been this way.
Meanwhile, President Biden and Democrats in Congress have blamed everything but themselves and their policies for the increase in gas prices that have risen along with prices on other consumer goods to four-decade highs since Biden took office. The scapegoat created by the White House and Democrats? Greedy oil barons, systematic price gouging, and Vladimir Putin.
But it's not as simple or as nefarious — at least not on the part of oil and gas companies — as the Biden administration would like you to believe. And now, thanks to Rep. Jim Banks' (R-IN) team at the Republican Study Committee, there are a lot more examples — 81, to be exact — of Biden's actions that led to consistently rising gas prices since he took office.
But it's not as simple or as nefarious — at least not on the part of oil and gas companies — as the Biden administration would like you to believe. And now, thanks to Rep. Jim Banks' (R-IN) team at the Republican Study Committee, there are a lot more examples — 81, to be exact — of Biden's actions that led to consistently rising gas prices since he took office.
From day one of his administration, Biden was set on keeping his campaign promise to "end fossil fuel."
On January 20, 2021, Biden signed an executive order directing the federal government to review and rescind President Trump's policies that made the United States energy independent. Biden's first actions also included increasing emissions regulations and restricting domestic energy. And, of course, he killed the Keystone XL Pipeline. The average price for a gallon of gas: $2.379.
The next time President Biden or his media lapdogs try to pass blame for high gas prices and a continuing energy crisis in the United States on Vladimir Putin or oil and gas companies, remember Biden's actions as laid out in the RSC's full memo — which can be viewed here with a week-by-week breakdown of Biden's actions cross-referenced with the national average gas price.

Biden with the help of the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat left has intentionally driven inflation with willful intent.
They have purposefully tanked our economy. Petroleum is just the most convenient lever to pull to do that because it touches every aspect of America and all First World nations. Plastics, food production, industrial production, transportation, home heating, cooling, electricity, and Big Pharma, all of it.
PM/DSA Dem Commies are America HATERS and have decided if they can grab the power by any means, then they will flip over the proverbial board game and burn it all down.
So, what happens if they successfully bring it all down? Well, it will be the Liberal Left running the streets looking for either handouts, or out steal from those that prepared which presents a problem. We are armed and if what we have stocked and planned is all we have then we become dangerous. We will not let roaming street criminals steal our food or lives.
If Biden's policy of “Destroy America Better” is not thwarted in a big way we will be in complete civil unrest , nationwide by the end of this POTUS term.
Stolen elections have consequences.
Needless to say that Biden has shown his verbal incontinence again and again in not only in America but in Europe as well.
A good indication is the infamous Biden - Ducy 'SOB' incident over inflation. FNC Washington reported Ducy asks Joe Biden about the negative impact of inflation, Biden then replied (inflation) “it’s an asset... more inflation,.... you’re a stupid son of a bitch “ is not a source, it's a blogger page.

Biden has NOTHING to do with gasoline prices, but continue to spread your lies. They're all you've got.

You got that much right. Trump tried to further expand our energy independence.

Joe Biddum succeeded in killing it.

Hats off to Joe for another good job done. 🎩
Trump Failed.

What is your excuse?
Biden was soon to be President, and that is why sales fizzled?????
Man up dude, trump failed on ANWR. Period.

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