Here Are Just a Few of the Atrocities Against Israel the Left is Cheering

The invented atrocities that are totally unproven

This OP was based on nonsense which has been discounted as vile propaganda and deliberate misinformation .
PJ News dated October 23 of last year .

This is the Media Bias /Fact Check conclusion ---- quote ,
"Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks. (7/9/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 01/15/2024)"

Produced by the same mob , Mossad , which produced similar rubbish for Kyiv to use in Ukraine .
Why do claimed sources get checked so infrequently by so many ?
You are really fucking sick in the head!

Gaza is a prison. Anytime an humanitarian ship sailed to Gaza, it was stopped and boarded by the IDF. in fact, on one ship, the Mavi Marmara, Israeli soldiers executed an American citizen in cold blood.

But I bet you're okay with that?

Fuck you!
Have you been there?
the Gaza is a prison BS is a very popular islamo-nazi meme.
Somehow there is absolutely NOTHING stopping anyone
from escaping or leaving and coming back---WATTA PRISON.
Sadly ---Gaza is losing lots---Gazans used to go to Israel for jobs
that pay legal salaries and go to Israel for medical care---I have a
strong feeling that excellent benefit has DRIED UP---in fact---I kinda
hope so. Egypt is worried
They chose Hamas because it wasn't as corrupted as Fatah is and they won't kiss Israel's ass.

Seeing how you are okay with the killing of innocent men, women and children says a lot about your lack of humanity.
Stop with your Hamas Drama. They attacked and killed men women and children

Israel has responded as they should and will not stop til they are all dead.

I agree with that.
Stop with your Hamas Drama. They attacked and killed men women and children

Israel has responded as they should and will not stop til they are all dead.

I agree with that.
I have already condemned Hamas for their actions on Oct 7th. But what Israel is doing now, is far worse

Is this Israel's Final Solution for the Palestinian problem, Her' Eagle?
Stop with your Hamas Drama. They attacked and killed men women and children

Israel has responded as they should and will not stop til they are all dead.

I agree with that.

And another thing: Hamas knew how Israel would react, so why did they do what they did?

To sabotage the Abraham Accords? Or try to?
I have already condemned Hamas for their actions on Oct 7th. But what Israel is doing now, is far worse

Is this Israel's Final Solution for the Palestinian problem, Her' Eagle?
How is it "FAR WORSE"? how about a gun up your vagina? ---btw RETURN
FIRE IS NEVER ILLEGAL except in the mind of the aggressor
32,000 dead Palestinians is far worse.

Your lovely Palestinians kidnapped over 20 Thai workers, many left wing Israeli peacenicks. And several Arab Muslims.

They might have taken you, had you been there. Regardless of your sentiments. :nono:
32,000 dead Palestinians is far worse.
no its not. In fact it is less than the recommended ratio determined by
the UMMAH. The muzzies are DEMANDING the release of 20 criminals including murderers for every KIDNAP/rape victim that they hold----
20 to 1 is the KORANIC RATIO as determined by the minions of muhummad--BBF OF ALLAH
Your lovely Palestinians kidnapped over 20 Thai workers, many left wing Israeli peacenicks. And several Arab Muslims.

They might have taken you, had you been there. Regardless of your sentiments. :nono:
So fucking what!
no its not. In fact it is less than the recommended ratio determined by
the UMMAH. The muzzies are DEMANDING the release of 20 criminals including murderers for every KIDNAP/rape victim that they hold----
20 to 1 is the KORANIC RATIO as determined by the minions of muhummad--BBF OF ALLAH
You are sick in the head.

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