Here are some numbers for you Clintonites who think she should have won..because of the popular vote

It's what he has done to our country, which should bother us, the common people, i.e. the hoi polloi. He has surrounded himself with the power elite, Generals, former and current elected officials, millionaires and billionaires.
But, when The Obama did it, it was OK.
Glad to see you haven't been cured of your mindless, bigoted partisanship.
It's what he has done to our country, which should bother us, the common people, i.e. the hoi polloi. He has surrounded himself with the power elite, Generals, former and current elected officials, millionaires and billionaires.
But, when The Obama did it, it was OK.
Glad to see you haven't been cured of your mindless, bigoted partisanship.
That of course is different, cause after all when a Liberal does it they KNOW what is good for the Country.
On the one hand you are whining that the majority should control, and then in the next post you bitch about the majority controlling. Which is it?
I'm not thinking about this in terms of black vs white, but since you think that is important... Should a black man's vote in Oregon be worth more to the electoral college than a white man's vote in Texas? Should a redneck's vote in Wyoming be worth more than a redneck's vote in Texas? Should a neo-nazi in Idaho have more of a vote than KKK'er in Florida? My take is that a vote in point A in the USA should count just the same as a vote in point B rather than the convoluted system we have now.

each of those people's votes carry equal weight within their states.

But since you want a pure democracy. I guess you would support a national referendum on abortion, deportation of illegal aliens, controlling media bias, man made climate change, congressional salaries, and term limits.

So, should we let all citizens vote on those things and majority rules?
Trouble is, the electoral votes carry different weights. States with large populations are being under represented in the electoral college.

As far as a national referendum on these various issues goes, isn't that what our dysfunctional congress is supposed to be for? I suppose I wouldn't be opposed to it as long as people's individual rights are not being voted away - ie abortion, gun rights, etc. Might be the only way to settle things like term limits and congressional pay - you know congress would never vote themselves out of office or a smaller paycheck. Would your hypothetical national referendum work as a one person one vote or the electoral college model?

Yes, and if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass. If there was a national referendum to ban illegal immigration it would pass. If there was a national referendum to ban guns it would fail.

The EC gives proportional representation to each state. Without it, CA, TX, FL, and NY would choose our presidents, the other 46 would have no voice.
I really doubt that an abortion ban would pass a national referendum. Women wouldn't stand for pissing away their reproductive and privacy rights. Agree wrt guns. Illegal immigration is already illegal.

The electoral college gives very disproportionate representation to the various states. Without it, the citizens of the whole country would select their President rather than a select few electors.

The EC is the best compromise that we have. If you don't like it, change the constitution. Without the EC the voters in 46 states would be disenfranchised and 4 states would select our presidents (CA, NY, TX, FL). Actually the big cities in those 4 states would select our presidents. How would that be called democracy?
Why should the few residents of largely unpopulated land masses dictate the outcome of national elections as opposed to city residents?

A state like Wyoming gets 3 electoral votes with a population of less than 600,000, while
California gets 55 electoral votes with a population of more than 37 million. Thus California has a population that is 66x Wyoming, but only gets 18x the electoral college votes.

This was agreed to back at the formation of the country. The small states were not about to enter the Union unless there were some checks and balances on the larger states due to their much greater population. Remember, were called the "UNITED STATES" because we agreed to union under these rules, compromises which involved many checks and balances within the system. Sorry you don't like it, but it has worked out pretty well given this is the greatest country on earth.

It worked out well because a minority of votes cast elected your guy, who in fact told you & other voters what they wanted to hear, some of which he has walked back already.

Time will tell if we will have a government for the people, or one wherein the power elite set the agenda & censor alternative opinions, lifestyles and individuality.

Authoritarians & Plutocrats are never pleased when the hoi polloi question there actions.

You just explained why Trump won, and you don't even know it.

He has not even been sworn in yet and he has done more for the country than obozo did in 8 years.

It's what he has done to our country, which should bother us, the common people, i.e. the hoi polloi. He has surrounded himself with the power elite, Generals, former and current elected officials, millionaires and billionaires.

Do you have a clue as to the meaning of a plutocrat and an authoritarian?

Uh, yeah, Pelosi, Schumer, McCain, McConnell, Reid, Clinton, Obama, Biden, the Bush family, Soros, The Kochs. Notice that both parties are represented.

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