Here are the players including D's in the lobbying against the Magnitsky law


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Donald Jr was just one of many targets for the lobbyists. This investigation is going to really peel back the layers of aggressive lobbying efforts. Cripes these people actually stalked the lawmakers on the Hill. So to lie to get an audience with Don Jr. would be SOP for the lobbyists.

And a special note. You know how the one player who has been referred to as a Russian spy? Akhmetshin?
Another lie.

"After several unsuccessful attempts to get an audience with Meeks, Dellums and Akhmetshin buttonholed him in the hallways of Congress to give their anti-Magnitsky pitch.

This was typical of the approach, Capitol Hill staffers say. Stories of the two hanging around to chase lawmakers circulated among chiefs of staff and lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

“They were stalking the halls to find folks,” one Capitol Hill staffer said. “They would hang around the hallways for hours.”

“It was desperate,” said another staffer. “If they couldn’t get meetings they’d walk into people’s offices unannounced or tag folks in the hallway or around the floor.”

Russian lobbying that touched Trump tied to Moscow figures

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