Here Come The Sob Stories Out Of Mehico

The MSM is playing card in their crooked deck to stop President Trump's plans to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get ready to start sobbing.... :lol:

VILLA DE REYES, Mexico — Word spread quickly through cellphone messages and shouts between co-workers that Ford Motor Co. had canceled its new $1.6 billion car plant at its sprawling 700-acre high desert site in north-central Mexico.

"When I saw it on the phone, (I thought), 'Well, no, it can't be,'" said Higinio Salazar, a security guard who spent the past five months logging traffic into and out of the site and hoped to have steady work for months to come. "It was on orders of Mr. Trump," he said bitterly.

Four clustered states in central Mexico — San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato — have seven auto assembly plants that are operating or will be within the next two years. Around them are nearly 800 auto parts suppliers, Puente said.

In San Luis Potosi alone, between 50,000 and 60,000 jobs depend on the auto industry. An average worker in Mexico costs automakers $8 an hour, including wages and benefits, compared to the $60 an hour that Ford said it was spending on an auto worker in the U.S. at the end of 2015.

Retiree Ignacio Segura Rocha said fewer people from town are migrating to the U.S. now because the crossing has gotten harder than when he went in 1977 and 1978. He said the auto industry offers good alternatives for kids growing up on the region's isolated ranches.

"They were already dreaming of going there (to Ford), and at the last minute there's nothing," he said.

Construction worker J. Refugio Waldo Contreras feels Trump is putting Mexicans in an impossible situation.

"This Trump, he doesn't want people there, so where is he going to send them?" Contreras asked. "And he doesn't want work to open here? So then he's going to close the doors."

Mexican Ford plant workers blame Trump for dashed dreams

That's going to be a tough sell.
Toyota hasn't buckled....YET-) Let them create their own car manufacturers, just like we did!

Good point...the Jap car makers have used Mehico as a platform to bring their crap into the US duty-free while blocking our exports into Japan. China is getting the bulk of the attention about unfair trade practices but they learned how from the Japs. Both Toyota and Honda going to be in for some surprises in the coming months for their manufacturing piracy and the cost of us defending Japan from the Chinese dragon.
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The MSM is playing card in their crooked deck to stop President Trump's plans to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get ready to start sobbing.... :lol:

VILLA DE REYES, Mexico — Word spread quickly through cellphone messages and shouts between co-workers that Ford Motor Co. had canceled its new $1.6 billion car plant at its sprawling 700-acre high desert site in north-central Mexico.

"When I saw it on the phone, (I thought), 'Well, no, it can't be,'" said Higinio Salazar, a security guard who spent the past five months logging traffic into and out of the site and hoped to have steady work for months to come. "It was on orders of Mr. Trump," he said bitterly.

Four clustered states in central Mexico — San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato — have seven auto assembly plants that are operating or will be within the next two years. Around them are nearly 800 auto parts suppliers, Puente said.

In San Luis Potosi alone, between 50,000 and 60,000 jobs depend on the auto industry. An average worker in Mexico costs automakers $8 an hour, including wages and benefits, compared to the $60 an hour that Ford said it was spending on an auto worker in the U.S. at the end of 2015.

Retiree Ignacio Segura Rocha said fewer people from town are migrating to the U.S. now because the crossing has gotten harder than when he went in 1977 and 1978. He said the auto industry offers good alternatives for kids growing up on the region's isolated ranches.

"They were already dreaming of going there (to Ford), and at the last minute there's nothing," he said.

Construction worker J. Refugio Waldo Contreras feels Trump is putting Mexicans in an impossible situation.

"This Trump, he doesn't want people there, so where is he going to send them?" Contreras asked. "And he doesn't want work to open here? So then he's going to close the doors."

Mexican Ford plant workers blame Trump for dashed dreams
If these reporters or media agencies are so worried about Mexico we can suspend their media rights in America and can ship them to Mexico with all their equipment for free. Stories like this are akin to TREASON to me. So damn worried about Mexico then move to Mexico and help them.We wanted Trump because he will help AMERICA.
The MSM is playing card in their crooked deck to stop President Trump's plans to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get ready to start sobbing.... :lol:

VILLA DE REYES, Mexico — Word spread quickly through cellphone messages and shouts between co-workers that Ford Motor Co. had canceled its new $1.6 billion car plant at its sprawling 700-acre high desert site in north-central Mexico.

"When I saw it on the phone, (I thought), 'Well, no, it can't be,'" said Higinio Salazar, a security guard who spent the past five months logging traffic into and out of the site and hoped to have steady work for months to come. "It was on orders of Mr. Trump," he said bitterly.

Four clustered states in central Mexico — San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Aguascalientes and Guanajuato — have seven auto assembly plants that are operating or will be within the next two years. Around them are nearly 800 auto parts suppliers, Puente said.

In San Luis Potosi alone, between 50,000 and 60,000 jobs depend on the auto industry. An average worker in Mexico costs automakers $8 an hour, including wages and benefits, compared to the $60 an hour that Ford said it was spending on an auto worker in the U.S. at the end of 2015.

Retiree Ignacio Segura Rocha said fewer people from town are migrating to the U.S. now because the crossing has gotten harder than when he went in 1977 and 1978. He said the auto industry offers good alternatives for kids growing up on the region's isolated ranches.

"They were already dreaming of going there (to Ford), and at the last minute there's nothing," he said.

Construction worker J. Refugio Waldo Contreras feels Trump is putting Mexicans in an impossible situation.

"This Trump, he doesn't want people there, so where is he going to send them?" Contreras asked. "And he doesn't want work to open here? So then he's going to close the doors."

Mexican Ford plant workers blame Trump for dashed dreams

Whaaaa. Mexico isn't sending us jobs and money. Mexico isn't letting us illegally cross their border to enjoy cheaper living. They aren't offering welfare to their own citizens, let alone some aliens who flood in and make demands. They don't cater to foreign languages or customs.

Fuck them. We've already sent a lot of jobs their way and they still come here looking for the few that are left. Many just come to drop anchor and tap into our welfare system so they can send money to family back home and save enough so they can eventually go back and retire. All on our dime. While here, many steal the identities and social security numbers of citizens. Not a victimless crime but they don't care as long as they make out okay.

Why should America continue to be a damn doormat for anyone wanting to take advantage of us? We have homeless people, many who are veterans, and yet somehow we find billions to spend on illegal aliens, refugees and send money to other countries.

Time to take care of our own first. We are in debt so not like there are piles of extra money sitting around to give away. Until all of the citizens are safe and have a roof over their heads, no foreign aid, not a penny on illegals or refugees. And we need to clarify the law so that people here illegal do not give birth to citizens. The mother needs to be a citizen or married to a citizen in order for the child to be granted citizenship.
Just wait till Trump reigns in China for their dirty deeds......without the USA these countries are nothing.
Just wait till Trump reigns in China for their dirty deeds......without the USA these countries are nothing.

If the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) had gone through, we'd have lost another 5 million jobs. Hillary said she was against it during the campaign after calling it "the gold standard" before. Trump's win is saving this country misery on so many levels it's remarkable. Hopefully the SS can protect him from the myriad of interests who'd like to see him dead.

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