Here Comes the Gay Mafia

Again Fox News takes an isolated incident in a foreign country and tries to make it into an issue worth a fight in America.

For the sole purpose of improving ratings amongst the extremists.

But will it work? We have this board's members as a gauge of it's impact on enough extremists to find out.
Actually, it is news. And it serves as a warning to us.

No wonder you object.
Again Fox News takes an isolated incident in a foreign country and tries to make it into an issue worth a fight in America.

For the sole purpose of improving ratings amongst the extremists.

But will it work? We have this board's members as a gauge of it's impact on enough extremists to find out.

You keep attempting to use this board's political temperature as a metric of some sort.

This board is about two-thirds conservative.

Pay more attention.

Read the article. The "extremists" are the queers in the government and their pals who pass these laws. You want everyone to think this is an isolated case and won't happen in America. It already has.
Yep they are infiltrating everywhere. Our House of Representatives republicans now have their own drag queen.
The location isn't important to me. Why is it important to you?
I've been to Malta and the women there are hot.

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Another example of the iron fist of the queer mafia.
This is sickening. The West has become satanized. When the muzzies call the West the great satan maybe they are right.

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