Here comes the next crisis: up to 30% of all mortgages will default in biggest wave of delinquencies in history & this time the crisis will be far...

Debt collectors are already set up to sieze a lot of those Federal checks; they aren't going to help many people, they're essentially welfare checks for utilities, landlords, Walmart, etc.
Good point!! We don't need utilities, landlords, or Walmart so why pay them when customers could simply keep their money and pay whomever they think is most deserving or not pay anybody at all?
Ed, you remember QE1 in '08
This is QE 5 (iirc)
4 Trillion to federal reserve to maintain liquidity ,cloaked in the guise of biz loans

What do mean 4t to Federal Reserve?? Money is coming from Federal Reserve going to economy to prevent collapse. Do you understand now??
Ed, you remember QE1 in '08
This is QE 5 (iirc)
4 Trillion to federal reserve to maintain liquidity ,cloaked in the guise of biz loans

What do mean 4t to Federal Reserve?? Money is coming from Federal Reserve going to economy to prevent collapse. Do you understand now??


the recent 6T relief bill allocated 4T to the federal reserve , (which is neither federal nor a reserve) insasmuch as our US treasury prints $$$, it's more than likely transacted in Tbills

they claimed to need it to maintain liquidity , which came on the heels of last years QE4

of course they'll parse out biz loans with it, from sea to freakin' shining sea, at whatever rates they can get

but the point is, the banking industry was just nationalized w/out having so much as a protest, shot fired , or congressional investigation of any kind

quite the feat, considering they pulled this off after this cast of fools being top news of the '08 crash before Congress w/hat in hand >>>

but the point is, the banking industry was just nationalized w/out having so much as a protest, shot fired , or congressional investigation of any kind
nationalized???. Do you ever make sense. A bailout in a pandemic is not nationalization.
Ed, you remember QE1 in '08
This is QE 5 (iirc)
4 Trillion to federal reserve to maintain liquidity ,cloaked in the guise of biz loans

What do mean 4t to Federal Reserve?? Money is coming from Federal Reserve going to economy to prevent collapse. Do you understand now??


the recent 6T relief bill allocated 4T to the federal reserve , (which is neither federal nor a reserve) insasmuch as our US treasury prints $$$, it's more than likely transacted in Tbills

they claimed to need it to maintain liquidity , which came on the heels of last years QE4

of course they'll parse out biz loans with it, from sea to freakin' shining sea, at whatever rates they can get

but the point is, the banking industry was just nationalized w/out having so much as a protest, shot fired , or congressional investigation of any kind

quite the feat, considering they pulled this off after this cast of fools being top news of the '08 crash before Congress w/hat in hand >>>

the recent 6T relief bill allocated 4T to the federal reserve ,

WOW! You're confused.

The bill doesn't borrow $6 trillion and give the Fed $4 trillion of that. Hilarious!!

The bill borrows $2 trillion and, in addition, the Federal Reserve will lend and buy up to $4 trillion.

Kudlow said that the total stimulus is expected to cost "roughly" $6 trillion, with $2 trillion appropriated by Congress and $4 trillion in liquidity from the Federal Reserve.

Washington — The Senate passed late Wednesday night a $2 trillion coronavirus relief package designed to support the U.S. economy as it is battered by the coronavirus pandemic. The vote was 96-0.


Unlike in the 2008 financial crisis when a glut of subprime debt, layered with trillions in CDOs and CDO squareds, sent home prices to stratospheric levels before everything crashed scarring an entire generation of homebuyers, this time the housing sector is facing a far more conventional problem: the sudden and unpredictable inability of mortgage borrowers to make their scheduled monthly payments as the entire economy grinds to a halt due to the coronavirus pandemic.

And unfortunately this time the crisis will be far worse…

You laughed
you banned
you never got the whole picture what comes after this virus
some still can't see it yet oh but your going to Karma is coming bitches...

LOL. we always get the last laugh.




find rock....hide.
your goods are far too expensive for the average worker in your economy.
Who would make goods that are too expensive to buy? Can you find investors in such a business? Shall we sell our houses to start a business that makes goods too expensive to buy? Let me guess, you are a liberal and you want to replace the current capitalist conspiracy with loving, caring communism?

You and the other math challenged idiot who quoted me need to get a room and rub each other off while chanting phrases from Mise's website.
the federal reserve just walked away with 4T of a 6T relief plan OldLady
they're fatter and happier than ever!
???are you saying somebody stole 4T?? Who exactly and what did they do with it???
Ed, you remember QE1 in '08
This is QE 5 (iirc)
4 Trillion to federal reserve to maintain liquidity ,cloaked in the guise of biz loans


They think if you give enough to the leeches they will somehow slither around and share it with those who actually produce stuff; we know it's just more cash down the rabbit hole, but they know nobody is going to stop them or even make them uncomfortable about it, so no harm done. Like much of the 'aid', maybe 5% of it might get to the really needy, the rest will be sucked off in 'management fees' and pork, and cronyism, as usual.
your goods are far too expensive for the average worker in your economy.
Who would make goods that are too expensive to buy? Can you find investors in such a business? Shall we sell our houses to start a business that makes goods too expensive to buy? Let me guess, you are a liberal and you want to replace the current capitalist conspiracy with loving, caring communism?

You and the other math challenged idiot who quoted me need to get a room and rub each other off while chanting phrases from Mise's website.

You said goods are too expensive to buy. When you learned how idiotic that was you tried to change the subject as if your defeat was could easily be hidden with a chidish deception.
the federal reserve just walked away with 4T of a 6T relief plan OldLady
they're fatter and happier than ever!
???are you saying somebody stole 4T?? Who exactly and what did they do with it???
Ed, you remember QE1 in '08
This is QE 5 (iirc)
4 Trillion to federal reserve to maintain liquidity ,cloaked in the guise of biz loans


They think if you give enough to the leeches they will somehow slither around and share it with those who actually produce stuff; we know it's just more cash down the rabbit hole, but they know nobody is going to stop them or even make them uncomfortable about it, so no harm done. Like much of the 'aid', maybe 5% of it might get to the really needy, the rest will be sucked off in 'management fees' and pork, and cronyism, as usual.
??? does that mean you are socialist or capitalist? Why???
your goods are far too expensive for the average worker in your economy.
Who would make goods that are too expensive to buy? Can you find investors in such a business? Shall we sell our houses to start a business that makes goods too expensive to buy? Let me guess, you are a liberal and you want to replace the current capitalist conspiracy with loving, caring communism?

You and the other math challenged idiot who quoted me need to get a room and rub each other off while chanting phrases from Mise's website.

You said goods are too expensive to buy. When you learned how idiotic that was you tried to change the subject as if your defeat was could easily be hidden with a chidish deception.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, dumbass.
your goods are far too expensive for the average worker in your economy.
Who would make goods that are too expensive to buy? Can you find investors in such a business? Shall we sell our houses to start a business that makes goods too expensive to buy? Let me guess, you are a liberal and you want to replace the current capitalist conspiracy with loving, caring communism?

You and the other math challenged idiot who quoted me need to get a room and rub each other off while chanting phrases from Mise's website.

You said goods are too expensive to buy. When you learned how idiotic that was you tried to change the subject as if your defeat was could easily be hidden with a chidish deception.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, dumbass.
You really did said goods are too expensive to buy. When you learned how idiotic that was you tried to change the subject as if your defeat could easily be hidden with a childish deception.

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