Here in Mexifornia Dems and media have successfully programmed people to believe it is racist to want trespassers from Mexico sent home.

Is that the case in other states as well?
How does such programming help the Democrat Party?

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is rhetorical.

What happens when you stop blaming others for problems of your own making?

Illegals wouldn't come to the USA, if Republicans didn't hire them. Send the Republicans who hire them to jail and watch how quickly the jobs dry up.
Is that the case in other states as well?
How does such programming help the Democrat Party?

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is rhetorical.

What happens when you stop blaming others for problems of your own making?

Illegals wouldn't come to the USA, if Republicans didn't hire them. Send the Republicans who hire them to jail and watch how quickly the jobs dry up.

That’s not what this thread is about. Read the title and OP again and post accordingly. Thanks in advance
Most all illegal residents work hard and produce more than any republican ever could. The only programming going on is to keep the loyalty to sir Donald.

Tell us, how did you come to detest our Declaration Of Independence and America’s right to sovereignty?
The Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with Hispanic people. America has no right to sovereignty in the world. How did you become so misinformed about what america is?
re-labeled as undocumented
Safe-crackers out of Vegas are running off with U.S birth certificates and stealing Social Security and other retirement accounts from U.S. citizens --- and I hate to break it to some of the Mormons and other White Anglo-Saxon Protestants of the Southwest, but the U.S. did take over a lot of territory from Mexico back in the 1800s, and many, many Spanish-speaking, Mexican, Latino folks have been born and raised in California, quite legally, for generations now.
California's agricultural sector relies on migrant labor ... a family can manage a cherry orchard well enough except for harvest ... they have to hire 40 or 50 workers to come in for a few weeks and pick the cherries as they ripen ... these workers need other work the other 11 months a year ... so they move over to the cucumber fields, then peaches, almonds, walnuts ... always moving from mid-spring to late fall ...

Will white people do this kind of work? ... only living at their homes 4 months a year ... or are they going to flip burgers for the same wages and be able to live in their homes year 'round? ...

Unscupulous farmers will hire illegals not only for half the wages, but no payroll taxes or worker's comp insurance ... greedy bastards ... so if you want to crack down on brown-skinned people while letting white-skinned people go free ... yeah, that's racism ...

Stop buying food grown in California ... problem solved ...
Most all illegal residents work hard and produce more than any republican ever could. The only programming going on is to keep the loyalty to sir Donald.

Tell us, how did you come to detest our Declaration Of Independence and America’s right to sovereignty?
The Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with Hispanic people. America has no right to sovereignty in the world. How did you become so misinformed about what america is?

Our Declaration Of Independence is self descriptive you ignorant fool. We are not part of Mexico...haha...come on Gustavo, you learned this shit by third grade.
Unscupulous farmers will hire illegals not only for half the wages, but no payroll taxes or worker's comp insurance ... greedy bastards ...
You gonna take your birth certificate and tax documents to a migrant labor camp where guns are banned, and your belongings are searched for contraband by the boss while you are at work? Some of those fuckers have too much “help” out on the farm, of a sort we don't want to deal with once the harvest is over.

You need combines, mass production for harvest work --- or else grow the stuff in local home or small family farms close to where it's consumed.

U-Pick for harvest, if you don't want illegals on your payroll....
You gonna take your birth certificate and tax documents to a migrant labor camp where guns are banned, and your belongings are searched for contraband by the boss while you are at work? Some of those fuckers have too much “help” out on the farm, of a sort we don't want to deal with once the harvest is over.
You need combines, mass production for harvest work --- or else grow the stuff in local home or small family farms close to where it's consumed.
U-Pick for harvest, if you don't want illegals on your payroll....

Absolutely ... the government should step in and tell farmers what they can and cannot grow ... no more year-round lettuce from the Imperial Valley ... apples and pears grow fine in Minnesota, they don't need peaches or oranges ... limit farm size to 160 acres ... de-populate our cities, just breeding grounds for liberalism ...

All of us can buy locally grown food right now ... make your local truck farms profitable, and more people will move out onto the land and grow their own food ... it's a great lifestyle for folks not afraid of hard manual labor ...
Most all illegal residents work hard and produce more than any republican ever could. The only programming going on is to keep the loyalty to sir Donald.
the key word here is most.....and most of them work harder than any democrat ever would also...
Is that the case in other states as well?
How does such programming help the Democrat Party?

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is rhetorical.

What happens when you stop blaming others for problems of your own making?

Illegals wouldn't come to the USA, if Republicans didn't hire them. Send the Republicans who hire them to jail and watch how quickly the jobs dry up.
democrats hire them too......its funny how you left that out....
Most all illegal residents work hard and produce more than any republican ever could. The only programming going on is to keep the loyalty to sir Donald.

Tell us, how did you come to detest our Declaration Of Independence and America’s right to sovereignty?
The Declaration of Independence has nothing to do with Hispanic people. America has no right to sovereignty in the world. How did you become so misinformed about what america is?
we have no right to have our own sovereignty? that what you are saying?...
re-labeled as undocumented
Safe-crackers out of Vegas are running off with U.S birth certificates and stealing Social Security and other retirement accounts from U.S. citizens --- and I hate to break it to some of the Mormons and other White Anglo-Saxon Protestants of the Southwest, but the U.S. did take over a lot of territory from Mexico back in the 1800s, and many, many Spanish-speaking, Mexican, Latino folks have been born and raised in California, quite legally, for generations now.
we did not take it,it was the spoils of war.....and they got a hunk of cash....
Most all illegal residents work hard and produce more than any republican ever could. The only programming going on is to keep the loyalty to sir Donald.
they lower wages and raise prices = fking up the US

Is that the case in other states as well?
How does such programming help the Democrat Party?

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is rhetorical.

What happens when you stop blaming others for problems of your own making?

Illegals wouldn't come to the USA, if Republicans didn't hire them. Send the Republicans who hire them to jail and watch how quickly the jobs dry up.
democrats hire them too......its funny how you left that out....

Why is it that all of the meat packing plants that ICE was raiding BEFORE the pandemic, belong to Tyson or Koch? Why have none of the Trump golf courses been raided? Why is it that these raids never take place at Democratic owned businesses.

Why is Donald Trump the first Republican President to arrest illegals?

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