Here is a pretty simple question for republicans regarding the Keystone Pipeline

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.

So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?

Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?

Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.
You're just parroting rightwing non sense. Nothing you are saying is based on actual facts. You just believe this bullshit because it makes your feel validated and superior to those who disagree with you. You don't actually know what you are talking about.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.

So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?

Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?
One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?

Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.
You're just parroting rightwing non sense. Nothing you are saying is based on actual facts. You just believe this bullshit because it makes your feel validated and superior to those who disagree with you. You don't actually know what you are talking about.

It's all factual. When I was in college, all the professors were for tax increases. They were all sucking on the government tit. The only jobs available for students in the social sciences and humanities is a government job. Hence, all the professors in those subjects were hardcore Marxists. They also brainwash their students with Marxism. Public school teachers are almost all sucking on the government tit, and the vast majority of them are liberal Democrats.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient evidence to support my claim. Your argument, on the other hand, boils down to this: "nuh uhn!"
What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.

So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?

Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?

Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?

Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.
You're just parroting rightwing non sense. Nothing you are saying is based on actual facts. You just believe this bullshit because it makes your feel validated and superior to those who disagree with you. You don't actually know what you are talking about.

It's all factual. When I was in college, all the professors were for tax increases. They were all sucking on the government tit. The only jobs available for students in the social sciences and humanities is a government job. Hence, all the professors in those subjects were hardcore Marxists. They also brainwash their students with Marxism. Public school teachers are almost all sucking on the government tit, and the vast majority of them are liberal Democrats.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient evidence to support my claim. Your argument, on the other hand, boils down to this: "nuh uhn!"
Lol your argument boils down to a pathetic anecdote about your personal opinion on your college professors. I want actual objective facts and statistics you doof. As in, what tax hikes have gone toward welfare spending that results in people "sucking off the government's tit".
Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?

Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.
You're just parroting rightwing non sense. Nothing you are saying is based on actual facts. You just believe this bullshit because it makes your feel validated and superior to those who disagree with you. You don't actually know what you are talking about.

It's all factual. When I was in college, all the professors were for tax increases. They were all sucking on the government tit. The only jobs available for students in the social sciences and humanities is a government job. Hence, all the professors in those subjects were hardcore Marxists. They also brainwash their students with Marxism. Public school teachers are almost all sucking on the government tit, and the vast majority of them are liberal Democrats.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient evidence to support my claim. Your argument, on the other hand, boils down to this: "nuh uhn!"
Lol your argument boils down to a pathetic anecdote about your personal opinion on your college professors. I want actual objective facts and statistics you doof. As in, what tax hikes have gone toward welfare spending that results in people "sucking off the government's tit".

It's not an anecdote. The leftwing bias of college professors is a documented fact.

Almost all money government spends goes to ticks on the ass of society. Virtually every government employee is a tick on the ass of society, as are all the "constituents who are getting a government check.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.

So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?

Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?

Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
Lol what the stimulus did was not a swindle. It created close to 3 million private jobs. That just wasn't enough to offset the monumental recession that happened under that ass clown Bush.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?

Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.
You're just parroting rightwing non sense. Nothing you are saying is based on actual facts. You just believe this bullshit because it makes your feel validated and superior to those who disagree with you. You don't actually know what you are talking about.

It's all factual. When I was in college, all the professors were for tax increases. They were all sucking on the government tit. The only jobs available for students in the social sciences and humanities is a government job. Hence, all the professors in those subjects were hardcore Marxists. They also brainwash their students with Marxism. Public school teachers are almost all sucking on the government tit, and the vast majority of them are liberal Democrats.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient evidence to support my claim. Your argument, on the other hand, boils down to this: "nuh uhn!"
Lol your argument boils down to a pathetic anecdote about your personal opinion on your college professors. I want actual objective facts and statistics you doof. As in, what tax hikes have gone toward welfare spending that results in people "sucking off the government's tit".

It's not an anecdote. The leftwing bias of college professors is a documented fact.

Almost all money government spends goes to ticks on the ass of society. Virtually every government employee is a tick on the ass of society, as are all the "constituents who are getting a government check.
Again all you are doing is just making shit up. My god, how do you live this way? You are just deluding yourself with emotional, tea bagger bullshit. Stop watching Fox News and educate yourself.
So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?

Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?

Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
Lol what the stimulus did was not a swindle. It created close to 3 million private jobs. That just wasn't enough to offset the monumental recession that happened under that ass clown Bush.

It didn't create any jobs. That's pure bullshit without an ounce of actual evidence to support it. In fact, the stimulus probably destroyed jobs, in net terms.

The stimulus is one of the main reason's Obamas recovery was so anemic.
Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.
You're just parroting rightwing non sense. Nothing you are saying is based on actual facts. You just believe this bullshit because it makes your feel validated and superior to those who disagree with you. You don't actually know what you are talking about.

It's all factual. When I was in college, all the professors were for tax increases. They were all sucking on the government tit. The only jobs available for students in the social sciences and humanities is a government job. Hence, all the professors in those subjects were hardcore Marxists. They also brainwash their students with Marxism. Public school teachers are almost all sucking on the government tit, and the vast majority of them are liberal Democrats.

I could go on and on, but that should be sufficient evidence to support my claim. Your argument, on the other hand, boils down to this: "nuh uhn!"
Lol your argument boils down to a pathetic anecdote about your personal opinion on your college professors. I want actual objective facts and statistics you doof. As in, what tax hikes have gone toward welfare spending that results in people "sucking off the government's tit".

It's not an anecdote. The leftwing bias of college professors is a documented fact.

Almost all money government spends goes to ticks on the ass of society. Virtually every government employee is a tick on the ass of society, as are all the "constituents who are getting a government check.
Again all you are doing is just making shit up. My god, how do you live this way? You are just deluding yourself with emotional, tea bagger bullshit. Stop watching Fox News and educate yourself.

I haven't made up a thing. Do you deny the college social science professors are a bunch of leftists?

So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?

Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?

Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
Lol what the stimulus did was not a swindle. It created close to 3 million private jobs. That just wasn't enough to offset the monumental recession that happened under that ass clown Bush.

It didn't create any jobs. That's pure bullshit without an ounce of actual evidence to support it. In fact, the stimulus probably destroyed jobs, in net terms.

The stimulus is one of the main reason's Obamas recovery was so anemic.
Yes, I know actual evidence of what I am saying is hard for you but take it in slow.

CBO Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs - Josh Boak -
Of course it does. He and the Dims who promoted this swindle are a bunch of god damned liars. That's the whole point of this discussion.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?

Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
Lol what the stimulus did was not a swindle. It created close to 3 million private jobs. That just wasn't enough to offset the monumental recession that happened under that ass clown Bush.

It didn't create any jobs. That's pure bullshit without an ounce of actual evidence to support it. In fact, the stimulus probably destroyed jobs, in net terms.

The stimulus is one of the main reason's Obamas recovery was so anemic.
Yes, I know actual evidence of what I am saying is hard for you but take it in slow.

CBO Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs - Josh Boak -

That's propaganda - lies, in other words.
Are you really this dense or are you just fucking with me?

Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
Lol what the stimulus did was not a swindle. It created close to 3 million private jobs. That just wasn't enough to offset the monumental recession that happened under that ass clown Bush.

It didn't create any jobs. That's pure bullshit without an ounce of actual evidence to support it. In fact, the stimulus probably destroyed jobs, in net terms.

The stimulus is one of the main reason's Obamas recovery was so anemic.
Yes, I know actual evidence of what I am saying is hard for you but take it in slow.

CBO Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs - Josh Boak -

That's propaganda - lies, in other words.
Do you even know what the CBO is? If you don't trust them, then who do you trush? Fox? Limbaugh? Yikes.
Why are you having so much trouble with this concept? The subject of this entire thread is that the so-called "stimulus" was a swindle, and now numskulls like you are trying to use the AMTRAK disaster to promote another swindle.
Lol what the stimulus did was not a swindle. It created close to 3 million private jobs. That just wasn't enough to offset the monumental recession that happened under that ass clown Bush.

It didn't create any jobs. That's pure bullshit without an ounce of actual evidence to support it. In fact, the stimulus probably destroyed jobs, in net terms.

The stimulus is one of the main reason's Obamas recovery was so anemic.
Yes, I know actual evidence of what I am saying is hard for you but take it in slow.

CBO Stimulus added up to 3.3M jobs - Josh Boak -

That's propaganda - lies, in other words.
Do you even know what the CBO is? If you don't trust them, then who do you trush? Fox? Limbaugh? Yikes.

Only a fool would trust an organization created and supervised by politicians - professional liars, that is.

I refer to a large number of sources on any issue. I never rely on a single source.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Did you not see what Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid DID with that nearly trillion dollars in stimulus money, Billy? The personal motive that politicians have for more money to spend is quite simply power! The reason that the Obama Stimulus failed to create the jobs that it promised it would is that Democratic leaders took the opportunity to reward THEIR supporters with a bonanza of taxpayer monies. If you were a Democratic contributor like the owners of Solyndra or the teacher's unions...then the stimulus was great! If you weren't...then for the most part it did NOTHING for you!
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

Our crumbling infrastructure is another way of saying mo' n bigga gubbamint
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

Canada is going to ship 1 million barrels of oil a day.
NOW which would you prefer...
1 million barrels in a tanker that traveling one mile
1 million barrels through Unimak Pass is about 800 miles southwest of Anchorage.
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
Large ships must ride out the storms in sheltered coves in the Aleutians.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble. "A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves." The Environmental Dangers of Not Building Keystone XL


700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land with one monitor every 500 feet?
Our state-of-the-art satellite leak-detection and monitoring system is one of the most impressive safety features of the Keystone XL Pipeline.
It will have more than 16,000 sensors (data points) feeding detailed information to our control center twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Pipeline Monitoring Keystone XL Pipeline

Which would do damages to the environment like the 1989 Exxon Valdez that
struck Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef at 12:04 a.m.[1] local time and spilled 11 to 38 million US gallons (260,000 to 900,000 bbl; 42,000 to 144,000 m3) of crude oil[2][3] over the next few days
Screen Shot 2015-05-16 at 8.27.22 AM.png
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

According to, the President’s own website which accounts for the stimulus funding (ahem), of the first $787 billion stimulus bill, a full $275 billion has gone un-spent as of August 27, 2010. And of the $512 billion of stimulus already spent, only $18.5 billion (less than seven percent) has been paid out by the Department of Transportation on these “shovel ready” jobs.

Scandal Less than 7 of Trillion-Dollar Stimulus Spent on Infrastructure Human Events
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

The infrastructure down here in Texas is just fine.
And the train system is being bailed out by the government on a regular basis and any jobs provided to fix them would be tax payer funded.
The pipeline on the other hand is private money.

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