Here is a pretty simple question for republicans regarding the Keystone Pipeline

For starters Billy...we're not paying for the Keystone Pipeline like we are for infrastructure spending. The fact that you don't grasp the difference between government approving permits to let private enterprise build things and government simply taking money out of the taxpayers pockets to pay for infrastructure is why you guys have never been able to create jobs.
Yeah no shit it will take taxpayer money. The point is investing in our infrastructure would do a hell of a lot more for our economy. Raising taxes on the wealthy is the only way to do it. Either that, or cut our egregious defense spending to pay for it.
Wrong on all three accounts.
Why does the radical left continues to spout the myth that elected representatives do not care about infrastructure? It's easier than freaking thinking? Infrastructure is an ongoing and never ending process but jobs paid for by the taxpayers do not grow the economy. Drive across Maryland and Pa and count the times that traffic is slowed because of infrastructure repair Like it or not the world still runs on oil but lefties have convinced themselves that the freaking sun and the wind can get them to work.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore?

Who exactly do we address the problem to....the same politicians who have spent 18 trillion dollars and didn't fix the infrastructure...those guys?

Again...from my previous you want to actually respond....

You own an apartment building and have hired a company to maintain the years go by you notice your building is in horrible look into it and find out the money you gave the company to fix and maintain your buildings stole, wasted or lost the money....and didn't actually maintain or fix the buidings.....and on top of that...every supplier you use tells you you owe them money...all of are in fact not just without the money you gave the company, you are deeply in debt because of their management....

Now for you libtards.....would you then give this same company even more money to maintain your buildings going into the future?

Now what you libtards are saying is that we need to give more money to politicians who didn't maintain our infrastructure with all the money we have already given them....and that by giving them even more money they will somehow decide to actually start doing what they didn't do in all the previous years you gave them money.....

Does that make any fucking sense to anyone who isn't a libtard?
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

Trans Canada built the Keystone. All I, II, III, and III b. And would pay for the extension known as XL.

Tell me you realize that the Keystone from Alberta to the Gulf is finished? Most don't understand this.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

Trans Canada built the Keystone. All I, II, III, and III b. And would pay for the extension known as XL.

Tell me you realize that the Keystone from Alberta to the Gulf is finished? Most don't understand this.

liberals do not deal in facts and logic. their minds are not capable of it.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore?

Who exactly do we address the problem to....the same politicians who have spent 18 trillion dollars and didn't fix the infrastructure...those guys?

Again...from my previous you want to actually respond....

You own an apartment building and have hired a company to maintain the years go by you notice your building is in horrible look into it and find out the money you gave the company to fix and maintain your buildings stole, wasted or lost the money....and didn't actually maintain or fix the buidings.....and on top of that...every supplier you use tells you you owe them money...all of are in fact not just without the money you gave the company, you are deeply in debt because of their management....

Now for you libtards.....would you then give this same company even more money to maintain your buildings going into the future?

Now what you libtards are saying is that we need to give more money to politicians who didn't maintain our infrastructure with all the money we have already given them....and that by giving them even more money they will somehow decide to actually start doing what they didn't do in all the previous years you gave them money.....

Does that make any fucking sense to anyone who isn't a libtard?

Instead of using the money to fix the potholes in the roads, and train maintenance, the City Governments are spending it on beautification projects or many of the other programs that are added to infrastructure.

The people of Tucson are really angry that their city government is spending the money for downtown beautification projects and a new trolley near the U of A rather than fixing the City's pot holes which has become horrific and is costing people lots of money to fix flat tires and realignments.
They should not get more money until the mismanagement of funds is addressed first.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

Two quick responses.....

If Obama is AGAINST the pipeline....the right wingers will definitely be ALL for it.

...and two, Koch industries
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?
Those entrenched in elected positions vote themselves enough benefits to equal a hefty income on top of their published "salary". They're taxing the successful so they can buy more votes from the non-producing welfare whores. Doesn't really hurt the politicians much at all.
For starters Billy...we're not paying for the Keystone Pipeline like we are for infrastructure spending. The fact that you don't grasp the difference between government approving permits to let private enterprise build things and government simply taking money out of the taxpayers pockets to pay for infrastructure is why you guys have never been able to create jobs.

This is the end of the thread right there.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

Yes we are quite familiar of all the government wasteful spending that was later uncovered as part of the democrats stimulus bill.
$150 Million - for the Smithsonian Museum. Are additional rooms really necessary at this time?

$75 Million - for "smoking cessation activities"

$2 Billion - to re-start a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Department of Energy defunded last year because it said "the project was inefficient".

$25 million - for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction.

$200 Million - to fund the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for the use on military installations. They are soldiers who march from building to building, and Michelle Obama has also held the need for MORE people to be physically fit.

$88 Million - for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Services and
$248 million - for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters.
I wouldn't think of renovating my OWN house until I knew I could afford it

$160 Million - for "paid volunteers" ... at the Corporation for National and community Service If they are paid they are not volunteers, they are called employees.

$75 million - to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security officers when they can be trained at existing facilities of other agencies.

$5.5 Million - for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veteran Affairs National Cemetery Administration. Electric hearses?? .. or are we talking about electric lawn mowers here?
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

Infrastructure such as highways and bridges are raised by the state through increases of state taxes and "tolls". It is NOT the Federal Government's responsibility to pay for what is each state's OWN responsibility to maintain, nor is it our government's role to spend additional taxpayer money simply because the STATE doesn't know how to manage their budget. At least try and educate yourself on the subject of interstates and bridges Billy.

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