Here is a pretty simple question for republicans regarding the Keystone Pipeline

Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

You libtards....explain how this works...

You own an apartment building and have hired a company to maintain the years go by you notice your building is in horrible look into it and find out the money you gave the company to fix and maintain your buildings stole, wasted or lost the money....and didn't actually maintain or fix the buidings.....and on top of that...every supplier you use tells you you owe them money...all of are in fact not just without the money you gave the company, you are deeply in debt because of their management....

Now for you libtards.....would you then give this same company even more money to maintain your buildings going into the future?

Now what you libtards are saying is that we need to give more money to politicians who didn't maintain our infrastructure with all the money we have already given them....and that by giving them even more money they will somehow decide to actually start doing what they didn't do in all the previous years you gave them money.....

Does that make any fucking sense to anyone who isn't a libtard?
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
For starters Billy...we're not paying for the Keystone Pipeline like we are for infrastructure spending. The fact that you don't grasp the difference between government approving permits to let private enterprise build things and government simply taking money out of the taxpayers pockets to pay for infrastructure is why you guys have never been able to create jobs.
Yeah no shit it will take taxpayer money. The point is investing in our infrastructure would do a hell of a lot more for our economy. Raising taxes on the wealthy is the only way to do it. Either that, or cut our egregious defense spending to pay for it.
Cutting defense sounds great, but if the idea rather than deficit reduction is to continue down this road of unsustainable debt by just shifting the cost from one part of the government to another, I can't get behind it.

As far as raising taxes to fund new federal government expenditures like roads and other infrastructure, there is no evidence that taking money from one group of people and giving it to another improves the economy by any metric.
Well of course it improves the economy. It creates jobs. How else are we supposed to fix the problem without hiring new people to do it?

Create an environment where small private businesses can thrive, encourage business growth, and set policy which encourages them to build here and not overseas. What specific plan has the Democrats offered towards those goals, other than beating the same drum of "infrastructure, infrastructure" as their one limited idea to try and create jobs? An idea that has been mentioned repeatedly since Democrats held the House, Senate, as well as executive ... when they could pass and spend as they wanted. Is $800 billion enough of a government experiment?
Isn't this the same speech about infrastructure that we have heard from Obama since he first addressed the nation? Just how many times will the Democrats recycle that speech as an excuse to spend more government money? Especially since interstate highways and bridges are the responsibility of the STATE to maintain and not the Federal government, which is why we have measures in place to collect revenue like "tolls". Our Federal government should not be responsible for the states' mismanagement of their budget.

The Dims use the "infrastructure" mantra to con the taxpayers into approving tax increases. Most of the money ends up going to unionized government employees, and then into the coffers of the Democrat party. Its similar to their other favorite con where the whine about "the children!"
And you continue to prove how far to the left you truly are..

I get it now. Because I'm stating true facts. :p

The far left never posts "true" facts as you and the OP keep proving..

It is a true fact that a foreign company is using eminent domain against farmers and ranchers, and Republican lawmakers are on the side of the foreign company.

It is equally a true fact that you are too much a partisan stooge to acknowledge their outrageous hypocrisy in the matter.

You really don't have any idea how eminent domain works do you? Only the States have the power of eminent domain, not the feds, not private companies. You really need to get a freaking clue so you don't look so damned foolish.

TransCanada has been suing the ranchers, if they won't grant access:

Guess you didn't bother to read the links provided in the story. Transcanada will be suing with authority granted by the State of Nebraska revised statutes. Like I said, only States have eminent domain authority.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?

You libtards....explain how this works...

You own an apartment building and have hired a company to maintain the years go by you notice your building is in horrible look into it and find out the money you gave the company to fix and maintain your buildings stole, wasted or lost the money....and didn't actually maintain or fix the buidings.....and on top of that...every supplier you use tells you you owe them money...all of are in fact not just without the money you gave the company, you are deeply in debt because of their management....

Now for you libtards.....would you then give this same company even more money to maintain your buildings going into the future?

Now what you libtards are saying is that we need to give more money to politicians who didn't maintain our infrastructure with all the money we have already given them....and that by giving them even more money they will somehow decide to actually start doing what they didn't do in all the previous years you gave them money.....

Does that make any fucking sense to anyone who isn't a libtard?
You obviously don't understand how costly this project is. We need to raise taxes on the wealthy to generate the revenue needed.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
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Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?
Why are your elected leaders so obsessed with the Keystone Pipeline yet do not at all care about fixing our crumbling infrastructure, which aside from fixing the crisis itself, would also create jobs?
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
We've already been down this road. The Stimulus was supposed to address our crumbling infrastructure....billions went to propping up union pensions rather than going to shovel-ready jobs like it was supposed to. Mismanagement at every level of government. Government waste everywhere.

The Keystone Pipeline is about jobs. Create jobs and more taxes are paid, which creates revenue. More revenue means more money for infrastructure.

The truth is.....we're being scammed. The Demagoguery Party wants more money, so everything that happens is because of lack of funding.......a lack of funding due to the Sequester.....which is Obama's brainchild. He came up with the Sequester as a way to gut the government at the same time he complains about a lack of funding and blame it on the GOP. Simple as that.

What else can one expect from a professional troublemaker but a bunch of trouble and no solutions.
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.

So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?
Yeah no shit the stimulus didn't do enough. You think that's an excuse not to address the problem anymore? Wake the fuck up.

It didn't do enough because it was a huge swindle. We were promised "shovel ready jobs," but what we got was payoffs to government employee unions.
Enough of that bullshit. Just admit you have NO IDEA what was in the stimulus besides what Faux News told you. The stimulus spending primarily comprised of tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits, and infrastructure spending.

What we know is that Obama and his minions used the term "shovel read jobs" ad nauseum.
Who the fuck cares what Obama has said about it? All that matters is what was fucking in it. According to the CBO, the stimulus created about 3 million private jobs. Look it up.

So it doesn't matter if the used care salesman says the car you're buying has 30,000 miles when it really has 130,000 miles? Like a typical liberal, you don't care if you're being swindled.

The CBO says what politicians tell it to say. It's about as credible as George Stephanopoulos on the Clinton Foundation.
So your logic is saying that what Obama said about the stimulus trumps what was in it and what its actual effect was? Do you even listen to yourself?
So far no republican has addressed why their leaders refuse to address the infrastructure crisis.

One: There is no infrastructure crisis. Whenever dims use the term "crisis" it only means that they want to increase taxes.
I'm curious. What personal motive do you think democrats have in their desire to raise taxes? Be specific. Why do they want higher taxes in your deluded opinion?

Most liberals are sucking on the government tit. They can't get more unless government gets more. It's as simple as that.
Um well no actually. The cost of food stamps per year is a measly 70 billion. No proposed tax hike has ever been because of food stamps. Either way, your theory doesn't explain why rich democrats in office want higher taxes considering their income specifically would be affected.

How do you not think this stuff through?

Food stamps aren't the only money the government dispenses to ticks on the ass of society. There's your paycheck, for example.

Higher taxes for you and me still means bigger empires for government bureaucrats and therefore higher salaries. The increase in taxes they pay is more than compensated for by the higher salary.

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