Here is a super cut of all the times Trump has called for violence


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

Out of context. Those were all responses to leftwing thugs disrupting his rallies. Using force against illegal trespassers is considered to be self defense.
Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

This doesn't support any evidence whatsoever! It was probably edited to make it appear Trump said all that. Even I could make a video like that and call it "evidence". It's just another stupid way of saying that Trump incites violence. When we all know damned well, he hasn't - not once.
Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

This doesn't support any evidence whatsoever! It was probably edited to make it appear Trump said all that. Even I could make a video like that and call it "evidence". It's just another stupid way of saying that Trump incites violence. When we all know damned well, he hasn't - not once.

I agree that evidence is a stupid word there, but considering the OP that’s not surprising. Point is Trump is not infallible, and yes, he needs to tone down his rhetoric. There are violent crazies on the right, too.

I can’t defend him on this one
Sure you can....He never argued for or urged the initiation of aggression....He was only speaking of terms in defense or reciprocal action.

True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo
True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo
You could round up all the sickos, concentrate them in a place like Roosevelt, Utah, and there might be enough of them to elect a dog catcher....The violent leftbats are infesting large cities.
You could round up all the sickos, concentrate them in a place like Roosevelt, Utah

Fuck that! I'd round them up and put them far in the Pacific, on some inhabitant island. See if they could survive. And if someone decides to "invade" their island, maybe they will think twice about the Second Amendment. Not that their First Amendment will matter anymore.

You think they could be converted to Constitutionalist?

I doubt it. But it will be fun seeing them try "swimming with the sharks".
Ah, the power of video evidence. Now we mustn’t wonder why the RW has become so unhinged.

This doesn't support any evidence whatsoever! It was probably edited to make it appear Trump said all that. Even I could make a video like that and call it "evidence". It's just another stupid way of saying that Trump incites violence. When we all know damned well, he hasn't - not once.

Who are you going to believe? Right wing talking points, or your own eyes and ears?
I can’t defend him on this one
Sure you can....He never argued for or urged the initiation of aggression....He was only speaking of terms in defense or reciprocal action.

True, but he has to be a little more careful not to incite. There’s a lot of sickos out there and the potus shouldn’t be condoning any sort of violence imo

I disagree. Doing things like that is one of the reasons he was elected. He doesn't study each word or sentence. He says what he feels which is something most of us never seen in our lifetime for a politician. More importantly, he backs up what he says.

I don't see the comparison to what the Democrats do. They out and out instruct their followers to harass and bother politicians on the right. Trump never did that.

So some assholes come to his events for one reason and one reason only, and that was to start trouble. How do you protect them when they got exactly what they came for?
Who are you going to believe? Right wing talking points, or your own eyes and ears?
I believe my eyes and ears..

So, can you tell the class where he ever called for the initiation of any aggressive act?

The OP has been unable/unwilling to do so....Bring it.

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