Here is why gun are to blame!!!

Why are folks that don't live in America so concerned about whether we have a second Amendment or not?

I have been a member on this forum a long time, and it always seems to be folks from Canada, NZ, Austrailia or Europe posting these threads about how awful it is that we have the right to self defense, and to keep the government from rounding us up and putting us all in concentration camps.

Why is this?

Occasionally an anarcho-socialist far lefty will post an anti gun thread, but hell, even the far left in America, most of them, all have a tradition of valuing the right to bear arms.

You ask any black panther if they want to give up their right to bear arms, they will tell you to fuck off.

Even moderate dems tell you, they don't want this right taken away. . . so why do these foreigners think they can divide us on this issue? :dunno:


IF that goes, so does our speech and/or right to think and disagree with each other as we choose. We all have always been leery of the state telling us how we will conduct our own affairs.

. . . and I may disagree with whomever, but I will defend to the death their right to hold their opinions. The majority of Americans, no matter their politics, are sane, law abiding good people.

The right to self-defense, free speech, to petition our government for redress, and to organize, these things are non-negotiable. So any foreigner coming to UNITED STATES MESSAGE BOARD trying to attack these. . . might as well just fuck the hell off.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

It seems that you are a very weak person. I am trained in the military on how to use a firearm. My guns have never been used to kill another person yet.....But if i need to, i wont hesitate to use one. I will not hesitate, i will not show fear, i shoot to kill.

View attachment 453665
It's assholes like you that make gun ownership a problem. Try shutting up so others can keep theirs.
What did he say, that was wrong, immoral or inflammatory? I must have missed something.
His whole outlook is inflammatory.
Are you OK? What would you do if attacked shoot to wound?
I'm quite fine, OK? The situation would matter whether I use lethal or non-lethal weaponry.

View attachment 453696

Did the situation matter when they executed the unarmed female protestor like a thug at the Capitol on the 6th of January as to whether to use lethal or non-lethal weaponry?



Hey smiley what-about... Who was it that egged on that "situation?" The AH that got impeached for it.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

It seems that you are a very weak person. I am trained in the military on how to use a firearm. My guns have never been used to kill another person yet.....But if i need to, i wont hesitate to use one. I will not hesitate, i will not show fear, i shoot to kill.

View attachment 453665
It's assholes like you that make gun ownership a problem. Try shutting up so others can keep theirs.
What did he say, that was wrong, immoral or inflammatory? I must have missed something.
His whole outlook is inflammatory.
Are you OK? What would you do if attacked shoot to wound?
I'm quite fine, OK? The situation would matter whether I use lethal or non-lethal weaponry.

View attachment 453696

Did the situation matter when they executed the unarmed female protestor like a thug at the Capitol on the 6th of January as to whether to use lethal or non-lethal weaponry?



Hey smiley what-about... Who was it that egged on that "situation?" The AH that got impeached for it.


I see....... So now you're saying that you feel lethal force is the only option to use against unarmed protesters. I'm glad we cleared that up and can tell the police to get rid of the tasers and pepper spray. That would have quieted down the burning, looting, and murdering, insurrection that happened most of last year very quickly.


While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

It seems that you are a very weak person. I am trained in the military on how to use a firearm. My guns have never been used to kill another person yet.....But if i need to, i wont hesitate to use one. I will not hesitate, i will not show fear, i shoot to kill.

View attachment 453665
It's assholes like you that make gun ownership a problem. Try shutting up so others can keep theirs.
What did he say, that was wrong, immoral or inflammatory? I must have missed something.
His whole outlook is inflammatory.
Are you OK? What would you do if attacked shoot to wound?
I'm quite fine, OK? The situation would matter whether I use lethal or non-lethal weaponry.

View attachment 453696

Did the situation matter when they executed the unarmed female protestor like a thug at the Capitol on the 6th of January as to whether to use lethal or non-lethal weaponry?



Hey smiley what-about... Who was it that egged on that "situation?" The AH that got impeached for it.

View attachment 453701

I see....... So now you're saying that you feel lethal force is the only option to use against unarmed protesters. I'm glad we cleared that up and can tell the police to get rid of the tasers and pepper spray. That would have quieted down the burning, looting, and murdering, insurrection that happened most of last year very quickly.



I'm "saying?"
Show me the quote so I can "see"
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Get the fuck out, you foreign commie bastard. Your cock sucking opinion does not count here. Go fuck yourself up your foreign ass.
The O.P shows a certain amount of naivety which is common to foreigners looking at the gun debate in the U.S.
Most are shocked to learn that London is 3 times more dangerous than the U.S, and that most of the murders in the U.S is gang related and related to non U.S citizens.
Or that homogenous States in the U.S have murder rates lower than European countries,
If the U.S had built the Wall 40 years ago the murder rate would be similar to Canada today.
Absolute bullshit! You are 5 times more likely to be murdered in the US than in the UK.

Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.
Why do you ignore homicide rates and simply focus on gunrelated deaths?
Thats disingenuous.
Homicide rates in London is 12.4 per 100'000 deaths whilst in the U.S it's 4.9 per 100k.
U.S homicide rates is almost identical to Cuba.
You lying little tw@t. First of all, you can't compare a major city with an entire country especially one as sparsely populated as the US.
Secondly, you have moved Londons figure up a digit from 1.2 to 12.4.

What is the murder rate in New York compared to London?
Further, using annual statistics for 2017, New York has a significantly higher homicide rate than London, with New York recording 3.4 homicides per 100,000 people whereas London recorded 1.2. Wikipedia

Both New York and London's figures pale into insignificance when compared with some of your other US cities. The figures are shocking!

1 St Louis IL 113.0 per 100,000
2 Chester PA 85.0
3 St Louis MO 66.0
4 Gary IN 63.0
5 Baltimore MD 56.0

New York 3.4
London 1.2

While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Ah, an old fashioned Islamist who prefers scimitars, I see.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.


View attachment 453670

In America, people would pay good money to see you
settle a dispute with this neighbor using your bare hands ...


In the Tampa Bay area of Florida my family would often go to a park to eat a picnic meal. It wasn’t uncommon to be at a table within 30 feet of a gator or two sunning themselves on the bank of a pond.

We kept our dog in a leash so he wouldn’t do something stupid. The gators ignored us and we ignored them.

Foolish people feed the gators and then they view people as a source of food and no longer ignore them.
The honest answer is t
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

This is that warped liberal logic again. Of course guns are not to blame. People are to blame. But yes, freedoms are dangerous and carry responsibilities, and each society needs to make choices. Because of our or origins, America used to be very distrustful of government and deemed the second amendment to be necessary. Typically, at this point in the argument, the eye rolling lefties will chime in that it's silly to suggest that civilians can effectively resist the government.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

lets not forget that guns stop up to 3 million violent crimes a yr where a large part of them would have ended up in death of the victim,,

I'm OK with a few of these types of actions,,,, maybe the cpl should have already been armed and this wouldnt have happened,,,
The wife had a gun and returned fire if you missed it.
Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

That's right, lunch meat. A gun is just an inanimate piece of steel, but it makes a 90 pound woman equal to a 320 pound meth junkie.

Guns are freedom, equality and justice.
15 000 deaths a year, school shootings. Work place shootings. Neighborhood shootings.....inline most countries.
You are not ashamed when kids have to train for school shooting scenarios
Fact Sheet: Guns Save Lives | GOA

Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year — or about 6,850 times a day. [1] This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. [2]

* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.[3]

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]
Yet American women have the highest rates of rape and sexual harassment compared to most countries.
Despite guns Also americans are killed by the thousands.
Despite guns American kids are killed more than their European counter parts.
Gun owners also die by the thousands why
With the exception of the District of Colombia, every State in the U.S has a lower homicide rate than multicultural, gun free London (12.4 per 100'000)
How about norway, switzerland, saudi arabia, Dubai, Malaysia and the rest of the world. Oh let's not go far how many mass shootings did London schools have?
Why are folks that don't live in America so concerned about whether we have a second Amendment or not?

I have been a member on this forum a long time, and it always seems to be folks from Canada, NZ, Austrailia or Europe posting these threads about how awful it is that we have the right to self defense, and to keep the government from rounding us up and putting us all in concentration camps.

Why is this?

Occasionally an anarcho-socialist far lefty will post an anti gun thread, but hell, even the far left in America, most of them, all have a tradition of valuing the right to bear arms.

You ask any black panther if they want to give up their right to bear arms, they will tell you to fuck off.

Even moderate dems tell you, they don't want this right taken away. . . so why do these foreigners think they can divide us on this issue? :dunno:


IF that goes, so does our speech and/or right to think and disagree with each other as we choose. We all have always been leery of the state telling us how we will conduct our own affairs.

. . . and I may disagree with whomever, but I will defend to the death their right to hold their opinions. The majority of Americans, no matter their politics, are sane, law abiding good people.

The right to self-defense, free speech, to petition our government for redress, and to organize, these things are non-negotiable. So any foreigner coming to UNITED STATES MESSAGE BOARD trying to attack these. . . might as well just fuck the hell off.
What freedom you have that an Aussie or Canadian doesnt have?
They actually have a better quality of life overall.

Freedom you said? I'm guessing you are a trump supporter, and most of you beleive that the elections were rigged what did you do with your guns against a corrupt government ? Nada.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Get the fuck out, you foreign commie bastard. Your cock sucking opinion does not count here. Go fuck yourself up your foreign ass.
Spoken like a typical dumb hillbilly.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Don't let the facts get in the way.

The facts are that most people who are involved in murders committed with guns are criminals who obtain their guns illegally.

And I don't defend guns I defend my right to protect myself my wife and my home. The single best tool for that protection is a gun.

The vast majority of people who legally own guns will never commit any crimes never mind murder.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

It seems that you are a very weak person. I am trained in the military on how to use a firearm. My guns have never been used to kill another person yet.....But if i need to, i wont hesitate to use one. I will not hesitate, i will not show fear, i shoot to kill.

View attachment 453665
It's assholes like you that make gun ownership a problem. Try shutting up so others can keep theirs.
Okay, tell me how my gun ownership is a problem? I await with bated breath.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Yes, your right! After Sandy Hook Elementary when 20 kids between 6 & 7 and 6 adults were slaughtered by a 20-year-old with his mother's semi-automatic assault rifle you would have thought the US would have said "enough is enough".

I don't think Americans understand how beyond the comprehension of people outside the US it is for anybody to even think about wanting to own a gun.
The horrific death figures 40,000 per annum - ah wait a minute ZGuy will no doubt come on and say, many of those were suicides!...So what? You are 60 times more likely to commit suicide in the US than in the UK. Because guns give you a quick and easy way out even for the slightly clinically depressed who will never get a chance to recover.

Very sad and very sick!
The reason why school shootings happen is because of this slogan. Bad buys will get guns in areas that banned guns, as we have seen in England many times.

While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

/——/ Stop killing people with your car — you gun grabber.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

It seems that you are a very weak person. I am trained in the military on how to use a firearm. My guns have never been used to kill another person yet.....But if i need to, i wont hesitate to use one. I will not hesitate, i will not show fear, i shoot to kill.

View attachment 453665
Bullshit. You are a snivelling cowardly fuck who was too scared to visit London. Sell your fantasy somewhere else.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Because Americans love their freedom and liberty that was established by the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War. Only totalitarian regimes limit gun rights.
While growing up outside the US we never understood why Americans love guns eventhough they have had hundreds of thousands of causalities from them, even small kids in school now have to fear for their lives.

What happened in Penssylvania, where a neighbour shot and killed two f his neighnours to death eventhough one of them was armed then killed himself.

Before you jump to conclusion defending guns here is why guns are to blame.

Where I lived for 23 years we had no guns and we had disputes that end up with fights, now if guns were available they would be used but luckily they werent and that's why most countries dont have as many causalities as the US.

Even the weakest person can take as many lives as he wishes when they have access to guns.

Yes, your right! After Sandy Hook Elementary when 20 kids between 6 & 7 and 6 adults were slaughtered by a 20-year-old with his mother's semi-automatic assault rifle you would have thought the US would have said "enough is enough".

I don't think Americans understand how beyond the comprehension of people outside the US it is for anybody to even think about wanting to own a gun.
The horrific death figures 40,000 per annum - ah wait a minute ZGuy will no doubt come on and say, many of those were suicides!...So what? You are 60 times more likely to commit suicide in the US than in the UK. Because guns give you a quick and easy way out even for the slightly clinically depressed who will never get a chance to recover.

Very sad and very sick!
The murder rate in the U.S is around the same as Cuba where they have zero gun ownership.
The city of Boston, Lincolnshire in sleepy old England has (per capita) 3 times higher murder rate than the U.S.A.
Yes, when a village with few people has a few murders it will inevitably top the world league for murders. Get a grip!
But how did those guns come into the country that is supposed to be a gun free village? Not by going into a Bass Pro Shop, filling out forms legally and having a government background check, that is for sure.

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