Here it comes! Obama says FCC should reclassify internet as a utility

Here's a hint:

Your point?
If you like the fact that you're paying 100 bucks a month, or around that, for your cable's 200 channels of CRAP 90% of which you don't even want,

by all means, give those sorts of companies more power of internet service and pricing.
That is mutually exclusive to the issue.
If you believe you bill is more than you are willing to pay, dump the services. You can do that. You can actually decide your monthly allowance for telecommunications.
Are you living under the delusion of "government control will make this cheaper"?.....
I will give you an example.
Ma Bell. When the government broke up the Bell System, my phone bill was $7 per month. I made very few long distance calls. If anything, my LD expenses were maybe a few bucks a month. I didn't have to pay for a phone because the thing came with the service. I had an answering machine. Let's say I was at about $11 per month. In today's dollars that is about $25.
Our local Telco charges $39 just to have a land line to the house. And that does not include all the taxes and fees.
Time Warner Cable charges $49 ( unbundled) for VOIP....And that does not permit calls to Canada without incurring additional charges.
Yes, Vonage offers VIOP for $20 per month but that is for 500 outbound minutes.
And if one has internet service ($60 avg per month) they can go a year with Magic Jack and pay $19.99.
The federal government in its infinite wisdom and without researching the potential for unintended consequences broke up the most efficient and inexpensive Bell System.
And you want these pecker heads to get their hands on the internet? You think it's expensive now? Just wait.
Are you saying that the Internet should not be regulated? Are you saying that Internet freedom is "safer" in corporate hands?

Corporations don't care if you are Republican or Democrat. They don't care about your politics.


What is it with you liberals that you think the government is so pure as the wind driven snow?
You seem to be a tad bit unhinged.
How about you answer the question....
Here's a hint:


And they have the freedom to feel that way.

But do the Democrats on the FCC have the right to grab the internet and force what they want REGARDLESS of what Corporations or the American people want?

If you think the corporations want what you want you are farther gone than you've already made apparent.
"Corporation" is just another liberal buzz term pulled right out of the chapter on class envy which is in the Liberal play book...
If you like the fact that you're paying 100 bucks a month, or around that, for your cable's 200 channels of CRAP 90% of which you don't even want,

by all means, give those sorts of companies more power of internet service and pricing.


I love how hypocritical you liberals are.


But the idea that we have the FREEDOM to decide what prices we pay on internet.


Liberals care about freedom? That's a riot!

Remember the 90's? Remember the big fight to deregulate cable? Remember how the cable companies claimed it would result in much more competition, better choices, more value,

for YOU? Well, it passed.

How'd that work out for you?
We DO have competition....It's called Satellite, Roku, Hulu, U-Verse, FiOS, Netflix and a whole host of other outlets and methods by which tv program viewing is possible..
Or one can go with good old Over the Air tv.....That's FREE.
In case you haven't been looking around, many programming producers are moving to internet protocol TV....HBO and CSB are on the verge of launching their internet based content outlets.
Over the next ten years or so, cable tv as we know it will be a dinosaur.
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:
Easy. In every single instance, once government gains regulating power over something, those regulations wind up costing consumers far more than if the thing has been left to the private sector. Also, the regulations and court decisions become increasingly onerous. Thus driving up the cost of production and distribution even farther. Passed right along to guess who? The consumer. In the end we end up paying more for LESS
"to protect net neutrality".

I'll bet every one of you either is in favor of net neutrality, or doesn't know what it means.

My bet is they don't know.

That's the only possible reason they would be against it. That and the fact that Obama is in favor of it.

Yeah...he just wants to protect internet neutrality.
Just like he wants you to keep your Dr. if you like him.
If you believe this shit you're a complete moron.

Did you lose your doctor?
Cut the bullshit
Zoom-boing said:
Answer my questions. How is Comcast charging Netflix more considered 'treating everyone equally'?

ClosedCaption said:

Then why did you post this?

***So to recap...If you dont want all your sites to be accessed just like you can today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality. If you believe that internet traffic should NOT be treated equally, like it is today, you are AGAINST Net Neutrality***

Internet traffic is not treated equally today. Netflix is paying more to Comcast because Netflix uses more bandwidth. If internet traffic was treated equally, everyone would pay the same. That's wrong. If you use more you pay more.

ClosedCaption said:
Yes but when you throw in the ability to charge sites not for using MORE bandwidth but for using faster lanes then only the sites who can afford it will be seen instead of offering all sites the same speed. For example: If Comcast creates its own search engine...that will be fast. Google wont be despite it not using more bandwidth because (you might be surprised here) but they want you to use what they have. Suuuure you can access'll just take you half the day to get your information.

Now since that site doesnt use more bandwidth you are giving the ISP companies full reign over your information.

Again, if they want faster lanes then they pay for them. Just because Google wouldn't be as fast as Comcast (who is paying to be faster) doesn't mean it would take half a day to get information.

ClosedCaption said:
They want the right to charge for speed EVEN WHEN the traffic or bandwidth is the same. We arent talking about a bill FOR NETFLIX alone. It affects the entire internet

They want to charge for being faster. And?

Why shouldn't those who use more pay more? You totally ignored my post.

ClosedCaption said:
Like I said they will pass the cost onto us for different reasons. First it will be more bandwidth, then (as they said already) it will be for "faster lanes" for people who dont use more badwidth just those that can pay to play.

Yes. And?

ClosedCaption said:
Dont forget, they will promote their own interests before another because companies promote their interests right? So you want google? Sorry we got Froogle! Sure its shitty but it comes with your package.

Want Google? Sure just switch your entire internet company to get it. Oh did you want USmessageboard with that? Sorry we dont offer fast google and USmessageboard. USMB doesnt pay, cant access it...

I mean shit, we have corporate media that you cry about all the time and here you are arguing for the same thing via the internet...its insane

Where is this happening?

ClosedCaption said:
Zoom-boing said:
Answer my questions. How is Comcast charging Netflix more considered 'treating everyone equally'? How can you treat all internet traffic equally when all internet traffic isn't equal? Why shouldn't those who use more pay more? You totally ignored my post.

1. Its not...thats the point.

2. The same way its done today by providing equal flow. Or at least admitting that paying more is something you will fight on behalf of the telecoms

3. Because thats how it is now. Why do you think the internet should be changed?

Answer my questions thanks in advance

The internet is fine the way it is so leave it that way. Netflix paying Comcast because they use more bandwidth and all. NN will have hogs paying the same as people who poke around on Pinterest. Nope. And stop with the 'But NN will leave the internet the same'. No, it won't. Leaving the internet alone will leave it the same.
What makes you think netflix doesn't pay for it's access to the internet? ROFL. Where can I get free unlimited access to the internet? What you dolts are asking for is an internet use tax on the consumer. Netflix will eat it... ROFL that's funny, just like they already eat the cost of putting the content on the net? ROFL that's just too funny.

What's going on is the ISPs want to meter your personal use of the internet, like the cell phone providers are doing. This way you get to buy 30gig of internet a month. No more unlimited internet.

Yes it will start with pennies per gig... these metered use taxes and fees always start low... then comes the pain.

Another one who needs to take a reading comprehension class.

The bolded? I never said any of that, that's you breezing through the thread and not understanding what I posted then projecting that bullshit onto me.

What makes you think netflix doesn't pay for it's access to the internet? ROFL. Where can I get free unlimited access to the internet? What you dolts are asking for is an internet use tax on the consumer. Netflix will eat it... ROFL that's funny, just like they already eat the cost of putting the content on the net? ROFL that's just too funny.

What's going on is the ISPs want to meter your personal use of the internet, like the cell phone providers are doing. This way you get to buy 30gig of internet a month. No more unlimited internet.

Yes it will start with pennies per gig... these metered use taxes and fees always start low... then comes the pain.

Another one who needs to take a reading comprehension class.

The bolded? I never said any of that, that's you breezing through the thread and not understanding what I posted then projecting that bullshit onto me.

My bad. Thought you were one of the guys claiming corporations don't pay for their "bandwidth." Since they pay for their access clearly they are paying for their bandwidth. If I misconstrued your position... my apologies. Putting someone on a meter after selling them "unlimited" upload/download... because you changed your mind and now you want to sell by the number of bits being moved around... yeah that just pisses me off. The internet would never have gone where it did if it had been sold on a per bit basis.

The better answer to increased use is to "increase" the size of the pipe... not put choke points on it.
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What makes you think netflix doesn't pay for it's access to the internet? ROFL. Where can I get free unlimited access to the internet? What you dolts are asking for is an internet use tax on the consumer. Netflix will eat it... ROFL that's funny, just like they already eat the cost of putting the content on the net? ROFL that's just too funny.

What's going on is the ISPs want to meter your personal use of the internet, like the cell phone providers are doing. This way you get to buy 30gig of internet a month. No more unlimited internet.

Yes it will start with pennies per gig... these metered use taxes and fees always start low... then comes the pain.

Another one who needs to take a reading comprehension class.

The bolded? I never said any of that, that's you breezing through the thread and not understanding what I posted then projecting that bullshit onto me.

My bad. Thought you were one of the guys claiming corporations don't pay for their "bandwidth." Since they pay for their access clearly they are paying for their bandwidth. If I misconstrued your position... my apologies. Putting someone on a meter after selling them "unlimited" upload/download... because you changed your mind and now you want to sell by the number of bits being moved around... yeah that just pisses me off. The internet would never have gone where it did if it had been sold on a per bit basis.

The better answer to increased use is to "increase" the size of the pipe... not put choke points on it.

With the ISP providers getting fewer and fewer and they also have other services they would like to sell...

Example: You pay for a days service to access a game on-line, you hook up your tv or the game will be provided on a media box. You then start to watch the game, but the game is also being shown on Comcast TV Cable service. They can throttle down there competitors for no reason given.

Next thing you are sitting at home and this particular service is suddenly doesn't work. Well after your contract you say screw Comcast and you are going to another company which has a telephone service, then they ban Skype(This did happen in Ireland with O2). the decision was made in a meeting room in O2 with no one to represent the customers, O2 thought great now every has to use their mobiles to ring foriegn numbers.

European ISPs were at this wholesale over here... People were locked into contracts and they were knocking off and on services arbitrarily, online banking was getting hit, online newspapers, even some mom and pops outfits. Anyone thought of competing with the ISP who had business interests in Broadband, Mobile Broadband, Car parking, Email, Web Hosting, Voice calling, Home Security, Fleet management, credit cards services(you can get a O2 credit card).....
They eventually just pissed everyone off and the EU lawmakers stepped in:
The EU Outpaces The U.S. On Net Neutrality - Forbes

Since it has been in the works the ISP tried to clean up their act before it but we had enough. All the ISP had vested interests in other businesses...

they would have done deals with search providers next so you could only search through Bing or Yahoo...

A CEO of O2 by law has to pursue these options if he thinks they are in the best interest of the company's shareholders. In some cases like skype it is not pay for play(Skype were not present in the room for that decision), I know two people at that meeting and they thought the decision was mad. But money men said we have the best coverage and we will retain our market share and leverage considerably more in a alternative services to make up any loss of clients. From a money point of view they were right, they put pressure smaller companiesdoing security and web hosting.
I was in the Canary Islands last week which is not subject to these laws and it very frustrating being a customer. All WiFi Hotspots act differently, some take skype, VPN, SKY GO(mobile sports channels)... Some don't in different amounts... It will slowly drive you nuts...
Try having a VOIP meeting and the getting cut off after 30 min every other time maybe.. This is not pro business, we need stability to make money, we don't need some idiots in an multiple ISP screwing around with our internet based services be it netflix, Email Hosting or Security system...
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:
Easy. In every single instance, once government gains regulating power over something, those regulations wind up costing consumers far more than if the thing has been left to the private sector. Also, the regulations and court decisions become increasingly onerous. Thus driving up the cost of production and distribution even farther. Passed right along to guess who? The consumer. In the end we end up paying more for LESS

Except in Water, privatization of Water has in every case increase the cost of supply.
Electricity in UK, Privatize and prices increased.

The EU have effectively had Net Neutral for over a year now and we have seen no increase in cost. Actually we have seen drops in prices and I am now using a 150mb fiber line.

thereisnospoon do you really believe everything from a lobbyist mouth. Man wake up.
Watch this it might help you get things straight. That money used elections is being used now:
PRICELE the Documentary by Steve Cowan mdash Kickstarter
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

And how would this proposal do that, Steph?

Aye --- there's the rub. :oops:
Easy. In every single instance, once government gains regulating power over something, those regulations wind up costing consumers far more than if the thing has been left to the private sector. Also, the regulations and court decisions become increasingly onerous. Thus driving up the cost of production and distribution even farther. Passed right along to guess who? The consumer. In the end we end up paying more for LESS

Same bullshit Speculation/Slippery Slope fallacy this thread dug itself into a hole with in the first place.
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

Well if commies controlled healthcare (which Obamacare is not) was to come then it would be in the shape of a EU country type like France, Germany, Netherlands.... All countries that deliver better care to all there people with lower infant mortality rates, better rated healthcare systems by WHO and Commonwealth Fund... while all the time spending less than 2/3s of what America spend on healthcare.

Lads I live in Europe and I have top class private health insurance for $100 a month, When is the penny going to drop...
I challenge any one to show mean a mainly countrywide private health insurance model which is cheaper than a state public insurance model? The facts are the more you privatize health insurance the more expensive it gets.
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

Well if commies controlled healthcare (which Obamacare is not) was to come then it would be in the shape of a EU country type like France, Germany, Netherlands.... All countries that deliver better care to all there people with lower infant mortality rates, better rated healthcare systems by WHO and Commonwealth Fund... while all the time spending less than 2/3s of what America spend on healthcare.

Lads I live in Europe and I have top class private health insurance for $100 a month, When is the penny going to drop...
I challenge any one to show mean a mainly countrywide private health insurance model which is cheaper than a state public insurance model? The facts are the more you privatize health insurance the more expensive it gets.

First of all stop calling yourself a cowboy ted. You aint from Texas.
And I know all about your socialized medical care and it sucks.
Which is why all the euro trash that can afford it come to America for treatment when it really matters.
Stick with what you you know'll keep you from looking like an idiot.
I would go into details,but to tell you the truth I'm getting kinda sick of putting you limey pricks in your place.
Well they got control of our health care so of course the commies want to control the Internet.

will the people rise up and stop them? to be seen

Well if commies controlled healthcare (which Obamacare is not) was to come then it would be in the shape of a EU country type like France, Germany, Netherlands.... All countries that deliver better care to all there people with lower infant mortality rates, better rated healthcare systems by WHO and Commonwealth Fund... while all the time spending less than 2/3s of what America spend on healthcare.

Lads I live in Europe and I have top class private health insurance for $100 a month, When is the penny going to drop...
I challenge any one to show mean a mainly countrywide private health insurance model which is cheaper than a state public insurance model? The facts are the more you privatize health insurance the more expensive it gets.

First of all stop calling yourself a cowboy ted. You aint from Texas.
And I know all about your socialized medical care and it sucks.
Which is why all the euro trash that can afford it come to America for treatment when it really matters.
Stick with what you you know'll keep you from looking like an idiot.
I would go into details,but to tell you the truth I'm getting kinda sick of putting you limey pricks in your place.
6 Million Americans Travel Abroad Each Year for Surgeries Medical Treatments - Health News and Views -
Wealthy Americans Turning To Europe For Medical Treatment - Slashdot

Sorry to burst your bubble... But I am will to look at actual statistics to back up your claims...

My insurance gives me many options... And by the way , limeys are English and I am Irish. But I know you play fast and loose with actual facts.
I love the ignorant views from America of actual European care. Hey the stats speak for themselves and you just got owned by the WHO, the guys who actually know about proper healthcare... You are probably still peeing in your pants about Ebola. Us better educated Euro Trash just started laughing at your panic in the first place and we are still laughing now...
But I suppose you can only laugh when ye sent the first Ebola case home probably because he had no insurance. 'Come back when you're infectious' and we can have our private hospital spread around to our staff.
Then the whole country can panic too.. As a friend of mine I asked Phd in Nursing why are they panicking? They're American.

Still laughing...20,000 people will die of the flu this winter and ye worry about Ebola, not to mention your Obesity problem.

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