Here they come

It is absolutely possible. If we are going to set off enough bombs to tilt the axis of the earth, we will be seeing a difference in the atmosphere. And I do believe we have an asteroid in our future. God often uses His own creations to get our attention. I don't think the events in Revelation are too far off. All the more reason for us to get ready. < ( Reminds me of that 60's song, "People get ready there's a train a coming. Picking up passengers coast to coast. Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord."

I am anxious to see what this sign is signaling. I believe something is going to change in Israel, but I don't know what.

[ame=]People Get Ready - Blind Boys of Alabama - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks Jere.
There is a description in Rev. that sounds to me like a radioactive problem. Israel is told that if they come across certain pieces of debris, not to touch them, but to flag them so they can be disposed of properly. A dirty bomb maybe? Could the result of that cause Israel to sign a peace treaty?
It is absolutely possible. If we are going to set off enough bombs to tilt the axis of the earth, we will be seeing a difference in the atmosphere. And I do believe we have an asteroid in our future. God often uses His own creations to get our attention. I don't think the events in Revelation are too far off. All the more reason for us to get ready. < ( Reminds me of that 60's song, "People get ready there's a train a coming. Picking up passengers coast to coast. Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord."

I am anxious to see what this sign is signaling. I believe something is going to change in Israel, but I don't know what.

My thoughts on this are we are able to see a cataclysmic conflict start. War is coming.

Also, we are going to see unprecedented natural disasters. The Lord is hastening His work to gather Israel.

Just my own thoughts though. Im excited to see what's going to happen. We need to prepare our hearts and minds for what is coming.
This prophecy from Isaiah seems to be still unfolding for America. I agree with Avatar something big is coming. I believe the Blood Moons tie into that prophecy. Anyone who ties all of this together could not help but see we are under judgment here.

[ame=]"The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn - Isaiah 9:10, America and Biblical Prophecy - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks Jere.
There is a description in Rev. that sounds to me like a radioactive problem. Israel is told that if they come across certain pieces of debris, not to touch them, but to flag them so they can be disposed of properly. A dirty bomb maybe? Could the result of that cause Israel to sign a peace treaty?

I don't know. I know that no animal will be able to exist in Egypt in a day coming and the people who survive will go to a far off land. Israel won't have any neighbors in the future. I believe it is a nuclear war. The entire modern day house of Esau perishes in the battle and the House of Jacob becomes lean which means there is major loss of life during that time.

Israel would not be invaded until America falls. I cannot envision an major invasion on Israel until after the fall of America. The total lunar eclipse in the middle is according to some Jewish scholars a warning to the world - not Israel per se..
I think you're right Avatar. These times are likened to birth pangs. They start out slowly then escalate in intensity. What we are seeing now are shadows of tribulation events. It is going to get progressively worse. Our food sources are being flooded or burned or diseased. A member of the UN actually said that what we eat is no longer an individual decision. Famine isn't hard to see in our future anymore. Neither are pestilences we have no defense against. Or global conflict.
Telling God we don't need His protection doesn't seem to be working out too well for mankind.

Jer, it's hard to watch what is happening to this country. Heart breaking really. When I would talk to my dad about it, He would tell me not to grieve, that God's wrath is for a minute, His love is forever. All these things mean Christ is closer than ever to coming back and peace and love are coming with Him. True Shalom. Maranatha.
If the Blood Moons are a sign that Israel is going to be destroyed because of it's wickedness.

I'm all for it........ :thup:

Hey Sunni, haven't seen you for awhile. Happy Easter! :eek:

Wouldn't it be a better thing for us all to get along, and genuinely care about one another?
That is the promise of Christ the Lord. He's coming back Sunni to bless Ishmael and his brother Issac. What fault can you find in that act of grace? :eusa_angel:
Astronomers rarely, if ever, use the term &#8220;Blood Moon.&#8221; When they do, they are usually using it as an alternate name for the Hunter&#8217;s Moon, the full moon that follows the Harvest Moon, usually in late October. The Hunter&#8217;s Moon, like the Harvest Moon, rises slowly on autumn evenings so that it shines through a thick layer of the Earth&#8217;s atmosphere, and is colored red by what those who study the atmosphere call Raleigh scattering as well as smog and air pollution.

On rare occasions, the light reaching the moon resembles the color of blood, but there is no way of predicting this in advance. So there are no grounds to call any particular lunar eclipse a blood moon until it actually shows its color.

What is unusual about this month&#8217;s lunar eclipse is that it is the first of a series of four total lunar eclipses in a row. Called a &#8220;tetrad,&#8221; such a series of four total eclipses in a row is not an overly rare event. The last such series happened in the years 2003 and 2004, and it will occur seven more times in the current century.

So while a tetrad of total lunar eclipses is somewhat unusual, it is not extraordinarily so, and certainly nothing to make a fuss about. After all, the only thing that happens during a lunar eclipse is that the moon spends a couple of hours passing through the Earth&#8217;s shadow, hardly something to be concerned about.

What Are ?Blood Moons?? Is the World Ending? | Farmers' Almanac
I think you're right Avatar. These times are likened to birth pangs. They start out slowly then escalate in intensity. What we are seeing now are shadows of tribulation events. It is going to get progressively worse. Our food sources are being flooded or burned or diseased. A member of the UN actually said that what we eat is no longer an individual decision. Famine isn't hard to see in our future anymore. Neither are pestilences we have no defense against. Or global conflict.
Telling God we don't need His protection doesn't seem to be working out too well for mankind.

Jer, it's hard to watch what is happening to this country. Heart breaking really. When I would talk to my dad about it, He would tell me not to grieve, that God's wrath is for a minute, His love is forever. All these things mean Christ is closer than ever to coming back and peace and love are coming with Him. True Shalom. Maranatha.

There were many plagues on Egypt but it didn't fall on Goshen. Keep that in mind.
This is a sign to Israel and Christians.

For Israel it is about War coming to Israel and Israel will win that war and gain control of the temple Mount and they will begin building their temple.

For Christians it is about Revelation 6:12 where it says that the Sun will turn black (3-20-15) and the moon will turn red (4-4-15) and there will be a great earthquake.
Right after that the 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes will be sealed.
Then the Rapture for Christians.

The Solar eclipse on 3-20-15 is on the Jewish New Year.
The 2nd solar eclipse is on 9-13-15 and falls on the Feast of Trumpets. Christians are raptured.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
English Standard Version

The Coming of the Lord

13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. 15 For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord,[a] that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

The lunar eclipse is on Passover 4-4-15 on and again on 9-28-15 sukkot (feast of Tabernacles).

This is signs that something of biblical proportions is happing.
I don't think that anyone really wants to go through the bowl judgments.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and believe in him, so that you don't need to go through the terrible bowl judgments.
Think on it long and hard for you all still have some time.
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It seems like during a blood moon, God talk to the Jews. Yet, I have yet to find a Jewish voice telling us what their god told them.

Why do I find that so odd?
They didn't see the expulsion from Spain coming. Did they know in 1492 that Columbus would be successful?
They didn't see concentration camps and mass extermination coming. Did they know in 1948 that they would wake up tomorrow and there would be a physical Israel on the map?
They didn't know they would be able to stave off an invading army. Did they know when they were invaded in 1967 that they would end up with Jerusalem?

There are a variety of dangers facing Israel that they could speculate on, but if you want to see if they are reacting to the event, or find it significant to them, just Google Israeli news. Let us know what you find, ok? :)
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They didn't see the expulsion from Spain coming. Did they know in 1492 that Columbus would be successful?
They didn't see concentration camps and mass extermination coming. Did they know in 1948 that they would wake up tomorrow and there would be a physical Israel on the map?
They didn't know they would be able to stave off an invading army. Did they know when they were invaded in 1967 that they would end up with Jerusalem?

There are a variety of dangers facing Israel that they could speculate on, but if you want to see if they are reacting to the event, or find it significant to them, just Google Israeli news. Let us know what you find, ok? :)

One problem with the "blood Moon" association to atrocities performed against Jewish people.

If we were to list all the horrific events that happened to the Jews over, say, the last millennium or two, we could easy lose statistical correlation between a blood moon and significant events to the Jewish people. In short, the significance of a Blood Moon maybe more of a random coincidence than an actual warning.
They didn't see the expulsion from Spain coming. Did they know in 1492 that Columbus would be successful?
They didn't see concentration camps and mass extermination coming. Did they know in 1948 that they would wake up tomorrow and there would be a physical Israel on the map?
They didn't know they would be able to stave off an invading army. Did they know when they were invaded in 1967 that they would end up with Jerusalem?

There are a variety of dangers facing Israel that they could speculate on, but if you want to see if they are reacting to the event, or find it significant to them, just Google Israeli news. Let us know what you find, ok? :)

How was Columbus successful?
He went looking for gold, found none, committed total genocide on the natives of Hispaniola and took some back as slaves, over a third of which perished on route.
Your definition of "success" is dubious, at best.
They didn't see the expulsion from Spain coming. Did they know in 1492 that Columbus would be successful?
They didn't see concentration camps and mass extermination coming. Did they know in 1948 that they would wake up tomorrow and there would be a physical Israel on the map?
They didn't know they would be able to stave off an invading army. Did they know when they were invaded in 1967 that they would end up with Jerusalem?

There are a variety of dangers facing Israel that they could speculate on, but if you want to see if they are reacting to the event, or find it significant to them, just Google Israeli news. Let us know what you find, ok? :)

They didn't know but God did which is why He put the Blood Moon in the skies during each and every one of those events... Now we have 4 blood moons - on Jewish holy days and once again God is sending a warning of a major upcoming event. What that is - is yet to be seen.
They didn't see the expulsion from Spain coming. Did they know in 1492 that Columbus would be successful?
They didn't see concentration camps and mass extermination coming. Did they know in 1948 that they would wake up tomorrow and there would be a physical Israel on the map?
They didn't know they would be able to stave off an invading army. Did they know when they were invaded in 1967 that they would end up with Jerusalem?

There are a variety of dangers facing Israel that they could speculate on, but if you want to see if they are reacting to the event, or find it significant to them, just Google Israeli news. Let us know what you find, ok? :)

They know that the coming year or so should be very eventful.
Past History has told them.
The Jewish Press » » Messianic ?Blood Moon? Rising on Passover Seder Night
They didn't see the expulsion from Spain coming. Did they know in 1492 that Columbus would be successful?
They didn't see concentration camps and mass extermination coming. Did they know in 1948 that they would wake up tomorrow and there would be a physical Israel on the map?
They didn't know they would be able to stave off an invading army. Did they know when they were invaded in 1967 that they would end up with Jerusalem?

There are a variety of dangers facing Israel that they could speculate on, but if you want to see if they are reacting to the event, or find it significant to them, just Google Israeli news. Let us know what you find, ok? :)

How was Columbus successful?
He went looking for gold, found none, committed total genocide on the natives of Hispaniola and took some back as slaves, over a third of which perished on route.
Your definition of "success" is dubious, at best.

He discovered a land where the Jews could live in peace and they do to this day. That was a win for Jews. Nothing has happened to the Jews that was as significant as gaining their home land back and their holy city of Jerusalem.

How is it that the random event of the blood moons correlates with Jewish holidays? At some point you have to remove coincidence as the answer.
red moons are...

In a total lunar eclipse, the full moon turns a coppery red as it passes into Earth's shadow. During the process, the moon's bright glow dims, taking on a red hue because of shimmers of sunlight and sunsets seeping through the Earth's atmosphere.

now Bible prophecy is,,

&#8220;And I will show wonders in Heaven above and signs in the Earth beneath, the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.&#8221;

Does the Bible predict the 'blood moon'? ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The sun has not gone into darkness with a red moon, sorry.....
Don't miss tomorrow's Blood Moon.
This will be only the 4th time in 500 years that God has used the heavens as His billboard. And the message is directed right at Israel.

The dates of the other 3 blood moon events:

1492, the Jews were told to take what they could carry and get out of Spain in 14 days. They took their money with them and gave it to an Italian explorer to find them a land they could go to. He did.

1948, Israel was declared a Nation. After 2,000 years, the Jews could go home.

1967, Israel was invaded and God took the opportunity to return Holy Jerusalem, God's Tabernacle, David's Throne, back to the Jews.

Each one of these rare, upcoming 4 blood moons will fall on traditional Jewish holidays, starting with Passover, tomorrow, then the Festival of Tabernacles in Oct.
Then a solar eclipse <typically a sign to non Jews, right in the midst of the blood moons. Then another blood moon on Passover 4/4/ 2015 and the last on the Feast of Tabernacles in Oct. 2015.

God is talking to Israel. In the earlier blood moon events, the positive outcomes for the Jews were preceded by conflict.

And now, in a desperate attempt for peace, the Jews are considering signing the peace treaty being shoved down their throat's by America, that may include turning Jerusalem over to non Jews. It would reverse the monumental blood moon event of 1967.
According to the Bible, that move will end up being problematic for Israel instead of peaceful.

If Jesus said look to the heavens for signs of His eminent return to Israel, I have a feeling
this is one we should pay attention to:

"And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Jehovah." Joel 2:30 -31

"The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20

Very interesting and at the very least - an incredible once in a lifetime show.

I've heard the thing about Jewish dates and although it's quite intriguing, I'm skeptical because this has happened 8 times in the past 2,000 years, and significant Jewish events can only be tied to 3.

Either way, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

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