Here they come

Don't miss tomorrow's Blood Moon.
This will be only the 4th time in 500 years that God has used the heavens as His billboard. And the message is directed right at Israel.

The dates of the other 3 blood moon events:

1492, the Jews were told to take what they could carry and get out of Spain in 14 days. They took their money with them and gave it to an Italian explorer to find them a land they could go to. He did.

1948, Israel was declared a Nation. After 2,000 years, the Jews could go home.

1967, Israel was invaded and God took the opportunity to return Holy Jerusalem, God's Tabernacle, David's Throne, back to the Jews.

Each one of these rare, upcoming 4 blood moons will fall on traditional Jewish holidays, starting with Passover, tomorrow, then the Festival of Tabernacles in Oct.
Then a solar eclipse <typically a sign to non Jews, right in the midst of the blood moons. Then another blood moon on Passover 4/4/ 2015 and the last on the Feast of Tabernacles in Oct. 2015.

God is talking to Israel. In the earlier blood moon events, the positive outcomes for the Jews were preceded by conflict.

And now, in a desperate attempt for peace, the Jews are considering signing the peace treaty being shoved down their throat's by America, that may include turning Jerusalem over to non Jews. It would reverse the monumental blood moon event of 1967.
According to the Bible, that move will end up being problematic for Israel instead of peaceful.

If Jesus said look to the heavens for signs of His eminent return to Israel, I have a feeling
this is one we should pay attention to:

"And I will show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Jehovah." Joel 2:30 -31

"The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before that great and glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20

Very interesting and at the very least - an incredible once in a lifetime show.

I've heard the thing about Jewish dates and although it's quite intriguing, I'm skeptical because this has happened 8 times in the past 2,000 years, and significant Jewish events can only be tied to 3.

Either way, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Yes, but the key is what has happened to Israel with blood moons on their holidays, not all of the blood moons.
Don't miss tomorrow's Blood Moon.
This will be only the 4th time in 500 years that God has used the heavens as His billboard. And the message is directed right at Israel.

The dates of the other 3 blood moon events:

1492, the Jews were told to take what they could carry and get out of Spain in 14 days. They took their money with them and gave it to an Italian explorer to find them a land they could go to. He did.

1948, Israel was declared a Nation. After 2,000 years, the Jews could go home.

1967, Israel was invaded and God took the opportunity to return Holy Jerusalem, God's Tabernacle, David's Throne, back to the Jews.

Each one of these rare, upcoming 4 blood moons will fall on traditional Jewish holidays, starting with Passover, tomorrow, then the Festival of Tabernacles in Oct.
Then a solar eclipse <typically a sign to non Jews, right in the midst of the blood moons. Then another blood moon on Passover 4/4/ 2015 and the last on the Feast of Tabernacles in Oct. 2015.

God is talking to Israel. In the earlier blood moon events, the positive outcomes for the Jews were preceded by conflict.

And now, in a desperate attempt for peace, the Jews are considering signing the peace treaty being shoved down their throat's by America, that may include turning Jerusalem over to non Jews. It would reverse the monumental blood moon event of 1967.
According to the Bible, that move will end up being problematic for Israel instead of peaceful.

If Jesus said look to the heavens for signs of His eminent return to Israel, I have a feeling
this is one we should pay attention to:

Very interesting and at the very least - an incredible once in a lifetime show.

I've heard the thing about Jewish dates and although it's quite intriguing, I'm skeptical because this has happened 8 times in the past 2,000 years, and significant Jewish events can only be tied to 3.

Either way, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Yes, but the key is what has happened to Israel with blood moons on their holidays, not all of the blood moons.

There have been more than 8 blood moon tetrads in the past 2,000 years, however 8 have occurred during consecutive Jewish holidays.

As far as I know, only the past 3 (and not all 8) have resulted in major Jewish events. That's only a 38% success rate.
red moons are...

In a total lunar eclipse, the full moon turns a coppery red as it passes into Earth's shadow. During the process, the moon's bright glow dims, taking on a red hue because of shimmers of sunlight and sunsets seeping through the Earth's atmosphere.

now Bible prophecy is,,

“And I will show wonders in Heaven above and signs in the Earth beneath, the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.”

Does the Bible predict the 'blood moon'? ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

The sun has not gone into darkness with a red moon, sorry.....

It will next year.
Solar eclipse 3-20-15 - 9-13-15
Moon eclipse 4-4-15 - 9-28-15
Very interesting and at the very least - an incredible once in a lifetime show.

I've heard the thing about Jewish dates and although it's quite intriguing, I'm skeptical because this has happened 8 times in the past 2,000 years, and significant Jewish events can only be tied to 3.

Either way, I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Yes, but the key is what has happened to Israel with blood moons on their holidays, not all of the blood moons.

There have been more than 8 blood moon tetrads in the past 2,000 years, however 8 have occurred during consecutive Jewish holidays.

As far as I know, only the past 3 (and not all 8) have resulted in major Jewish events. That's only a 38% success rate.

No there has been 8 in that last 2,000 years.
While there have certainly been other sets of four blood moons, only eight times in the past 2,000 years have all four in a series fallen on the two Jewish holidays consecutively.

This is why it is so important-
The 14th April 2014 Jewish Passover and 8th October 2014 Sukkot Lunar Eclipses take place on the SAME EXACT DATES as did the 70 AD Jewish Passover & Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles lunar eclipses which occurred when the Roman Army destroyed the 2nd Jewish Temple & Masada Military Fortress effectively ending over 1,000 years of Jewish rule in the Nation of Israel
Yes, but the key is what has happened to Israel with blood moons on their holidays, not all of the blood moons.

There have been more than 8 blood moon tetrads in the past 2,000 years, however 8 have occurred during consecutive Jewish holidays.

As far as I know, only the past 3 (and not all 8) have resulted in major Jewish events. That's only a 38% success rate.

No there has been 8 in that last 2,000 years.
While there have certainly been other sets of four blood moons, only eight times in the past 2,000 years have all four in a series fallen on the two Jewish holidays consecutively.

This is why it is so important-
The 14th April 2014 Jewish Passover and 8th October 2014 Sukkot Lunar Eclipses take place on the SAME EXACT DATES as did the 70 AD Jewish Passover & Sukkot &#8211; Feast of Tabernacles lunar eclipses which occurred when the Roman Army destroyed the 2nd Jewish Temple & Masada Military Fortress effectively ending over 1,000 years of Jewish rule in the Nation of Israel

That's what I said though, of the 8 blood moons that have fallen on consecutive Jewish holidays in the past 2,000 years, only 3 have coincided with a significant Jewish event (that we know of).

We've had 5 blood moon tetrads that also fell on Jewish holidays that didn't coincide with significant events.

That's only a 38% success rate.
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There have been more than 8 blood moon tetrads in the past 2,000 years, however 8 have occurred during consecutive Jewish holidays.

As far as I know, only the past 3 (and not all 8) have resulted in major Jewish events. That's only a 38% success rate.

No there has been 8 in that last 2,000 years.
While there have certainly been other sets of four blood moons, only eight times in the past 2,000 years have all four in a series fallen on the two Jewish holidays consecutively.

This is why it is so important-
The 14th April 2014 Jewish Passover and 8th October 2014 Sukkot Lunar Eclipses take place on the SAME EXACT DATES as did the 70 AD Jewish Passover & Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles lunar eclipses which occurred when the Roman Army destroyed the 2nd Jewish Temple & Masada Military Fortress effectively ending over 1,000 years of Jewish rule in the Nation of Israel

That's what I said though, of the 8 blood moons that have fallen on consecutive Jewish holidays in the past 2,000 years, only 3 have coincided with a significant Jewish event (that we know of).

We've had 5 blood moon tetrads that also fell on Jewish holidays that didn't coincide with significant events.

That's only a 38% success rate.

Which of those 5 were they?
Put up the dates of the other 5.

Two happened right in a row at the time of destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. and on feast days.

Around eight months before the Temple was destroyed we find on 10/18/69 there was a partial lunar eclipse on the Feast of Sukkot. A total solar eclipse followed this on Nisan 1-3/30/70, the beginning of the religious year. Two weeks later there was a penumbral lunar eclipse on Passover on 4/14/70. An annular solar eclipse followed this on Rosh Hashanah on 9/23/70. Then another penumbral lunar eclipse on Sukkot on 10/8/70.
Which of those 5 were they?
Put up the dates of the other 5.

Well, let me flip that question around because I think we&#8217;ll get to the answer more quickly that way. Counting backwards, of the 5 remaining tetrads what significant Jewish events happened on those dates?

Unfortunately I don&#8217;t know the dates but I know there were 8&#8230;

1.) 1967 &#8211; 7 year war (significant event)
2.) 1948 &#8211; Establishment of Israel (significant event)
3.) 1492 &#8211; Jews kicked out of Spain (significant event)
4.) ?
5.) ?
6.) ?
7.) ?
8.) ?
1.) 1967 &#8211; 7 year war (significant event)
2.) 1948 &#8211; Establishment of Israel (significant event)
3.) 1492 &#8211; Jews kicked out of Spain (significant event)

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Feast of Tabernacles in 162 &#8211; 163 AD, coinciding with the worst persecution of Jews&#8230; and Christians in the history of the Roman Empire. Within 3 years the Antonine Plague killed eight million people, a third of the population.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur Holidays in 795 &#8211; 796 AD while King Charlemagne of the Holy Roman Empire established a DMZ buffer zone between France and Spain, ending centuries of Arab invasions into Western Europe.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur Holidays in 842 &#8211; 843 AD. Shortly after the eclipses the Vatican church in Rome was attacked and looted by an Islamic invasion from Africa.

Four TOTAL lunar eclipses occurred on the Jewish Passover and Yom Kippur Holidays in 860 &#8211; 861 AD. Shortly after the eclipses the Byzantine Empire defeated Arab armies at the Battle of Lalakaon in Turkey and permanently stopped the Islamic invasion of Eastern Europe.

9/23/70 Destruction of the temple (significant event)

blood red moon tetrad during the 32 AD/33 AD time period (significant event) Jesus Crucified.
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