Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

We have witnesses.

Or maybe you think rubbing your dick on unsuspecting women is normal.
It’s probably less abnormal that constantly making things up and faking as The activity of ones existence

It is not normal for you to worship sexually deviant men & then lying to protect them. You should get help.

A college professor with nothing to gain vs a drunken fool with everything to protect.
Prove he is a deviant.

Ford Ramirez and Swetnick all failed to do so

If the facts had been presented before an unbiased Jury, and if Grassley was not a dishonest cheat, and Kavanaugh behaved before said jury as he did before the Senate Committee, he would have been convicted, of that I'm certain.

There were no FACTS.

There were only unsupported accusations.

If anyone can be convicted based on unsupported allegations then our entire justice system has failed and we have reverted back to witch hunts.

If that is justice system you want move to a third world nation. We are still more civilized and no jury would have convicted Kavanuagh
Please don't tell you that you are so fucking stupid as to believe that no one has ever been convicted based on the victims testimony.
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.

He committed perjury in his testimony. He lied to the FBI. This will cost many in the FBI their jobs when a Democrat takes back the White House. Kavanaugh is only as safe as long as Republicans control the Senate.

That isn't going to last forever. You better start worrying about some comeuppance, a lot more than focusing on a distraction. Things are changing fast, and you won't be killed in one blow. It will be death by a thousand cuts.

And the cuts are adding up.
Here you are making ominous threats, but scream all the way to hell if the Republicans were to make threats against the leftist Democrats like this. Why is it that leftist can do everything they threaten Republicans not to do ???
We have witnesses.

Or maybe you think rubbing your dick on unsuspecting women is normal.
It’s probably less abnormal that constantly making things up and faking as The activity of ones existence

It is not normal for you to worship sexually deviant men & then lying to protect them. You should get help.

A college professor with nothing to gain vs a drunken fool with everything to protect.
Prove he is a deviant.

Ford Ramirez and Swetnick all failed to do so

If the facts had been presented before an unbiased Jury, and if Grassley was not a dishonest cheat, and Kavanaugh behaved before said jury as he did before the Senate Committee, he would have been convicted, of that I'm certain.

There were no FACTS.

There were only unsupported accusations.

If anyone can be convicted based on unsupported allegations then our entire justice system has failed and we have reverted back to witch hunts.

If that is justice system you want move to a third world nation. We are still more civilized and no jury would have convicted Kavanuagh

You are misinformed, or a damn liar. Testimony under oath is evidence, and in all jury trials the judge tells the jurors in the jury instructions that they must use common sense in determining which person under oath is the most credible.

Dr. Ford was credible, Judge Kavanaugh was not. In my professional opinion, Kavanaugh committed perjury.
Prove he is a deviant.

Ford Ramirez and Swetnick all failed to do so

If the facts had been presented before an unbiased Jury, and if Grassley was not a dishonest cheat, and Kavanaugh behaved before said jury as he did before the Senate Committee, he would have been convicted, of that I'm certain.
You share FANTASYDAVE's affliction... You are totally devoid of commonsense and facts... You project your own parties afflictions..

F. U. I watched the testimony, I observed Grassley's behavior and watched how the Republicans put great limitations on the investigation of Kavanaugh.

Common sense suggests that Ford was honest, and Kavanaugh was lying. It's also clear to me you are a biddable fool.

Every single witness denied having anything like she porported happen. They called her a lying drunk. Ford even admitted that she was only trying to keep Roe V Wade from being overturned. SHE LIED! You lying sack of shit...
She admitted no such thong.

According to you,. there is rape unless there are witnesses.

Her LAWYER admitted that this was part of her motive. That is fact.

This is after absolutely denying that politics had anything to do with Fords testimony. Clearly the attorney is a liar and so is Ford
Prove he is a deviant.

Ford Ramirez and Swetnick all failed to do so

If the facts had been presented before an unbiased Jury, and if Grassley was not a dishonest cheat, and Kavanaugh behaved before said jury as he did before the Senate Committee, he would have been convicted, of that I'm certain.
You share FANTASYDAVE's affliction... You are totally devoid of commonsense and facts... You project your own parties afflictions..

F. U. I watched the testimony, I observed Grassley's behavior and watched how the Republicans put great limitations on the investigation of Kavanaugh.

Common sense suggests that Ford was honest, and Kavanaugh was lying. It's also clear to me you are a biddable fool.

Every single witness denied having anything like she porported happen. They called her a lying drunk. Ford even admitted that she was only trying to keep Roe V Wade from being overturned. SHE LIED! You lying sack of shit...
She admitted no such thong.

Get your mind out of the gutter. :auiqs.jpg:
Is it against the law? Look at Obama , 6,000 blacks shot in his home town.. he did nothing
You are a lying fuck. Action was being taken.

What has your fat sasses orange POS done about it?? What has he done about mass shootings. NOT A FUCKING THING
And the POS said if he did it it would be all over campus It WAS all over campus And FBI NEVER checked out the witnesses Wanted to get him appointed as soon as possible
Any proof? Any real proof?

Didn't think so...

I see you have learned well about how fascists dehumanize their targets.

Please explain how noting that Democrats are no longer American in political nature dehumanizes anyone.

I guess your own words just sounded good to you, eh? :auiqs.jpg:
Keep working your dehumanizing the Left.....maybe someday you can be just like those "good Germans" of yesteryear.

Your projection is humorous at best.

Democrats have adopted a political philosophy diametrically opposed to the Constitution. It is obvious and cannot credibly be denied.

A Trumpette ignoring Trump's trashing of the Constitution.

Feel free to provide examples.
According to the Constitution, the Congress decides the budget & where & how much money is to se spent.

Yourf at assed orange buddy declared an emergency & took money from the military to spend on his wall.

But this was no emergency. Trump went to Congress & Congress said no.

Trump pissed on the Constitution & you don't give a rat's ass.
It’s probably less abnormal that constantly making things up and faking as The activity of ones existence

It is not normal for you to worship sexually deviant men & then lying to protect them. You should get help.

A college professor with nothing to gain vs a drunken fool with everything to protect.
Prove he is a deviant.

Ford Ramirez and Swetnick all failed to do so

If the facts had been presented before an unbiased Jury, and if Grassley was not a dishonest cheat, and Kavanaugh behaved before said jury as he did before the Senate Committee, he would have been convicted, of that I'm certain.

There were no FACTS.

There were only unsupported accusations.

If anyone can be convicted based on unsupported allegations then our entire justice system has failed and we have reverted back to witch hunts.

If that is justice system you want move to a third world nation. We are still more civilized and no jury would have convicted Kavanuagh

You are misinformed, or a damn liar. Testimony under oath is evidence, and in all jury trials the judge tells the jurors in the jury instructions that they must use common sense in determining which person under oath is the most credible.

Dr. Ford was credible, Judge Kavanaugh was not. In my professional opinion, Kavanaugh committed perjury.

I am informed and you are the uneducated liar

An accusation whether under oath or not is NOT EVIDENCE

An accusation requires SOME kind of evidence to support it and ford HAD NONE WHATSOEVER

We do not have a justice system which engages in circular logic which is what you are trying to claim
Judges to not give such instructions you liar,

They instruct jurors to consider or disregard EVIDENCE

Dr. Fords had no credibility. Kavanaugh needed none because he was the accused and the burden is always on THE ACCUSER
It’s probably less abnormal that constantly making things up and faking as The activity of ones existence

It is not normal for you to worship sexually deviant men & then lying to protect them. You should get help.

A college professor with nothing to gain vs a drunken fool with everything to protect.
Prove he is a deviant.

Ford Ramirez and Swetnick all failed to do so

If the facts had been presented before an unbiased Jury, and if Grassley was not a dishonest cheat, and Kavanaugh behaved before said jury as he did before the Senate Committee, he would have been convicted, of that I'm certain.

There were no FACTS.

There were only unsupported accusations.

If anyone can be convicted based on unsupported allegations then our entire justice system has failed and we have reverted back to witch hunts.

If that is justice system you want move to a third world nation. We are still more civilized and no jury would have convicted Kavanuagh

You are misinformed, or a damn liar. Testimony under oath is evidence, and in all jury trials the judge tells the jurors in the jury instructions that they must use common sense in determining which person under oath is the most credible.

Dr. Ford was credible, Judge Kavanaugh was not. In my professional opinion, Kavanaugh committed perjury.

So, you're a "professional" idiot. Congratulations!
You are a lying fuck. Action was being taken.

What has your fat sasses orange POS done about it?? What has he done about mass shootings. NOT A FUCKING THING
And the POS said if he did it it would be all over campus It WAS all over campus And FBI NEVER checked out the witnesses Wanted to get him appointed as soon as possible
Any proof? Any real proof?

Didn't think so...

Please explain how noting that Democrats are no longer American in political nature dehumanizes anyone.

I guess your own words just sounded good to you, eh? :auiqs.jpg:
Keep working your dehumanizing the Left.....maybe someday you can be just like those "good Germans" of yesteryear.

Your projection is humorous at best.

Democrats have adopted a political philosophy diametrically opposed to the Constitution. It is obvious and cannot credibly be denied.

A Trumpette ignoring Trump's trashing of the Constitution.

Feel free to provide examples.
According to the Constitution, the Congress decides the budget & where & how much money is to se spent.

Yourf at assed orange buddy declared an emergency & took money from the military to spend on his wall.

But this was no emergency. Trump went to Congress & Congress said no.

Trump pissed on the Constitution & you don't give a rat's ass.

The money was already budgeted to the military. Trump is CinC of the Armed Forces, and made a decision to use military assets based upon national security needs.

You consider that an unconstitutional crime? Impeach him. What ARE you waiting for?
Leave Kavanaugh alone. Drunkard perverts have just as much right as anyone else for having someone on the court who shares their philosophy about life.
Leave Kavanaugh alone. Drunkard perverts have just as much right as anyone else for having someone on the court who shares their philosophy about life.

Now what evidence shows he shares their philosophy
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
FK trump and all his low life lying degenerate supporters He and people like you have brought America to its lowest levels not seen in decades Good work Hope you get it back in spades

No, fuck YOU and all your lying, uneducated, violence pushing libtards. YOUR side has sunk to depths never before seen. Again, you must have missed the fact that the charges have already been shown to be BOGUS. Hope you enjoy another term of suffering.
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
BTW Lantern How the F would you know what bullshit is ?? You've been swallowing Trumps shit for almost 3 years now
Poor baby. Melting down because another of your bogus stories got exposed. Not my fault that everything you leftists have tried has been shown to be a lie. Stormy, Russia, Kavanaugh, what's your next lie going to be?
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
BTW Lantern How the F would you know what bullshit is ?? You've been swallowing Trumps shit for almost 3 years now
Poor baby. Melting down because another of your bogus stories got exposed. Not my fault that everything you leftists have tried has been shown to be a lie. Stormy, Russia, Kavanaugh, what's your next lie going to be?
You calling anything a lie is sad seeing as you republicans live by the lie
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
FK trump and all his low life lying degenerate supporters He and people like you have brought America to its lowest levels not seen in decades Good work Hope you get it back in spades

No, fuck YOU and all your lying, uneducated, violence pushing libtards. YOUR side has sunk to depths never before seen. Again, you must have missed the fact that the charges have already been shown to be BOGUS. Hope you enjoy another term of suffering.
For example your shitheads deny that 17 agencies agree Russia f-ed with our election You disagree with them ?? You're all fn traitors and deserve what traitors get,,,,and the sooner the better
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
BTW Lantern How the F would you know what bullshit is ?? You've been swallowing Trumps shit for almost 3 years now
Poor baby. Melting down because another of your bogus stories got exposed. Not my fault that everything you leftists have tried has been shown to be a lie. Stormy, Russia, Kavanaugh, what's your next lie going to be?
You calling anything a lie is sad seeing as you republicans live by the lie

Damn you are a dense moron aren't you? THE STORY HAS ALREADY BEEN SHOWN TO BE FALSE. Just like Ford was proven to be a liar. Just like it was proven you lied about Russian collusion. Continue your meltdown. It's funny watching you just funny every post and then lose your shit when called out on your BS. Keep this up and you'll stroke out on election night 2020 when Trump rolls to an easy win.
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
BTW Lantern How the F would you know what bullshit is ?? You've been swallowing Trumps shit for almost 3 years now
Poor baby. Melting down because another of your bogus stories got exposed. Not my fault that everything you leftists have tried has been shown to be a lie. Stormy, Russia, Kavanaugh, what's your next lie going to be?
You calling anything a lie is sad seeing as you republicans live by the lie

Damn you are a dense moron aren't you? THE STORY HAS ALREADY BEEN SHOWN TO BE FALSE. Just like Ford was proven to be a liar. Just like it was proven you lied about Russian collusion. Continue your meltdown. It's funny watching you just funny every post and then lose your shit when called out on your BS. Keep this up and you'll stroke out on election night 2020 when Trump rolls to an easy win.
And if trump wins I'll still say f him and all the scum that supports him
Poor Eddie. Missed the memo that this is all bullshit. Again. Another swing and miss by desperate to deflect lefties. But keep doing this. All you idiots are doing is guaranteeing Trump's re-election.
FK trump and all his low life lying degenerate supporters He and people like you have brought America to its lowest levels not seen in decades Good work Hope you get it back in spades

No, fuck YOU and all your lying, uneducated, violence pushing libtards. YOUR side has sunk to depths never before seen. Again, you must have missed the fact that the charges have already been shown to be BOGUS. Hope you enjoy another term of suffering.
For example your shitheads deny that 17 agencies agree Russia f-ed with our election You disagree with them ?? You're all fn traitors and deserve what traitors get,,,,and the sooner the better

Slapping you down is so easy it should be criminal. Sorry crybaby, 17 agencies did NOT agree with the Russia lie. Already proven it was only James Clapper. Do at least TRY to keep up. So people who exposed your lies should be put to death? You're an idiot and deserve the misery you'll get with 4 more years of Trump.
Yep, more shoes to drop on Kavanaugh. He should be impeached.

Two New York Times reporters say they’ve uncovered a previously unreported account of sexual misconduct allegedly carried out by Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was a student at Yale.

In an op-ed for the Times, Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly said they learned of the alleged misconduct during a 10-month investigation of Kavanaugh’s life at prep-school and Yale, including the assault accusations, for their upcoming book, “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”

Max Stier, Kavanaugh’s classmate at Yale, told the reporters that he once saw Kavanaugh with his pants down while his friends pushed his penis into the hands of a female student during a dorm party.

According to Pogrebin and Kelly, Stier reported his account to senators and the FBI, though the FBI didn’t investigate it. Pogrebin and Kelly said they “corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with” Stier.

What Stier said he witnessed is similar to an allegation lodged against Kavanaugh by his former classmate Deborah Ramirez, which was first reported by the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow last September.

NYT Reporters Say They Uncovered New Sexual Misconduct Claim Against Kavanaugh
Kavanaugh is creepy

Republicans could care less

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