Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh


What every witness to Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged assaults has said

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court erupted into chaos when Dr. Christine Blasey Ford alleged that, during a party in 1982 when they were in high school, Kavanaugh pinned her down and attempted to rape her.

Since then, three other women have come forward alleging that they, like Dr. Ford, were sexually abused or harassed by Brett Kavanaugh during his younger years.

Kavanaugh himself, however, has repeatedly denied every accusation against him, and he has not been proven guilty in any court of law. And many of his friends and classmates have come out supporting him, either speaking out in support of his character or outright denying his role in the attack.

Nobody knows for sure what really happened that night in 1982, but the best way to find out is to listen to the witnesses. We’ve put together statements from every witness who has spoken out on the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh so that you can judge for yourself.

DETAILS: Here's what every witness to Brett Kavanaugh's alleged sexual attack has said

Kavanaugh should have an asterisk beside his SCOTUS name tag.

" The best way to find out is to listen to the witnesses "

We did

Not one witness corroborates the allegations

The allegations are unsupported baseless and political smear

Yeah, such compelling "evidence", couldn't remember the year, the building, how she got there or how she got home.

In other words, a complete fabrication

It's even worse than that. She told the whopper of the century when she claimed she had a fear of flying because of Kavanaugh. Under oath she testified that she regular flew from California to the East Coast to visit family. She also testified that she took a second job that required flying. Finally,she testified she often flew to Hawaii to go surfing and experience the Hawaiian culture. Her boyfriend claimed that while in the Hawaiian Islands, she often flew in small aircraft to go “island hopping. Fear of flying? This woman never met an airplane she didn't like!

Ford also lied when she said she had a second door to the outside installed on her home so she would have another way to escape from her bedroom (official records prove she didn't use the room as a bedroom but instead rented the room out as office space).

Further, the witnesses she claimed where there said they were not, and one of those alleged witnesses who denied being their was her best friend.

Most of all, she said she couldn't remember the year the alleged event happened, or where it happened; she couldn't remember how she got there or why she went and can't even remember how she got home; however, she does recall she only had one beer that night! How could anyone believe such nonsense? Ford is one of the most dishonest individuals I have ever heard of.
Shockwaves After New Claim Of Kavanaugh Sexual Misconduct

Kavanaugh's legacy is tainted forever! Maybe now there will be some REAL investigations!
There already have been real investigations which turned up nothing.

Im ok with another one but when this one finds nothing as all the previous ones did you need to stop lying and claiming they were shams

Once again if this latest accusation is true you have nothing. IF SOMEONE ELSE pushed his penis into the hand of a nearby women then THEY are the ones guilty of assault.
and of course the other issue, is the FBI was directed to NOT investigate thoroughly, the issues at hand.... they were ordered to stand down.... a cover up....
They were given no such direction and did thoroughly investigate them

There was no cover up
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.

The Communists and their disinformation troops that we laughingly call the press know that Ginsburg is about to die. They are setting it so that a confirmation hearing on Amy Barrett will be impossible as they run another witch hunt against Kavanaugh.

When you DON'T prosecute scum like Christine Blasey Ford, you open the door for the Stalinist democrats to throw any charge they want around.
and of course the other issue, is the FBI was directed to NOT investigate thoroughly, the issues at hand.... they were ordered to stand down.... a cover up....
They were given no such direction and did thoroughly investigate them

There was no cover up
No cover up?? Bull shit How many time has Trump and his connections covered up evidence by subpoena? Will trump sue if a bank shows his bs bank records ,,his taxes? Everything he does leads one to believe he's hiding from the truth Too bad you idiots can't see it
Here we Dont go again because we no longer chase fake liberal witch hunts.
and of course the other issue, is the FBI was directed to NOT investigate thoroughly, the issues at hand.... they were ordered to stand down.... a cover up....
They were given no such direction and did thoroughly investigate them

There was no cover up
No cover up?? Bull shit How many time has Trump and his connections covered up evidence by subpoena? Will trump sue if a bank shows his bs bank records ,,his taxes? Everything he does leads one to believe he's hiding from the truth Too bad you idiots can't see it
Trumps bank records and taxes have nothing to do with Kavanaugh

Saying someone covered up one thing or many things does not mean there was a cover up in everything.

Sorry but you morons are losing this argument and there was no cover up.

You cannot show evidence of a cover up
Is it against the law? Look at Obama , 6,000 blacks shot in his home town.. he did nothing
You are a lying fuck. Action was being taken.

What has your fat sasses orange POS done about it?? What has he done about mass shootings. NOT A FUCKING THING
And the POS said if he did it it would be all over campus It WAS all over campus And FBI NEVER checked out the witnesses Wanted to get him appointed as soon as possible
Any proof? Any real proof?

Didn't think so...
7 ,8 students have come forward said never questioned by FBI Of course with Repubs every dem lies and repubs are all truth seekers
The FBI has already said they do not investigate unsubstantiated allegstions of misbehavior. Those accusations are made to the local police.
Then why the fuck were they investigating the Ford story?
You can’t cover up what never happened just like you cannot obstruct what never happened
Liberal loons grasping for fake feelings fantasies once again.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.

Citation needed.

So far no evidence has ever emerged
It turned out to be a fake. No evidence.
We have witnesses.

Or maybe you think rubbing your dick on unsuspecting women is normal.
It’s probably less abnormal than constantly making things up and faking as The activity of ones existence
You are a lying fuck. Action was being taken.

What has your fat sasses orange POS done about it?? What has he done about mass shootings. NOT A FUCKING THING
And the POS said if he did it it would be all over campus It WAS all over campus And FBI NEVER checked out the witnesses Wanted to get him appointed as soon as possible
Any proof? Any real proof?

Didn't think so...
7 ,8 students have come forward said never questioned by FBI Of course with Repubs every dem lies and repubs are all truth seekers
The FBI has already said they do not investigate unsubstantiated allegstions of misbehavior. Those accusations are made to the local police.
Then why the fuck were they investigating the Ford story?
Because she made an accusation, that has now been fully discredited. That is what police are supposed to do, get to the truth..
You are a lying fuck. Action was being taken.

What has your fat sasses orange POS done about it?? What has he done about mass shootings. NOT A FUCKING THING
And the POS said if he did it it would be all over campus It WAS all over campus And FBI NEVER checked out the witnesses Wanted to get him appointed as soon as possible
Any proof? Any real proof?

Didn't think so...
7 ,8 students have come forward said never questioned by FBI Of course with Repubs every dem lies and repubs are all truth seekers
The FBI has already said they do not investigate unsubstantiated allegstions of misbehavior. Those accusations are made to the local police.
Then why the fuck were they investigating the Ford story?

Comrade Realdunce, do you agree that Ford should be in prison for perjury? She lied under oath and admits she lied because she feared milquetoast Kavanaugh would end the abortion industrial complex.

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