Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
I’m truly puzzled that with so many white American witnesses you’re calling it a lie. Or you saying white Americans are liars?
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
The do-nothing Democrats are at it again. Beat up on someone with a 30-year-old selection from their massive swamp archives that can be neither proved nor disproved due to having been buried 15 feet under in some remote landfill of false allegations. Lately, they're undermining real women with the hubris they have selected to relieve America of its Constitutional freedoms to create enough chaos to replace freedom with communism and everybody answering only to Democrats.

I have a feeling this isn't going to work, except to get legislation passed to include Socialism in with the Communist laws passed years ago to protect the Constitution and keep Americans free of the stranglehold that Communism quickly morphs into once it has cast aside the people who believed in the pretty little lies they spew before reality sets in and they act like any other oligarch dictatorship.
I served him once after the Boston marathon .. he seemed like a dick. But wow he’s a icon now. True American hero taking on the Enemies of the United States of America the Democratic Party
Kavanaugh may end up being impeached.

So this is the hopes of the new crat strategy eh, because Ginsburg is getting close, and Trump is getting even closer to winning again.
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
When I was a kid there was hardly any child labor laws.
You’re talking about decades ago before the me too movement.
It would’ve ruined her life then the way Republicans are trying to ruin it now.
said that he had witnessed Kavanaugh expose himself at a party before other students pushed Kavanaugh's genitals into the hand of a female student, apparently without her consent.

That doesn't read like Kavanaugh was the offender, other than being nekkid. BUT what does this person hope to accomplish NOW, all these years later AND after Kavanaugh's been confirmed????
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
When I was a kid there was hardly any child labor laws.
You’re talking about decades ago before the me too movement.
It would’ve ruined her life then the way Republicans are trying to ruin it now.
------------------------------------------------------ you make an emotional plea to emotion . The woman didn't do things properly or legally . Kavanaugh is 'Innocent till Proven Guilty' Dean .
Here we go again......

It's what Socialists and Communists do.
They are NEVER happy with a civil, productive free society.

So they will never stop trying to bring it down and create chaos.

They're miserable....and so you should be too.
perfect description of the Trump Administration
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
When I was a kid there was hardly any child labor laws.
You’re talking about decades ago before the me too movement.
It would’ve ruined her life then the way Republicans are trying to ruin it now.

What does child labor laws have to do with this new accusation???? Or ANY accusation of the 'me too' movement????

are you drinking again? Or didn't take your meds?
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
When I was a kid there was hardly any child labor laws.
You’re talking about decades ago before the me too movement.
It would’ve ruined her life then the way Republicans are trying to ruin it now.
------------------------------------------------------ you make an emotional plea to emotion . The woman didn't do things properly or legally . Kavanaugh is 'Innocent till Proven Guilty' Dean .
no one is trying to put him in jail for his antics.... he is just not qualified to be an upstanding supreme court justice, is the argument.
Brett Kavanaugh is a pervert. Too much evidence suggests he is unfit to be a Supreme Court Justice, or in any public office.
No evidence suggests that. You're either a liar or st someone's useful idiot .
and of course the other issue, is the FBI was directed to NOT investigate thoroughly, the issues at hand.... they were ordered to stand down.... a cover up....

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