Here We Go Again! New Sexual Misconduct Accusations Emerge Against Brett Kavanaugh

Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
When I was a kid there was hardly any child labor laws.
You’re talking about decades ago before the me too movement.
It would’ve ruined her life then the way Republicans are trying to ruin it now.
------------------------------------------------------ you make an emotional plea to emotion . The woman didn't do things properly or legally . Kavanaugh is 'Innocent till Proven Guilty' Dean .
no one is trying to put him in jail for his antics.... he is just not qualified to be an upstanding supreme court justice, is the argument.

so it's ok to ruin someones life & career based on unproven accusations????? That 'innocent until proven guilty' goes much further than just jail time
Wow. Democrats are getting desperate. The last accuser/liar went home branded for life as a liar.

This one doesn't care. She is going to brass knuckle Kavanaugh some more because she's a Democrat operative.

How do the Democrats think they can pull out 30-year-old lie after 30-year-old lie and get away with it?

I am truly puzzled.
The only people who branded Ford a liar were dumbasss Trumpettes.

But Kavanaugh likes beer. It is his excuse for getting drunk and scting like an ass.
------------------------------------- ALL I ever said was that the woman shoulda reported to proper authorities and then Prove her accusations but until she Proved her accusation then Kavanaugh is Presumed to be Innocent RDave .
When I was a kid there was hardly any child labor laws.
You’re talking about decades ago before the me too movement.
It would’ve ruined her life then the way Republicans are trying to ruin it now.
------------------------------------------------------ you make an emotional plea to emotion . The woman didn't do things properly or legally . Kavanaugh is 'Innocent till Proven Guilty' Dean .
no one is trying to put him in jail for his antics.... he is just not qualified to be an upstanding supreme court justice, is the argument.
-------------------------------------- and that's YOUR Opinion and you are welcome to it Care4 .
and of course the other issue, is the FBI was directed to NOT investigate thoroughly, the issues at hand.... they were ordered to stand down.... a cover up....
------------------------------ correct me if I am mistaken but the call for the FBI was ignored because these type investigation are not the FBI job . ------------- Just a comment on what I vaguely remember .
and of course the other issue, is the FBI was directed to NOT investigate thoroughly, the issues at hand.... they were ordered to stand down.... a cover up....
------------------------------ correct me if I am mistaken but the call for the FBI was ignored because these type investigation are not the FBI job . ------------- Just a comment on what I vaguely remember .

I did find this......

Kavanaugh accuser Ramirez speaks with FBI: reports

But in a stunning last-minute move, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said he would only vote to confirm Kavanaugh if the FBI conducted a week-long investigation into the allegations.

Many Democrats have criticized what they deem to be an arbitrary time limit to the investigation. Trump on Saturday denied an NBC report that he was imposing limits on the investigation, saying he wanted the FBI "to interview whoever they deem appropriate."

The New York Times on Sunday reported that the FBI is investigating the allegations made by Ford, Ramirez and a third accuser, Julie Swetnick, who has said Kavanaugh was present at high school parties where women were drugged and mistreated. Swetnick's lawyer is Michael Avenatti, who also represents adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.

We've already seen this movie.

The ending will be the same
Just another distraction is all it is, but figuring out what it actually applies to is the fun part on usmb. I think it's been hit on here a few times already, so now it's just a wait and see thing. Hopefully no taxpayer money will be wasted on it, but I know I'm an idiot for hoping that if the Democrats are involved.
You just punched every woman, who has really been sexually assaulted in the face. I hope Kavanaugh is the deciding vote to outlaw abortion.
A serial sexual predator on the Supreme Court. Yea, I can see why Trump likes this guy so much.
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.
Good grief.... After those hearings, now we have new allegations brewing ?? Ruth Ginsburg must be getting real close, and the crats are getting very worried about the future court make up again.
Or they figure if they keep K on the defensive he’ll vote liberal
A serial sexual predator on the Supreme Court. Yea, I can see why Trump likes this guy so much.
A serial sexual predator on the Supreme Court. Yea, I can see why Trump likes this guy so much.
Or maybe Biden billion dollar sell out to China....which is worse as whole?...Need more EVIDENCE...ASS?

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Jun 7, 2019 · According to Schweizer, Hunted Biden did not have a background that .... CHINA AND THE BILLION-DOLLAR PRIVATE EQUITY DEAL
New evidence is emerging about Brett Kavanaugh that agrees with Christine Blaisey Fords allegations that Brett Kavanaugh was a sex assault predator and drunkard.

After the Senate hearings it is also evident that Brett Kavanaugh is a liar and perjurer.

Donald Trump has appointed a sex pervert to the Supreme Court which slimes all the conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

GOP lawmaker talked a lot of shit during the Senate hearings and will be compelled to eat their words.

Its not over till the fat lady sings.

New Reporting Says Brett Kavanaugh Did Touch Yale Classmates With His Penis—Twice

New Reporting Claims Brett Kavanaugh Did Touch Yale Classmates With His Penis—Twice
SEPT 14, 201911:50 PM

“At least seven people” were aware of the story that Brett Kavanaugh had drunkenly exposed his penis to an unwilling Yale classmate, who ended up touching it while trying to avoid him, the New York Times reported. In an excerpt from their forthcoming book, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation, Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly wrote that Deborah Ramirez’s account of being confronted by the future Supreme Court justice’s penis—an incident that Kavanaugh’s supporters dismissed as uncorroborated during his 2018 confirmation hearings—was supported by their later reporting:

Pogrebin and Kelly wrote:
During his Senate testimony, Mr. Kavanaugh said that if the incident Ms. Ramirez described had occurred, it would have been “the talk of campus.” Our reporting suggests that it was.
In addition, their investigation turned up a witness to a second, previously unreported incident in which Kavanaugh was said to have brandished his penis, at a different party:
A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.)

Unlike Christine Blasey Ford, who said Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in high school, Ramirez did not testify in the confirmation hearings. With the Republican majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee focused on pushing Kavanaugh through, Pogrebin and Kelly reported, the investigation into claims against Kavanaugh failed to follow up on dozens of possible leads:

Ms. Ramirez’s legal team gave the F.B.I. a list of at least 25 individuals who may have had corroborating evidence. But the bureau — in its supplemental background investigation — interviewed none of them, though we learned many of these potential witnesses tried in vain to reach the F.B.I. on their own.

Two F.B.I. agents interviewed Ms. Ramirez, telling her that they found her “credible.” But the Republican-controlled Senate had imposed strict limits on the investigation. “‘We have to wait to get authorization to do anything else,’” Bill Pittard, one of Ms. Ramirez’s lawyers, recalled the agents saying. “It was almost a little apologetic.”

In addition to taking his lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, by the fall of last year, Kavanaugh had returned to coaching girls’ basketball.

Funny, you don't lead with what this new evidence is. I skimmed the article. Seems just like the same unsupported bullshit.

Donald Trump thanks you for your blind support of his gut and for suporting his personally selected sex perverts.
Who Ford and her sex kittens photos or her and her drug infused fantasies?
New evidence is emerging about Brett Kavanaugh that agrees with Christine Blaisey Fords allegations that Brett Kavanaugh was a sex assault predator and drunkard.

After the Senate hearings it is also evident that Brett Kavanaugh is a liar and perjurer.

Donald Trump has appointed a sex pervert to the Supreme Court which slimes all the conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

GOP lawmaker talked a lot of shit during the Senate hearings and will be compelled to eat their words.

Its not over till the fat lady sings.

New Reporting Says Brett Kavanaugh Did Touch Yale Classmates With His Penis—Twice

New Reporting Claims Brett Kavanaugh Did Touch Yale Classmates With His Penis—Twice
SEPT 14, 201911:50 PM

“At least seven people” were aware of the story that Brett Kavanaugh had drunkenly exposed his penis to an unwilling Yale classmate, who ended up touching it while trying to avoid him, the New York Times reported. In an excerpt from their forthcoming book, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation, Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly wrote that Deborah Ramirez’s account of being confronted by the future Supreme Court justice’s penis—an incident that Kavanaugh’s supporters dismissed as uncorroborated during his 2018 confirmation hearings—was supported by their later reporting:

Pogrebin and Kelly wrote:
During his Senate testimony, Mr. Kavanaugh said that if the incident Ms. Ramirez described had occurred, it would have been “the talk of campus.” Our reporting suggests that it was.
In addition, their investigation turned up a witness to a second, previously unreported incident in which Kavanaugh was said to have brandished his penis, at a different party:
A classmate, Max Stier, saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the F.B.I. about this account, but the F.B.I. did not investigate and Mr. Stier has declined to discuss it publicly. (We corroborated the story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Stier.)

Unlike Christine Blasey Ford, who said Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her in high school, Ramirez did not testify in the confirmation hearings. With the Republican majority on the Senate Judiciary Committee focused on pushing Kavanaugh through, Pogrebin and Kelly reported, the investigation into claims against Kavanaugh failed to follow up on dozens of possible leads:

Ms. Ramirez’s legal team gave the F.B.I. a list of at least 25 individuals who may have had corroborating evidence. But the bureau — in its supplemental background investigation — interviewed none of them, though we learned many of these potential witnesses tried in vain to reach the F.B.I. on their own.

Two F.B.I. agents interviewed Ms. Ramirez, telling her that they found her “credible.” But the Republican-controlled Senate had imposed strict limits on the investigation. “‘We have to wait to get authorization to do anything else,’” Bill Pittard, one of Ms. Ramirez’s lawyers, recalled the agents saying. “It was almost a little apologetic.”

In addition to taking his lifetime seat on the Supreme Court, by the fall of last year, Kavanaugh had returned to coaching girls’ basketball.

So when did this skank, I mean woman, ever file a police report?

Where was she during the show trial of Kavanaugh’s confirmation?
Democrat Desperation has set in. This tells me that the Media knows that something damageing is coming out soon and they need to create a distraction from it.

New sexual misconduct accusation against Kavanaugh emerges, echoing previous Yale allegation

Brett Kavanaugh Fit In With the Privileged Kids. She Did Not.

He committed perjury in his testimony. He lied to the FBI. This will cost many in the FBI their jobs when a Democrat takes back the White House. Kavanaugh is only as safe as long as Republicans control the Senate.

That isn't going to last forever. You better start worrying about some comeuppance, a lot more than focusing on a distraction. Things are changing fast, and you won't be killed in one blow. It will be death by a thousand cuts.

And the cuts are adding up.

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