Here we go again! Various states/cities threatening another shutdown

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

I see three places mentioned in that link: Kansas City, St. Louis, and Missouri.

Your thread title suggests that the sky is falling, yet the information contained in the link does not support that...
Is your Google broken? Do I need to lead you to every available source? Are you 12?

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
You're correct. If you deniers would have learned to wear your masks and social distance we wouldn't be facing this again.
Also ignoring the true cause of the pandemic. Four bipartisan MOC's figured it out.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
Not sure whose rosy assessment is seeing that much consumer confidence. The supply pipeline far from full, when you see huge shortfall of inventory on hand at Lowes and HD, two companies with some of the best private logistics and sourcing in the business.
I do not see much more devastation. The first round was almost locking down whole states. Now talking about locking down specific cities. Economy will be OK, as the market has discovered Wall Street can be fine, even when mainstreet sucks and current administration really only cares about Wall Street, paying scant attention to main street, proven by funneling money to larger companies and corporations while the relief money dried up for smaller businesses the stimulus was advertised to be for.
They have to get hold of the problem or we're screwed. I don't see anything but tragedy if we get back into the regular flue season with the kind of infection level and mortality we are seeing in what is normally the healthiest season of the year, except in the urban areas, where the shootings, muggings, and convenience store robberies take a spike in the summer season.
Need to close where they need to close, keep stable and reduce where they can. Nobody in any cities of 20,000 or more can blow this off as somebody else's problem, or an undue imposition. States and locals need to call their balls, not try to act like they have big balls. Forget about leadership from trump or what he says about closings, as the man is an idiot and most responsible for people blowing the pandemic off, which is what made us the number #1 most infected country, with highest death-toll, practically banned by most civilized countries of the world. This ain't not time to follow politics and dance with the whore that brung ya.
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This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

The coronavirus is devastating to many both financially and physically. People getting sick and dying does not help the economy either. It is a shame you don't have a lick of common sense. No wonder you support Trump.

The editorial makes a good point. Trump tries to federalize Portland. but wants a piecemeal approach to tghe coronavirus. NY took tough action and they are among the states that have been able to reopen safely. If we had taken tough action for 6-8 weeks when NY was doing it, we would be largely over it.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

That's right. You watched what happened in New York, and you didn't prepare, and you didn't get ready to test, or PPE's, you just mocked what was happening in "blue states", home of crime and disease, and said "let em die". Now that it's happening in red states, where they don't have big city resources, and still people are getting sick and dying with no testing, and no resources from the federal government.

Other countries shut down the virus and we're JUST NOW getting back to business. States which re-opened in May are awash in disease and death.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
Not sure whose rosy assessment is seeing that much consumer confidence. The supply pipeline far from full, when you see huge shortfall of inventory on hand at Lowes and HD, two companies with some of the best private logistics and sourcing in the business.
I do not see much more devastation. The first round was almost locking down whole states. Now talking about locking down specific cities. Economy will be OK, as the market has discovered Wall Street can be fine, even when mainstreet sucks and current administration really only cares about Wall Street, paying scant attention to main street, proven by funneling money to larger companies and corporations while the relief money dried up for smaller businesses the stimulus was advertised to be for.
They have to get hold of the problem or we're screwed. I don't see anything but tragedy if we get back into the regular flue season with the kind of infection level and mortality we are seeing in what is normally the healthiest season of the year, except in the urban areas, where the shootings, muggings, and convenience store robberies take a spike in the summer season.
Need to close where they need to close, keep stable and reduce where they can. Nobody in any cities of 20,000 or more can blow this off as somebody else's problem, or an undue imposition. States and locals need to call their balls, not try to act like they have big balls. Forget about leadership from trump or what he says about closings, as the man is an idiot and most responsible for people blowing the pandemic off, which is what made us the number #1 most infected country, with highest death-toll, practically banned by most civilized countries of the world. This ain't not time to follow politics and dance with the whore that brung ya.

What is interesting is the tax breaks that companies are receiving extend into 2021. The big corporations don't have to rely on Congress to get their breaks extended.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

I see three places mentioned in that link: Kansas City, St. Louis, and Missouri.

Your thread title suggests that the sky is falling, yet the information contained in the link does not support that...
Is your Google broken? Do I need to lead you to every available source? Are you 12?

No, nipplehead, but I'm old enough to understand that, when I want to make a point, I provide information to support my point instead of expecting others to do the work required to make that point.

Expecting others to Google anything (as you do) to support your point is, on the very best of days, lazy as fuck.

If you have a point, make it and support it. But the inarguable fact here is that the information in your link fails to support the title of your thread.

That's not my fault, that's yours...
Put on your fucking mask!!!!!


I guess the elite like rioters don't get coronavirus.


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This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
You're correct. If you deniers would have learned to wear your masks and social distance we wouldn't be facing this again.

Does this include the rioters and the countless young folks that flooded the beaches? I would be willing to bet the vast majority of those are left-wingers.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You can't make 350 million Americans do anything. They have to want to do it. Look at the beaches, loaded with beach goers. No masks, no distancing. You CAN'T make people do what they don't want to do.

You and your Dem misfits couldn't do any better than Trump and his people have done. Hell you called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country. We should call it the Demvirus.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

A depression like economy will kill more people than this virus. There has to be a balance.

You are kidding yourself if you don't think election year politics isn't playing a role in the decisions made regarding this virus...on both sides.
The American economy is doomed.

Gold is over $2,000/ounce and you can be sure that any Democrat which might ever become president will outlaw possession. Just as did Rooseveldt.

No point in investing in real estate; under the hybrid Communist/Fascist regime the left wants you can't keep it. It all belongs to "The People". If you don't willingly sign it over the Gestapo or, if you prefer, Stasi, will pay you and your family an early morning visit and, one way or another, you or your estate will comply.

"Preppers" who have hidden their food stash well will survive.


Of course that can be postponed - but not averted - in November. Aversion would require cleansing of a sort only a liberal could seriously entertain.

This is a very good time to be old.

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