Here we go again! Various states/cities threatening another shutdown

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

That's right. You watched what happened in New York, and you didn't prepare, and you didn't get ready to test, or PPE's, you just mocked what was happening in "blue states", home of crime and disease, and said "let em die". Now that it's happening in red states, where they don't have big city resources, and still people are getting sick and dying with no testing, and no resources from the federal government.

Other countries shut down the virus and we're JUST NOW getting back to business. States which re-opened in May are awash in disease and death.
We did watch what happened in NY. Highest death rate in the entire country. You wacko leftists think NY is a huge success.
Put on your fucking mask!!!!!

View attachment 371866
I guess the elite like rioters don't get coronavirus.

I'm willing to bet those people have access to instant testing that you and I will never know.
The American economy is doomed.

Gold is over $2,000/ounce and you can be sure that any Democrat which might ever become president will outlaw possession. Just as did Rooseveldt.

No point in investing in real estate; under the hybrid Communist/Fascist regime the left wants you can't keep it. It all belongs to "The People". If you don't willingly sign it over the Gestapo or, if you prefer, Stasi, will pay you and your family an early morning visit and, one way or another, you or your estate will comply.

"Preppers" who have hidden their food stash well will survive.


Of course that can be postponed - but not averted - in November. Aversion would require cleansing of a sort only a liberal could seriously entertain.

This is a very good time to be old.

The ignorance and paranoia of the right knows no bounds. I had a roommate back in the 1980's who was "prepping" with his MRE's, and military grade camping supplies, waiting for the inevitable nuclear war between NATO and the Soviet Union. And who can forget the Obama's stashing millions of rounds in the White House basement to kill all of the Republicans after the 2012 election? The Sandy Hook shooter's Mom was stashing guns and ammo to fight that war. Her son shot her with her own guns.

Right wingers are obsessed with death at the hands of the government, the left, and they end up getting shot by their own crazy kids.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
It’s a total shame. Too bad soo many jerk offs didn’t take this thing seriously months ago and act responsibly to control the spread. Sorry, jerk offs wasn’t appropriate... fucking assholes is a better term.

Keep in mind, the spread is world wide, not just in the US. Frankly, the best thing is for us to develop an immunity to it. Granted, it may mutate every year and we may have to have a vaccine, much like the flu, but at least we would not be in shambles this time around prior to a vaccine. Completely holding up until we have vaccine is not a solution.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

I see three places mentioned in that link: Kansas City, St. Louis, and Missouri.

Your thread title suggests that the sky is falling, yet the information contained in the link does not support that...
Is your Google broken? Do I need to lead you to every available source? Are you 12?

No, nipplehead, but I'm old enough to understand that, when I want to make a point, I provide information to support my point instead of expecting others to do the work required to make that point.

Expecting others to Google anything (as you do) to support your point is, on the very best of days, lazy as fuck.

If you have a point, make it and support it. But the inarguable fact here is that the information in your link fails to support the title of your thread.

That's not my fault, that's yours...
Nipplehead!!! I’m stealing that one

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You can't make 350 million Americans do anything. They have to want to do it. Look at the beaches, loaded with beach goers. No masks, no distancing. You CAN'T make people do what they don't want to do.

You and your Dem misfits couldn't do any better than Trump and his people have done. Hell you called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country. We should call it the Demvirus.
The difference is effort. Trump didn’t even try to promote mask wearing and social distancing. In fact he actively worked to demean and make fun of it while pushing for and setting examples of exactly what not to do. It’s been an embarrassment.
The American economy is doomed.

Gold is over $2,000/ounce and you can be sure that any Democrat which might ever become president will outlaw possession. Just as did Rooseveldt.

No point in investing in real estate; under the hybrid Communist/Fascist regime the left wants you can't keep it. It all belongs to "The People". If you don't willingly sign it over the Gestapo or, if you prefer, Stasi, will pay you and your family an early morning visit and, one way or another, you or your estate will comply.

"Preppers" who have hidden their food stash well will survive.


Of course that can be postponed - but not averted - in November. Aversion would require cleansing of a sort only a liberal could seriously entertain.

This is a very good time to be old.

The ignorance and paranoia of the right knows no bounds. I had a roommate back in the 1980's who was "prepping" with his MRE's, and military grade camping supplies, waiting for the inevitable nuclear war between NATO and the Soviet Union. And who can forget the Obama's stashing millions of rounds in the White House basement to kill all of the Republicans after the 2012 election? The Sandy Hook shooter's Mom was stashing guns and ammo to fight that war. Her son shot her with her own guns.

Right wingers are obsessed with death at the hands of the government, the left, and they end up getting shot by their own crazy kids.

And lefty looney's continue to think that making guns illegal takes them out of the hands of criminals. It is amazingly naive or just flat out stupid.
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Put on your fucking mask!!!!!

View attachment 371866
I guess the elite like rioters don't get coronavirus.
typical. find shit on facebook, swallow it, share it. absolutely no brain activity involved. you are a prime example of what is wrong.

the picture is 5 years old.

delete your account.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You can't make 350 million Americans do anything. They have to want to do it. Look at the beaches, loaded with beach goers. No masks, no distancing. You CAN'T make people do what they don't want to do.

You and your Dem misfits couldn't do any better than Trump and his people have done. Hell you called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country. We should call it the Demvirus.
The difference is effort. Trump didn’t even try to promote mask wearing and social distancing. In fact he actively worked to demean and make fun of it while pushing for and setting examples of exactly what not to do. It’s been an embarrassment.

Only an embarrassment to those on the left who hate Trump. The left is always talking about Trump embarrassing the US. Are you guys embarrassed by looters and rioters? I know I sure am. Some other countries don't like Trump...go figure. He looks out for what is best for the US, unlike the Democrats. No wonder other countries love our Democratic presidents so much.

I would stop worrying so much about what other countries think. The US is the top dog in the world. Haters gonna hate. They are jealous, plain and simple.

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
It’s a total shame. Too bad soo many jerk offs didn’t take this thing seriously months ago and act responsibly to control the spread. Sorry, jerk offs wasn’t appropriate... fucking assholes is a better term.

Keep in mind, the spread is world wide, not just in the US. Frankly, the best thing is for us to develop an immunity to it. Granted, it may mutate every year and we may have to have a vaccine, much like the flu, but at least we would not be in shambles this time around prior to a vaccine. Completely holding up until we have vaccine is not a solution.
What percentage needs to be infected to hit immunity?

also have you seen the numbers of “spikes” in other countries compared to what’s happening here?

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You can't make 350 million Americans do anything. They have to want to do it. Look at the beaches, loaded with beach goers. No masks, no distancing. You CAN'T make people do what they don't want to do.

You and your Dem misfits couldn't do any better than Trump and his people have done. Hell you called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country. We should call it the Demvirus.
The difference is effort. Trump didn’t even try to promote mask wearing and social distancing. In fact he actively worked to demean and make fun of it while pushing for and setting examples of exactly what not to do. It’s been an embarrassment.

Only an embarrassment to those on the left who hate Trump. The left is always talking about Trump embarrassing the US. Are you guys embarrassed by looters and rioters? I know I sure am. Some other countries don't like Trump...go figure. He looks out for what is best for the US, unlike the Democrats. No wonder other countries love our Democratic presidents so much.

I would stop worrying so much about what other countries think. The US is the top dog in the world. Haters gonna hate. They are jealous, plain and simple.
Yes rioters and looters are a shame as well. It’s a different kind of embarrassment when comparing impoverished criminals vs an elected billionaire holding the most powerful office in the world.
We now have a self appointed block captain and they are springing up all over the USA as most of us are toooooo dumb to take care of our own “health and well being”

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You can't make 350 million Americans do anything. They have to want to do it. Look at the beaches, loaded with beach goers. No masks, no distancing. You CAN'T make people do what they don't want to do.

You and your Dem misfits couldn't do any better than Trump and his people have done. Hell you called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country. We should call it the Demvirus.
The difference is effort. Trump didn’t even try to promote mask wearing and social distancing. In fact he actively worked to demean and make fun of it while pushing for and setting examples of exactly what not to do. It’s been an embarrassment.

Only an embarrassment to those on the left who hate Trump. The left is always talking about Trump embarrassing the US. Are you guys embarrassed by looters and rioters? I know I sure am. Some other countries don't like Trump...go figure. He looks out for what is best for the US, unlike the Democrats. No wonder other countries love our Democratic presidents so much.

I would stop worrying so much about what other countries think. The US is the top dog in the world. Haters gonna hate. They are jealous, plain and simple.
I disagree that Trump is looking out for what’s best for us. He only sees his campaign for the next election. He is running on economic success so he needs to get a positive recovery before the vote. So he is pushing for it while deflecting blame for the virus and trying to spin up wins wherever he can. In the process he has promoted bad practices and now we see the largest resurgence in the world and those months of shut downs have gone to waste!

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.

Did you even read your own link?

They never completely shutdown and they reopened too soon. Then they didn't follow CDC guidelines when they reopened too soon.

What do you expect?

It's out of control. Thousands of people are dying yet you don't want to do anything to stop it.

No, you people didn't learn anything and it's killing thousands of people. The virus doesn't care who you are or where you live. All it cares about is to infect as many people possible to kill them.

And you want to help the virus kill as many as possible.

What is wrong with you?

Gotta laugh at your stupid ass. You can't make 350 million Americans do anything. They have to want to do it. Look at the beaches, loaded with beach goers. No masks, no distancing. You CAN'T make people do what they don't want to do.

You and your Dem misfits couldn't do any better than Trump and his people have done. Hell you called him a racist when he wanted to stop flights coming into this country. We should call it the Demvirus.
The difference is effort. Trump didn’t even try to promote mask wearing and social distancing. In fact he actively worked to demean and make fun of it while pushing for and setting examples of exactly what not to do. It’s been an embarrassment.

Only an embarrassment to those on the left who hate Trump. The left is always talking about Trump embarrassing the US. Are you guys embarrassed by looters and rioters? I know I sure am. Some other countries don't like Trump...go figure. He looks out for what is best for the US, unlike the Democrats. No wonder other countries love our Democratic presidents so much.

I would stop worrying so much about what other countries think. The US is the top dog in the world. Haters gonna hate. They are jealous, plain and simple.

The looters and the rioters were anarchists and 4chan punks looking to start a race war - rabid right wingers.

The real looting is the billions of dollars of "tax cuts" and "interest free loans" to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars to publically traded corporations and billionaires, while their former workers like up for food banks, and bodies pile up in the morgues.

The right never mentions the money to the wealthy while their workers starve.
Las Vegas or I call it “Las Virus “ seems to be one of the worst in the country
Shutdown looms - but only for those not politically connected and sharing their loot with the oppressors?

The city formerly known as "Anchorage" is undecided on new name: "Los Anchorage" or "New San Francisco". 'Frisco has the slight edge as the city's mayor was transplanted from the Shitty By The Bay to show the winter-dark Northern Town the light of Socialism.
The Democrat shutdown freaks make the mistake that we are as feeble and clueless as their supporters

This yet again will be devastating for many both financially and mentally. Could easily destroy an already fragile consumer confidence level.

Apparently we learned nothing.
It’s a total shame. Too bad soo many jerk offs didn’t take this thing seriously months ago and act responsibly to control the spread. Sorry, jerk offs wasn’t appropriate... fucking assholes is a better term.
Orange man was telling everyone it’s just a hoax and under control and will just disappear... not a shock that too many people didn’t take it seriously.

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