Here We Go Again


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I expect that we'll see a huge push on this for the lame duck session when Congress returns.


FAIR Legislative Update October 4, 2010

Senator Menendez Introduces Amnesty Bill Day Before Congressional Recess

In a final attempt to woo amnesty advocates into the voting booths this November, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman, introduced an amnesty bill late Wednesday, just as members of Congress were leaving town. (Roll Call, Sept. 30, 2010) The 874-page bill, entitled the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2010 (CIR Act of 2010), would exponentially increase the number of immigrants in the country to unprecedented levels by: (1) granting amnesty to the estimated 13 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S.; (2) permitting them to bring in their spouses, children, and other relatives from other countries; and (3) by issuing hundreds of thousands of new green cards through the process the authors call “recapture.”

FAIR: FAIR Legislative Update October 4, 2010
Sure! When donkies fly!!! If we are smart that is. This is so ridiculous it boggles the mind. Welcome to the downfall of the USA.

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