Here we go again

Another dupe's version of making America great by threatening the 'enemy of the people. No Russian intruders this time, like in the pizzagate. This is a direct direction from Trump. Then he goes and squawks about his fantasy predictions of Dem violence.

'You're the enemy of the people': FBI arrests man and charges him with threatening Boston Globe employees over Trump editorials
Leftist propaganda machine has brought it on themselves. No sympathy.
Oh THAT'S pure bullshit

Don't blame those you attack for your attacks
They attacked first...if ya can't handle the heat don't start the fire.
Falsifying quotes even. Doubleplusgood.

You lied about CNN the same way. That's your pattern and the pattern of many Trump thugs, lying to whip up violence.

The name for it is stochastic terrorism. You don't know exactly which unstable personality you'll set off, but you know that if you keep inciting the mob, you'll eventually set someone off.
They bring a knife, you bring a gun. Obama Hussien.
Trump is such a low life. Trump's hatred for the Constitution and the institutions of this country knows no bounds. His supporters are such lemmings.
Be specific on his hatred for the constitution, please.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
Billy sure does love excusing violence. He's a true Trump thug.

"Lock him up ... but they did deserve it, winkwinkwink".

Democrats would never shoot someone at a ball game, or fight a republican in his yard, or turn over cop cars, bust store fronts, beat folks for voting Trump would they?

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Another dupe's version of making America great by threatening the 'enemy of the people. No Russian intruders this time, like in the pizzagate. This is a direct direction from Trump. Then he goes and squawks about his fantasy predictions of Dem violence.

'You're the enemy of the people': FBI arrests man and charges him with threatening Boston Globe employees over Trump editorials

Much of the news industry at this time IS an "enemy of the people", in that constant lies and omissions are made in an attempt to sway public opinion in a false direction.

CNN's insistence of the veracity of their story in spite of Lanny Davis' public confession is a clear recent example.

The guy threatening the Boston Globe is a mere nitwit. Lock him up.

The problem is not with individual "journalists", but the fact that a large chunk of the industry is in the employ of the Democratic Party. Trump has not said anything the Americans have not said themselves, and long before he came along as prez.
Hey, billy! You and I both know the conventional wisdom among Republicans is that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC are considered 'enemy of the people' because Trump sez so. And the only other President to make such and accusation is....yep, Nixon! I'm pretty sure most Republicans do not consider the Fox pundit stable or Limbaugh or Sinclair 'enemies of the people', yet I'll bet even you would acknowledge their blatant bias. Heck, Trump even tweets straight from Hannity's mouth direct. I believe the China hack blurb came from him.

But you are right in that we all tend to seek views similar to our own. And there is no denying many mistakes have been made, although most face up and correct while some double down. However, the strong implication made by Trump as he quotes tyrants throughout history with his 'enemy of the people' charge is being taken seriously by far too many. Is there a je suis charlie in our future?

Y’all liberals always have selective memory, Trump said FAKE NEWS IS THE ENIMY OF THE PEOPLE. Thats why we don’t like fake news, but liberals must agree because you named all the fake news outlets without anyone bringing them up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump is such a low life. Trump's hatred for the Constitution and the institutions of this country knows no bounds. His supporters are such lemmings.
Be specific on his hatred for the constitution, please.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
Another dupe's version of making America great by threatening the 'enemy of the people. No Russian intruders this time, like in the pizzagate. This is a direct direction from Trump. Then he goes and squawks about his fantasy predictions of Dem violence.

'You're the enemy of the people': FBI arrests man and charges him with threatening Boston Globe employees over Trump editorials

Much of the news industry at this time IS an "enemy of the people", in that constant lies and omissions are made in an attempt to sway public opinion in a false direction.

CNN's insistence of the veracity of their story in spite of Lanny Davis' public confession is a clear recent example.

The guy threatening the Boston Globe is a mere nitwit. Lock him up.

The problem is not with individual "journalists", but the fact that a large chunk of the industry is in the employ of the Democratic Party. Trump has not said anything the Americans have not said themselves, and long before he came along as prez.
Hey, billy! You and I both know the conventional wisdom among Republicans is that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC are considered 'enemy of the people' because Trump sez so. And the only other President to make such and accusation is....yep, Nixon! I'm pretty sure most Republicans do not consider the Fox pundit stable or Limbaugh or Sinclair 'enemies of the people', yet I'll bet even you would acknowledge their blatant bias. Heck, Trump even tweets straight from Hannity's mouth direct. I believe the China hack blurb came from him.

But you are right in that we all tend to seek views similar to our own. And there is no denying many mistakes have been made, although most face up and correct while some double down. However, the strong implication made by Trump as he quotes tyrants throughout history with his 'enemy of the people' charge is being taken seriously by far too many. Is there a je suis charlie in our future?

Y’all liberals always have selective memory, Trump said FAKE NEWS IS THE ENIMY OF THE PEOPLE. Thats why we don’t like fake news, but liberals must agree because you named all the fake news outlets without anyone bringing them up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And Y'all cons accept Trump's version of what is "fake" news. Next time...listen to what he says.
Trump is such a low life. Trump's hatred for the Constitution and the institutions of this country knows no bounds. His supporters are such lemmings.
Be specific on his hatred for the constitution, please.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Trump is such a low life. Trump's hatred for the Constitution and the institutions of this country knows no bounds. His supporters are such lemmings.
Be specific on his hatred for the constitution, please.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
Trump is such a low life. Trump's hatred for the Constitution and the institutions of this country knows no bounds. His supporters are such lemmings.
Be specific on his hatred for the constitution, please.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
Another dupe's version of making America great by threatening the 'enemy of the people. No Russian intruders this time, like in the pizzagate. This is a direct direction from Trump. Then he goes and squawks about his fantasy predictions of Dem violence.

'You're the enemy of the people': FBI arrests man and charges him with threatening Boston Globe employees over Trump editorials

Much of the news industry at this time IS an "enemy of the people", in that constant lies and omissions are made in an attempt to sway public opinion in a false direction.

CNN's insistence of the veracity of their story in spite of Lanny Davis' public confession is a clear recent example.

The guy threatening the Boston Globe is a mere nitwit. Lock him up.

The problem is not with individual "journalists", but the fact that a large chunk of the industry is in the employ of the Democratic Party. Trump has not said anything the Americans have not said themselves, and long before he came along as prez.
Hey, billy! You and I both know the conventional wisdom among Republicans is that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC are considered 'enemy of the people' because Trump sez so. And the only other President to make such and accusation is....yep, Nixon! I'm pretty sure most Republicans do not consider the Fox pundit stable or Limbaugh or Sinclair 'enemies of the people', yet I'll bet even you would acknowledge their blatant bias. Heck, Trump even tweets straight from Hannity's mouth direct. I believe the China hack blurb came from him.

But you are right in that we all tend to seek views similar to our own. And there is no denying many mistakes have been made, although most face up and correct while some double down. However, the strong implication made by Trump as he quotes tyrants throughout history with his 'enemy of the people' charge is being taken seriously by far too many. Is there a je suis charlie in our future?

Y’all liberals always have selective memory, Trump said FAKE NEWS IS THE ENIMY OF THE PEOPLE. Thats why we don’t like fake news, but liberals must agree because you named all the fake news outlets without anyone bringing them up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And Y'all cons accept Trump's version of what is "fake" news. Next time...listen to what he says.

I don't "accept" Trump's version of what is fake news. I happen to agree with him, and have for decades without any input from him.
Be specific on his hatred for the constitution, please.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
You do realize the investigation into hillary's emails is open again. Since the chinese got their own copy of every email she sent. 20 americans died because of that, when she goes down. Alot of politicians will also go down. Republican and democrat and it's about time.
Trump babbles a lot, and much of the blips I hear leave me wondering what he just said. However, his obsession about personal loyalty is one of the things I equate as un-Constitutional in that the checks and balances are endangered IMHO. Like continually threatening to fire Sessions (whom I never liked, but he is honest) for not recusing himself when it was clearly the Constitutional move given his known conversations with Russians during the RNC Convention. And why is Trump grousing about Sessions? For one simple reason that you know whether you admit it or not. This obsessive-driven need for loyalty is only one of the acts I consider him a threat to our Democratic Republic. He now threatens to 'get involved' (according to his last couple of rallies) in an investigation into his own campaign and admin. So now he thinks he can investigate himself? Gee, I wonder how THAT would turn out. It would be funny....if not for the Americans who really would support him shooting someone on 5th Avenue. This little by little chipping away of the Democratic process and checks and balances, this giving in to hedonism and allowing it to become acceptable step by step, this slander campaign his supporters eat up followed by firing of professional law enforcement, I consider a serious threat to our nation as originally hoped by our FF. It has happened before, in my lifetime.

Would it stand up in court? I don't know, jknowgood. Maybe he's my next O.J. and gets away with it...but not with MY help!
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
You do realize the investigation into hillary's emails is open again. Since the chinese got their own copy of every email she sent. 20 americans died because of that, when she goes down. Alot of politicians will also go down. Republican and democrat and it's about time.

20 Americans died to get Hillary's emails? Sure thing, crack smoker.
There is no collusion, the only thing we are finding out. Is how corrupt the obama admistration was.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
You do realize the investigation into hillary's emails is open again. Since the chinese got their own copy of every email she sent. 20 americans died because of that, when she goes down. Alot of politicians will also go down. Republican and democrat and it's about time.

20 Americans died to get Hillary's emails? Sure thing, crack smoker.
No, 20 americans in china died because of Hillary's treason. Bill gave them our satallite secrets and Hillary gave them classified information. Biden's son has gotten very rich with china's money. Like i said, it will only take one person to bring everyone down and i hope it's soon. There will be plenty of republicans that go to, i would say even Bush jr. We would'nt know any of this if Hillary got elected, thank God for Trump.
OMG!! Obama? You cover everything Trump does with Obama? OMG!
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
You do realize the investigation into hillary's emails is open again. Since the chinese got their own copy of every email she sent. 20 americans died because of that, when she goes down. Alot of politicians will also go down. Republican and democrat and it's about time.

20 Americans died to get Hillary's emails? Sure thing, crack smoker.
No, 20 americans in china died because of Hillary's treason. Bill gave them our satallite secrets and Hillary gave them classified information. Biden's son has gotten very rich with china's money. Like i said, it will only take one person to bring everyone down and i hope it's soon. There will be plenty of republicans that go to, i would say even Bush jr. We would'nt know any of this if Hillary got elected, thank God for Trump.

Yeah, that conspiracy theory isn't much better than the one I guessed at.
Well this Russia bullshit started with obama and hillary. It all leads back to them.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
You do realize the investigation into hillary's emails is open again. Since the chinese got their own copy of every email she sent. 20 americans died because of that, when she goes down. Alot of politicians will also go down. Republican and democrat and it's about time.

20 Americans died to get Hillary's emails? Sure thing, crack smoker.
No, 20 americans in china died because of Hillary's treason. Bill gave them our satallite secrets and Hillary gave them classified information. Biden's son has gotten very rich with china's money. Like i said, it will only take one person to bring everyone down and i hope it's soon. There will be plenty of republicans that go to, i would say even Bush jr. We would'nt know any of this if Hillary got elected, thank God for Trump.

Yeah, that conspiracy theory isn't much better than the one I guessed at.
If Trump did the exact samething you would be calling for his head. Which in fact, i would too. But since it's your girl that commited treason, you could careless.
No, it started with the Trump campaign. It started when the RNC was convinced to change their platform to favor Russia vs Ukraine. It started when a campaign for the President of the United States purposly hired people FAMOUS for their ties with Russia, ala Manafort & Flynn et al up to about 15 members. And it started when your hero fired James Comey to stop an investigation. jknowgood, I'd guess most people, myself included as in B Clinton, want something so bad they'd fudge a little, but for God's sake, don't fool yourself.
You do realize the investigation into hillary's emails is open again. Since the chinese got their own copy of every email she sent. 20 americans died because of that, when she goes down. Alot of politicians will also go down. Republican and democrat and it's about time.

20 Americans died to get Hillary's emails? Sure thing, crack smoker.
No, 20 americans in china died because of Hillary's treason. Bill gave them our satallite secrets and Hillary gave them classified information. Biden's son has gotten very rich with china's money. Like i said, it will only take one person to bring everyone down and i hope it's soon. There will be plenty of republicans that go to, i would say even Bush jr. We would'nt know any of this if Hillary got elected, thank God for Trump.

Yeah, that conspiracy theory isn't much better than the one I guessed at.
If Trump did the exact samething you would be calling for his head. Which in fact, i would too. But since it's your girl that commited treason, you could careless.
If Trump did something you completely made up in your head? Yeah okay? :cuckoo:
Trump is such a low life. Trump's hatred for the Constitution and the institutions of this country knows no bounds. His supporters are such lemmings.
Thrn how come obama is the one quoted as saying the constitution got in the way of his plans?

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