Here we go again...

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She has quoted German Holocaust deniers such as Hans Gunther.
And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
My main bone of contention with the "official" Holocaust story is the case closed mentality surrounding the event.

While scholars and historians are encouraged to analyze and examine all aspects of other historical events; famous battles, the exploits new world explorer's, religious crusades, Kings and Queens of antiquity, etc.

All is fair game to be objectively examined and debated, except the Holocaust.

Any academic who has the audacity to question even the smallest detail of the official Holocaust narrative, will be labeled a Nazi, fired and lose tenure from any university position they might have held, and publicly shunned as a holocaust denier.

Which makes me wonder, "What are the people in power trying to hide about the Holocaust?"

I mean, if the official story is 100% factual and true. Then shouldn't academic examination be encouraged? ... :cool:

There's an entire forum dedicated to conspiracy theories such as yours.

... :cool:

ILOVEISRAEL started it by calling me a holocaust denier. He didn't. And yes I am a holocaust denier, I deny the jewish version of it.

Its either holocaust denier or anti Semite that you lovers of Jews or Jews call us who disagree with you.

Have you heard the German version of it?

I don't know, ask ILOVEISRAEL. She remembers better than me, I have read all versions.
I am on Team God. He says to leave Israel alone. How about we do that...

They can’t stand the fact that Israel exists
We Should All Be Zionists About Lands Occupied by Useless and Vicious Anthropoids

Nazislamis believe that what they conquered only because of the decadence of the Eastern Roman Empire was theirs forever. In reality, these genetic thieves could only hold it until its rightful owners threw off their cowardice and escapism. Whatever caused European decadence back then is weakening the West today.
Softhead Leaders Never Take the Hard Line

Never negotiate out of fear; always force your enemies to negotiate out of fear.
Exactly -that's a desired outcome of a winning strategy.
"Peace" in the middle east is given to the stronger.
There's a proverb in Arabic "Can't Give What You Don't Have" ,
which means one can't have "peace" with Egypt, Saudis or even Iran, if a small scale Caliphate already forces You into long confrontation.
The In Sect

Iran's caliphate is not "small scale"; it extends into Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jewish lands surrendered to the Paleonasties, and Yemen. Its goal is to encircle Mecca, seize it, and proclaim itself the One True Sect.

The biggest uncovered reality in the muddle east is the spread of the Shia Crescent.

Once recognized as Iranian vassals the behavior of a variety of players, like Hamas in Gaza, Hizballah in Yemen and Lebanon etc.. these confrontations become more evident as the Ayatollah Revolution exports further into the region.

Hamas - Iran coordination for all to see and hear:
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Now I find this a fascinating response, truly. You are German, then or have some German ancestry?

Here is my take, for what it's worth--and probably not much. I had a very close German friend in the 80s and traveled to Germany, and yes, I know that's not much. I was quite young then, just graduated high school, but I had a fine reception and was kindly greeted by everyone.

I think the Germans have regressed since then and have become very pleased with their progress--too pleased. I think they have become self-smug and this reflects on how they view America. In fact.

I do not trust Germany. I do not trust them at all. I think there is a reason they have no concern nor affinity for us at this point and it's a very bad thing.

Sorry, Mindful, it's not personal...really. I'm not talking about individual Germans, who very widely. I'm talking about taking the temperature of the German people collectively.

I'm a British person living in Germany. Travel often to the United States.

I could count on one hand the number of German independent thinkers I've encountered.

At one stage , the Holocaust was rammed down our throats. Saturday nights on German television used to be Third Reich Night.

Incredibly dangerous--that lack of independent thinking. In some ways it shows that they have not learned the lessons they needed to learn.

In my humble opinion. And that backlash against all the Holocaust learning--they're taking it out on America, see. Because they perceive that we're not as "progressive" as they are now.

I'm sorry, but Germans do not do well when they "take things out on people". Especially when there's little independent thought going on. And that's just the way of it.

They are not playing fair over Brexit. Treating Britain like a vassal state. Like they do Greece and Italy.
It is very fair to exclude England without the benefits members enjoy. It is the most logical thing in the world.

In simple terms, it's like this.

You can keep the CD's, the books; even the dog.

But l decide how often you can have sex.
Nope, on the contrary. If you leave the common market, you leave it. No cherry picking. No sex.
I'm a British person living in Germany. Travel often to the United States.

I could count on one hand the number of German independent thinkers I've encountered.

At one stage , the Holocaust was rammed down our throats. Saturday nights on German television used to be Third Reich Night.

Incredibly dangerous--that lack of independent thinking. In some ways it shows that they have not learned the lessons they needed to learn.

In my humble opinion. And that backlash against all the Holocaust learning--they're taking it out on America, see. Because they perceive that we're not as "progressive" as they are now.

I'm sorry, but Germans do not do well when they "take things out on people". Especially when there's little independent thought going on. And that's just the way of it.

They are not playing fair over Brexit. Treating Britain like a vassal state. Like they do Greece and Italy.
It is very fair to exclude England without the benefits members enjoy. It is the most logical thing in the world.

In simple terms, it's like this.

You can keep the CD's, the books; even the dog.

But l decide how often you can have sex.
Nope, on the contrary. If you leave the common market, you leave it. No cherry picking. No sex.

The problem is, it's not the Common Market. If only it was.
She has quoted German Holocaust deniers such as Hans Gunther.
And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt
Incredibly dangerous--that lack of independent thinking. In some ways it shows that they have not learned the lessons they needed to learn.

In my humble opinion. And that backlash against all the Holocaust learning--they're taking it out on America, see. Because they perceive that we're not as "progressive" as they are now.

I'm sorry, but Germans do not do well when they "take things out on people". Especially when there's little independent thought going on. And that's just the way of it.

They are not playing fair over Brexit. Treating Britain like a vassal state. Like they do Greece and Italy.
It is very fair to exclude England without the benefits members enjoy. It is the most logical thing in the world.

In simple terms, it's like this.

You can keep the CD's, the books; even the dog.

But l decide how often you can have sex.
Nope, on the contrary. If you leave the common market, you leave it. No cherry picking. No sex.

The problem is, it's not the Common Market. If only it was.
Of course it is. And it is that which England wants. Just not free movement of people.
She has quoted German Holocaust deniers such as Hans Gunther.
And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt

I do not read German, thanks anyway, yes there is a jewish version. We need to get out of the mindset of WWII being about the Holocaust and there is not proof of mass gassings, and WWII was much more involved that just the Jews against Germany. They are still trying to make money off of WWII.
She has quoted German Holocaust deniers such as Hans Gunther.
And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt

I do not read German, thanks anyway, yes there is a jewish version. We need to get out of the mindset of WWII being about the Holocaust and there is not proof of mass gassings, and WWII was much more involved that just the Jews against Germany. They are still trying to make money off of WWII.

She has quoted German Holocaust deniers such as Hans Gunther.
And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt

I do not read German, thanks anyway, yes there is a jewish version. We need to get out of the mindset of WWII being about the Holocaust and there is not proof of mass gassings, and WWII was much more involved that just the Jews against Germany. They are still trying to make money off of WWII.

I mean just imagine that you were so dead set on being INTOLERANT and HATEFUL that you didn't mind making yourself look like an absolute idiot by denying some of the best-documented history in all of the world. Online. By typing it out. For people to read.

Penny, I'll hand it to you: that's some dedicated intolerance and hate. That's all I can say.
She has quoted German Holocaust deniers such as Hans Gunther.
And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt

I do not read German, thanks anyway, yes there is a jewish version. We need to get out of the mindset of WWII being about the Holocaust and there is not proof of mass gassings, and WWII was much more involved that just the Jews against Germany. They are still trying to make money off of WWII.

SHERi.. I do not read German either nor am I going to waste my time going through weeks of posts. You did state the Holocaust did NOT happen and you are nothing but a Jew Hating Liar Not much proof of mass gassing?? You just gave yourself away.
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And?? .... :dunno:

She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt

I do not read German, thanks anyway, yes there is a jewish version. We need to get out of the mindset of WWII being about the Holocaust and there is not proof of mass gassings, and WWII was much more involved that just the Jews against Germany. They are still trying to make money off of WWII.

SHERi.. I do not read German either nor am I going to waste my time going through weeks of posts. You did state the Holocaust did NOT happen and you are nothing but a Jew Hating Liar Not much proof of mass gassing?? You just gave yourself away.

I'm tired of my defense of the all the people who died in WWII, you have some nerve to make it only about the holocaust? your description of it. I stand on my opinion.
She has previously stated she was not a denier and she obviously lied. Try to read you Hateful Muslim. :eusa_naughty:

I never said I was not a denier, and I do not lie. I do not believe the jewish version of WWII and that I have said from day one. I also look at the WWII and over 65 million lives were lost, and least among them were jews.
There is no Jewish version. There is documented history. You really need to look at the original documents in the German language. I advise a trip to the the German archives. Bundesarchiv Internet - Startseite Bundesarchiv - Internetauftritt

I do not read German, thanks anyway, yes there is a jewish version. We need to get out of the mindset of WWII being about the Holocaust and there is not proof of mass gassings, and WWII was much more involved that just the Jews against Germany. They are still trying to make money off of WWII.

SHERi.. I do not read German either nor am I going to waste my time going through weeks of posts. You did state the Holocaust did NOT happen and you are nothing but a Jew Hating Liar Not much proof of mass gassing?? You just gave yourself away.

I'm tired of my defense of the all the people who died in WWII, you have some nerve to make it only about the holocaust? your description of it. I stand on my opinion.

Tons and tons of people died in the war. Lots of them in battle, many of them civilians. Six million of them in the Holocaust. You still deny the Holocaust, Penny, do you not?
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