HERE WE GO: Chicago cop shoots and kills 2, one a "College engineering student" who didn't do nothin

update. nothing good happens after 2AM.

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Two people were fatally shot after a Chicago police officer opened fire in West Garfield Park on the city's West Side early Saturday morning, police said.

The shooting happened at about 4:30 a.m. Saturday near West Erie Street and North Kilpatrick Avenue, officials said.

One of the victims was 19-year-old Quintonio LeGrier, who she said was in college studying engineering, but had a mental illness, said his mother, Janet Cooksey. Police responded to the scene after the 19-year-old's father called 911 saying that his son was holding a metal baseball bat and acting erratic.

"He was having a mental situation. Sometimes he will get loud, but not violent," Cookery said.

The second victim was a 56-year-old woman who was a downstairs tenant in the building.

During a press conference held shortly before 9:30 a.m., Eugene Roy, chief of CPD detectives, spoke for just a few minutes to confirm the two deaths. He said responding officers encountered a combative individual.
Every day, Bucky. Big country. Lots of people. There will be events.

How about changing It up a bit. How about letting a cop related death go by without you gloming onto it like a cancer cell. Ya piece of shit ya.

Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Knew a family very well, the kid was mentally ill and dangerous to others, not himself. His mom and dad took him to a psychiatrist who diagnosed him, but the kid was of legal age and couldn't force him to get treatment according to the doctor. Then, the doctor knowing the score, wouldn't treat him because he was too big of a risk to the clinic. The parents called the cops a number of times who gave them the our-hands-are-tied speech. The situation continued to escalate to the point of bloodshed, the parents. The cops were called once again, since the parents felt their lives were threatened then, the cops hauled him to jail on a domestic abuse charge, he went before a judge who gave him 3-4 months in county jail. He got out, went back home, and will probably kill his parents one day. Sometimes there's not much that can be done to get real help for someone.

You used several different tenses in that story. It leaves the reader thinking you are being dishonest.

Why are you making shit up?
Mom said they "called police because we thought they'd service us and take him to the hospital".

And'am.....cops aren't doctors. You want him in the EMS.

EMS don't deal with mental health issues. Police do and always have...

But they shouldnt. Cops aren't doctors.

EMS is medical. They should be dealing with mental ILLNESS. They're medical professionals.

It's time to shame the people who WON'T DO THEIR JOB.

The psychiatrist sitting in his office who refuses to come DO HIS JOB.

They've all dumped this on the cops. Fuck that. Time to blame who is at fault.
Just let him swing that alu bat for a few hours. he usually calm down. what happen? run out of kool cigarettes?
I apologize in advance. This is the funniest thing I have seen today? I don't know why? but it is. She lived downstairs but gets shot dead? huh? fooling w/daddy? came up to attack cops? came up to get the bat out of the "childs" hands? LOL. I can't stop it! I can't. 4:30AM ...... should be gettting ready for work, LOL! Land O' Goshen......I need some more KoolAid

But they shouldnt. Cops aren't doctors.

EMS is medical. They should be dealing with mental ILLNESS. They're medical professionals.

It's time to shame the people who WON'T DO THEIR JOB.

The psychiatrist sitting in his office who refuses to come DO HIS JOB.

They've all dumped this on the cops. Fuck that. Time to blame who is at fault.

Two different branches of medicine. EMS deal with medical issues not mental ones. They are not trained. Problem is a lot of people with mental health issues become violent and dangerous. The police are trained to deal with these situations. It is part of their job. Full disclosure - many moons ago I was a policeman - it was part of our brief....
Yep. And why arent the mental health and medical community SHAMED and BLAMED FOR being too cowardly to show up and do THEIR JOB?

I would not go in there if he swinging 34" Easton Orange Crush or other type. No way. Let him swing himself "out" first. LOL! you can't make this stuff up.
Every day, Bucky. Big country. Lots of people. There will be events.

How about changing It up a bit. How about letting a cop related death go by without you gloming onto it like a cancer cell. Ya piece of shit ya.

Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Knew a family very well, the kid was mentally ill and dangerous to others, not himself. His mom and dad took him to a psychiatrist who diagnosed him, but the kid was of legal age and couldn't force him to get treatment according to the doctor. Then, the doctor knowing the score, wouldn't treat him because he was too big of a risk to the clinic. The parents called the cops a number of times who gave them the our-hands-are-tied speech. The situation continued to escalate to the point of bloodshed, the parents. The cops were called once again, since the parents felt their lives were threatened then, the cops hauled him to jail on a domestic abuse charge, he went before a judge who gave him 3-4 months in county jail. He got out, went back home, and will probably kill his parents one day. Sometimes there's not much that can be done to get real help for someone.

You used several different tenses in that story. It leaves the reader thinking you are being dishonest.

Why are you making shit up?

Excuse me, who are you referring to?? The tenses in the story didn't change. That leaves the reader thinking dishonesty? Maybe you! Who's making shit up here???

But they shouldnt. Cops aren't doctors.

EMS is medical. They should be dealing with mental ILLNESS. They're medical professionals.

It's time to shame the people who WON'T DO THEIR JOB.

The psychiatrist sitting in his office who refuses to come DO HIS JOB.

They've all dumped this on the cops. Fuck that. Time to blame who is at fault.

Two different branches of medicine. EMS deal with medical issues not mental ones. They are not trained. Problem is a lot of people with mental health issues become violent and dangerous. The police are trained to deal with these situations. It is part of their job. Full disclosure - many moons ago I was a policeman - it was part of our brief....

So was I. And it's FAR past time we stop going to these calls.

EMS isn't trained for mental health? Then train them. Health and medicine is THEIR profession. They have psychiatrists at hospitals.

It's far more rational to train medical workers in mental health issues than cops.

If the whackjob assaults EMS....then call the cops since a crime has occurred.
I can't help it. LOL! why was the mom not home? 4:30AM......could be working nights? Dad was home and he called Cops. Now he calling who? Jesse? Al? you betcha mofo
So was I. And it's FAR past time we stop going to these calls.

EMS isn't trained for mental health? Then train them. Health and medicine is THEIR profession. They have psychiatrists at hospitals.

It's far more rational to train medical workers in mental health issues than cops.

If the whackjob assaults EMS....then call the cops since a crime has occurred.

Psychiatrists are not trained to deal with hostile people.

Maybe cops in the US should look at the gun as a last resort. Pepper spray should be the first. I was a cop in NZ. Generally we don't carry guns, but some cops do (usually those of rank of sergeant or above). Can only remember one instance in the past 35 years where a person shot by police was mentally ill. Maybe two....very rare event if handled correctly.
So was I. And it's FAR past time we stop going to these calls.

EMS isn't trained for mental health? Then train them. Health and medicine is THEIR profession. They have psychiatrists at hospitals.

It's far more rational to train medical workers in mental health issues than cops.

If the whackjob assaults EMS....then call the cops since a crime has occurred.

Psychiatrists are not trained to deal with hostile people.

Maybe cops in the US should look at the gun as a last resort. Pepper spray should be the first. I was a cop in NZ. Generally we don't carry guns, but some cops do (usually those of rank of sergeant or above). Can only remember one instance in the past 35 years where a person shot by police was mentally ill. Maybe two....very rare event if handled correctly.

NZ and America are very different places. And if psychiatrists aren't trained for it....then train them for it. Why everyone thinks the cops should keep getting more of society's ills dropped on their shoulders baffles me. It's ALWAYS the answer...."train the cops more". Well....mental health isn't the cops job. Train EMS and psychiatrists more. Time for them to carry some of the load.

Bottom line is....if we are gonna call them mentally ill....medical professionals need to come. Not cops.

If we are just gonna call them hostile cops.

But cops are NOT THE answer to mentally ill whacks.
NZ and America are very different places.

Bottom line is....if we are gonna call them mentally ill....medical professionals need to come. Not cops.

If we are just gonna call them hostile cops.

But cops are NOT THE answer to mentally ill whacks.

Disagree. Mentally ill people who are violent should be dealt with by police. If you're a cop and not prepared to deal with it, maybe policing is not for you.
Every day, Bucky. Big country. Lots of people. There will be events.

How about changing It up a bit. How about letting a cop related death go by without you gloming onto it like a cancer cell. Ya piece of shit ya.

Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Knew a family very well, the kid was mentally ill and dangerous to others, not himself. His mom and dad took him to a psychiatrist who diagnosed him, but the kid was of legal age and couldn't force him to get treatment according to the doctor. Then, the doctor knowing the score, wouldn't treat him because he was too big of a risk to the clinic. The parents called the cops a number of times who gave them the our-hands-are-tied speech. The situation continued to escalate to the point of bloodshed, the parents. The cops were called once again, since the parents felt their lives were threatened then, the cops hauled him to jail on a domestic abuse charge, he went before a judge who gave him 3-4 months in county jail. He got out, went back home, and will probably kill his parents one day. Sometimes there's not much that can be done to get real help for someone.

You used several different tenses in that story. It leaves the reader thinking you are being dishonest.

Why are you making shit up?

Excuse me, who are you referring to?? The tenses in the story didn't change. That leaves the reader thinking dishonesty? Maybe you! Who's making shit up here???

How long ago was this kid jailed? Are we talking recent history? If STILL KNOW THESE PEOPLE.

You said that you "knew" them. Do you see?

But they shouldnt. Cops aren't doctors.

EMS is medical. They should be dealing with mental ILLNESS. They're medical professionals.

It's time to shame the people who WON'T DO THEIR JOB.

The psychiatrist sitting in his office who refuses to come DO HIS JOB.

They've all dumped this on the cops. Fuck that. Time to blame who is at fault.

Two different branches of medicine. EMS deal with medical issues not mental ones. They are not trained. Problem is a lot of people with mental health issues become violent and dangerous. The police are trained to deal with these situations. It is part of their job. Full disclosure - many moons ago I was a policeman - it was part of our brief....

So was I. And it's FAR past time we stop going to these calls.

EMS isn't trained for mental health? Then train them. Health and medicine is THEIR profession. They have psychiatrists at hospitals.

It's far more rational to train medical workers in mental health issues than cops.

If the whackjob assaults EMS....then call the cops since a crime has occurred.

You were never a cop.
borrowed from CHI tribune******

Are there any pictures of this lad in his Little League uniform swinging a bat? If so, it should be used with this news story to underscore his youthful innocence.

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