HERE WE GO: Chicago cop shoots and kills 2, one a "College engineering student" who didn't do nothin

Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.

Watching the news it seem she had opened her door and got shot, so she was the victim, and not the 19 year old. He had a bat, and got what he deserved no matter mentally ill or not. You do not charge a cop with a bat because the end result will be a bullet in the head or somewhere in the body.

It remind me of the outrage over the shooting in L.A. where the idiot was still holding a gun when being shot, and some trying to paint him as a victim. You have a gun and do not drop your damn weapon when told to, well your ass will be shot!

Also I have been arrested in the past. I was drunk one night with a cop on my back in Austin while I was doing a push up with him there and his gun drawn. I am alive but it was stupid as hell and looking back on it I was a real idiot and should have known better, and was drunk at that moment but it does not excuse the stupidity.

Too many people try to excuse someone stupidity based on their skin color, and I am one that will say it plainly and that is if you do not want to get shot then drop the bat or gun, and do as you are told and if not then enjoy the afterlife because the individual deserved the bullet they got!
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

This tragedy in Chicago reminds me of the shooting of Sheryl Seymour in Houston, who was holding a palette knife used for painting, but officers mistook it for a deadly weapon and shot her dead.

Since then the Houston Police have tried different approaches to community policing, including a civilian unit. I think the most successful approach is having a mental health professional they call on for emergencies to tranquilize mentally ill people instead of risking worse damage, injury or death.

I met someone on the local MHMRA team that said his boss is one of these experts they call on, and it has saved lives of people who were in mental crisis. But previously, yes, many people had been shot.


One in three police shootings involve unarmed people

"Learning how to better deal with the mentally ill became a focus at HPD after the controversial 1999 shooting of Sheryl Ann Seymour, a schizophrenic who called an ambulance for help when she sensed the onset of a psychotic episode.

Officers killed the 5-foot Seymour when she approached them with a knife.

Since then, HPD has trained a quarter of the force to join its Crisis Intervention Team -- an effort that exceeds those of other departments -- though team members are not deployed as often as needed in part because of staff constraints, according to HPD records.

Few other departments have provided training or tracked incidents involving the mentally ill. Only two of the six Harris County constable offices -- Precincts 1 and 5 -- have sent officers to the training. Tomball has sent only one officer.

"Training can make all the difference in these situations," said officer Frank Webb of the Crisis Intervention Team. "You have to teach officers who are used to being authoritative and using force that they have to look at these people differently."
I apologize in advance. This is the funniest thing I have seen today? I don't know why? but it is. She lived downstairs but gets shot dead? huh? fooling w/daddy? came up to attack cops? came up to get the bat out of the "childs" hands? LOL. I can't stop it! I can't. 4:30AM ...... should be gettting ready for work, LOL! Land O' Goshen......I need some more KoolAid

The woman who got shot was a well respected well loved church goer
who was trying to help the family. The father asked her to open the door for the police.
She was probably acting in good faith, but just got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Until someone innocent dies, nothing changes.
If only drug dealers and riff raff died at the hands of police, it would look like justice was served.

Unfortunately if more isn't done to address issues of mental illness, guns and policing,
then this goes on and on. Until someone innocent dies like this poor woman.
And then maybe people take pity and take notice that something is wrong with this picture.

I agree that it takes a special alert and team to handle mentally ill disturbances.

A better system needs to be set up, I hope in honor of this woman and what she would have wanted for the community. If the young man was an engineering student, maybe a scholarship could be set up or a grant for students to design a nonviolent method for tranquilizing someone safely. Currently I have heard that when Houston Police call in mental health professionals, they have to be close enough to tranquilize the person with a syringe. Is there a better way to do this from a distance that is safer?

To prevent mental illness from escalating to crisis levels, I also recommend medical research and public access to spiritual healing that has been used to cure schizophrenia and heal whole families. If we didn't rely on medications to placate symptoms, but actually addressed the cause and cure, all this horrifying mess with mental illness mixed with gun violence could be prevented all together one day.
Insufficient training at the root of mistakes with the mentally ill...

U.S. police get little training to handle crises with mentally ill
29 Dec.`15 - Most U.S. police receive little or no training on how best to handle crises involving the mentally ill despite the growing frequency of such encounters and the fatal results in a number of recent cases.
Although more departments have added or expanded training in recent years as they faced greater scrutiny and litigation, the vast majority offer at best a maximum of 40 hours and are not reaching enough officers, according to police and mental health advocates. Last weekend's Chicago police slaying of 19-year-old college student Quintonio LeGrier, who relatives said had suffered from mental issues, has raised questions about the training of officers who are routinely thrust into tense situations with people who may be affected by varying mental disorders, or drug and alcohol abuse. "We're asking the police to fill the gaps that have been created by inadequate mental health resources," said Ron Honberg, national director for policy and legal affairs at the National Alliance on Mental Illness. "It seems sadly ironic, tragically ironic when you call 911 about someone having a heart attack, they send a trained EMT professional, but when you call about someone in a psychotic crisis, a psychotic episode, they send police," he added.


Janet Cooksey, mother of Quintonio Legrier, (C) is consoled by relatives and friends, after speaking to the media in Chicago, Illinois​

The Chicago shooting also prompted calls from Mayor Rahm Emanuel for a review of the police department's Crisis Intervention Team and improved guidance for officers handling cases where the mental health of a person is a factor. Mentally ill people have been shot to death in recent years by police in Texas, California, Colorado and Virginia. Americans with severe mental illness are 16 times more likely to be killed by police than other civilians, an advocacy group found.


With no national requirements on training recruits on de-escalation and crisis intervention, the average is just eight hours on each, according to a survey released in August 2015 by the Police Executive Research Forum. "Society has turned police officers into psychologists with guns, and they don't have the training for that," said Scott Johnson, a Washington state attorney. Johnson represents Ryan Flanagan, a veteran officer with the police department in Pasco, Washington, who resigned in July after he and two patrolmen fatally shot an unarmed Mexican orchard worker who battled depression, homelessness and drug abuse. Flanagan had only been trained to offer a mentally distressed person a phone number for a county healthcare worker, or detain the suspect until one arrived, said Johnson.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

well, you'd be wrong as usual. The woman who was killed was not involved in the altercation, inside the house, hiding behind a door. She was just standing behind the young man who was shot.

While this was a troubled young man, we are seeing a problem in that the cops are using ANY perceived threat as a pretext to use deadly force, no matter how unlikely.

And yes, it is a problem when cops see their own safety as more important than the safety of the public.
Also I have been arrested in the past. I was drunk one night with a cop on my back in Austin while I was doing a push up with him there and his gun drawn. I am alive but it was stupid as hell and looking back on it I was a real idiot and should have known better, and was drunk at that moment but it does not excuse the stupidity.

But that's the point, guy. You are white and unleashing deadly force was a last resort.

Not so much with Tamir Rice or Freddie Gray or Laquan MacDonald....

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