HERE WE GO: Chicago cop shoots and kills 2, one a "College engineering student" who didn't do nothin

You're trying your damnedest to vilify the police, sorry but if you attack a cop with any weapon you're going to get shot.
No. I'm just saying that police can't be trusted to handle certain situations. She called expecting the police to create a peaceful solution. You cannot place that expectation on police officers they way our justice system works and with the limited training they recieve.

Maybe her son shouldn't have attacked the cops? HELLOOOOOOOOOO
The dumb mother must have know that was a possibility. And we all know how that works out.

Bottom line: the kid fucked up and due to being a fuck up he died.
The kid was mentally ill. The mother should have known better if she did, in fact, want him to survive. Again, don't call the cops unless your okay with someone dying as a result.

How about don't use a weapon to threaten cops and you won't have to worry about it.

The kid was mentally ill. Bullshit.
No. I'm just saying that police can't be trusted to handle certain situations. She called expecting the police to create a peaceful solution. You cannot place that expectation on police officers they way our justice system works and with the limited training they recieve.

Maybe her son shouldn't have attacked the cops? HELLOOOOOOOOOO
The dumb mother must have know that was a possibility. And we all know how that works out.

Bottom line: the kid fucked up and due to being a fuck up he died.
The kid was mentally ill. The mother should have known better if she did, in fact, want him to survive. Again, don't call the cops unless your okay with someone dying as a result.

How about don't use a weapon to threaten cops and you won't have to worry about it.

The kid was mentally ill. Bullshit.
Then the OP is a lie.
Lesson? Don't bring a bat to a gun fight
Actually, the lesson that family learned is don't call the cops ever again.

Don't call them. Maybe the nut case, and that's doubtful since he was an engineering student, will knock the shit out you with the bat.

They need to call the medical personnel. Doctors and psychiatrists. THEY WON'T SHOW UP of course...saying "he's dangerous". So....we should shame and demonize them for NOT DOING THEIR JOBS.

Instead....we call cops to deal with mental health problems....and get mad when they don't do what we want...which isn't their job.

We give medical community a pass for refusing to do their job...because they're afraid they MIGHT BE HURT.
But we demonize cops for trying to do something that isn't their job...then defending themselves because they DON'T WANNA GET HURT.

Blame and shame psychiatrists and doctors for being too cowardly to go to these medical calls.
Since the US doesn't have or never did have much of a mental health system to speak of, cops and jails are our main go-to mental health providers for muppets.
Bunch of horse hockey, you could call a mental health expert and they would tell you to call 911 if help was needed.
Every day, Bucky. Big country. Lots of people. There will be events.

How about changing It up a bit. How about letting a cop related death go by without you gloming onto it like a cancer cell. Ya piece of shit ya.

How about people quit threatening cops with what is also a deadly weapon then those who see nothing but bad with cops won't have an excuse to blame them for the job they sometimes have to do.

Listen, dummy. I'm not commenting on the incident. I don't know what happened. I'm telling your pal Bucky to stop using cop related shootings to form his lame anoymous message board life.

Its bullshit.
Bunch of horse hockey, you could call a mental health expert and they would tell you to call 911 if help was needed.

Yep. And why arent the mental health and medical community SHAMED and BLAMED FOR being too cowardly to show up and do THEIR JOB?
She called expecting the police to create a peaceful solution

I did not see anywhere she called? She was not even there? Did I read the correct link?
Then the OP is a lie.

You said the kid was mentally ill. That he was an engineering student contradicts that.
The OP says the kid is mentally ill. And your insistence that being an engineering student is incompatible with also having a mental illness makes you look like an ignorant fool.
Every day, Bucky. Big country. Lots of people. There will be events.

How about changing It up a bit. How about letting a cop related death go by without you gloming onto it like a cancer cell. Ya piece of shit ya.

Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Knew a family very well, the kid was mentally ill and dangerous to others, not himself. His mom and dad took him to a psychiatrist who diagnosed him, but the kid was of legal age and couldn't force him to get treatment according to the doctor. Then, the doctor knowing the score, wouldn't treat him because he was too big of a risk to the clinic. The parents called the cops a number of times who gave them the our-hands-are-tied speech. The situation continued to escalate to the point of bloodshed, the parents. The cops were called once again, since the parents felt their lives were threatened then, the cops hauled him to jail on a domestic abuse charge, he went before a judge who gave him 3-4 months in county jail. He got out, went back home, and will probably kill his parents one day. Sometimes there's not much that can be done to get real help for someone.
She called expecting the police to create a peaceful solution

I did not see anywhere she called? She was not even there? Did I read the correct link?
Then the OP is a lie.

Mom said they "called police because we thought they'd service us and take him to the hospital".

And'am.....cops aren't doctors. You want him in the EMS.
You said he he had mental problems in your OP.

I'm glad you agree that she should not have called the police if she wanted her son to survive.

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