HERE WE GO: Chicago cop shoots and kills 2, one a "College engineering student" who didn't do nothin

Was the bat a Christmas present? I am always up early taking a few hacks indoors. Why his name not match up with mama?
She called expecting the police to create a peaceful solution

I did not see anywhere she called? She was not even there? Did I read the correct link?
Then the OP is a lie.

You said the kid was mentally ill. That he was an engineering student contradicts that.
The OP says the kid is mentally ill. And your insistence that being an engineering student is incompatible with also having a mental illness makes you look like an ignorant fool.

If he is an engineering student, the mental illness can't be that bad. If it is that bad, he couldn't do the engineering. It's how you retards look at things. You use it as a convenient excuse.
Bottom line: the kid fucked up and due to being a fuck up he died.

but if he was not black........they would have only stun gunned him? how many times they called to site?
LEO had been called to the home dozens of times.
A LEO who uses a stun gun on someone who is attacking with a baseball ball is very likely to be killed or badly injured. In these cases the attacker often times takes the LEO's gun and murdered the LEO.
The nut case was shot from ten feet. The LEO had been on scene for fifteen minutes attempting to get the nut case calmed down. After the nut case was shot the negro neighbor picked up the baseball ball and she too attacked the LEO.
Mom said they "called police because we thought they'd service us and take him to the hospital".

And'am.....cops aren't doctors. You want him in the EMS.

EMS don't deal with mental health issues. Police do and always have...
What a bunch of bullshit!
LEO are tasked with 'securing the scene', whatever that takes at the time.
When 911 is called because some mentally ill person is a threat to themselves or the community the LEO arrives and secures the scene while EMS waits at a safe location. In about 100% of these cases the mentally ill person has been cuffed and shackled. Then EMS arrives and gives treatment. In about 100% of these cases the mentally ill person ends up somewhere to be evaluated.
So was I. And it's FAR past time we stop going to these calls.

EMS isn't trained for mental health? Then train them. Health and medicine is THEIR profession. They have psychiatrists at hospitals.

It's far more rational to train medical workers in mental health issues than cops.

If the whackjob assaults EMS....then call the cops since a crime has occurred.

Psychiatrists are not trained to deal with hostile people.

Maybe cops in the US should look at the gun as a last resort. Pepper spray should be the first. I was a cop in NZ. Generally we don't carry guns, but some cops do (usually those of rank of sergeant or above). Can only remember one instance in the past 35 years where a person shot by police was mentally ill. Maybe two....very rare event if handled correctly.
People in NZ identify kids with mental problems in Kindergarten. Mentally ill people there receive excellent medical care compared to what that person receives in the US generally speaking.
People in NZ take care of everyone and everything better than in the US.
blacks kill other blacks nearly every day in chicago. Why won't the media mention that?
PoPO ? Heps me. Mah bebbe krazy !
Cops get there: 6'5", 28 y.o. 240 lb Bebbe on crack.......witt dat bat....yellin' What da fukk you want mothafukka ?
Chicago. A Hell of a town.
Mom said they "called police because we thought they'd service us and take him to the hospital".

And'am.....cops aren't doctors. You want him in the EMS.

EMS don't deal with mental health issues. Police do and always have...
What a bunch of bullshit!
LEO are tasked with 'securing the scene', whatever that takes at the time.
When 911 is called because some mentally ill person is a threat to themselves or the community the LEO arrives and secures the scene while EMS waits at a safe location. In about 100% of these cases the mentally ill person has been cuffed and shackled. Then EMS arrives and gives treatment. In about 100% of these cases the mentally ill person ends up somewhere to be evaluated.

Maybe I should clarify. Police deal with the initial incident....
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...
Lesson? Don't bring a bat to a gun fight
Actually, the lesson that family learned is don't call the cops ever again.

Yeah...most certainly when your kid is going to go after them with a ball bat, sure fire way to get air holed
I'll agree this is the mothers fault. Don't call the police unless you're in a situation where you've accepted that someone might be killed.

yes the thousands of mostly black men killed because the cops showed up.
You're trying your damnedest to vilify the police, sorry but if you attack a cop with any weapon you're going to get shot.

If you attack a cop with anything, even bare hands, you should at lest get beat to a fucking pulp.

Where do these morons get the idea that cops are supposed to walk out into Main street at high noon and play Cary Grant?

Bullshit, kill the fucking bastards.
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Did this occur on Christmas Day ? Just wondering
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.

Your post is very rational.

They're saying the woman was hit by a bullet that was intended for the male and missed. Tragic accidental death.

The thug attacked a cop with a baseball bat. Libs think the cop should've hugged it out with him while the thug was trying to treat the cops head like Sammy Sosa does a baseball.
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.

Your post is very rational.

They're saying the woman was hit by a bullet that was intended for the male and missed. Tragic accidental death.

The thug attacked a cop with a baseball bat. Libs think the cop should've hugged it out with him while the thug was trying to treat the cops head like Sammy Sosa does a baseball.
Right now there are conflicting accounts of how/why the woman was shot.
The investigation continues.
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.

Your post is very rational.

They're saying the woman was hit by a bullet that was intended for the male and missed. Tragic accidental death.

The thug attacked a cop with a baseball bat. Libs think the cop should've hugged it out with him while the thug was trying to treat the cops head like Sammy Sosa does a baseball.
Right now there are conflicting accounts of how/why the woman was shot.
The investigation continues.
Yeah, I dont think the public has been told if the bullet that killed her was meant for her, a missed shot at someone else or maybe a ricochet.

We dont even know if she got hit first or after the kid.

We dont know anything really other than that she was killed.

I think the police need to present the facts before certain sectors of the public make up their own 'facts' and that becomes the default 'facts of the public domain.'
Chicago police: Officer fatally shot man, woman while responding to domestic disturbance call | Fox News

Here we go again. God damn I'm glad I don't live in that liberal shit hole Chicago.

A woman called the police because her 19 year old son has mental problems and she says "I though the police were gonna SERVICE US and take him to the hospital".'am....COPS AREN'T DOCTORS. And they aren't waiters at Applebee's either, they don't do that type of "serving". They are for CRIMES not mental health.

Anyway....cop shows up...and details are very limited...but 2 people became "combative" and the cops shot them and killed both.

What does mom say? I understand a grieving mother so I don't blame her. But...she says "He didn't even have a gun!!......he had a bat." And....he was an engineering student at NIU....apparently his mental problems weren't that bad.

Sounds like cop showed up for a person who wanted cops to be doctors. Which they arent. And the 2 people don't like cops....and attacked the cop. With a bat. And he defended himself.

Rahm Emanuel.....Obamas great doing a fine job in Chicago.

Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.

Your post is very rational.

They're saying the woman was hit by a bullet that was intended for the male and missed. Tragic accidental death.

The thug attacked a cop with a baseball bat. Libs think the cop should've hugged it out with him while the thug was trying to treat the cops head like Sammy Sosa does a baseball.
Right now there are conflicting accounts of how/why the woman was shot.
The investigation continues.
Yeah, I dont think the public has been told if the bullet that killed her was meant for her, a missed shot at someone else or maybe a ricochet.

We dont even know if she got hit first or after the kid.

We dont know anything really other than that she was killed.

I think the police need to present the facts before certain sectors of the public make up their own 'facts' and that becomes the default 'facts of the public domain.'

Correct me if wrong...but I'm certain the police have officially said the woman was NOT intended as a target but was shot by a bullet that missed.
Your comments are incorrect. The woman that was shot has opened her door and was shot accidentally but the 19 year old kid was shot because he came down with a baseball bat.

So the kid with issues was put down and the woman that open the door was a victim in all this...

Article states;
"Cooksey, who was not present at the time of the shooting, told the Chicago Tribune that her son had been dealing with mental issues, but said police didn't have to react the way they did.

"We're thinking the police are going to service us, take him to the hospital. They took his life," she said.

She said her son "didn't have a gun. He had a bat."

Chicago police didn't immediately respond to an email from The Associated Press for additional comment. It is not clear from the police statement if either Legrier or Jones were armed or if there are any video recordings of the incident."

So the whining has been mostly about the death of the kid with the fucking bat, not the lady that opened the door and there is no explanation of that.

I do know that a lot of times people think the cop knows who they are somehow and dont respond correctly when the cop shows up. They think the cop knows that they are the home owner and fail to disarm themselves when told to, or think that the cop can see that they hold a metal cane and not a gun of some type.

When cops arrive, it is best to put down any items in your hand and let the cops know before hand of what you are going to do at each point.

I got busted by a SWAT team once, lol, because I had been drinking and had my firearm. The cop asked me to take the gun and store it in my truck and I did so. As I took the gun from the holster, cleared it, released the magazine and put it away, I told him each thing I was going to do at each step, and moved slowly. And he had his hand on his gun the whole time as he should have had.

If you empathize with cops a little bit and cooperate you are safe. If you talk shit to them and make sudden moves with a weapon, you are fucking up and risking your own damned life.

Still I would like to know how the lady was killed and what the circumstances were.

Your post is very rational.

They're saying the woman was hit by a bullet that was intended for the male and missed. Tragic accidental death.

The thug attacked a cop with a baseball bat. Libs think the cop should've hugged it out with him while the thug was trying to treat the cops head like Sammy Sosa does a baseball.
Right now there are conflicting accounts of how/why the woman was shot.
The investigation continues.
Yeah, I dont think the public has been told if the bullet that killed her was meant for her, a missed shot at someone else or maybe a ricochet.

We dont even know if she got hit first or after the kid.

We dont know anything really other than that she was killed.

I think the police need to present the facts before certain sectors of the public make up their own 'facts' and that becomes the default 'facts of the public domain.'

Correct me if wrong...but I'm certain the police have officially said the woman was NOT intended as a target but was shot by a bullet that missed.
Basically just as the nut job was coming at the LEO she opened the door and the LEO fired at the nut and she was hit. Lots of rounds were fired in a couple of seconds.

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