Here We Go: Teacher Shortages 22-23

It would appear you don't have much in the way of respect for the people that you demand respect from, Sue. That's problematic. Teachers have a job to do. Teaching morality however is the job of parents. Are there parents that are going to fail miserably at that? Heck, yeah! There are parents that shouldn't be allowed to own a pet let alone have a child! That doesn't give Education the right to teach kids things in class that their parents would never tell them at home. Sorry but that's crossing a very big line.

Respect is earned both ways, simple as that. That's first.

Secondly, it's wrong to say teachers don't "teach morality"--and if we did not, parents would riot. If we let kids hit each other, steal, swear, bully and etc--and never monitored those, we would be doing a great disservice. Reinforcing morals like be honest, be kind, use kind words--this is morality. You just have to be more specific about what kind of morality you mean.
Very, VERY few get six weeks of vacation a year. The most I ever got was three weeks. I never even worked for a company that had more than four weeks a year, and that was after 15 years of service. Many people get just two weeks a year.

Yet teachers not only get two weeks during the school year (spring and winter breaks), they get another 10 weeks over the summer - for a total of 12 weeks off a year. in fact, you referred to three more weeks during the year - which means a total of 13 weeks!!

So, the three weeks you get off DURING the school year is about what most people get off the entire year. THEN you get the summers off in addition.

The fact that you are drawing up lesson plans a week before school starts, or can’t have a dentist appointment during schooldays, hardly makes it a wash.

1. Not "a week before school starts". School doesn't start for a month.

2. Everyone should be teachers then. Or at the very least why aren't so many young people teachers, with these incredibly cushy benefits? Any answers?
Very, VERY few get six weeks of vacation a year. The most I ever got was three weeks. I never even worked for a company that had more than four weeks a year, and that was after 15 years of service. Many people get just two weeks a year.

Yet teachers not only get two weeks during the school year (spring and winter breaks), they get another 10 weeks over the summer - for a total of 12 weeks off a year. in fact, you referred to three more weeks during the year - which means a total of 13 weeks!!

So, the three weeks you get off DURING the school year is about what most people get off the entire year. THEN you get the summers off in addition.

The fact that you are drawing up lesson plans a week before school starts, or can’t have a dentist appointment during schooldays, hardly makes it a wash.
Lisa just pointed out the dark side of being a worker in america. What is 3 weeks? Nothing. She had also pointed out clearly how workers are taking it on the chin. That is no American dream.
Sue you just keep doing that hat you are doing d spite and hat the naysayers do to try and tear you down. Normal Americans support people like you.
It's hard to believe, but school starts in late July in some areas, early August in some, and as late as the week after Labor Day in others (who have been out of school only since the end of June). As predicted, many districts are scrambling to hire teachers and school staff: I can't say it any better than this article, which states that ONE Florida county alone has 500 openings:

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – Industry experts say the problem is pretty simple, nobody wants to be a teacher anymore. For multiple reasons, it’s seen less and less like a viable, fulfilling, career option.

The regional director of Teach for America said – the solution is simple – take steps to make teaching an attractive career once again.

I plan to keep this thread updated with teacher shortages around the nation and how districts are attempting to deal with the problem. Meanwhile, I'm sure it helps to highlight every hourly worker in a daycare who makes vile TikToks and screech about "Teacher groomers".

It seems we can't help but burn everything to the ground in 21st century America.
Spokane, WA has the opposite problem. One teaching position open--seventy applicants.
Wow, you mean that after years of the right wing DEMONIZING teachers, no one wants to sign up to be a teacher anymore.


In related news, water is wet.

In several townships near us, the many teachers and school administrators behave like condescending corporate executives. They dodge questions about your kid's education. They greet the kids NOT the parents in the morning. They behave like the parents aren't even there and almost slam the door in their faces once the kids are inside. The unions stick up even for the worst teachers in the system who couldn't care less about actually teaching, they just go through the motions. And then there was the way they all played the pandemic in their favor. And the way tablets and Android apps are employed where the kids almost spend more time with those things than actually hear teachers teaching. And the constant way the apps are always malfunctioning making it impossible for kids to finish their homework or study for tests at times. It's largely the teachers unions, most of which are joined at the hip with the Democratic Party, which are passive-aggressively forcing this new status quo into our schools, one by one. Some communities have resisted this Nazification of our schools, with Common Core at the core of it all. Common Core, the cookie-cutter one-size fits all approach which enables it so teachers have to do less and less to actually teach kids. The kids go to school and they are handed tablets and told to follow the apps instructions while the teacher sits at their desk reading emails.

My son only has 4 years left, but it's very temping to move away to find one of the last holdout schools which still does things the "old way".
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Again I don't disagree.

If I were Emperor I'd change the total education system away from the current agrarian. I would:
  • Open schools on a year round basis,
  • Teachers would become 12-month employees (with 2 additional months, pay would increase by about 20%),
  • 12-month Teachers would accrue "vacation" time just like other 12-month employees.
  • There would be 3 semesters per year, teachers work full time, students get a short 1-week break between semesters:
    • 2 Primary
    • 1 Secondary
    • 1/3 each of teachers and students would be assigned to "cohorts" split between the 3 semesters for rotation and balancing purposes.
  • Core classes will be conducted during the primary semesters, elective and remedial instruction would occur during the secondary semester.
  • Teachers would be responsible for scheduling vacation time just like other 12 month employees.
  • During the secondary semesters teachers would:
    • Provide remedial instruction to students under performing in core subjects,
    • Attend professional development,
    • Update curriculum,
    • Or schedule vacation time from the amount they have accrued.
Just MHO of course. Never going to happen.

Kids Naturally Join Teams to Compete for a Reward

Divide the classes into teams, with a parity of IQ. Quiz frequently, always with some questions taken from what was taught earlier. The team with
the highest score gets Friday off; the one with the lowest has to come in on Saturday. Individual students from four grades older will be paid to teach the Saturday remedial students.
Kids Naturally Join Teams to Compete for a Reward

Divide the classes into teams, with a parity of IQ. Quiz frequently, always with some questions taken from what was taught earlier. The team with
the highest score gets Friday off; the one with the lowest has to come in on Saturday. Individual students from four grades older will be paid to teach the Saturday remedial students.
Why do you keep repeating the same nonsense over and over? A broken record.
Again I don't disagree.

If I were Emperor I'd change the total education system away from the current agrarian. I would:
  • Open schools on a year round basis,
  • Teachers would become 12-month employees (with 2 additional months, pay would increase by about 20%),
  • 12-month Teachers would accrue "vacation" time just like other 12-month employees.
  • There would be 3 semesters per year, teachers work full time, students get a short 1-week break between semesters:
    • 2 Primary
    • 1 Secondary
    • 1/3 each of teachers and students would be assigned to "cohorts" split between the 3 semesters for rotation and balancing purposes.
  • Core classes will be conducted during the primary semesters, elective and remedial instruction would occur during the secondary semester.
  • Teachers would be responsible for scheduling vacation time just like other 12 month employees.
  • During the secondary semesters teachers would:
    • Provide remedial instruction to students under performing in core subjects,
    • Attend professional development,
    • Update curriculum,
    • Or schedule vacation time from the amount they have accrued.
Just MHO of course. Never going to happen.


Why would you confine PE and music classes, even art, to one semester and not continuous education? You can't learn an instrument, nor maintain physical fitness, by dumping all your yearly learning in one semester because the "powers that be" think it's an "elective". If you're talking secondary, music for example is not an elective for those students heading for music majors in university.

That's a serious flaw in your plan. And if you're going to mandate that students attend school year-round, you cannot say "well they can take lessons". No way. The school had better offer it, because there's no time for camps or extra learning in the now non-existent summer.
Kids Naturally Join Teams to Compete for a Reward

Divide the classes into teams, with a parity of IQ. Quiz frequently, always with some questions taken from what was taught earlier. The team with
the highest score gets Friday off; the one with the lowest has to come in on Saturday. Individual students from four grades older will be paid to teach the Saturday remedial students.

This is a laughably horrible idea.
Common Core, the cookie-cutter one-size fits all approach which enables it so teachers have to do less and less to actually teach kids. The kids go to school and they are handed tablets and told to follow the apps instructions while the teacher sits at their desk reading emails.
You have been in the actual classroom? Lately or ever (as a parent)?

Common Core is a SET OF STANDARDS.
It is NOT a method of teaching.

The Quadratic Formula is part of the Algebra Curriculum.
Common Core Says that the QF should be taught as a Unit in Algebra.
Common Core doesn't tell you 'how to teach the QF'
Common Core doesn't supply 'lesson plans' for the QF.
Common Core doesn't 'answer parent emails' either.

What does SweetSue92 have to say about this ^^^^^^ ?
Common core was developed in part by a bunch of Republicans. You idiots kept complaining about accountability and more testing. Now you made the bed, so sleep in it.
1,000 teacher openings in middle Tennessee with just a few weeks until school opens. Some districts starting pay is $37,000/year. Good luck with that.

37 grand is a hair above the poverty line.
37 grand is a hair above the poverty line.
Actually, it’s triple above - and that’s for working only 10 months a year, AND for a young grad starting out. Let them take a summer job, and bring it up to the low 40s. That means two 23-year-old married teachers, or two young single teachers sharing, have a combined income of more than $80,000. Pretty good for that age.
You consider school to be "free day care"? That's going to be news to all the Americans who pay taxes every year on their homes to PAY for that "free day care"! (eye roll)

Heck, I think it barely qualifies as that. The Education system is one case where conservatives and liberals got together to really mess it up.

We are starting these kids off at age 3 Preschool and keeping them to Age 22 college... and really not getting very good results.

Money won’t solve the problem. In Northern Virginia, teachers reach $100k easily - and that’s with summers off. Yet they are still having trouble filling positions, and that’s because of all the leftist “woke” shit making teaching a very unattractive career option.

I wouldn’t do it for $200k.

Education became a better place when you got escorted out the door, Karen558.

I think a large part of the problem is people go into education thinking they are going to have a bunch of smiling happy children who can't wait to learn.

Instead of 30 little narcissists who don't want to be there and would rather be doing anything else.

So they drug the little bastards up on Ritalin and wonder why they go through life being zombies.
Actually, it’s triple above - and that’s for working only 10 months a year, AND for a young grad starting out. Let them take a summer job, and bring it up to the low 40s. That means two 23-year-old married teachers, or two young single teachers sharing, have a combined income of more than $80,000. Pretty good for that age.

So you think that someone would work hard to get a master's degree to get a job that only pays $37K a year? Really?

I haven't made that little since the 1990's, and that was in adjusted dollars.
Why would you confine PE and music classes, even art, to one semester and not continuous education? You can't learn an instrument, nor maintain physical fitness, by dumping all your yearly learning in one semester because the "powers that be" think it's an "elective". If you're talking secondary, music for example is not an elective for those students heading for music majors in university.

Details are negotiable. The main intent is to shift education from the agrarian model to a more modern year round model. In my state the number of student contact days is 180 and the number of teacher contract days is 200. I'd shift that to 200 student contact days and 250 teacher contract days.

The main intent is that there are is the opportunity for core semesters and and a remedial semester based on the needs of the student based on constant evaluation and positive feedback. That doesn't mean their can't be music (art, PE, etc.) classes during a students "core" semester.

And I will disagree, in our system [EDIT: meaning my state, yours may be different] "Music" is always and elective as it is not a core requirement for graduation regardless of what career the individual student may decide to pursue for post-secondary education or for employment.

That's a serious flaw in your plan. And if you're going to mandate that students attend school year-round, you cannot say "well they can take lessons". No way. The school had better offer it, because there's no time for camps or extra learning in the now non-existent summer.

What I said no where even comes close to your "well they can take lessons" comment.

Also note that the long summer break is broken up, so while the student have an addition 20 contact days, there are other breaks.

Too bad they didn’t teach you that “Corky the Retard” is DISGUSTING

Sure they did.. and I kind of ignored them. Of course, I was old School Catholic where these women were still pumping out retards at age 40 because the Pope told them the Pill was Bad!!! Fortunately, I didn't have to go to school with them, they shipped them off to the Public school on a LONG bus, they had so many of them.

Of course, I'm old enough to remember when we called them "Mongoloids". But that became offensive so we switched to "Retarded". Then Retard became offensive and we switched to "Special Needs". And then that became offensive and we switched to "Differentiated Learners".

Please do tell me--a 28 year teaching veteran--how the "woke shit" makes my job an unattractive career option and/or is making teachers leave the classroom. Then I'd be happy to fill you in on the truth, both from my experience and teacher surveys.

Why does it make it unattractive to you? Because you hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did and don't want to tell people otherwise?

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