Here we go...

Called it. Before the Olympic torch even got cold.
Russia Orders Military Exercises Amid Ukraine Tension -

Russia readying troops to roll into the Ukraine. Putin may decide to 'take back' what he believes is rightfully Russia's regardless of how things shake out in Kiev. Either way, you know obama won't do a damn thing about it.
What do you suggest he does? What action would you take, declare war on Russia?
He can expand the missile defense network in Eastern Europe. He can also provide weapons and strategic training to the Ukrainian military.
Russia Orders Military Exercises Amid Ukraine Tension -

Russia readying troops to roll into the Ukraine. Putin may decide to 'take back' what he believes is rightfully Russia's regardless of how things shake out in Kiev. Either way, you know obama won't do a damn thing about it.
What do you suggest he does? What action would you take, declare war on Russia?
He can expand the missile defense network in Eastern Europe. He can also provide weapons and strategic training to the Ukrainian military.

More importantly, his words to Putin would be taken seriously if he hadn't started out by establishing "gosh, we're sorry we're a super-power" as the basis of our foreign policy, consistently ignored people around the world bravely standing up for democracy and a right to a voice in their own governments, shrugged off the murder of an ambassador, squandered what our great military fought for years to accomplish, played golf whenever a crisis conflicted with his schedule, led from "behind" (*ahem*), all but guaranteed that Iran will acquire nuclear weapons, and crowed about red lines that turned out to be hollow threats. Our enemies don't fear us and our allies can't trust us because of the incompetent boob we put in office (twice!). Why on earth would any world leader give a second thought to what obama says?

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