Here’s a map of all the mass shootings in 2015

These are your words, not mine: "We are not suppose to judge Muslims because of what they say are a few but you seem to be very willing to judge the many by the few." Who am I judging? We have a problem of mass gun violence in this country, and if you want to talk about many and few, you can tell us which religious group does the overwhelming amount of killing.

Can't tell from your little map. Apparently they don't have stats on the religion of the murderers. Could you present a world map also so we could get an world wide perspective on this ?
The map lists mass violence in America. This is about the violence not the religion. If you want to do that, post your own map for America by religion and incidents. You will be unhappy with the result I think. :lol:

146 in 13 years according to the FBI, up until 2013.

In 2011 there were 113 deaths due to ladder falls.


CDC: There’s Nothing ‘Easy’ About Falling Off a Ladder
The US ranks 8th...not mass shootings per million residents. That's a fact.

It's like saying we have more rapes than Iceland. Well....yeah....we probably do.
these people are phonies. they don't care about the loss of life. not when they turn around and support a political party that champions the killing of the unborn. they just want to step on the rest of us while they continue on with their pet causes

what a bunch of nasty horseshit... reproductive choice is about privacy from government overreach.
Jake stands with the Jihadists

Can we merge this and the other EXACT SAME STUPID THREAD BY GUNO
New York Times Publishes First Front Page Editorial In Nearly 100 Years
New York Times Publishes First Front Page Editorial In Nearly 100 Years

"It is a moral outrage and a national disgrace that civilians can legally purchase weapons designed specifically to kill people with brutal speed and efficiency. These are weapons of war, barely modified and deliberately marketed as tools of macho vigilantism and even insurrection. America’s elected leaders offer prayers for gun victims and then, callously and without fear of consequence, reject the most basic restrictions on weapons of mass killing, as they did on Thursday. They distract us with arguments about the word terrorism. Let’s be clear: These spree killings are all, in their own ways, acts of terrorism.

Opponents of gun control are saying, as they do after every killing, that no law can unfailingly forestall a specific criminal. That is true. They are talking, many with sincerity, about the constitutional challenges to effective gun regulation. Those challenges exist. They point out that determined killers obtained weapons illegally in places like France, England and Norway that have strict gun laws. Yes, they did.

But at least those countries are trying. The United States is not. Worse, politicians abet would-be killers by creating gun markets for them, and voters allow those politicians to keep their jobs. It is past time to stop talking about halting the spread of firearms, and instead to reduce their number drastically — eliminating some large categories of weapons and ammunition.

It is not necessary to debate the peculiar wording of the Second Amendment. No right is unlimited and immune from reasonable regulation."

A Tally Of Mass Shootings In The U.S.

Authorities Release Names Of The 14 People Killed In San Bernardino Shooting

FBI: San Bernardino Shooting Is Being Investigated As A Terrorist Act
The issue is much more than gangsters, drive bys, or terrorism.

We have a culture of mass gun violence.

  • BY MEGAN HICKEY, JOSHUA BARAJAS AND LAURA SANTHANAM December 2, 2015 at 10:28 PM EST As details surrounding the San Bernardino, California, shooting gradually emerged Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama told CBS News that the U.S. has “a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”
  • The mass shooting at a social services agency in San Bernardino left at least 14 dead and 17 others wounded. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 15, 2012, killing 26 children and adults.
  • Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman.

View attachment 56274

Looking at the map, the reason for shootings and terrorism seems obvious: population density. Places below whatever the density is are free of people going nanners.
well you should move. out of this country you don't LIKE our Constitution and feel you have the right to step on other people rights.

go out and protest abortion for starters

Go out and protest Abortions or should the OP'er do what most typical fringers want to do and that is grab a gun and shoot up a abortion clinic in the name of God?

I have no problem with anyone owning a gun as long as they are not mentally insane or a criminal which mean a good majority of the Tea Party supporters would be out of luck owning a gun seeing you have to have some serious mental issues to be a Tea Party supporter!
"But rather than taking action to address the full measure of destruction America’s gun violence inflicts, many politicians appear more comfortable offering rote words of shallow sympathy to the victims’ families, then jumping quickly behind distractions like the state of mental-health care in America.

Was Robert L. Dear Jr., the suspect in last week’s shooting, mentally ill? Did he oppose abortion? Or was he just extremely angry?

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"^

The truth is, the characteristics of killers may vary, but the result is always the same — a massacre of the innocent, made possible by virtually unimpeded access to guns. Mr. Dear had several run-ins with the law and still had plenty of weapons at hand.

Many who oppose sensible gun-safety measures point to the 350 million or so guns already in circulation and say it’s too late to turn back now. Their chilling solution is for everyone to be armed, and ready to shoot, at all times."
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These are your words, not mine: "We are not suppose to judge Muslims because of what they say are a few but you seem to be very willing to judge the many by the few." Who am I judging? We have a problem of mass gun violence in this country, and if you want to talk about many and few, you can tell us which religious group does the overwhelming amount of killing.

Can't tell from your little map. Apparently they don't have stats on the religion of the murderers. Could you present a world map also so we could get an world wide perspective on this ?
The map lists mass violence in America. This is about the violence not the religion. If you want to do that, post your own map for America by religion and incidents. You will be unhappy with the result I think. :lol:

but you have quotes like
a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world
"But rather than taking action to address the full measure of destruction America’s gun violence inflicts, many politicians appear more comfortable offering rote words of shallow sympathy to the victims’ families, then jumping quickly behind distractions like the state of mental-health care in America. Was Robert L. Dear Jr., the suspect in last week’s shooting, mentally ill? Did he oppose abortion? Or was he just extremely angry?

The truth is, the characteristics of killers may vary, but the result is always the same — a massacre of the innocent, made possible by virtually unimpeded access to guns. Mr. Dear had several run-ins with the law and still had plenty of weapons at hand.

Many who oppose sensible gun-safety measures point to the 350 million or so guns already in circulation and say it’s too late to turn back now. Their chilling solution is for everyone to be armed, and ready to shoot, at all times."

Virtually unimpeded access to guns ? Horseshit.
virtually unimpeded:

When Zina Haughton, 42, got a restraining order against her husband, Radcliffe, last October — she told a court that his threats “terrorize my every waking moment” — he became ineligible to buy a gun under federal law. But he found a way around that: he bought a gun from a private seller he found on the Internet who, unlike federally licensed dealers, was not legally required to check his background.

That is how Mr. Haughton was able to buy a handgun for $500 in the parking lot of a McDonalds that he took with him on Oct. 21 to the spa in a suburb of Milwaukee where his wife worked. There, Mr. Haughton opened fire at the spa’s pedicure station, law enforcement officials said, and kept shooting until he had killed his wife and two women she worked with and injured four other women. He then killed himself.
The issue is much more than gangsters, drive bys, or terrorism.

We have a culture of mass gun violence.

  • BY MEGAN HICKEY, JOSHUA BARAJAS AND LAURA SANTHANAM December 2, 2015 at 10:28 PM EST As details surrounding the San Bernardino, California, shooting gradually emerged Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama told CBS News that the U.S. has “a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”
  • The mass shooting at a social services agency in San Bernardino left at least 14 dead and 17 others wounded. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 15, 2012, killing 26 children and adults.
  • Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman.

View attachment 56274

there is a huge difference between number six a murder suicide and the islamo terrorist attack in California the other day

you leftists as so overwhelmingly dishonest it is unbelievable
well you should move. out of this country you don't LIKE our Constitution and feel you have the right to step on other people rights.

go out and protest abortion for starters
nothing up their about drunk drivers either
Nothing up their about illegals that have murdered natural citizens either.

actually they want to let illegals in

terrorists too

and demand that the law abiding be disarmed

and give up on their rights

they are dangerous people
These are your words, not mine: "We are not suppose to judge Muslims because of what they say are a few but you seem to be very willing to judge the many by the few." Who am I judging? We have a problem of mass gun violence in this country, and if you want to talk about many and few, you can tell us which religious group does the overwhelming amount of killing.

Can't tell from your little map. Apparently they don't have stats on the religion of the murderers. Could you present a world map also so we could get an world wide perspective on this ?
The map lists mass violence in America. This is about the violence not the religion. If you want to do that, post your own map for America by religion and incidents. You will be unhappy with the result I think. :lol:

but you have quotes like a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world
Disprove it if you can, and if you can, would that excuse us for having 209 mass acts of shooting in 311 days? Of course not.
The issue is much more than gangsters, drive bys, or terrorism.

We have a culture of mass gun violence.

  • BY MEGAN HICKEY, JOSHUA BARAJAS AND LAURA SANTHANAM December 2, 2015 at 10:28 PM EST As details surrounding the San Bernardino, California, shooting gradually emerged Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama told CBS News that the U.S. has “a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”
  • The mass shooting at a social services agency in San Bernardino left at least 14 dead and 17 others wounded. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 15, 2012, killing 26 children and adults.
  • Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman.

View attachment 56274

there is a huge difference between number six a murder suicide and the islamo terrorist attack in California the other day you leftists as so overwhelmingly dishonest it is unbelievable
Your dishonesty is obvious: you pretend mass violence by guns is not mass violence by guns.
Any bets when the first mass shoot up of an American mosque happens?
The issue is much more than gangsters, drive bys, or terrorism.

We have a culture of mass gun violence.

  • BY MEGAN HICKEY, JOSHUA BARAJAS AND LAURA SANTHANAM December 2, 2015 at 10:28 PM EST As details surrounding the San Bernardino, California, shooting gradually emerged Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama told CBS News that the U.S. has “a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”
  • The mass shooting at a social services agency in San Bernardino left at least 14 dead and 17 others wounded. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 15, 2012, killing 26 children and adults.
  • Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman.

View attachment 56274
This IS NOT how the Government defines mass shootings. AT ALL. Another lie by the left.
The issue is much more than gangsters, drive bys, or terrorism.

We have a culture of mass gun violence.

  • BY MEGAN HICKEY, JOSHUA BARAJAS AND LAURA SANTHANAM December 2, 2015 at 10:28 PM EST As details surrounding the San Bernardino, California, shooting gradually emerged Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama told CBS News that the U.S. has “a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.”
  • The mass shooting at a social services agency in San Bernardino left at least 14 dead and 17 others wounded. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 15, 2012, killing 26 children and adults.
  • Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman.

View attachment 56274

there is a huge difference between number six a murder suicide and the islamo terrorist attack in California the other day you leftists as so overwhelmingly dishonest it is unbelievable
Your dishonesty is obvious: you pretend mass violence by guns is not mass violence by guns.

most people see through your type of bullshit

gun sales are on the rise as more people wake up to

your type of dishonesty

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