Here’s a map of all the mass shootings in 2015

How many of those are thugs shooting each other??

Pro-life, except the life of thugs......
No, but it is a relevant point to frame the nature of this bullshit count of all shooting that had 4 or more victims. That covers everything from gang banger drive by's to drunken accidents to some wack job killing himself, wife and two+ kids to an actual mass killing that had no other reason for it other than making a statement.

You gun grabbing Nazis wont get your way and it pisses you off, but that is better than civil war, shit-4-brains.
They want to blame everything on a gun, rather than the gangs, and drugs, and mental illness, and radicals. They want to address an object rather than the human element.
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training, as the Oregon shooter, the Aurora shooter, the Minneapolis shooter, all those crazed postal workers, and many other mass shooters have proven time and time again.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.

As it is anywhere these days.

Show me one place where people cannot buy heroin, dude. It is the same with you bullshit about guns.

And it doesnt matter; guns are not going to go away, bitches.
Gun companies lock up billions in sales, boosted by calls for tougher laws

And the rubes in jesusland flyover land rush out to buy more guns while the gun makers laugh all the way to the bank

Gun companies lock up billions in sales, boosted by calls for tougher laws
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.

As it is anywhere these days.

Show me one place where people cannot buy heroin, dude. It is the same with you bullshit about guns.

And it doesnt matter; guns are not going to go away, bitches.
I am pro gun, dipshit.

My point was that a lot of other dipshits immediately assumed yesterday this San Bernadino shooter must have had military/ISISBOOMBAH training.

One dipshit even said he hoped it was ISIS! There are a lot of people who clearly can't wait for an excuse to unleash their inner Nazi.
I can think of one common element in all of those you listed. What is it?
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training, as the Oregon shooter, the Aurora shooter, the Minneapolis shooter, all those crazed postal workers, and many other mass shooters have proven time and time again.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.
Why is it they do nothing about the gangs, of any measurable degree?
Yup, this is a propaganda link.

I listen to NPR every morning, and they have a REAL gun control agenda. I mean it is SERIOUS.

This pbs link is a crock.

I went to the FLINT, MI link, and it says there was a mass shooting involving seven injured.

Well, here's the story;

Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend
Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend

Police tell us an argument between two people at a social gathering lead to the shooting around 2:30 a.m. Sunday. None of the shootings were deadly. Police tell us one adult man has been arrested, and a judge could formally charge him on Tuesday.

IOW, it was an argument between two groups of kids. A "gang" war.

Usually in turf war, there are causalities. It happens. Let's just be glad they agreed to no head shots. It was a gentleman's shoot out, that's actually quite common.

Too bad they didn't use Roman Candles, eh?

Apparently you didn't click the link and read the article. Who knows how many injuries there might have been with out the mobilization and community involvement, eh?

"Considering these shootings started just hours after DeWaun Robinson's Stop the Violence rally promoted peace in the city of Flint, Friday, you might think it would be discouraging.

However, Robinson says his rally is just one part of fighting back against the violence. Another part is getting into the neighborhoods, meeting the people behind it face-to-face.

"It lets you know that there's more work to do," Robinson said. "(It might) be beneficial for them if you came into those areas and get an understanding of what they're dealing with to come up with a solution."

Kayamone Sutton's organization called Stop the Violence: Community Take Back Rally, meets regularly at the Berston Fieldhouse and aims to hit the problem early on.

"We are focusing directly on the youth. We want to show them there are things to participate in, try to keep them off the streets, get engaged in," he said.

How appropriate then that two non-profits, the People's Promotion and DREAMS Incorporated, held a field day at Berston, Sunday afternoon, where all kids had to do was be themselves.

"Some of these kids are being forced to grow up too early," said DREAMS, Inc. Founder Royce Stephens. "Events like this, we're really emphasizing games, these child games, games we played growing up."

A little positivity that will hopefully make a lasting difference. It's something Bertha Moore says she'll be practicing with her own daughter.

"Say, 'this might be your foundation, but you can definitely pursue a career, you don't have to engage into that violence,'" she said."
Heck, California, with strict gun laws shows 19 different incidents, alone! One of, if not the highest.
Scary, huh?
Why is it they do nothing about the gangs, of any measurable degree?
Yup, this is a propaganda link.

I listen to NPR every morning, and they have a REAL gun control agenda. I mean it is SERIOUS.

This pbs link is a crock.

I went to the FLINT, MI link, and it says there was a mass shooting involving seven injured.

Well, here's the story;

Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend
Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend

Police tell us an argument between two people at a social gathering lead to the shooting around 2:30 a.m. Sunday. None of the shootings were deadly. Police tell us one adult man has been arrested, and a judge could formally charge him on Tuesday.

IOW, it was an argument between two groups of kids. A "gang" war.

Usually in turf war, there are causalities. It happens. Let's just be glad they agreed to no head shots. It was a gentleman's shoot out, that's actually quite common.

Too bad they didn't use Roman Candles, eh?

Apparently you didn't click the link and read the article. Who knows how many injuries there might have been with out the mobilization and community involvement, eh?

"Considering these shootings started just hours after DeWaun Robinson's Stop the Violence rally promoted peace in the city of Flint, Friday, you might think it would be discouraging.

However, Robinson says his rally is just one part of fighting back against the violence. Another part is getting into the neighborhoods, meeting the people behind it face-to-face.

"It lets you know that there's more work to do," Robinson said. "(It might) be beneficial for them if you came into those areas and get an understanding of what they're dealing with to come up with a solution."

Kayamone Sutton's organization called Stop the Violence: Community Take Back Rally, meets regularly at the Berston Fieldhouse and aims to hit the problem early on.

"We are focusing directly on the youth. We want to show them there are things to participate in, try to keep them off the streets, get engaged in," he said.

How appropriate then that two non-profits, the People's Promotion and DREAMS Incorporated, held a field day at Berston, Sunday afternoon, where all kids had to do was be themselves.

"Some of these kids are being forced to grow up too early," said DREAMS, Inc. Founder Royce Stephens. "Events like this, we're really emphasizing games, these child games, games we played growing up."

A little positivity that will hopefully make a lasting difference. It's something Bertha Moore says she'll be practicing with her own daughter.

"Say, 'this might be your foundation, but you can definitely pursue a career, you don't have to engage into that violence,'" she said."
Did you figure out the common element in all you posted? I'll help you. Mental illness. It is time we adress the treatment of the chronically mental ill in this country.
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.

As it is anywhere these days.

Show me one place where people cannot buy heroin, dude. It is the same with you bullshit about guns.

And it doesnt matter; guns are not going to go away, bitches.
I am pro gun, dipshit.

My point was that a lot of other dipshits immediately assumed yesterday this San Bernadino shooter must have had military/ISISBOOMBAH training.

One dipshit even said he hoped it was ISIS! There are a lot of people who clearly can't wait for an excuse to unleash their inner Nazi.

I can think of one common element in all of those you listed. What is it?
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training, as the Oregon shooter, the Aurora shooter, the Minneapolis shooter, all those crazed postal workers, and many other mass shooters have proven time and time again.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.
Did you figure out the common element in all you posted? I'll help you. Mental illness. It is time we adress the treatment of the chronically mental ill in this country.

That's a bullshit smokescreen thrown up by the NRA.

Are all those blacks shooting blacks in Chicago the Right loves to harp about in the mental health system?
About 15,000 homicides in the US each year. Usually by someone known to the victim, and one fourth of the time it is a relative.

Are all those murderers on the mental health radar?

Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.

As it is anywhere these days.

Show me one place where people cannot buy heroin, dude. It is the same with you bullshit about guns.

And it doesnt matter; guns are not going to go away, bitches.
I am pro gun, dipshit.

Lol, then try harder, dude, to show it.

My point was that a lot of other dipshits immediately assumed yesterday this San Bernadino shooter must have had military/ISISBOOMBAH training.

One dipshit even said he hoped it was ISIS! There are a lot of people who clearly can't wait for an excuse to unleash their inner Nazi.

There are eye witnesses who saw multiple males assisting these three in their garage with cases of unidentified materials. There is more to this than the wack-job actions of three suicidal wackos all committing suicide together.
Accumulating a lot of guns and ammo and body armor and mowing down a bunch of innocents does not require ISIS training.

It is very easy to acquire all these things in America.

As it is anywhere these days.

Show me one place where people cannot buy heroin, dude. It is the same with you bullshit about guns.

And it doesnt matter; guns are not going to go away, bitches.
I am pro gun, dipshit.

Lol, then try harder, dude, to show it.

My point was that a lot of other dipshits immediately assumed yesterday this San Bernadino shooter must have had military/ISISBOOMBAH training.

One dipshit even said he hoped it was ISIS! There are a lot of people who clearly can't wait for an excuse to unleash their inner Nazi.

There are eye witnesses who saw multiple males assisting these three in their garage with cases of unidentified materials. There is more to this than the wack-job actions of three suicidal wackos all committing suicide together.
I prefer to wait for facts rather than drinking any piss poured by biased sources.

I do my best to not let my own biases affect my thinking critically. And it's a simple fact you don't need ISIS training to plan and pull off a mass shooting. History has shown that even a mental case can do it.
Did you figure out the common element in all you posted? I'll help you. Mental illness. It is time we adress the treatment of the chronically mental ill in this country.

That's a bullshit smokescreen thrown up by the NRA.

Are all those blacks shooting blacks in Chicago the Right loves to harp about in the mental health system?
More of your pro-gun efforts, dude?
Expert: Man in Mich. stabbings case mentally ill
Attorney: Girl charged in stabbing is mentally ill
Stabbing suspect has history of violence, mental illness
"Stabbings Suspect
as Mentally Ill, Expert Testifies" by Belculfine, Lexi - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA), June 4, 2015 | Online Research Library: Questia
Man Killed by Police After Stabbings Was Mentally Ill

Sorry. No. The smokescreen exists when one tries to blame an inanimate object for the deaths. Mental illness is the root cause in all those you named. Why don't you want to even explore that possibly we need to do more to keep the chronically mentally ill safer from themselves and others?
If it is truly the gun, then why are you and others not calling for knife control in this country as well?

Did you figure out the common element in all you posted? I'll help you. Mental illness. It is time we adress the treatment of the chronically mentally ill in this country.

That's a bullshit smokescreen thrown up by the NRA.

Are all those blacks shooting blacks in Chicago the Right loves to harp about in the mental health system?
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