Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

but our vacations were modest - a week at the beach, usually - and going out to dinner at anything other than Roy Rodgers was saved for someone’s birthday.
I said that sacrifices would be made. We chose to only have one so that we could live the lifestyle we chose and still be able to provide the things that we felt were necessary. We both worked. We vacationed often and our child is better for the education she received during our travels. She was able to learn to ski and take part in extra curricular activities at school. She was raised in a nice middle class home and was able to attend a reputable college which she paid 50% through academic scholarships and we were able to save the other 50%. She is now married with two children of her own--she and her husband both work and are very attentive parents. Their family is on the same track that we followed and I could not be more proud. Nothing will replace hard work, good planning and tenacity in the journey to success.
Funny how that agreement was made without the people who are now responsible for paying for it.

Retirees all got together and agreed their kids will pay for their retirement.

Sort of like Build Back Better, except BBB is 4 times as large and the money was taken from the recipients at gunpoint with the promise of return in their old age. But the Democrats love that one.
a liberal on this forum who was able to do so by taking other people’s money to help raise his kids.
In five generations of my family, there has NEVER been one dime of public assistance. A feat we are all extremely and justifiably proud. Members of every generation served in the military and were combatants in every US conflict since WWI.
In five generations of my family, there has NEVER been one dime of public assistance. A feat we are all extremely and justifiably proud. Members of every generation served in the military and were combatants in every US conflict since WWI.
Same with my family. WWI and WWII, both. And not a penny of “relief” money during the Depression, even though both grandpas were low-paid factory workers. They lived “down” to what they could afford, and that meant very modest tenement apartments, with bathrooms shared with other tenants. That was seen as preferable to taking welfare.

Now, we have six-figure professionals who think they are entitled to an upper-middle class lifestyle, and if they can’t afford it because they had four or more kids, they feel PROUD to have other people, earning less, help support their lifestyle with government assistance programs.

I‘ve said it before and I’ll say it again: what people in this country are missing is a sense of SHAME. It‘s a useful emotion that signals decent people that they are doing wrong.
And your heartless rhetoric can be used in a more obvious way:

You are defending a family with a single earner earning well into the six figures, who decided to have four kids, and you would prefer money go to this affluent family, with the potential to increase their income if the second spouse was willing to work, than a retiree on a fixed income of $40k, with no earning potential.

That you want to give money to an affluent family - with the potential to earn more - and ooze contempt for a $40k retiree who has contributed to society, via work and taxes, for decades, is what makes MY head spin. Actually, it makes me nauseous.

This ludicrous support for welfare to the rich proves that the Marxist agenda is all that matters. Logic, truth, any kind of fundamental, reasonable, fairness doesn't matter; they can, and do, support anything that furthers the long-term agenda.
This ludicrous support for welfare to the rich proves that the Marxist agenda is all that matters. Logic, truth, any kind of fundamental, reasonable, fairness doesn't matter; they can, and do, support anything that furthers the long-term agenda.
Gee, it would be too much to ask for you to get off of your lazy ass and EARN something, eh?
Wow! I wonder how hard that was for you to find. Apparently, master money manager and financial advisor, the up-and-coming George Soros, otherwise known here as Winston, doesn't know all he claimed to know about money management for the elderly. I'm glad he's not managing my money. He should have his license revoked.
Check yourself. The income tax on Social Security only goes into effect once a single person has surpassed $25,000 in income--NOT COUNTING SOCIAL SECURITY. I mean that is common sense, otherwise almost everyone drawing Social Security would be paying taxes on it.

The reality is the scenario given here is unrealistic. You got an 82 year old woman that has been taking minimum distributions from her IRA and still has over three hundred grand in it, yet her earnings, or that of her husband, only get her a $2,000 month benefit, that has been increased for inflation no less than fifteen times. But even at that, she has a marginal tax rate of 1.2%, yet someone she is being punished because the OP family is getting a child tax credit. Gosh but you people are a hoot. Amazing how delusional one can be while attempting to control other people's behavior.
Show me where $250k was considered "middle class"

Even in NYC that isn't middle class.

250K 10 years ago is 288,848 today. That's 95 percentile. Definitely not middle class. While I was looking, I checked 150K today. It's 85 percentile. Granted there's some assumption in this but the guy in the OP is not middle class. He's wealthy.
I can do this all day. It was Republican Party line under Obama.

Do you know how absolutely stupid that is? You can't be in the upper 5% of earners and call yourself middle class. And, yes, we do know how many people are in the top 5%.... 5%.

The idiocy of the left never ceases to amaze me.
Same with my family. WWI and WWII, both. And not a penny of “relief” money during the Depression, even though both grandpas were low-paid factory workers. They lived “down” to what they could afford, and that meant very modest tenement apartments, with bathrooms shared with other tenants. That was seen as preferable to taking welfare.

Now, we have six-figure professionals who think they are entitled to an upper-middle class lifestyle, and if they can’t afford it because they had four or more kids, they feel PROUD to have other people, earning less, help support their lifestyle with government assistance programs.

I‘ve said it before and I’ll say it again: what people in this country are missing is a sense of SHAME. It‘s a useful emotion that signals decent people that they are doing wrong.
I have to ask, what is the difference between a head of household that uses every single tax credit, deduction, and means of maximizing his wealth any different than a CEO for a corporation? And I hate to break it to you, but one of the fundamental tenants of a free market is that one attains the maximum amount of income with the least amount of work.

And there is something else at play here that you Republicans have no ability to comprehend. Say this mother, who you say should go to work, does exactly that. What is her marginal tax rate? I mean how much of each dollar she earns does she get to keep? Probably not enough to pay the daycare expenses, and yet you morons think she should go to work to LOSE MONEY. Comical.

For instance, one of the rights favorite thing to complain about is the single mother with two kids, making around 25 grand a year, and her food stamps and EITC. She should work harder, more hours, get an education and improve her income. But here is the thing, for every dollar she earns over that 25 grand she loses the EITC, loses her food stamp benefits, and pays taxes. She ends up with, maybe, fifteen cents on the dollar. Why you expect here to stomach a 85% marginal tax rate and yet scream and holler if someone in the upper quintile pays more than 40% I will never understand. Until you implement an 85% tax rate on those with incomes in excess of one million dollars a year you need to STFU about the single mom collecting her EITC.
Even more….not only wasn’t the family guaranteed to get money every month until the kids came of age, they were never expecting it all. This is a completely unexpected windfall.

And forget the $150,000 family - that case is so obvious I can’t belice a liberal is even arguing for them. The one family I know with four young kids, and a husband with a middle-income salary, and who always watched their budget, are now flush with disposable income. They are buying all sorts of superfluous stuff - the wife just bought a $300 jewelry storage chest, and they have now booked a week in a Virginia Beach hotel for the spring - neither of which they could previously afford.

WHY are retirees with modest incomes, or childless adults, paying the cost for this unexpected windfall? Inflation is skyrocketing as a result, and the market is spooked with pending rates hikes. All so middle-income families can book vacations and buy unnecessary goodies?

I thank G-d Manchin blocked the BBB from going forward. A big part of it was continuing the expanded handouts to 90% of families, the cost of which is borne by non-families.

Democrats have never been for the poor or for minorities. They are the racists and they have always despised the poor. They do all they can to keep both from having any success in life, viewing them only as dependent voters.
Harsh....but correct.

One day we should discuss it, but I don't believe that there is poverty in this nation. I find it simply a Democrat talking point.

. "The government’s own statistics show that people who are said to be “living in poverty” spend more than $1.50 for each dollar of income they claim." http://theghostfighters.wordpress.c...ding-ovation-the-faculty-were-deathly-silent/
You're right. The poorest in the US live better than the average in most countries in the world. So many of the world's actual poor would cherish the lifestyle of a poor black family in South Chicago.
Raising children is a job. Supporting a working spouse is a job. You can pay someone else to raise your children and see how that works out when your children turn out to be socialists, homosexuals, transgender, drug addicts, and commit suicide because they were led to believe they were evil for having been born white.

Or you can raise your children yourself, home school, or at least have the time to be there to counter the evils children learn in the world, taught by transvestite reading sessions in their kindergarten class.

You're clearly a socialist. Everyone is a "worker". That term, straight out of Marx, has become the most common description for Americans in political or government planning. No longer a person, a wife, a husband, a father, a mother. Just a worker.

Nope. Everyone is responsible for themselves, it's that easy. That's how America works is by people working to provide for themselves.

I never said anything about paying a tranny homo to raise your kids. I have no idea where you got that from. You went way out in left field to get that one

Again I didn't speak about school either so again you're off the reservation to grab that one.

Saying someone can get a job isn't a socialist. Either that or you don't know what a socialist really is.
I said that sacrifices would be made. We chose to only have one so that we could live the lifestyle we chose and still be able to provide the things that we felt were necessary. We both worked. We vacationed often and our child is better for the education she received during our travels. She was able to learn to ski and take part in extra curricular activities at school. She was raised in a nice middle class home and was able to attend a reputable college which she paid 50% through academic scholarships and we were able to save the other 50%. She is now married with two children of her own--she and her husband both work and are very attentive parents. Their family is on the same track that we followed and I could not be more proud. Nothing will replace hard work, good planning and tenacity in the journey to success.

Define sacrifices. I'd argue that those who live the single-earner lifestyle, by mutual consent and agreement of both husband and wife, do not make sacrifices; they simply make different choices. They don't see the choice to cook fresh meals from scratch rather than sticking a box in the microwave as a sacrifice. Raising a garden versus shopping at Whole Foods is not a sacrifice. Everyone sitting together at the table for a home cooked dinner because one parent stayed home to cook instead of McDonald's by Deal Dash is not sacrifice.
God has all the power to create universes yet he still begs for your money at church....Funny how that works.
It is better when one parent is a stay-at-home parent to help raise a family compared to when both parents work...
You are lying. God created the Heaven and the Earth. He created man in his own image and blessed him with the right to choose the way he lives.
If you are obedient to God and you trust in God, when the role is called up yonder, you'll be there. If you deceive people about God's goodness and his love for mankind, and you cause people to fail and rejoice when bad things happen to your enemies, instead of letting God do his job, I wouldn't be you for the world.
Define sacrifices. I'd argue that those who live the single-earner lifestyle, by mutual consent and agreement of both husband and wife, do not make sacrifices; they simply make different choices. They don't see the choice to cook fresh meals from scratch rather than sticking a box in the microwave as a sacrifice. Raising a garden versus shopping at Whole Foods is not a sacrifice. Everyone sitting together at the table for a home cooked dinner because one parent stayed home to cook instead of McDonald's by Deal Dash is not sacrifice.
Back up dude--I didn't say anything about what was a sacrifice--if you kept up with the thread. The poster I responded to said she didn't have many vacations, she felt that was a sacrifice. Also, there are way too many in the single earner category that feel the government OWES them the same niceties as someone who sacrificed and had two earners. Sacrifices are different for different folks. I think you are just looking for something to whine about or you're a troll--you pick.
Back up dude--I didn't say anything about what was a sacrifice--if you kept up with the thread. The poster I responded to said she didn't have many vacations, she felt that was a sacrifice. Also, there are way too many in the single earner category that feel the government OWES them the same niceties as someone who sacrificed and had two earners. Sacrifices are different for different folks. I think you are just looking for something to whine about or you're a troll--you pick.
I’m the one who said about the relatively modest beach vacations. I didn’t mean to imply it was a “sacrifice.” I was just trying to show that one adjusts their lifestyle to fit within their means. As a kid, I sure didn’t see going to the beach (and the boardwalk with all the rides every night, yay!) as a sacrifice. My parents, who grew up poor, certainly didn’t see it that way, either.

Again, the point is that middle-income families - responsible ones, that is - live within their means, and don’t feel entitled to other people “pitching in” to allow them to live a higher lifestyle than they could afford on their own.
250K 10 years ago is 288,848 today. That's 95 percentile. Definitely not middle class. While I was looking, I checked 150K today. It's 85 percentile. Granted there's some assumption in this but the guy in the OP is not middle class. He's wealthy.

If he's somewhere like NYC or San Fran he could be very upper middle class, but that's it.

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