Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

Based on your posts, I find it very difficult to believe that you were a Republican in 2008. Even if you felt that you got screwed over by Republicans, you would not do a 180 on every issue. You aren’t religious,

Don't base everything on my posts. I admit it was a process. My belief in economic conservatism was the first to go, but the social issues followed when I realized most of them are about keeping you stupids angry.

Or as I often asked, how is it the rich always get their tax cuts and Abortion never gets banned.

Now, for not being religious... here's the thing, the takeover of the GOP by the Religious Crazies is kind of a recent thing. Or as Barry Goldwater observed,


So, yeah, I was pretty close to having a PEACE OUT moment with the GOP in 2008, when Huckabee and Romney were having an honest to God discussion about whether or not Jesus and Satan are brothers... you know, in the 21st century. Romney didn't get the nomination because the Evangelicals wouldn't support him. This was followed up by the Evangelicals getting behind Romney because OH MY GOD, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

Moving on..

you race bait, you haven’t seen a social program you don’t like,

Only because the GOP has become more racist. You see, one of the things I LIKED about Dubya was his willingness to reach out to minorities. It made him kind of a decent guy. And it didn't last, because the GOP went full racist. So the subtle racism I kind of ignored with Reagan and Poppy Bush I couldn't ignore with Romney and Trump being pretty fucking blatant about it. So I kind of had to make a choice. Stand with the Racists, or stand with decency.

It wasn't difficult.

agree with the bonehead foreign policy of the Democrats, etc..

There isn't a whit of difference between the GOP and the Democrats on foreign policy.

All signs point to the fact you are a die hard Democrat and always have been.

Or that I evolved on issues when I realized the GOP was wrong. Some of it was that I moved to the left on some issues, some of them are that the GOP went to crazy town on issues like guns and abortion.

Now, I used to be anti-abortion, thanks to some residual Catholicism. Then I realized one practical point. A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant.

I did hurt some middle class families in theve crazy high tax blue states, but it primarily forced the very wealthy Democrats in these states to pay for the policies which they support. What they really want is for the middle class to pick up the tab for the crazy high taxes. Yes, that means poor underlings like yourself were paying exhoritant taxes on your entire property while the very wealthy could write them off and essentially short-change the federal government for their bad voting habits.

Actually, I just got my tax bill for Cook County, it went down. But thanks for asking. On the other hand, it went up last year in Republican DuPage County where my old Condo was (actually, still is, because I haven't unloaded the fucker yet.)

Even though I live in a low tax red state, I will be benefit from a removal of the cap on the SALT deductions due to the value of my properties. It is YOUR party that is helping me. Yeah, I know, you don’t believe me but the point stands, there are many wealthy people in lower tax states that will benefit, in fact, the benefit in lower tax states, you must be pretty wealthy to have property that is taxes at more than 10k.

I'm very happy you are getting an imaginary tax break on your Double Wide, Cleetus.

Unions are a bad idea. I mean, there is that. I live in a right to work state where very few people are members of Unions. As I have stated many times before, in my area, the median household income is nearly 6 digits, far out-pacing the national average. Couple that with a lower cost of living and we simply have a better lifestyle than most in blue states. Clearly the lack of unions isn’t negatively affecting my area of the state.

Again, since you won't tell us which state that is so I can UTTERLY CRUSH you with statistics, I'll take this with a grain of salt.

The problem is the southern mentality. They are happy having less than the rich, as long as they have more than the darkies. It's a fucked up kind of thinking that makes me wish the Civil War had lasted a few years longer to "Darwin" you out of existence.


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Don't base everything on my posts. I admit it was a process. My belief in economic conservatism was the first to go, but the social issues followed when I realized most of them are about keeping you stupids angry.

Congratulations. Most are liberal when they are know-nothing adolescents and become conservative as they age and become wiser. It takes a special person, and by special I mean losing brain-cells at an abnormally fast rate, to become more liberal/less wise as they age.

Only because the GOP has become more racist. You see, one of the things I LIKED about Dubya was his willingness to reach out to minorities. It made him kind of a decent guy. And it didn't last, because the GOP went full racist. So the subtle racism I kind of ignored with Reagan and Poppy Bush I couldn't ignore with Romney and Trump being pretty fucking blatant about it. So I kind of had to make a choice. Stand with the Racists, or stand with decency.

But they aren't racist. That is a figment of your imagination and your indoctrination.

There isn't a whit of difference between the GOP and the Democrats on foreign policy.

Wow...just wow. I mean seriously you have no idea what you are talking about. I mean, Biden removed sanctions on Nordstream and on Iran. Trump would have NEVER done either. There is a stark difference and the Democrats are living in lala land where rainbows and butterflies rule.

Or that I evolved on issues when I realized the GOP was wrong.

You devolved. Most pimple faced kids are leftists. You agree with them. Let that sink in for a minute.

I'm very happy you are getting an imaginary tax break on your Double Wide, Cleetus.

Yeah ok.

Again, since you won't tell us which state that is so I can UTTERLY CRUSH you with statistics, I'll take this with a grain of salt.

Here is an idea. Google high income areas in the South. Do some Zillow searches and sort by price. You will find that there are many places that meet the criteria I laid out. You can't crush my area with statistics because it would put yours to shame. Income, cost of living, quality of life, weather...I can name many places in the South where Illinois cannot compete.
Congratulations. Most are liberal when they are know-nothing adolescents and become conservative as they age and become wiser. It takes a special person, and by special I mean losing brain-cells at an abnormally fast rate, to become more liberal/less wise as they age.

Actually, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect a different result.
Bush Sr. Fucked up the economy
Bush Jr. Fucked up the economy
Trump fucked up the economy.

But you guys keep voting for them!

But they aren't racist. That is a figment of your imagination and your indoctrination.

Shit Hole Countries. Mexicans are rapists. Obama was born in Kenya. Execute the Central Park 5 (even after they were proven innocent). China Virus.
Um, they have a name for people who say stuff like that. "Racist".

Now, admitably, maybe I should have been more aware when Reagan talked about Welfare Queens or Bush talked about Willie Horton. But better late than never.

Wow...just wow. I mean seriously you have no idea what you are talking about. I mean, Biden removed sanctions on Nordstream and on Iran. Trump would have NEVER done either. There is a stark difference and the Democrats are living in lala land where rainbows and butterflies rule.

Okay, except we are still challenging the Russian on Ukraine, we are still doing whatever the Zionist Entity wants.

The problem with Iran was WE HAD A GOOD DEAL with Iran until Trump fucked it up against the advice of his diplomats and his generals. So maybe you got a point, Democrats are less likely to do stupid things than Trump was.

ou devolved. Most pimple faced kids are leftists. You agree with them. Let that sink in for a minute.

I have. And at the end of the day, I'm a pragmatist.

Now, if I were a millionaire or a billionaire, and I wasn't a decent person, I'd have no problem voting Republican. I'd just be looking out for my interests and kind of fuck everyone else.

But I'm a working guy trying to get by in life, and I have a conscience. One party is looking out for me, one party is looking out for the rich people who spend their days figuring out new ways to screw working people. This REALLY ISN'T COMPLICATED>

Now, it wasn't always this way. There was a period, the period your AVI comes from, when Republicans DID look out for the working man. That isn't today.


Here is an idea. Google high income areas in the South. Do some Zillow searches and sort by price. You will find that there are many places that meet the criteria I laid out. You can't crush my area with statistics because it would put yours to shame. Income, cost of living, quality of life, weather...I can name many places in the South where Illinois cannot compete.

I'm sure you could, but I doubt you live in any of them, Cleetus. Again, I am sure your Double Wide is very nice. It's the envy of all your inbred neighbors.
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What’s your point? This thread is about asinine leftist policies giving money to $150,000 households because….wait for it.…that will somehow help children living in poverty.
What’s your point? This thread is about asinine leftist policies giving money to $150,000 households because….wait for it.…that will somehow help children living in poverty.

I have a hard time making ends meet for just myself on half of that... I could imagine what it would be like for someone with three kids.

I can think of a dozen things the government does that is more wasteful - the Prison-Industrial Complex, bloated military programs, all that money we send to the Zionist Entity...

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