Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

Go ahead and find the link, then...

You won't.
I know I won't; it's probably been deleted from the last 2 times the site has moved servers.
I just allow you to bleed for today's Blacks who you think need your help to succeed.
I know I won't; it's probably been deleted from the last 2 times the site has moved servers.
I just allow you to bleed for today's Blacks who you think need your help to succeed.

Thanks for admitting you are a liar...

They don't need my help, they need fair treatment in a system rife with white privilege.
Thanks for admitting you are a liar...

They don't need my help, they need fair treatment in a system rife with white privilege.
There are more than enough Black billionaires who don't hire Blacks.
Why do Black billionaires always do business with Jews?

If Blacks don't care about Blacks, does that make them racist?
There are more than enough Black billionaires who don't hire Blacks.
Why do Black billionaires always do business with Jews?

If Blacks don't care about Blacks, does that make them racist?

You could count the number of black billionaires on one hand.
Family consoles son, as father feels humiliated he can't buy the new Warhammer Horizon game after extended child credit checks stop coming. Mother is concerned her son will feel victimized.

It was just recalled.
You know why they're happy?
And you can kiss goodbye to anyone associated with Biden when all these non-Indians are unemployed.
That's a lie. We pay our H1B Indian employees a minimum of about 130K. There are some specialized, limited, roles that we pay some less but none of our Indian W-2 employees are paid under 120K - not a single one. Some of our Indian contractors get paid less, but all over 100K. We're forced to pay those rates by US Immigration laws. The laws are designed to make sure that we're not hiring foreigners just to pay lower wages.

As a result of the high wage we have to pay the Indians, our US citizen employees also get paid higher because the jobs are created with approved salary ranges that cover the potential (likelihood) of having to hire an Indian.

Where there's a big discrepancy, one I think should be regulated or legislated out of existence, is paying offshore work. We contract offshore workers with bachelors degrees, just out of college, for literally as low as 10 dollars an hour. After they have 3 to 5 years of experience, their offshore rate goes to closer to 40 an hour. I don't care much about the numbers, but I want to see American companies having to pay offshore workers such that they live a comparable lifestyle in their native country as that 130 to 150K US citizen employee would make for the same experience and work. I'm fine with the 10 dollar an hour "apprenticeship" as it were. But by the time they have the experience, we should pay them a comparable lifestyle.

What we really need in the US is that low-wage starting "apprenticeship" for college new hires. Until they've done the work for 3 to 5 years, they're really not very good. There would be far fewer foreign nationals working here and far fewer jobs in India for American companies if we paid an apprentice wage for the first few years while the new hire really isn't very productive in any case.
That's a lie. We pay our H1B Indian employees a minimum of about 130K. There are some specialized, limited, roles that we pay some less but none of our Indian W-2 employees are paid under 120K - not a single one. Some of our Indian contractors get paid less, but all over 100K. We're forced to pay those rates by US Immigration laws. The laws are designed to make sure that we're not hiring foreigners just to pay lower wages.

As a result of the high wage we have to pay the Indians, our US citizen employees also get paid higher because the jobs are created with approved salary ranges that cover the potential (likelihood) of having to hire an Indian.

Where there's a big discrepancy, one I think should be regulated or legislated out of existence, is paying offshore work. We contract offshore workers with bachelors degrees, just out of college, for literally as low as 10 dollars an hour. After they have 3 to 5 years of experience, their offshore rate goes to closer to 40 an hour. I don't care much about the numbers, but I want to see American companies having to pay offshore workers such that they live a comparable lifestyle in their native country as that 130 to 150K US citizen employee would make for the same experience and work. I'm fine with the 10 dollar an hour "apprenticeship" as it were. But by the time they have the experience, we should pay them a comparable lifestyle.

What we really need in the US is that low-wage starting "apprenticeship" for college new hires. Until they've done the work for 3 to 5 years, they're really not very good. There would be far fewer foreign nationals working here and far fewer jobs in India for American companies if we paid an apprentice wage for the first few years while the new hire really isn't very productive in any case.
You are very rare.
In NY, NJ, FL, CA and other Blue States they are slaves.
My career is just fine. I don't even have to hide what state I live in to avoid a discussion of living in a third world state.

So what state do you live in again, Cleetus

No, you career is that of a loser who has never been productive enough to warrant making more than an average salary in a high cost of living area. Here Is where you spin and say it is only because you didn’t sleep with the boss or whatever, but those are just more excuses from a left-wing loser.

Again, you act as if there are no successful people or nice places in the South. You are completely lost.

It sounds like you are spending a lot of time being upset someone is getting something you aren't getting. Our tax code is complex and frankly, if I wanted to waste time, I could point out a bunch of deductions that someone doesn't deserve.

In other words, you are ok with it as long as it was the Democrat’s idea. Kind of like raise in the SALT deduction. Not a peep out of you brain-dead folks about Democrats wanting to give millionaires a break in high tax states. You know why? Because these high-tax states are full of rich lemmings who are just gullible enough to vote for Democrats which propose the high taxes. These lemming are cool with it until it starts to affect them, then they throw their adult temper tantrums, like all Democrats do when they have to put their own money where their big mouth’s are.

Like anyone believes that you are concerned about the poor...

Republicans care about the poor, they simply disagree on the best way to get thrm out of their situation. Democrats believe handouts with zero responsibility attached is the formula while Republicans believe they should be enabled to make their own money so the handouts should have some responsibility attached. Democrats believe they are helping their 30 year old by paying all his bills and letting him live in their basement playing video games all day. Republicans believe they have to kick him out to force the issue. Both love their child, but one’s bleeding heart does more damage than good.
No, you career is that of a loser who has never been productive enough to warrant making more than an average salary in a high cost of living area. Here Is where you spin and say it is only because you didn’t sleep with the boss or whatever, but those are just more excuses from a left-wing loser.

Again, you act as if there are no successful people or nice places in the South. You are completely lost.

Again, guy, until 2008, I was more right wing than you are. Then Cigna and my boss taught me the true meaning of Christmas.

My career has been fine, despite 40 years of Republicans doing their very best to gut the middle class. I don't need to go on the internet and tell total strangers I live in a mansion so they won't know I live in a trailer park like you do

In other words, you are ok with it as long as it was the Democrat’s idea. Kind of like raise in the SALT deduction. Not a peep out of you brain-dead folks about Democrats wanting to give millionaires a break in high tax states. You know why? Because these high-tax states are full of rich lemmings who are just gullible enough to vote for Democrats which propose the high taxes. These lemming are cool with it until it starts to affect them, then they throw their adult temper tantrums, like all Democrats do when they have to put their own money where their big mouth’s are.

Because Trump screwing over the rich people who never invited him to the cool parties isn't really a policy priority. It was just a dumb idea that hurt local communities.

Republicans care about the poor, they simply disagree on the best way to get thrm out of their situation. Democrats believe handouts with zero responsibility attached is the formula while Republicans believe they should be enabled to make their own money so the handouts should have some responsibility attached. Democrats believe they are helping their 30 year old by paying all his bills and letting him live in their basement playing video games all day. Republicans believe they have to kick him out to force the issue. Both love their child, but one’s bleeding heart does more damage than good.

Uh, yeah, guy, here's the thing. IN the last 40 years, Republicans have been undermining unions and the working class. The Middle Class has DECLINED since Reagan.


The Republicans have helped poor people by making MORE Of them.
Getting rid of unions is a sure way of undercutting middle class pay and benefits. Workers are wising up.
Not true. I live in a low cost of living state. In those states you listed, the federally prescribed rates would be even higher.
It doesn't matter as almost 100% of them in those States were sent home.
That's why Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc... are still throwing a shit fit.
The kids I know working at Microsoft, Google, IBM, etc... said that after Trump got into office they were sent packing.
I guess that's also why the number of foreclosures in Nassau County for them sent through the roof.
It doesn't matter as almost 100% of them in those States were sent home.
That's why Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc... are still throwing a shit fit.
The kids I know working at Microsoft, Google, IBM, etc... said that after Trump got into office they were sent packing.
I guess that's also why the number of foreclosures in Nassau County for them sent through the roof.
Trump did enforce immigration law. Any of our H1Bs that came up for renewal while he was president had to jump through a lot of hoops. We had to document that we'd tried to hire a citizen or legal resident. We had to publish the salary. We had to document exactly what the job duties were and how the H1B person met it and none of our other applicants, if there were any, did not.

We take it very serious and were able to retain those that came up during the Trump administration. It would have been a shame to lose any and sad for them and their families but the law is the law and Trump simply enforced it.
Snap isn't enough to feed a family. Sorry, it just isn't. Greedy corporations refusing to serve certain communities is hardly anything to be proud of. "Oh,we won't open a Walmart in Chicago unless we can pay slave wages!"

Uh, you making a privileged white comment is not destroying an argument... the reality is 38 million Americans, including 12 million CHILDREN go to bed hungry at night, despite SNAP, despite all the food pantries and charities..

Well, let's look at that. Who destroyed inner city schools? I would argue it was all the white people who abandoned them by either moving to the Burbs or putting their kids in private schools, then opposing ANY tax increases to support these schools.

We lock up 2 million people in this country, most of them people of color. Anyone who says "Soft on Crime" with a straight face is a compete fucking moron.

Um, wow... what a joyless creature you are? Music is supposed to be shocking. My favorite album was Pink Floyd's The Wall. Taken out of context, you could interpret it as an endorsement of fascism. ("Are there any queers in the theatre tonight? Get 'em up against the wall!") And yes, every generation comes up with music their parents hate. Heck, there was a generation that considered Mozart to be shocking. "He's setting his opera in a Turkish Harem? Shocking!!!!"

Yes, it's all about "choices", says the white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Oh, that's right, if you hold white people responsible for the kind of society, they make, you "hate" them. Got it.

the problem is, you are kind of stupid. The rich want equality, in that they want to make white working class people like you just as fucking poor as the blacks. They've been at it for 50 years, and you keep voting for them, from Nixon to Trump, as they slowly undo the New Deal policies that gave you a middle class.
Good isn't the corporations responsibility to serve you. It isn't the taxpayers responsibility to serve your lazy ass either. Grow take care of yourself and your family like the rest of we adults do.
Trump did enforce immigration law. Any of our H1Bs that came up for renewal while he was president had to jump through a lot of hoops. We had to document that we'd tried to hire a citizen or legal resident. We had to publish the salary. We had to document exactly what the job duties were and how the H1B person met it and none of our other applicants, if there were any, did not.

We take it very serious and were able to retain those that came up during the Trump administration. It would have been a shame to lose any and sad for them and their families but the law is the law and Trump simply enforced it.
Most MNCs simply fill a room with a bunch of coders with the belief that 9 women can deliver a baby in 1 month.
Most of these projects fail or take years to complete.
Citibank started it's online development in late 2001 and took 10 years to display a checking and savings account on the web.
Good isn't the corporations responsibility to serve you. It isn't the taxpayers responsibility to serve your lazy ass either. Grow take care of yourself and your family like the rest of we adults do.
JobB's biggest mental disorder is that he refuses to acknowledge that wealthy Blacks and Muslims do this also without having to be encouraged by Whitey.
Most MNCs simply fill a room with a bunch of coders with the belief that 9 women can deliver a baby in 1 month.
Most of these projects fail or take years to complete.
Citibank started it's online development in late 2001 and took 10 years to display a checking and savings account on the web.
Yes, that's pretty common. I've worked with project managers who thought it was as simple as throwing more money at it. Don't get me started on project managers and product owners who don't know what they're doing.
Good isn't the corporations responsibility to serve you. It isn't the taxpayers responsibility to serve your lazy ass either. Grow take care of yourself and your family like the rest of we adults do.

I take care of myself just fine, unlike all you people who are on disability and posting here all day.
Again, guy, until 2008, I was more right wing than you are. Then Cigna and my boss taught me the true meaning of Christmas.

My career has been fine, despite 40 years of Republicans doing their very best to gut the middle class. I don't need to go on the internet and tell total strangers I live in a mansion so they won't know I live in a trailer park like you do

Based on your posts, I find it very difficult to believe that you were a Republican in 2008. Even if you felt that you got screwed over by Republicans, you would not do a 180 on every issue. You aren’t religious, you race bait, you haven’t seen a social program you don’t like, agree with the bonehead foreign policy of the Democrats, etc.. All signs point to the fact you are a die hard Democrat and always have been.

Because Trump screwing over the rich people who never invited him to the cool parties isn't really a policy priority. It was just a dumb idea that hurt local communities

I did hurt some middle class families in theve crazy high tax blue states, but it primarily forced the very wealthy Democrats in these states to pay for the policies which they support. What they really want is for the middle class to pick up the tab for the crazy high taxes. Yes, that means poor underlings like yourself were paying exhoritant taxes on your entire property while the very wealthy could write them off and essentially short-change the federal government for their bad voting habits.

Even though I live in a low tax red state, I will be benefit from a removal of the cap on the SALT deductions due to the value of my properties. It is YOUR party that is helping me. Yeah, I know, you don’t believe me but the point stands, there are many wealthy people in lower tax states that will benefit, in fact, the benefit in lower tax states, you must be pretty wealthy to have property that is taxes at more than 10k.

You are duped and don’t even realize it, but that Is par for the course for ignorant Democratic voters.

Uh, yeah, guy, here's the thing. IN the last 40 years, Republicans have been undermining unions and the working class. The Middle Class has DECLINED since Reagan.

Unions are a bad idea. I mean, there is that. I live in a right to work state where very few people are members of Unions. As I have stated many times before, in my area, the median household income is nearly 6 digits, far out-pacing the national average. Couple that with a lower cost of living and we simply have a better lifestyle than most in blue states. Clearly the lack of unions isn’t negatively affecting my area of the state.

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