Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

You’ve described wanting to take away child tax credit which is responsible for lifting millions of kids out of poverty.

A handout lifts no one out of poverty. It simply creates dependency. And dependency is what the racists on the left, including you, prefer.

Give a man a fish and you create a Democratic voter for life. Teach a man to fish and you create a capitalist. That is why the left never wants to teach black and brown Americans to fish.
So you’re saying you’re okay with a $3600 annual refundable child tax credit?

Because I’m almost entirely sure you and I have had an extended conversation regarding that issue.

Not to mention that you’re willing to contradict decades of conservative tax policy orthodoxy just to come out against a democratic policy.

In A View of the Constitution (1829), William Rawle writes:

In this manner, the property of an individual may be legally transferred against his will to the state, but the legislature has no power to transfer the property of A. to B. although it may appear more beneficial to the state that B. should have it. The just compensation spoken of, should be ascertained by a jury impartially selected, and should be paid in money, the universal representative and common standard of value.

It's very sad how far this nation has lost its way.
Just another reason NOT to live in a blue inner city, but you can’t fix stupid.

I agree. We need to have public housing projects/Section 8 in every affluent suburb. Probably solved. Oh, wait.

The other thing about this “more kids will be in poverty” is that the thread topic is about how affluent, six-figure families are getting a big cut of the expanded tax credit. How is excusing families earning $150,000 from paying their full tax obligation helping kids in poverty?

THAT was the point of the thread.

Oh, is that the point? $150K isn't that much for a two income family with two kids. We actually WANT to encourage stronger communities and families, don't we?

I suspect Manchin will go along with a bill that extends the child support payment to families living closer to the poverty line - like $50,000 (which still isn’t poverty.) But for these lefties to object to removing the giveaway to affluent families under the battle cry “more kids will be in poverty!” Is so obvious a lie designed to make people objecting look heartless that it doesn’t hold water.

Yes, it's sad that an egomaniac like Manchin will hold so much power before the Republicans vote him out, anyway.
You're twisting the thread in any new direction you can to support welfare. First, SNAP wasn't enough until I proved it was. Then black people don't know how to cook flavorful meals, until I proved they do. Now there are food deserts in the inner city until I proved that the megamarts mean virtually all have to drive to the grocery store. I proved that the fact that those stores that both white and black people have to drive to are not in the inner cities because white democrat slave masters partner with black leaders to ban the stores that can help, and those that do get built anyway get robbed until they're forced to close.

Snap isn't enough to feed a family. Sorry, it just isn't. Greedy corporations refusing to serve certain communities is hardly anything to be proud of. "Oh,we won't open a Walmart in Chicago unless we can pay slave wages!"

Remember we went down this line of discussion because I said, and I'm paraphrasing, there are no hungry children in the United States except in cases where the parents are criminally negligent. I've proven that point beyond any possible debate but every time I destroy your argument, you just move to the next one. You never respond back to what I destroyed because you can't.

Uh, you making a privileged white comment is not destroying an argument... the reality is 38 million Americans, including 12 million CHILDREN go to bed hungry at night, despite SNAP, despite all the food pantries and charities..

Next, voting Democratic. The Democrats have done everything they can to destroy schools and education for black children. As long as we can keep black children illiterate then we can keep them voting Democrat and keep them from getting a job where they can afford a car and gas to get to the Walmart a few miles away.

Well, let's look at that. Who destroyed inner city schools? I would argue it was all the white people who abandoned them by either moving to the Burbs or putting their kids in private schools, then opposing ANY tax increases to support these schools.

Or voting Democrat so soft on crime DAs and judges let the killers of black people out on the street, sucking up the soul of young black men and women, pulling them out of school and into gangs.

We lock up 2 million people in this country, most of them people of color. Anyone who says "Soft on Crime" with a straight face is a compete fucking moron.

Or thug culture. Many in the black community think it is an acceptable "black" thing to talk like a thug, act like a thug. Parents, educated black Americans, teachers, preachers, slip in and out of thuggery as if it is funny. Rappers spewing violence and hate against whites, women, the police, are the most popular songs in the black community. Too many black people, even those old enough to remember, mock or ignore the soul greats of the 60s and 70s. Fitty Cent over Al Green. Tupac instead of Sam Cooke. And the Vice President boasting (lying) about what a big Tupac fan she was growing up. A privileged, half-black, woman even lying to pretend she's a thug because being a thug is viewed so positively by many in the black community.

Um, wow... what a joyless creature you are? Music is supposed to be shocking. My favorite album was Pink Floyd's The Wall. Taken out of context, you could interpret it as an endorsement of fascism. ("Are there any queers in the theatre tonight? Get 'em up against the wall!") And yes, every generation comes up with music their parents hate. Heck, there was a generation that considered Mozart to be shocking. "He's setting his opera in a Turkish Harem? Shocking!!!!"

Like all poverty, poverty in inner city black neighborhoods is the direct result of choices made. Unfortunately for the black children, the choices are made by the parents and, as a result of those parental choices, many of the children have their futures ruined before they ever reach age 18. Even so, many mothers do choose a better life for their children. Many gang members, or at least poor, young, black men whose lives were severely and negatively impacted by gang culture in their communities choose a different way. Unfortunately they can't undo all the damage but they do make great progress in their own quality of life which means that their next generation will have even greater opportunities to escape the gang culture.

Yes, it's all about "choices", says the white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Your problem is that you hate so much that you'd rather see your own life, the lives of those around you, the lives of many young black people, destroyed to support your hatred for whitey. You're like a madman who hates someone so badly they will commit murder knowing they will go to prison and their children will suffer. The hatred matters most and the damage to others, even those close to you, and to the black community, just don't matter to you.

Oh, that's right, if you hold white people responsible for the kind of society, they make, you "hate" them. Got it.

the problem is, you are kind of stupid. The rich want equality, in that they want to make white working class people like you just as fucking poor as the blacks. They've been at it for 50 years, and you keep voting for them, from Nixon to Trump, as they slowly undo the New Deal policies that gave you a middle class.
I agree. We need to have public housing projects/Section 8 in every affluent suburb. Probably solved. Oh, wait.

Yeah, because if we move the drug dealers and those who don’t work to the burbs they will join their church youth groups and become pillars of the community. You live in an alternate universe.

Snap isn't enough to feed a family. Sorry, it just isn't. Greedy corporations refusing to serve certain communities is hardly anything to be proud of. "Oh,we won't open a Walmart in Chicago unless we can pay slave wages!"

At least you made a post without mentioning white people as being the problem. You are broken record,. White rich people(not black ones mind you) along with greedy corporations are the source of all our ills in your warped mind.

Yes, it's all about "choices", says the white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Do you know his circumstances or are you claiming that simply being white is like being born on third base? If the latter, that is beyond ignorant.

the problem is, you are kind of stupid. The rich want equality, in that they want to make white working class people like you just as fucking poor as the blacks. They've been at it for 50 years, and you keep voting for them, from Nixon to Trump, as they slowly undo the New Deal policies that gave you a middle class.

The Democrats will raise YOUR taxes and and you are firlmly planted in the middle class. The Democrats want everyone other than the elites to be dependent. It gives the elites more power. The ruling class in places like China live a very capitalistic life and many are very wealthy while the others are simply good little servants. When will Democratic voters figure out that that is the goal of the Zuckerberg and Gates of the world and all the way down to the Pelosi’s? The MSM and the educational system has created a mind-meld over many Democrats, exactly how it happens in places like China.
Yeah, because if we move the drug dealers and those who don’t work to the burbs they will join their church youth groups and become pillars of the community. You live in an alternate universe.

Hey, it just means those privileged suburban kids won't have to drive into the city to score drugs. I'm all for efficiency. Not to worry, when they are caught with drugs, the white kids will still get rehab and the black kids will still get jail, because that's the way it's supposed to be, Cleetus.

At least you made a post without mentioning white people as being the problem. You are broken record,. White rich people(not black ones mind you) along with greedy corporations are the source of all our ills in your warped mind.

Greedy corporations are the source of all our problems. But Corporations aren't people... so there's that.

Do you know his circumstances or are you claiming that simply being white is like being born on third base? If the latter, that is beyond ignorant.

I don't know his circumstances and I don't believe a damned word he says. I know as a pure reality, if you are white in this country, you are at an advantage the minute your umbilical chord is cut. I know this because as a second generation German-American, I have advantages people of color just don't have.

The Democrats will raise YOUR taxes and and you are firlmly planted in the middle class. The Democrats want everyone other than the elites to be dependent. It gives the elites more power. The ruling class in places like China live a very capitalistic life and many are very wealthy while the others are simply good little servants. When will Democratic voters figure out that that is the goal of the Zuckerberg and Gates of the world and all the way down to the Pelosi’s? The MSM and the educational system has created a mind-meld over many Democrats, exactly how it happens in places like China.

Uh, guy, here's the reality. Everyone's taxes SHOULD go up, because we are spending more than we are taking in, and there really isn't anywhere to cut. But taxes on the rich should go up a lot more.

The problem is, you are happy with the Rich taking away your middle class lifestyle as long as the darkies are kept in their place. That's why you all completely, utterly lost your shit when Obama became president.
Hey, it just means those privileged suburban kids won't have to drive into the city to score drugs. I'm all for efficiency. Not to worry, when they are caught with drugs, the white kids will still get rehab and the black kids will still get jail, because that's the way it's supposed to be, Cleetus

There you go with the race stuff again.

I don't know his circumstances and I don't believe a damned word he says. I know as a pure reality, if you are white in this country, you are at an advantage the minute your umbilical chord is cut. I know this because as a second generation German-American, I have advantages people of color just don't have

What advantages do you have in this country simply for being white? The poor white kid from WV born in a trailer has an advantage over a poor black kid born in the inner city? Let me guess, the toothless white kid who was bottle fed Mt. Dew can walk into any place of buisness and get a job because he is white. He can take advanagte of the qiota system in government hiring, right? He can get into college with lesser grades than his peers, right? He can get a scholarship designated for poor “white” kids, right? He can start a business and take advantage of minority only business loans, tax breaks and preferential treatment when bidding on government contracts? Yeah, you are one confused puppy.

The problem is, you are happy with the Rich taking away your middle class lifestyle as long as the darkies are kept in their place. That's why you all completely, utterly lost your shit when Obama became president

My familiy is not middle-class, we are considered upper class. Obama was a deranged anti-American just like Biden. His skin color has nothing to do with my disdain for the man. H
As long as you understood that other people, with moderate incomes and no children, paid the price so college-educated professionals earning six-figure incomes got government child support.
Yup. The car mechanic earning $40,000 had to offset the handout to the college-educated professionals earning triple. Lefties seem OK with that as long as they are on the receiving end.
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There you go with the race stuff again.

What advantages do you have in this country simply for being white? The poor white kid from WV born in a trailer has an advantage over a poor black kid born in the inner city?

Yes, he does. We've established that.. .Here, I'll show you again.

Two decades ago, a Black woman named Kalisha White applied for a team leader position at Target and worried that her application had been ignored because of her race.

So she sent it back in with a different name and slightly fewer qualifications. That application got her an interview. Eventually, she won a class-action lawsuit against the massive retailer.

Let me guess, the toothless white kid who was bottle fed Mt. Dew can walk into any place of buisness and get a job because he is white.

I drink Mountain Dew all the time, and I still have all my teeth at 60... so I'm not sure what your point is here. Of course, I live in an area where the government fluoridated the water, so there's that.

He can take advanagte of the qiota system in government hiring, right? He can get into college with lesser grades than his peers, right? He can get a scholarship designated for poor “white” kids, right?

Again, he doesn't need those things.. because as a white person, he already has the advantage in admissions, hiring and scholarships.

I think in my career of something like 30 years, post military, I've seen ONE unqualified person who got where she was at because someone was trying to fill a quota. I've seen a lot of people who were in jobs they had no business being in because they were a white person related to someone, sleeping with someone, someone's drinking buddy, etc.

Do I need to tell the story of the boss who couldn't make time for farewell lunches for two women of color who had worked for him for years, but rearranged his schedule for the pretty white intern?

He can start a business and take advantage of minority only business loans, tax breaks and preferential treatment when bidding on government contracts? Yeah, you are one confused puppy.

The reason why those loans are necessary is because white people have no problems getting loans.

My familiy is not middle-class, we are considered upper class. Obama was a deranged anti-American just like Biden. His skin color has nothing to do with my disdain for the man. H

Uh, you put Trump in charge of the country because he was the only one of the 10 bags of bad ideas running in 2016 who was open in his racism against Obama... so, yes, it is about race.

And no one believes you are upper class, Cleetus.
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Snap isn't enough to feed a family. Sorry, it just isn't. Greedy corporations refusing to serve certain communities is hardly anything to be proud of. "Oh,we won't open a Walmart in Chicago unless we can pay slave wages!"

Uh, you making a privileged white comment is not destroying an argument... the reality is 38 million Americans, including 12 million CHILDREN go to bed hungry at night, despite SNAP, despite all the food pantries and charities..

Well, let's look at that. Who destroyed inner city schools? I would argue it was all the white people who abandoned them by either moving to the Burbs or putting their kids in private schools, then opposing ANY tax increases to support these schools.

We lock up 2 million people in this country, most of them people of color. Anyone who says "Soft on Crime" with a straight face is a compete fucking moron.

Um, wow... what a joyless creature you are? Music is supposed to be shocking. My favorite album was Pink Floyd's The Wall. Taken out of context, you could interpret it as an endorsement of fascism. ("Are there any queers in the theatre tonight? Get 'em up against the wall!") And yes, every generation comes up with music their parents hate. Heck, there was a generation that considered Mozart to be shocking. "He's setting his opera in a Turkish Harem? Shocking!!!!"

Yes, it's all about "choices", says the white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Oh, that's right, if you hold white people responsible for the kind of society, they make, you "hate" them. Got it.

the problem is, you are kind of stupid. The rich want equality, in that they want to make white working class people like you just as fucking poor as the blacks. They've been at it for 50 years, and you keep voting for them, from Nixon to Trump, as they slowly undo the New Deal policies that gave you a middle class.
Everything you posted is pure bullshit.
I grew up a hood and you’re a really good story teller.
I'm a great storyteller... but that's a different discussion.

Are you still mad Ms. Patel took your job?
Are you still mad Ms. Patel took your job?
A totally unexpected guilty White ad hominem, considering I told you what happened to her.

I live in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood and she lives with her friends in a broken down basement apartment Roosevelt, NY.
I'm sure you want to live in Roosevelt, NY.

Unlike Ms. Patel, I don't have to deal with the shootings, rapings and muggings that aren't reported in the news.
I get to hear the horror stories from my co-workers who are happy that Trump brought investments into the Town.

It's a historical fact that selling drugs, getting pregnant at the age of 13 and breaking store windows brings wealth prosperity to an area.

You need psychiatric care.
Snap isn't enough to feed a family. Sorry, it just isn't. Greedy corporations refusing to serve certain communities is hardly anything to be proud of. "Oh,we won't open a Walmart in Chicago unless we can pay slave wages!"

Uh, you making a privileged white comment is not destroying an argument... the reality is 38 million Americans, including 12 million CHILDREN go to bed hungry at night, despite SNAP, despite all the food pantries and charities..

Well, let's look at that. Who destroyed inner city schools? I would argue it was all the white people who abandoned them by either moving to the Burbs or putting their kids in private schools, then opposing ANY tax increases to support these schools.

We lock up 2 million people in this country, most of them people of color. Anyone who says "Soft on Crime" with a straight face is a compete fucking moron.

Um, wow... what a joyless creature you are? Music is supposed to be shocking. My favorite album was Pink Floyd's The Wall. Taken out of context, you could interpret it as an endorsement of fascism. ("Are there any queers in the theatre tonight? Get 'em up against the wall!") And yes, every generation comes up with music their parents hate. Heck, there was a generation that considered Mozart to be shocking. "He's setting his opera in a Turkish Harem? Shocking!!!!"

Yes, it's all about "choices", says the white guy who was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.

Oh, that's right, if you hold white people responsible for the kind of society, they make, you "hate" them. Got it.

the problem is, you are kind of stupid. The rich want equality, in that they want to make white working class people like you just as fucking poor as the blacks. They've been at it for 50 years, and you keep voting for them, from Nixon to Trump, as they slowly undo the New Deal policies that gave you a middle class.

Complete lies, across the board. I proved absolutely that SNAP is almost 4 times enough to feed a family. You can claim otherwise all you want but you are claiming it without providing any evidence to back it up. It's not that you have a different opinion, it's that you're intentionally lying. I didn't offer an opinion that SNAP is enough; I gave absolute proof.

You approve of letting killers out on the street. You approve of gangs stealing the black and brown youth into drugs, drug selling, murder, and violence. You hate your own people. You are really a disgusting human being.

No, I wasn't born on third base. I gave a little of my background. I started at rock bottom and worked hard to make a future. I didn't make it out of the ghetto because I'm white; I made it out of the ghetto because I worked for it.

And, no, music isn't supposed to be shocking; it's supposed to be uplifting. Art and music should improve a society, not drive it into the ground. Rap music and thug culture is destroying black communities from the inside.

Economic experts have come to the conclusion that people like getting free money, and miss it when they don't get it. It seems, once you start giving people money for nothing, they say paying for things is easier than when they don't get free money.
Staggering development. More study is required, but no fear... Build Back Better will provide $54 million to study this more.
Yes, he does. We've established that.. .Here, I'll show you again.

Two decades ago, a Black woman named Kalisha White applied for a team leader position at Target and worried that her application had been ignored because of her race.

So she sent it back in with a different name and slightly fewer qualifications. That application got her an interview. Eventually, she won a class-action lawsuit against the massive retailer.

I drink Mountain Dew all the time, and I still have all my teeth at 60... so I'm not sure what your point is here. Of course, I live in an area where the government fluoridated the water, so there's that.

Again, he doesn't need those things.. because as a white person, he already has the advantage in admissions, hiring and scholarships.

I think in my career of something like 30 years, post military, I've seen ONE unqualified person who got where she was at because someone was trying to fill a quota. I've seen a lot of people who were in jobs they had no business being in because they were a white person related to someone, sleeping with someone, someone's drinking buddy, etc.

Do I need to tell the story of the boss who couldn't make time for farewell lunches for two women of color who had worked for him for years, but rearranged his schedule for the pretty white intern?

The reason why those loans are necessary is because white people have no problems getting loans.

Uh, you put Trump in charge of the country because he was the only one of the 10 bags of bad ideas running in 2016 who was open in his racism against Obama... so, yes, it is about race.

And no one believes you are upper class, Cleetus.

You are completely brainwashed. That pretty much sums it up. It also explains your overall lack of success.
You are completely brainwashed. That pretty much sums it up. It also explains your overall lack of success.
It’s pretty telling where the deranged leftists have taken this thread. In a desperate attempt to deflect from the fact that the working class mechanic is offsetting the taxes of the $150,000 college-educated engineer, now they’re on to the race stuff: white suburban kids getting rehab and the black victims go to jail. That, or they come up with demonization about “starving poor kids.”

Excusing the tax liability for six-figure families does NOTHING to help child poverty. Let’s restrict the enhanced welfare - which is what it is - to where the actual poverty is.

According to HHS, poverty for a family of six - so four kids, or a single mother with five - is $35,000. Let’s cap it there, and let the college-educated parents with professional incomes and $100,000+ incomes support their own kids.

CNN reports: "We are forced to tell our daughter we may not be able to afford a beach vacation without extended child credits"

Are you still mad Ms. Patel took your job?
A totally unexpected guilty White ad hominem, considering I told you what happened to her.

I live in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood and she lives with her friends in a broken down basement apartment Roosevelt, NY.
I'm sure you want to live in Roosevelt, NY.

Unlike Ms. Patel, I don't have to deal with the shootings, rapings and muggings that aren't reported in the news.
I get to hear the horror stories from my co-workers who are happy that Trump brought investments into the Town.

It's a historical fact that selling drugs, getting pregnant at the age of 13 and breaking store windows brings wealth prosperity to an area.

You need psychiatric care.

Wow, you seem really butthurt over someone who you did better than.. I wonder why?

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