Here’s a sob story about a college%educated professional who can’t support his four kids without the enchanted government child support

Yes, you can maybe find that food if you want to eat bland food, assuming you can find a grocery store in a "food desert" as a lot of urban areas are.


The discussion is not about food deserts is it? You said that 7 dollars a day on SNAP would not feed a person. I proved that you were lying. Just admit it. And there's no reason at all that those foods are bland.

Are you suggesting that black people do not know how to cook flavorful meals? Since I was raised in a black home and in a black neighborhood, I'll have to disagree and call you for the racist you are. I never ate a bland meal once growing up.

But if anyone wants to eat caviar, they need to improve their sellable skills and make more money and they can eat all the caviar they can afford. But it's not my job, as a working taxpayer, to fund those who choose to be poor eating the way I can afford to eat. In fact, I don't eat the way I can afford to eat; I eat more like the example I gave you above because I spend my money wisely.

I agree that there are food deserts in black neighborhoods but there are food deserts in neighborhoods of all colors. The local, neighborhood, grocery store is gone. The megamart is the new way and just about everyone has to travel to get to the store, regardless of race.

When some entrepreneurial black person does open a store in the black neighborhoods, it never lasts. It is robbed repeatedly,. shoplifting galore, and eventually has to close. When Dollar General opens a store, offering the very same prices and products in the black neighborhoods as in the white neighborhoods, white liberals take up arms to protect black people, calling Dollar General racist, demanding that the stores be closed and pass city regulations forbidding opening a Dollar General in a black neighborhood.

Food deserts in black neighborhoods come directly from collaboration between black community leaders and liberal white racists designed to make sure that black people stay continuously dependent on the Democrat plantation, forever poor, forever oppressed, and always voting for Democrats.
Okay, guy, I have to ask if you are some kind of high-functioning retard?

The discussion is not about food deserts is it? You said that 7 dollars a day on SNAP would not feed a person. I proved that you were lying. Just admit it. And there's no reason at all that those foods are bland.

Actually, it kind of is.. because when you have a food desert, it means the local store you do have can overcharge for sub-standard goods.

Are you suggesting that black people do not know how to cook flavorful meals? Since I was raised in a black home and in a black neighborhood, I'll have to disagree and call you for the racist you are. I never ate a bland meal once growing up.

I doubt you were limited to a food stamp diet, either.

But if anyone wants to eat caviar, they need to improve their sellable skills and make more money and they can eat all the caviar they can afford. But it's not my job, as a working taxpayer, to fund those who choose to be poor eating the way I can afford to eat. In fact, I don't eat the way I can afford to eat; I eat more like the example I gave you above because I spend my money wisely.

Again, spoken like a guy who has never gone to bed hungry in his life.

I agree that there are food deserts in black neighborhoods but there are food deserts in neighborhoods of all colors. The local, neighborhood, grocery store is gone. The megamart is the new way and just about everyone has to travel to get to the store, regardless of race.

Not that far, that's the point, Corky. You go into an inner city, you are going to have a very hard time finding a grocery store within miles of your home.
Not that far, that's the point, Corky. You go into an inner city, you are going to have a very hard time finding a grocery store within miles of your home.

Just another reason NOT to live in a blue inner city, but you can’t fix stupid.
Short-sighted thinking on full display.
The other thing about this “more kids will be in poverty” is that the thread topic is about how affluent, six-figure families are getting a big cut of the expanded tax credit. How is excusing families earning $150,000 from paying their full tax obligation helping kids in poverty?

THAT was the point of the thread.

I suspect Manchin will go along with a bill that extends the child support payment to families living closer to the poverty line - like $50,000 (which still isn’t poverty.) But for these lefties to object to removing the giveaway to affluent families under the battle cry “more kids will be in poverty!” Is so obvious a lie designed to make people objecting look heartless that it doesn’t hold water.
Short-sighted thinking on full display.
No, it’s demonstrating how morally empty your position is.

You don’t want to admit that your lifestyle is subsidized by the impoverished whose labor your benefit from.
Okay, guy, I have to ask if you are some kind of high-functioning retard?

Actually, it kind of is.. because when you have a food desert, it means the local store you do have can overcharge for sub-standard goods.

I doubt you were limited to a food stamp diet, either.

Again, spoken like a guy who has never gone to bed hungry in his life.

Not that far, that's the point, Corky. You go into an inner city, you are going to have a very hard time finding a grocery store within miles of your home.

As usual, you're wrong on every point.

The food brand I knew best when I was a child was "U.S. Department of Agriculture". It was on the cheese, the canned meats, and most everything else. A food stamp diet today is far better, as I've proven beyond any doubt.

You're twisting the thread in any new direction you can to support welfare. First, SNAP wasn't enough until I proved it was. Then black people don't know how to cook flavorful meals, until I proved they do. Now there are food deserts in the inner city until I proved that the megamarts mean virtually all have to drive to the grocery store. I proved that the fact that those stores that both white and black people have to drive to are not in the inner cities because white democrat slave masters partner with black leaders to ban the stores that can help, and those that do get built anyway get robbed until they're forced to close.

Remember we went down this line of discussion because I said, and I'm paraphrasing, there are no hungry children in the United States except in cases where the parents are criminally negligent. I've proven that point beyond any possible debate but every time I destroy your argument, you just move to the next one. You never respond back to what I destroyed because you can't.

I live downtown in the town I live in. The poorest parts of downtown are just blocks away so the trip to Walmart for food is pretty much the same for the poorest as for me. Almost no one walks it. I don't have stats on black car ownership but I know that when I see some poor family walking from Walmart with a bunch of grocery bags, it is almost always white methhead looking people.

If you want to take this discussion to it's only completion, then we have to get into why the inner cities are full of poor black and brown people. Some of these behaviors apply to white middle class neighborhoods, too, but we're talking about the whole cause of black children going hungry,not white children.

Let's start with reckless behavior that creates large numbers of children without two parent homes.

Next, voting Democratic. The Democrats have done everything they can to destroy schools and education for black children. As long as we can keep black children illiterate then we can keep them voting Democrat and keep them from getting a job where they can afford a car and gas to get to the Walmart a few miles away.

Or voting Democrat so soft on crime DAs and judges let the killers of black people out on the street, sucking up the soul of young black men and women, pulling them out of school and into gangs.

Or thug culture. Many in the black community think it is an acceptable "black" thing to talk like a thug, act like a thug. Parents, educated black Americans, teachers, preachers, slip in and out of thuggery as if it is funny. Rappers spewing violence and hate against whites, women, the police, are the most popular songs in the black community. Too many black people, even those old enough to remember, mock or ignore the soul greats of the 60s and 70s. Fitty Cent over Al Green. Tupac instead of Sam Cooke. And the Vice President boasting (lying) about what a big Tupac fan she was growing up. A privileged, half-black, woman even lying to pretend she's a thug because being a thug is viewed so positively by many in the black community.

Like all poverty, poverty in inner city black neighborhoods is the direct result of choices made. Unfortunately for the black children, the choices are made by the parents and, as a result of those parental choices, many of the children have their futures ruined before they ever reach age 18. Even so, many mothers do choose a better life for their children. Many gang members, or at least poor, young, black men whose lives were severely and negatively impacted by gang culture in their communities choose a different way. Unfortunately they can't undo all the damage but they do make great progress in their own quality of life which means that their next generation will have even greater opportunities to escape the gang culture.

Your problem is that you hate so much that you'd rather see your own life, the lives of those around you, the lives of many young black people, destroyed to support your hatred for whitey. You're like a madman who hates someone so badly they will commit murder knowing they will go to prison and their children will suffer. The hatred matters most and the damage to others, even those close to you, and to the black community, just don't matter to you.
No, it’s demonstrating how morally empty your position is.

You don’t want to admit that your lifestyle is subsidized by the impoverished whose labor your benefit from.
Another holier-than-thou leftist.

Poor people get subsidized housing, food stamps, free Medicaid, cash money if they have kids, free lunches, free breakfast, reduced utilities, etc., etc. In truth, it is THEIR lifestyle being subsidized by taxpayers.
Another holier-than-thou leftist.

Poor people get subsidized housing, food stamps, free Medicaid, cash money if they have kids, free lunches, free breakfast, reduced utilities, etc., etc. In truth, it is THEIR lifestyle being subsidized by taxpayers.
And you hate that because it makes things ever so slightly more expensive for others.

You’d prefer they were homeless and starving if it meant that your Big Mac could be a nickel cheaper.
And you hate that because it makes things ever so slightly more expensive for others.

You’d prefer they were homeless and starving if it meant that your Big Mac could be a nickel cheaper.
Look who’s accusing others of hate. ^^^

Yeah, yeah….people who would like to see poor people avail themselves of better job training - and at no cost to them - secretly want them to starve so they can save a nickel on a hamburger.

I know lefties are hateful, deranged people, but you take the cake.
Just look at how the hateful leftists have taken this thread: instead of focusing on the wrong in giving money to six-figure families, it’s now about wanting to starve poor people.

Has ANYONE here suggested reducing food stamps, or eliminating free lunches and breakfasts, or even objected to the enhanced child support payments to poor people? NO. Right on cue, they start accusing decent people of wanting to starve poor children.
Look who’s accusing others of hate. ^^^

Yeah, yeah….people who would like to see poor people avail themselves of better job training - and at no cost to them - secretly want them to starve so they can save a nickel on a hamburger.

I know lefties are hateful, deranged people, but you take the cake.
You say you want that, but that’s not what you actually want. If everyone did get better job training and leave those low wage jobs, costs to people like you would skyrocket. That’s what happens in a labor shortage like what we are seeing.

No, your lifestyle depends a lot on people living in poverty. It’s just a fact.
Just look at how the hateful leftists have taken this thread: instead of focusing on the wrong in giving money to six-figure families, it’s now about wanting to starve poor people.

Has ANYONE here suggested reducing food stamps, or eliminating free lunches and breakfasts, or even objected to the enhanced child support payments to poor people? NO. Right on cue, they start accusing decent people of wanting to starve poor children.
You’ve described wanting to take away child tax credit which is responsible for lifting millions of kids out of poverty.

You say you want that, but that’s not what you actually want. If everyone did get better job training and leave those low wage jobs, costs to people like you would skyrocket. That’s what happens in a labor shortage like what we are seeing.

No, your lifestyle depends a lot on people living in poverty. It’s just a fact.
Oh….so you now know what I want, even though I said it’s not true?

Well, I think you really admire what Hitler was trying to do, and actually want to starve Jews. You’ll say that’s not what you want, but I KNOW what you really want.

You Know the leftists have sunk to a new low when they assign hateful, false beliefs to people simply because they disagree with the overreach of liberal policies,
You’ve described wanting to take away child tax credit which is responsible for lifting millions of kids out of poverty.

NO, that’s the lie the leftists are peddling. We just don’t want it going to affluent families, which is what is happening now. Capping it at around $50,000 still helps the children in poverty.

But no way should middle income people shoulder a bigger burden of taxes so couples with a HHI of $150,000 get the enchanted credit.
Oh….so you now know what I want, even though I said it’s not true?

Well, I think you really admire what Hitler was trying to do, and actually want to starve Jews. You’ll say that’s not what you want, but I KNOW what you really want.

You Know the leftists have sunk to a new low when they assign hateful, false beliefs to people simply because they disagree with the overreach of liberal policies,
I know what you said. I just dont believe you i have have reason to say so given how you’ve reacted to inflation occurring as a result of labor shortage. People earning more means costs go up and you’ve demonstrated outrage over this.

These are hard truths. Confronting them is important.
NO, that’s the lie the leftists are peddling. We just don’t want it going to affluent families, which is what is happening now. Capping it at around $50,000 still helps the children in poverty.

But no way should middle income people shoulder a bigger burden of taxes so couples with a HHI of $150,000 get the enchanted credit.
So you’re saying you’re okay with a $3600 annual refundable child tax credit?

Because I’m almost entirely sure you and I have had an extended conversation regarding that issue.

Not to mention that you’re willing to contradict decades of conservative tax policy orthodoxy just to come out against a democratic policy.
So you’re saying you’re okay with a $3600 annual refundable child tax credit?
Not for affluent families!
Because I’m almost entirely sure you and I have had an extended conversation regarding that issue.

Not to mention that you’re willing to contradict decades of conservative tax policy orthodoxy just to come out against a democratic policy.
And you hate that because it makes things ever so slightly more expensive for others.

You’d prefer they were homeless and starving if it meant that your Big Mac could be a nickel cheaper.
I'd just prefer they take personal responsibility for their condition and live within their means. It's OK for them to choose poverty over wealth, the couch over the library, drugs over education, and idleness over hard work. Those are their choices to make in a free society. Just don't ask others to pay their way.
Look who’s accusing others of hate. ^^^

Yeah, yeah….people who would like to see poor people avail themselves of better job training - and at no cost to them - secretly want them to starve so they can save a nickel on a hamburger.

I know lefties are hateful, deranged people, but you take the cake.
I'd rather see poor people avail themselves of job training and apprenticeships at their own expense and labor - but I'm willing to accept the states and local communities offering those if they tie responsibility to it - like completing the course, working to help others to complete the course as payment for their own free ride.

It's funny that they call it community college but it's controlled by the States and the Feds.

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