Here's how white victimization is tearing the nation apart

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"And now we have the latest iteration of this very old phenomenon: whites who believe that it’s a racist act to point out their racism. The accusation itself is the racist act and in their minds much worse than whatever it was they were accused of saying."

"This goes hand in hand with what is perhaps the most specious of right-wing commentary in response to these notorious incidents of white vigilantes and police officers shooting unarmed black teenagers: “Why don’t you people care about black-on-black crime the way you care about this?” This is inevitably followed by the statistic that says more than 90 percent of all shootings of young black men are committed by other black men and delivered by the white person with an attitude that this somehow ends the argument. The fact that most crime against whites is committed by whites as well doesn't seem to penetrate. "

Guno does nothing but create divisive threads and then whines about the nation being torn apart.
You can't make this up. He is absolutely blind. Or he WANTS the nation torn apart, one of the two.

I think bat shit is a DNC shill. He's not smart enough to do anything important, but he's useful idiot enough to post pedestrian, disjointed daily screeds whose locus is always hate.
"Turn on Fox News on any given day and you’ll be convinced that white Americans can hardly get a break these days."

"They always felt persecuted by people they believed were trying to destroy their “way of life",

White America 8217 s moral disaster From Eric Garner to Mike Brown a destructive view of 8220 justice 8221 -

Got a suggestion for you guno. Head to New York; illegally sell of cigarettes on the street; then resist arrest. Please!!

Doing it one time, it won't happen. He needs to become a repeat offender like most of them are.
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