Here's How You Know the January 6th Committee Has Nothing

Planet of the Apes is here. Lesbian Liz Cheney's Daddy actually should have been executed for his war crimes on behalf of neocons (israel). Let me guess, pacs that AIPAC controls got that nasty, insane, incompetent idiot into office. :heehee:
Israel? Let me guess... you get a hard-on looking at old photos of Auschwitz, right?

Here's How You Know the January 6th Committee Has Nothing

11 Jun 2022 ~~ By Bonchie

I was lucky enough to have other things to do last night which prohibited me from watching the latest installment in the Democrat obsession with January 6th, and yeah, I’m including Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in that group now.
The January 6th committee held a primetime hearing, garnering complete buy-in for the stunt from all the networks and cable stations except Fox News, and it didn’t take long for the clips to start coming out. What transpired was a political show trial that would make Stalin blush.
Take Liz Cheney’s opening statement for example. It was widely lauded as an exercise in truth-telling, but what did she actually say? The answer is not much.

Cheney never quite gets there, and she doesn’t get there because the answer to all those questions is: “No.” Thus, she’s left with the vague charge that he “lit the flame.” Whether that’s actually true or not is an open question given he pointedly told people to remain peaceful, yet it’s not even that relevant.

There was no organized, pre-planned insurrection on January 6th. There was a protest where several hundred people splintered off and did a bad thing, and they are paying dearly for it. Donald Trump, as much as one may hate him, did not order or even insinuate an order for people to enter the Capitol. In fact, he did the opposite. All the rest of the pomp and circumstance about Trump associates talking about challenging certification is not illegal. How do I know? Because Jamie Raskin and Bennie Thompson, both members of the January 6th committee, have previously challenged the certification of presidential elections.
This committee is a farce. Listen closely and you won’t hear anything at all. It’s a waste of time, rehashing what we already know in dramatic fashion in the vain hope that people will forget they are paying $5 a gallon for gas and $12 for a pack of bacon. It’s not going to work.

Investigation continues while the economy sucks, Americans drowning in debt, High inflation, being overrun by illegal aliens. But hey, let’s have a prime-time hate Trump fest! Which, by the way, is being paid for we taxpayers! Aren’t we awesome?
Edward Bernays and Joe Goebbels must have been dancing together in Hell when they heard the lies being spewed by Bennie Thompson and Lessie Cheney. I can't believe these clowns expect to hold more of these circle jerks.
Here's what would have made last night newsworthy, Ray Epps testifying. Mayor Bowser explaining why she rejected the Net'l-Guard, Chris Wray testifying and answering under oath how many FBI agents or informants were agitators in the crowd? The Sergeant at Arms testifying about his communications with Nancy Pelosi about protecting the Capitol and Sen, Schumer explaining his reasons for holding back the national Securify report. But no, we get a clown show with the Queen of Clowns, Adam Kinzinger, and Lessie Cheney.
I remember when TV drama and Series shows like Sopranos at least were entertaining! This Congressional Clown Show can’t compete!

The incorrigible weird worshipers of the Cry Baby Loser are not about to have their blind faith impacted by documented facts and sworn testimonies.

They are held in thrall by their object of veneration pulling self-serving, lies out of his copious butt.

What is amusing is that their articles of faith, while hyped by their ideological media entertainers, have no value in actual litigation where credible evidence is demanded. Their crackpot dogma goes "Poof!" whenever the critical scrutiny of legitimate recourse is brought to bear.

It's all media hype because evidentiary crediblity can't be contrived, even by the most fanatical RINO of Trumpery.

Blowing gas is not subject to such rigorous standards.
Except I'm not.

However I'm an ally of the orange cult at the present time. Because leftists are such thorough fucktards, and I want them gone

The whole entire world is lined up against the progtard Neo-Libs. Except for the globalists - but they're just using you, they'll throw you under the bus whenever it's convenient.
Great post.
The incorrigible weird worshipers of the Cry Baby Loser are not about to have their blind faith impacted by documented facts and sworn testimonies.

They are held in thrall by their object of veneration pulling self-serving, lies out of his copious butt.

What is amusing is that their articles of faith, while hyped by their ideological media entertainers, have no value in actual litigation where credible evidence is demanded. Their crackpot dogma goes "Poof!" whenever the critical scrutiny of legitimate recourse is brought to bear.

It's all media hype because evidentiary crediblity can't be contrived, even by the most fanatical RINO of Trumpery.

Blowing gas is not subject to such rigorous standards.

Why did Nazi Pelosi suppress much of the video evidence, texts and emails?
This ^^^^ is totally a made up RW thing.
trump is the obsessed one, we just comment on him.
trump is the conman, we indict noted criminals.

If trump would STFU and disappear, there would be no more trump talk.

So yeah, FAKE News.
He won't, though.

And now that we know you want all the righties to shut up and go away - guess what - I will help them do the EXACT OPPOSITE and get in your face and STAY THERE until you're either bloody or scream Uncle or both.
He won't, though.

And now that we know you want all the righties to shut up and go away - guess what - I will help them do the EXACT OPPOSITE and get in your face and STAY THERE until you're either bloody or scream Uncle or both.
Your education level suggests 'poor home school'
No matter how many times I tell you I despise MOST all politicians you can't simply discuss I admit I despise trump.

Yup, trump is a POS lying Conman.
He is destroying our Nation.
YOU, and your Ilk, let it, no , made it happen.
Your education level suggests 'poor home school'

And once again Kreskin speaks. :p

No matter how many times I tell you I despise MOST all politicians you can't simply discuss I admit I despise trump.

Gee that's funny, you never say a word about anyone else. I believe that's called TDS, it's called Trump living rent free in your head.

Yup, trump is a POS lying Conman.
He is destroying our Nation.


He's not even around anymore! :p

TDS much?

YOU, and your Ilk, let it, no , made it happen.
How many times do I have to tell you fucktard, I'm a libertarian. Neo-Libs and Neo-Cons, to me, are the exact same thing. And I despise them both with a passion.

I liked Trump because he dared to open his mouth, and not only didn't he care about the leftist PC, he loved making leftie heads explode. And he was also masterful at manipulating the media, he still has them eating out of his hand to this very day
This ^^^^ is totally a made up RW thing.
trump is the obsessed one, we just comment on him.
trump is the conman, we indict noted criminals.

If trump would STFU and disappear, there would be no more trump talk.

So yeah, FAKE News.
hahaha you all can’t even comment on a thread without mentioning him
Why did Nazi Pelosi suppress much of the video evidence, texts and emails?
That's a lie you were issued to parrot by your ideological entertainment media, of course.

The overwhelming, self-incriminating evidence of Trump's goons attacking Congress cannot be suppressed.

Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 8.16.42 AM.png

I know that it means that FoxNews was afraid of giving their viewers a reason to tune in to the hearing even for 2 minutes.
Fox News censors what impartial news outlets deem newsworthy only when its audience doesn't like it.

Sharing documented, cogent information such as Ivanka Trump acknowledging the obvious - that the Cry baby Loser lost - would only upset the weird worshipers.
I was lucky enough to have other things to do last night which prohibited me from watching the latest installment in the Democrat obsession with January 6th, and yeah, I’m including Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger in that group now.
The January 6th committee held a primetime hearing, garnering complete buy-in for the stunt from all the networks and cable stations except Fox News, and it didn’t take long for the clips to start coming out. What transpired was a political show trial that would make Stalin blush.
Here's how you know the author has nothing. First, using trigger words like "obsession" and "stunt" was meant, unsuccessfully, to indicate there is something out of sorts about investigating an attempted coup. When in fact what would be out of sorts, indeed a dereliction of duty, is not investigating it.
Second, the author seems to imply labeling Cheney and Kinzinger as Dems automatically calls in to question, absent attribution, the credibility of the committee's work. It doesn't. Though I do understand why the dogged pursuit of the facts has made many Trump devotees uncomfortable and feeling the need to smear the committee.
Third, the use of fatuous, unsubstantiated hyperbole such as invoking images of a Stalinist show trials ends an introduction replete so much overt bias one wonders how its possible to take seriously anything else the author says.

In his final deceit, the author employs an oft used strategy among defenders of all things Don by focusing narrowly on the 1/6 riot. As Liz Cheney pointed out in her opening remarks, the attempted coup was designed as a multi-faceted attack on the peaceful transfer of power. Not a singular one. Here's a list of those facets.

1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.

2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.

3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.

4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.

5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.

6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.

7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

Cheney and the committee are going to prove those assertions as the hearings continue. Something I'm looking forward to. But because they are, right wing media feels the need to get out ahead of the coming hearings. To establish reasons to ignore the facts the committee will present. Because as always, the facts will not be kind to Individual 1. It's no wonder why the author wants you to ignore them.
Here's how you know the author has nothing. First, using trigger words like "obsession" and "stunt" was meant, unsuccessfully, to indicate there is something out of sorts about investigating an attempted coup. When in fact what would be out of sorts, indeed a dereliction of duty, is not investigating it.
Second, the author seems to imply labeling Cheney and Kinzinger as Dems automatically calls in to question, absent attribution, the credibility of the committee's work. It doesn't. Though I do understand why the dogged pursuit of the facts has made many Trump devotees uncomfortable and feeling the need to smear the committee.
Third, the use of fatuous, unsubstantiated hyperbole such as invoking images of a Stalinist show trials ends an introduction replete so much overt bias one wonders how its possible to take seriously anything else the author says.

In his final deceit, the author employs an oft used strategy among defenders of all things Don by focusing narrowly on the 1/6 riot. As Liz Cheney pointed out in her opening remarks, the attempted coup was designed as a multi-faceted attack on the peaceful transfer of power. Not a singular one. Here's a list of those facets.

1. President Trump engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information to the American public claiming the 2020 election was stolen from him.

2. President Trump corruptly planned to replace the Acting Attorney General, so that the Department of Justice would support his fake election claims.

3. President Trump corruptly pressured Vice President Pence to refuse to count certified electoral votes in violation of the US Constitution and the law.

4. President Trump corruptly pressured state election officials, and state legislators, to change election results.

5. President Trump’s legal team and other Trump associates instructed Republicans in multiple states to create false electoral slates and transmit those slates to Congress and the National Archives.

6. President Trump summoned and assembled a violent mob in Washington and directed them to march on the US Capitol.

7. As the violence was underway, President Trump ignored multiple pleas for assistance and failed to take immediate action to stop the violence and instruct his supporters to leave the Capitol.

Cheney and the committee are going to prove those assertions as the hearings continue. Something I'm looking forward to. But because they are, right wing media feels the need to get out ahead of the coming hearings. To establish reasons to ignore the facts the committee will present. Because as always, the facts will not be kind to Individual 1. It's no wonder why the author wants you to ignore them.
Incontrovertible evidence cannot be discredited by spewing hyper-partisan invectives and wallowing in petty vendettas.

When the paranoid dogma must metastasize to implicate loyal minions (Barr, whom the Loser had praised) and subservient progeny (Ivanka) because they reject the Loser's "bullshit", you know the fanatical weird worshipers are stranded on a distant shore, hysterically and ineffectually flipping off distant reality as it blithely sailing past.
It's obvious that you didn't watch the hearing. Instead, you just repeat crap you heard from conspiracy theory nuts. There will be much more televised You should watch them to see what is actually said instead of just repeating the crap you have been told to repeat.
^^^ Irony on full display here.

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