Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

The courts can't seem to find fraud either.

It is not like a few people are going to believe this was honest. Half the population will. Let the nation go down. Poverty will increase throughout the United States, North America, Central America, South America and the Islands. Making it worse for the "rich" gringos, we will be forced to send massive amounts of our resources to help them. The New World Order is becoming the boss at some point. Taxes will be raised for the exporting of revenue and resources to other nations in the world. A global tax perhaps based on the Global Climate Change hoax. A Global Tax will open it all up for more of them. Social unrest will increase but be crushed by national police in each former country area. Who are distinct only in names but reality far different.
Yeah. Now that Fox has gone full radical pinko socialist Hitler Maoist Stalinst commie, AON is the new Da Troof.

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Notwithstanding the retarded conspiracy theories it pushes, if you watch the newsfeed, it kind of reminds me of being in Eastern Europe or Russia, where they have this cheap low-grade film running loops of the news events of the day. When I first saw it, I thought it was a foreign network.
Yeah. Now that Fox has gone full radical pinko socialist Hitler Maoist Stalinst commie, AON is the new Da Troof.

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Notwithstanding the retarded conspiracy theories it pushes, if you watch the newsfeed, it kind of reminds me of being in Eastern Europe or Russia, where they have this cheap low-grade film running loops of the news events of the day. When I first saw it, I thought it was a foreign network.
Yikes. Well, if Trump does lose, the Trump "News" Network will probably put them out of business anyway.

I must admit, I have a morbid fascination to see what THAT looks like.
Libs clamor about lack of evidence of fraud when the primary evidence is right in front of them-Election Day has become Election Week.

Only the participation trophy groomed believe that contests don’t have a timed end point. This contest does not end until Biden wins.
Yeah. Now that Fox has gone full radical pinko socialist Hitler Maoist Stalinst commie, AON is the new Da Troof.

Yeah, it's pretty bad.

Notwithstanding the retarded conspiracy theories it pushes, if you watch the newsfeed, it kind of reminds me of being in Eastern Europe or Russia, where they have this cheap low-grade film running loops of the news events of the day. When I first saw it, I thought it was a foreign network.
Yikes. Well, if Trump does lose, the Trump "News" Network will probably put them out of business anyway.

I must admit, I have a morbid fascination to see what THAT looks like.
I don't know, but I'm sure it will go bankrupt.
I'm curious about the voting dead. This was brought up numerous times and we were assured it's impossible for a dead person's ballot to be counted. We even had a lest one person charged for trying to vote for his dead mother, this was touted as proof of the system being secure.
So if votes from dead people can be shown to have been casted and counted how many will it take for people to start to question and acknowledge other possibilities of voter fraud that are not being caught?

Once again keep in mind if dead peoples votes have been counted they were not caught by the process...
Libs clamor about lack of evidence of fraud when the primary evidence is right in front of them-Election Day has become Election Week.

Only the participation trophy groomed believe that contests don’t have a timed end point. This contest does not end until Biden wins.
A right wing Hoax.

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