Here's the thing about CharlottesvilleIt

This alleged Unite the Right peaceful protest began Friday night with bus loads of people handed torches with a mimic of the NAZI torch marches and Nazi chants..... where were all these good people that were not Nazis and white supremacists in the protest lock step march...???

The Nazis held torch marches? I did not know. There were Nazi chants? what did they say?

If you don't know that then just walk away.
Right. The OP said unite the right was all non violent people. Now you say it doesn't matter. Are you confused?
No, the OP did NOT say that. Read it again. I said they were not a white supremacy or hate group. But that's totally beside the point. It doesn't matter to the First Amendment if they were or weren't.

I'm not going for this "hate group" bullshit because you FASCIST LEFTIES can literally make ANYONE a hate group! We don't suspend our Constitution because you get emotive and declare some group a "hate group" because you disagree with their political views. That's not how the CONSTITUTION works!

So you can basically grow the fuck up and act like adults or we can have another fucking civil war over it.

No, they were made up of a lot of white supremacy and hate groups. The organizer made sure of that.

I don't know what the organizer did or didn't do. IT DOES NOT MATTER!

Read the First Amendment!

We all knew that with your first post. That doesn't change the fact that you unabashedly lied and attempted,(stupidly), to misrepresent the nature of this event. It definitely matters that these supremacist groups were purposely invited, from out of town to bring their shitshow to Charlottesville.
You want to pretend it doesn't matter. Doesn't work that way.

Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.
You want to pretend it doesn't matter. Doesn't work that way.

Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS
You want to pretend it doesn't matter. Doesn't work that way.

Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS

The Nazi flags and racist chants might have given them away.
Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS

The Nazi flags and racist chants might have given them away.

people there may not have known that they would run into NAZIS ------have you ever
been to a big demonstration? People do not wear identifiable uniforms
You want to pretend it doesn't matter. Doesn't work that way.

Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS
what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.

I don't know, maybe this.



Does this seem ambiguous to you in any way?

Did you not see any coverage of the event?
Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS
what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.

I don't know, maybe this.
View attachment 145360
View attachment 145361
View attachment 145362

Does this seem ambiguous to you in any way?

Did you not see any coverage of the event?

you don't know until you get there
Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS
what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.

I don't know, maybe this.
View attachment 145360
View attachment 145361
View attachment 145362

Does this seem ambiguous to you in any way?

Did you not see any coverage of the event?

you don't know until you get there

Hmm...I knew about the coming shitstorm days before on the news. It's funny that the counter protesters knew exactly who was coming and were prepared with banners. There is no way anyone can reasonably claim ignorance.

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS

The Nazi flags and racist chants might have given them away.

people there may not have known that they would run into NAZIS ------have you ever
been to a big demonstration? People do not wear identifiable uniforms
No, but when they are waving a Nazi flag, and making racist chants, that's a good indicator.
yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS

The Nazi flags and racist chants might have given them away.

people there may not have known that they would run into NAZIS ------have you ever
been to a big demonstration? People do not wear identifiable uniforms
No, but when they are waving a Nazi flag, and making racist chants, that's a good indicator.

She may genuinely not know. It may look like a church picnic in her world. :laugh:
Good people don't march with white supremacists. That is such a dumb assertion.

what makes you imagine that everyone who marched----KNEW with whom they were marching.
Long ago ------I was young. In the 60s and 70s people MARCHED all the time.
over " only "god" knows what " I developed the notion that in order to GET A CROWD----
just post some signs all over the city with the word "DEMONSTRATION" ----and some arrows ---
and thousands would gather. I actually asked some people who were PICKETING ----of all things ---
the LOCAL A & P (supermarket) Some were students from my school I asked
"what's it about"? -------the answer was "the prices are too high" ----actually the A & P in that town---
back then had the best deals in town. "CAPITALISTS" -----someone sneered ------I lived thru
LOTS of demonstrations------my youth was during the AGE OF DEMONSTRATIONS. My white pants
had grass stains on the ass------from the white house lawn. -----I never met the ORGANIZERS

The Nazi flags and racist chants might have given them away.

people there may not have known that they would run into NAZIS ------have you ever
been to a big demonstration? People do not wear identifiable uniforms
No, but when they are waving a Nazi flag, and making racist chants, that's a good indicator.

She may genuinely not know. It may look like a church picnic in her world. :laugh:

Nazi flags at a church picnic? Could be.
Of course they are, dumbass.
So the socialists were marching to unite America and defend Confederate statues. It can't get better...
We have an admitted neo-Nazi member of this forum, and he is for Obamacare, welfare, government regulation of industry, the whole nine yards. There isn't a thing "conservative" about him. Some forum libs were astounded when he revealed that information.
You want to pretend it doesn't matter. Doesn't work that way.

Well yes it does work that way. Read the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It says not a word about "hate groups not included." It doesn't authorize emotive virtue-signalling liberals to deem who is a "hate group" and therefore, prohibited from their inalienable right. It doesn't authorize Antifa or any other group to incite violence in order to prohibit their inalienable right.

So, how it works is how it says it works. Real simple!

Right, and when Jason Kessler recruited a bunch of hate groups for his rally, the combination of all those hate groups was a bigger hate group.

yes---Jason Kessler is a bastard-----but not ALL of the people trying to save the park art were
bastards or knew just who JASON KESSLER is. I have decided to NEVER JOIN a demonstration---
even if they seem for a "GOOD CAUSE"-----there may be a JASON somewhere in the mix

I suppose there might have been a few unsuspecting protesters, but by design, they were mostly made up of white supremacists, and Nazis

It was called UNITE the Right, as in, bring all the groups together, Nazis and non-Nazis welcome!
You added the subtitle, douche bag.
But you have not answered the question as to whether they have the Right to Speech.
I understand that in America they can chant antiSemitic slogans as long as they are not determined to be hate speech. Of course I guess it's up to the courts to decide whether 'Jews will not replace us' and 'Blood and soil' is hate speech.

Less than a minute in...

There are no laws against hate speech, moron. They can chant it even if it is hate speech. You see, here we have something called freedom of speech, which doesn't exist in people's republics like yours.
Right. The OP said unite the right was all non violent people. Now you say it doesn't matter. Are you confused?
That's why I don't take that poster seriously. He's nothing but a radical, rabid, far rightwing political hack.

First he declared that he would NEVER vote for/support Trump, now he's found himself on his knees, on all fours, with knee-pads on putting in some serious work servicing the Trumpster with his mouth.

I have no respect, nor tolerance for such despicable people as that.
Cell phone isn't in the constitution either, but I guarantee you they exist. THe OP repeated the right wing talking point that the protesters were nonviolent people, and unexpectedly a few violent people joined them. That has been shown to be bullshit.
Indeed sir. The entire story from the right is nothing more than a full. blown. lie.
  1. The city voted for the statue to come down.
  2. The protesters were hate-filled and came from all over America to make a political point.
  3. The protesters advertised their rally on hate-group websites
  4. The protesters CAME with torches AND weapons, so they were in the wrong from the get go
  5. The protesters were chanting racist rhetoric against the Jews and others.

These are facts that far rightwing radicals never, ever, ever mention. It's for a purpose. But somehow ANTIFA, who was there to defend against these rabid racists, get all the blame from the far right.

It's for a purpose. They do it on purpose. They lie on purpose.

ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists
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The era the statues were erected were not to commemorate the South's best Traitors to the United States of America...they were put up to intimidate black people during the Jim Crow era, where black people were kept from voting and new laws were created to imprison them, and laws written to take the right to vote away from prisoners who always had the right to vote in prison before the civil war if white.... and segregation etc etc etc

That's your viewpoint and that's FINE! I have NO objection to your viewpoint. I don't necessarily agree with you but I respect your right to express your viewpoint. The thing is, YOU haven't been put in charge of deciding these issues for all! YOU don't get to write yourself a pass to violate the First Amendment because you don't like something.

What's wrong with letting the COMMUNITY decide and you keeping your fucking virtue-signalling nose out of it? It's ironic that YOU are being the FASCIST here! You want to use your iron fist to demand society conform to your demands... Mussolini couldn't be more proud!
Careful, boss, you're getting a bit binary there.
I agree with you about the community deciding the issue of its statues. So why did "Unite the Right" come from all over, including out of state, to stick their fucking virtue signalling nose in it?

It doesn't matter! They have the right in America under the Constitution and First Amendment to peacefully protest. IF Care4All wanted to go to Virginia and march with Antifa to peacefully protest, that's fine too... no problem. It's the VIOLENCE that is condemned. You don't get to support violence as a resolve when you don't agree.
I have never, ever known Care4All to promote violence. You have no right to condemn her as supporting violence because she isn't going to allow you to slam the opposition unfairly.
you don't know until you get there
Note the subject is always, ALWAYS, willing to be on the DEFENSIVE position of the KNOWN fascists, even to stoop to pedantic faux tactics of giving them the benefit of the doubt.

However, the subject will never, ever, never, EVER, ever give or even be willing to give the anti-fascist group the benefit of the doubt and will commend to PUMMEL them with political rhetoric among other strategies.

The subject would like us to believe that seeing this flyer one would NEVER have a clue as to what the rally would be about, nor who would be there...


Yet, would like to be taken seriously as a poster engaged on a political forum.

Like I said: ANTIFA or Anti-Fa Is Just An Abbreviation of Anti Fascists

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