Here's What It Means For America


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!
Last edited:
There are so many reasons that this is not going to happens, and so many ways to prevent it.

After all, according to Mitch McConnell, you can’t appoint judges to the Supreme Court, in an election year. This is an election year.

Added to which, you only have 51 Senators and one of them is John McCain, who is no longer attending. Jeff Flake announced on Thursday he will no longer approve judicial appointments by this administration unless and until the Senate takes up the matter that the President has no legal authority to levy tariffs except under matters of national security. There are no issues of National Security with Canada, the European Union, or other allies.

Last but not least, the moment the pendulum swings, the Democrats can and will increase the number of SC justices to dilute the court’s bias.
Liberal activism which has had the USA at war with its own people for almost fifty years?
A Supreme Court which has hastened the demise of rights guaranteed by the Constitution and has ruined labor?

You are mad my dear, you just don't see how clear it is to others.
There are so many reasons that this is not going to happens, and so many ways to prevent it.

After all, according to Mitch McConnell, you can’t appoint judges to the Supreme Court, in an election year. This is an election year.

Added to which, you only have 51 Senators and one of them is John McCain, who is no longer attending. Jeff Flake announced on Thursday he will no longer approve judicial appointments by this administration unless and until the Senate takes up the matter that the President has no legal authority to levy tariffs except under matters of national security. There are no issues of National Security with Canada, the European Union, or other allies.

Last but not least, the moment the pendulum swings, the Democrats can and will increase the number of SC justices to dilute the court’s bias.

"There are so many reasons that this is not going to happens, and so many ways to prevent it."

I can only hope that you are as correct about this as you are about every other post you've authored, dunce.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

Excellent points. But will its success be enough to move the nation back from the brink and keep it there long enough for the radical Left to get used to the idea? Will concessions have to made in order to set the clock back at all, and will those concessions to the Left result in temporary postponing of radical liberal cultural reform?

Most importantly--the question everyone has been asking lately:

Will the radical Left follow the law and framework of the Constitution which is obviously necessary for the rollback of their agendas--by legal means? Or will the radical Left choose some kind of revolutionary direct action instead . . . similar to their criminal activity to prevent our President's election?

At length, is our legal, official means of governing this nation even valid at this point in the face of a radical Left who seem on the verge of operating outside of the system to protect their progressive ground gained over the past six decades?
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

Excellent points. But will its success be enough to move the nation back from the brink and keep it there long enough for the radical Left to get used to the idea? Will concessions have to made in order to set the clock back at all, and will those concessions to the Left result in temporary postponing of radical liberal cultural reform?

Most importantly--the question everyone has been asking lately:

Will the radical Left follow the law and framework of the Constitution which is obviously necessary for the rollback of their agendas--by legal means? Or will the radical Left choose some kind of revolutionary direct action instead . . . similar to their criminal activity to prevent our President's election?

At length, is our legal, official means of governing this nation even valid at this point in the face of a radical Left who seem on the verge of operating outside of the system to protect their progressive ground gained over the past six decades?

It will certainly be a long, hard slog.

The schools must be changed.....


....and the media pushed back into what they promised when given the special privileges of the first amendment.

The press is supposed to be a thorn in the side of government.....not the mouthpiece of government.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

Either there's a balance or there isn't. Either you want a balance or not. History from inception has shown us the fruits of leaning too far to one side or the other. The current Right is moving to stem the effects of Left leaning imbalance. What is your solution to balance it all out again?
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

I judge nations based on the "Gates Test."

When the gates are opened, do people rush in or rush out.'re a government school grad, huh?
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

Excellent points. But will its success be enough to move the nation back from the brink and keep it there long enough for the radical Left to get used to the idea? Will concessions have to made in order to set the clock back at all, and will those concessions to the Left result in temporary postponing of radical liberal cultural reform?

Most importantly--the question everyone has been asking lately:

Will the radical Left follow the law and framework of the Constitution which is obviously necessary for the rollback of their agendas--by legal means? Or will the radical Left choose some kind of revolutionary direct action instead . . . similar to their criminal activity to prevent our President's election?

At length, is our legal, official means of governing this nation even valid at this point in the face of a radical Left who seem on the verge of operating outside of the system to protect their progressive ground gained over the past six decades?

It will certainly be a long, hard slog.

The schools must be changed.....


....and the media pushed back into what they promised when given the special privileges of the first amendment.

The press is supposed to be a thorn in the side of government.....not the mouthpiece of government.

I fear that any movement or government action to sterilize the press back to some kind of neutrality will be sold very loudly as an attack on the First Amendment. Could even be a rallying cry and call to arms.
There are so many reasons that this is not going to happens, and so many ways to prevent it.

After all, according to Mitch McConnell, you can’t appoint judges to the Supreme Court, in an election year. This is an election year.

Added to which, you only have 51 Senators and one of them is John McCain, who is no longer attending. Jeff Flake announced on Thursday he will no longer approve judicial appointments by this administration unless and until the Senate takes up the matter that the President has no legal authority to levy tariffs except under matters of national security. There are no issues of National Security with Canada, the European Union, or other allies.

Last but not least, the moment the pendulum swings, the Democrats can and will increase the number of SC justices to dilute the court’s bias.

Your understanding of the uses of power is thin. Obama couldn't appoint a SCOTUS seat because the Republican-controlled Senate was under no obligation to provide advice and consent, so they did not. McConnell said nothing about anyone else.

Jeff Flake has announced he will not block the SCOTUS pick.

Trump IS levying tariffs, with the full authority to do so.

Who says the pendulum will swing? The Democrats may well be designated a terrorist organization within Trump's term of office. Roosevelt tried increasing the SCOTUS numbers and got bitchslapped for it. How much more a reaction could be expected in our enlightened age?

In this time, all issues are national security issues.

The chances are excellent that a new Justice will be seated before the midterms.

1. If liberals could trust the voters, they wouldn’t need the Court to invent ludicrous ‘constitutional rights’ for them in the first place.

2. The only limit on liberal insanity in this country is how many issues liberals can get before a court…A lot is at stake for liberals with the court. If they lose a liberal vote, they will be forced t fight political battles through a messy little system know as ‘democracy.’

3. When conservative judges strike down laws, it’s because of what’s in the Constitution. When liberal judges strike down laws (or impose new laws, such as tax increases), it’s because of what’s in the New York Times.

Things may just be changing.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

You had a conservative supreme court Kennedy was moderate republican and believed in personal liberties. So as you may be surprised it doesn't matter if there is a conservative Justice.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

Either there's a balance or there isn't. Either you want a balance or not. History from inception has shown us the fruits of leaning too far to one side or the other. The current Right is moving to stem the effects of Left leaning imbalance. What is your solution to balance it all out again?

The government of the United States moved 50 paces to the right when Reagan was elected and Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. The lean that needs to be corrected is the right lean. Because you passed into radical right wing territory with the current government.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

Either there's a balance or there isn't. Either you want a balance or not. History from inception has shown us the fruits of leaning too far to one side or the other. The current Right is moving to stem the effects of Left leaning imbalance. What is your solution to balance it all out again?

I agree about balance. However I don't agree that the US going further right is restoring some kind of balance. The US is fucked up. It doesn't matter if it goes left or right, because US left is right of many countries' center.

The balance that should be there isn't there because A) people don't get to vote for who they want, FPTP is negative voting and leads to a twisted system and B) the right end up with a 3 million vote head start on any presidential election. If the Dems get less than a 3 million lead, they seem to lose the election.

That's not balance. That's cheating.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

Either there's a balance or there isn't. Either you want a balance or not. History from inception has shown us the fruits of leaning too far to one side or the other. The current Right is moving to stem the effects of Left leaning imbalance. What is your solution to balance it all out again?

The government of the United States moved 50 paces to the right when Reagan was elected and Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. The lean that needs to be corrected is the right lean. Because you passed into radical right wing territory with the current government.

"Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. "

Link or lie.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

You had a conservative supreme court Kennedy was moderate republican and believed in personal liberties. So as you may be surprised it doesn't matter if there is a conservative Justice.

I sense a palpable fear......

The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

Either there's a balance or there isn't. Either you want a balance or not. History from inception has shown us the fruits of leaning too far to one side or the other. The current Right is moving to stem the effects of Left leaning imbalance. What is your solution to balance it all out again?

The government of the United States moved 50 paces to the right when Reagan was elected and Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. The lean that needs to be corrected is the right lean. Because you passed into radical right wing territory with the current government.

"Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. "

Link or lie.

Weird people say stuff like that. Remember when they were comparing Obama to Reagan? And Lincoln?
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

What it means is that the US is getting further apart and closer to some kind of problem.

The US is the most conservative of nations in the western first world.

It has the highest murder rates. It has the highest prison population. The most gang members. The worst education.

And somehow you think going more conservative is going to solve your problems.

Either there's a balance or there isn't. Either you want a balance or not. History from inception has shown us the fruits of leaning too far to one side or the other. The current Right is moving to stem the effects of Left leaning imbalance. What is your solution to balance it all out again?

The government of the United States moved 50 paces to the right when Reagan was elected and Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. The lean that needs to be corrected is the right lean. Because you passed into radical right wing territory with the current government.

"Ronnie would be considered a RINO today. "

Link or lie.

Weird people say stuff like that. Remember when they were comparing Obama to Reagan? And Lincoln?

That individual is way dumber than weird.

She wears a pony tail to cover up the valve stem.
The title refers to the America of the classical liberal, the Founders, conservatives and true Americans.
And 'what it means' refers to the possibility....nay...the probability....of a conservative Supreme Court decades into the future......

It means the impending doom facing an America due to communist, Liberal, socialist, totalitarian leadership has been fended off.....for the time being.

1. "Dialing back the Dread Clock

2. The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight.

3. ...similar to the Doomsday Clock.

4. would have been about three minutes to midnight. But I’ll dial it back by a couple of minutes because of the ongoing success in reclaiming the federal judiciary from the grip of liberal activism.

5.Part of that is the success in the pipeline and confirmation of a substantial number of appeals court judges. Those are the judges who are the last word on the vast majority of cases, since the Supreme Court hears so few cases.

6. Part of it is what appears to have been a wise choice in nominating Neil Gorsuch to fill the Scalia seat.

7. But the clock is being dialed back now because of the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy. Hopefully this is not premature, and Trump nominates someone so worthy for the spot that it satisfies conservatives and keeps the Susan Collins-Lisa Murkowski wing of the party, plus a potentially vindictive Jeff Flake, from defecting.

8. There’s a reason the left is freaking the hell out over the Kennedy retirement. The federal district and appeals courts have been the principal vehicles for achieving liberal political gains that could not be gained at the ballot box or through congressional elections. The Supreme Court, usually by a one-vote Kennedy margin (with the exception of Obamacare, where Roberts defected), also has served that role in fewer, but the most important, cases.

9. We are used to losing institutions. The left is not.

They are waking up to the possibility that the judiciary may be restored to the neutral role it should play, and would no longer serve as a liberal super-legislature.

The reclaiming of the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is why the Dread Clock now stands at 5 minutes before midnight."
Dialing back the Dread Clock


Can I get an "amen"!!!!!

You had a conservative supreme court Kennedy was moderate republican and believed in personal liberties. So as you may be surprised it doesn't matter if there is a conservative Justice.

I sense a palpable fear......


Nope, never had cared and never will if they follow the law.

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